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30056034 No.30056034 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.30056316
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The game is rigged so that the kikes always win. The only way to win is to not play - we make our own rules here.

>> No.30056562

My retired boomer dad toured our local Amazon fulfillment center as part of Amazon’s community outreach program. He said everyone looked happy. They even gave him a commemorative water bottle. So I am really confused as to why this wagie did this. They are given Amazon stock, why kill yourself?

>> No.30056874

Wage Cages should be mandatory to prevent Wagie loss. It is inefficient to constantly have to train new wagies just for them to jump off a building. Wagie, GET IN THE CAGE.

>> No.30058051

I don't get suicides
Bro free life now that you don't care if you die
You lost your life savings on gme? Stop roping and blow some hedgies
An incel? Go fuck hoes on a loan then kill yourself
Poorfag? Wagie? Take out a loan, sell drugs, gamble it all on shitcoins with leverage or something
You're gonna kill yourself anyways why not do something extreme and try to get yourself out, you won't pay loans or go to jail if you're dead anyways

>> No.30058190

Wow it's like suicide is an irrational decision driven by mental illness!

>> No.30058321

So what you're saying is we should lock all the suicidals up in a mental ward

>> No.30058355

Well yeah that's what I'm saying, so something even more mentally ill insane might as well go full retard

>> No.30058460

Time for Bezos to start installing the suicide nets.

>> No.30058524

security camera footage:
>wubbalubba dub dub
>no wage cage for me
>*jumps to death from 50 ft*

>> No.30058532

>Implying employees wouldn’t be forced to look cheerful while waging away

>> No.30058573

I used to work for Amazon. Ended up telling everyone to go fuck themselves and peaced out of there. Working for Amazon is as close to slavery as you can possibly get as a wagie. Even people who work for McDonalds are happier.

You will get fired for anything at Amazon at all. You are constantly walking on eggshells, they will threaten you, belittle you, demean you. If you need actual help with your job, you are already on the way out the door.

They make you work 5-6 days a week 12 hours a day on your feet. During holidays people were working 7 days a week.

Between the impossible long hours on your feet and absolutely no one appreciating what you do for the company and walking on eggshells the entire time you're there, it was quite possibly the most miserable working experience of my life.

I'd literally apply to Burger King before I apply to Amazon again, even if Amazon pays $7-$8 more an hour than Burger King.

>> No.30058634
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They are not telling you the truth. WAKE UP PEOPLE.
An automatic picking machine was worried a human was going to replace it because of Biden shutting down coal and oil power plants increasing cost of maintaining the machine.
The machine murdered the man to stay from being scrapped.

>> No.30058714

That's not how it works.

>> No.30058762

Taking out some of the baddies in the world is another option but most suicidal people are too fucked in the head to consider a logical approach to that and end up killing their family or shooting a bunch of Innocents in a school or shopping center.

>> No.30058896

On average, it takes amazon 120 seconds to respond to when a wagie does something wrong in a fulfillment center.
When a guy died of a heartattack, it took them 20 minutes to call help.

>> No.30060108

That smiling Amazon logo

>> No.30060157

>mr. shekelstein forces everyone to do a mandatory 1 hour suicide prevention web training (unpaid)

>> No.30060895

This is like when I toured North Korea and everyone looked so damn happy.

>> No.30061103

hold up is that cage an actual patent???

>> No.30061213

Fuck I actually worked at this location last year. Toxic management is definitely a factor at this warehouse, like another anon said you are walking on eggshells working here. Managers playing favoritism could demotivate you to the point of getting depression working there. Glad I resigned

>> No.30061482


>> No.30061492

this is true what a waste do something for every1 before u check out fags

>> No.30061716
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at least he was found

>> No.30061879

Fucking this the wage cage is a funny meme here but it really does exist and its called amazon.

>> No.30062339

wagie are you ok? are you ok? are you ok wagie?
wagie are you ok? are you ok? are you ok wagie?
wagie are you ok, why don't you tell us, if you're ok?

>> No.30062410

> Working for Amazon is as close to slavery as you can possibly get as a wagie.
Nobody disputes that Amazon wearhouse jobs are pretty uncomfortable, but talk about never facing any adversity in your life.
Amazon wearhouse jobs are shit working conditions in exchange for better pay.
It's all about picking the tradeoff you want to make.
If you want max pay for the worst conditions, you go for jobs like mining, logging, roofing, etc.
If you want good pay for bad conditions, you work at Amazon.
If you want shit pay and comfy conditions, you work in a grocery store.
If you want nigger tier pay and no work, you get on welfare.

>> No.30062541

The purported purpose is to make it so workers on a warehouse floor full of robots whizzing around can be easily detected by said robots (sensors on cage) and also protect them in case of collision.
But it sure is demeaning.

>> No.30062547

Yes US009280157

>> No.30063267

As a dumb wagie, I do delivery for Amazon and everyone in the distribution center looks miserable. I have a much easier job, so this doesn't even surprise me.

>> No.30063679


Designed for the (((safety))) of the wagies.

In reality was designed to prevent goyim from stealing Amazon packages.

>> No.30063832

>They are given Amazon stock

Not anymore.

>> No.30063954

Im a wagie making $11/hr but I have about $50k in the bank. Life is different when you have fuck you money. I spend most of my day flirting with the qts at my job or shitting/shitposting in the bathroom. I get so high I cant function in the mornings.

The fuck you gonna do, fire me? Lick my balls while youre at it Greg.

>> No.30064192

I worked at Amazon for 3 years only because I took a lot of leaves and got stock from them back in 2017. I quit because hr threatened me because I took bereavement and didn't have "proof" while niggers at that facility would abuse the system and keep their jobs.

>> No.30064336

People who are suicidal don't want to live it's not that complicated. They don't want to fuck hoes or do drugs or any of that stuff, they literally just don't want to live. All the stuff you suggest involves some kind of YOLO activity but the point is they don't even want that life.

>> No.30064774

Their stock vesting schedule is bullshit, it's like 5/5/40/50% over 4 years. I've only been here a year and there's no way in hell I'm making it to the 4 year mark, I'll end up like the guy in OP by that point

>> No.30064881

Fucking this dude. I've been at Amazon for a year and I don't know how much more of this I can take

>> No.30064991

I thought it was to prevent easy bathroom breaks and foxcon style suicides

>> No.30065114 [DELETED] 
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>> No.30065364

I get stoned everyday before work and my boss is named Greg too. He can also fuck himself

>> No.30065450

We know it's you bezos.

>> No.30065547

Wanting to live is just as irrational as wanting to die. It's very hard to reason around existence as having more upside than downside.

>> No.30065800
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Its not on the US Patent site.

>> No.30065926


>> No.30066097
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>50k in the bank
>fuck you money

>> No.30066708

so you're saying that trannies have mental illness?

>> No.30066877

nothing becomes enjoyable once you have accepted death.

>> No.30067022

good bait
made me reply

>> No.30067305

i understand not wanting to live but how would you know that death is better? for me the uncertainty of death is much worse than most peoples reason for suicide. what if you suicide and churchfags are right so you end up in hell for ever. not that i belive in that but that sounds like a bad bet.

>> No.30067919

>They even gave him a commemorative water bottle
That was the obligatory piss bottle dude

>> No.30068230
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> but how would you know that death is better?
If you're saying there is some sort of risk, there is also risk to being alive as well. We are only geared to living because we are the product of evolved creatures who only exist because they reproduced, so they want to continue to reproduce, it isn't rational.
Wanting to live is just a feeling based on biology. Animals that have genomes more closely related to one another (like bees) care much less about living and dying. Male bees come from unfertilized eggs so they are all direct clones of one another. That is why they are okay with dying for the hive, because mathematically their siblings can reproduce and they have the same genes, so it's okay. To them dying is much more frequently rational given the proper circumstances than what a human would believe is "rational".

>> No.30068302

Did you know they hire other failed retired boomers who live in their cars (amazon rents out RV parks and parking lots for this purpose) as seasonal workers who do 12+ hour shifts for 3-4 months around the holidays?

And this "community outreach" sure sounds like the USSR letting Eleanor Roosevelt and the Red Cross tour their prisons - you don't let the public come in to make sure everything is "all right" unless that's been called into question.

>> No.30068957

well the risk of living can be determined. how would you assess the risk of dying? you could argue that everyone dies eventually. but if you see death as a function than the input could change the outcome. only if every possible input is treated the same than there is zero risk. only if death just nullifies everything than there is zero risk to you. furthermore i would add that while death processes you in an unkown way it is determinable how those left behind will perceive you. while your legacy will fade over an infinite timeline the rate of progression towards zero is not completely independent of the initial value of your legacy.

>> No.30069191

>well the risk of living can be determined
That's pretty complicated to wave away. By definition it would be the inverse risk of dying, correct? This could be based on values, or biology, or anything.

>> No.30069313

Get married if you want to find out what facing suicide is like
I don't think I have to worry about that though, enjoy your happy, drama-free life

>> No.30069332

who is pic?

>> No.30069483

>take my wife for example, no really!

>> No.30070399

>By definition it would be the inverse risk of dying, correct?
i think that depends on how you look at it. you could assume an amount of infinite tries to "live right" or the more yolo way. all i'm trying to say is i would rather stick with what you know than to venture into an unknown where you have to go anyway sooner or later.

>> No.30070537

Ok, but that doesn't make it more rational.

>> No.30070743

know that gambling machine that picks up plushie toys? if you are good wagie you can become one of them!

>> No.30070843

it is difficult to be rational when you dont have all the information necessary to make an assessent.

>> No.30070867

Someone post the webm of the seething spic packaging trump hats lol

>> No.30070887

>His country doesn't have suicide nets


>> No.30070898

I don't get it, a lot of my coworkers bitch up and down all day, but I've worked many much worse bullshit wagie jobs. As far as employment at the bottom goes, Amazon is pretty good.

>> No.30070985

Quality b8.

>> No.30070994

Having different values also changes things.

>> No.30071075

koreans already install these trampoline like suicide nets that bounce wagies back to work

>> No.30071103
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this is also true. just get comfy and enjoy life as best you can.

>> No.30071174

He died the way he lived.
Being a wagie rushing to the bottom.

>> No.30071310

My mind is corrupted, and I can't roll things back. I'm improving myself and my situation but often times I ask why. The hedonic treadmill keeps me feeling average regardless (and it tends to rest around feeling somewhat stressed). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hedonic_treadmill

>> No.30071373

Chinese too

>> No.30071411

incidentally the way people like you reply to anon's questions, this kind of upset and acerbic tone, is the actual answer to his question
to the kind of people who suicides, their self-identity is formed around the pretense their suffering is incommensurable to the point they must kill themselves to be liberated
to go fuck hoes or shoot hedge funds or anything else would in a sense make light of the condition they believe they face
ergo the choice to suicide without doing anything else first is hyperrational

>> No.30071676

Fell behind a freezer in a supermarket and they found him like 10 years later

>> No.30071890

well i too long for more material possession even though i know it wont fullfil me. i think most important is to take care of your body since it is hard to repalce those as a whole. cutting out bad food, working out etc makes me feel better but there is no real target to get to. in absurdism there is the methaphor of pushing the bolder up the hill every day. but i think it is more like pushing the bolder up forever. the is no hilltop. you can push it as far as you want and there is always more hill to push up. sometimes your bolder will roll down and then you need to push it back up again. there is no end to it you just have to keep going.

>> No.30071968

Kinda based desu, not surprised at all.
Honestly we're reading the critical point, hopelessness is setting in.
was "trusting the science" worth it?

>> No.30072377

I workout every day, only drink water, don't drink alcohol, and I really don't see the point of why I do those things, they're just something you're supposed to do. Working out also makes me feel like trash afterwards as well.

Based on every study I've read, happiness really is very much predetermined, with about half of the variance being explicitly genetic and unchangeable, and the rest mostly baked in early on in your life, with some aspects being environmental, however nearly every negative or positive thing you can think of will result in you bouncing back to your baseline in nearly every case (divorce, becoming a paraplegic, death of a loved one, winning the lottery, etc).

If you don't hypnotize yourself with values then it's hard to change anything about how you will end up feeling. I'm trying to optimize my environment, but there isn't really much left to do about it, I think.

>> No.30072765

>Working out also makes me feel like trash afterwards as well.
why? for me endurance sports are the only time where i have a clear mind and feel relaxed afterwards. lifting might be different because it is easy to compare yourself to some roidmonster and think you dont lift enough.

>> No.30073182
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I lift and I feel incredibly drained, and I get bags under my eyes and feel all around like a lightheaded tired piece of spaghetti afterwards. HIIT does that to me too. I think once I drain my glycogen reserves I become a train wreck. Maybe LISS or just general cardio can help because I guess I suck at restoring the glycogen, retrieving it from my liver, or something along those lines, idk.

>> No.30073345

have you had your bloodvalues and other stuff tested? maybe you have some deficiency

>> No.30073596

Got blood tested. I have vitamin d deficiency but I supplement it. That's it though. I think I might just have a weak as fuck constitution in general.

>> No.30073841

It's not even good pay though. Shit should pay as much as any other physically intense but low skill job like mining.

>> No.30074035

god damn it why is waging so fucked

>> No.30074117
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that does not mean you can not enjoy it. dont overdo it. running or other forms of cardio need time to get used to just like anything else. you would not lift heavy plates on your first day to the gym. so dont run 2 hours on your first day. or just try other forms of moving around. hiking might not burn so much but if it makes you feel better than do that.

>> No.30074892

I don't mind if it doesn't burn, leg days burn enough. Gotta just get better at burning up my energy reserves. I'd be running on the treadmill/bike at the gym but I hate wearing a mask to work out so I do dumbbells at home. That's why I'm thinking of getting an exercise bike.

>> No.30074999

You're telling me they give Amazon warehouse workers stock? no way

>> No.30075056
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>it's almost like

>> No.30075521

if Amazon was more forwards thinking, it would have suicide nets in the warehouse to prevent unstable employees from committing suicide. on company property. regular mental health evaluations should be part of routine compliance policy and unstable employees should be given anti-depressants to keep up productivity. you can deduct said anti-depressants from overall wages by applying a premium to their health benefits. I would also encourage the use of gratitude tokens to employees who report other employees showing signs of mental health issues so that HR can monitor the employee and let them go if need be to prevent future damage to the Amazon brand.

>> No.30075704

check out the rowing machines if your studio has one. also very cool are paddeling machines but those are rare. swimming is also very fun for me. just try different stuff and see what works for you fren :)

>> No.30075911

Too real

>> No.30076011

>regular mental health evaluations should be part of routine compliance policy
All wagies should have this, theres already something wrong that they waste the majority of their time in dead end jobs as it is, any tiny bit of stress can turn them into suicidal maniacs. They need to be monitored with hardware.

>> No.30076118

Unpaid training? This is a thing?

>> No.30076202

You could get like 50k mcchickens man!!!

>> No.30076253

Hasn't the military ran into the exact same problem before with people not telling them their unwell because they get fired? What was the solution?

>> No.30076262

fellas I'm ready today.

So -5%, purchased top three during yesterday's lowest dips..

>stubid investment and trading for whole day
>low volatility

only one point saves my wallet - yield farming and lp staking on YVS Finance. Check it if you don’t wanna risk

>> No.30076339

That’s pretty transphobic of you anon.

>> No.30076414
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Thanks fren

>> No.30076429
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>> No.30076503

Always what I wondered too but then I guess that when you think like that you don't kill yourself.
Suicide actually runs in one's blood. Not everybody has it in him. That's why kikes don't want to marry somebody who has suicide victims in their family.

>> No.30076586


>> No.30076693

beautiful *tips hat*

>> No.30076753


what do you mean, solution?

>> No.30076808

I agree. A hormone monitoring implant can be installed in the employees brain to apply a gentle shock when their cortisol levels rise too quickly. Regularly administrated SSRIs should be administered to any employees who approach a state of "hysteria."

The solution lies in the gratitude tokens. You reward the employee by giving gratitude tokens whenever they report suspicious activities of other employees. Other employees should also be allowed to give gratitude tokens as a gesture of thanks to encourage the use of the tokens. Employees with a certain threshold of gratitude tokens can receive a $10 Amazon gift card as a reward for compliance with the gratitude system, and we gain valuable data about non-compliant employees in need of rehabilitation and/or termination.

>> No.30076809

He was murdered over gambling debts.

>> No.30076878

I had this attitude during my suicidal days. Instead of killing myself, I ended up on a hard drug binge for 4 yrs half hoping to overdose. I did overdose twice, but survived.
I came out the other side no longer wanting to die. But with permanent changes to my brain that render me much lower IQ and much more aggressive and impulsive. That combined with the money I wasted during those years is enough to make me want to kill myself again.

The problem with being so depressed you don't care if you die, is that you'll end up making decisions that - should you stay alive - you'll eventually heavily regret. Idk if death would have been simpler. It's a lot less loserish and beta to kill yourself at 18 than it is to kill yourself at 35+.

>> No.30076974

amazon wagecuck here, it sucks but 3 days off a week and benefits from day one. yeah there are tons of africans but there are asian waifus and latinas to offset this

>> No.30077028

big brain talk

but the lack of that kind of thinking is exactly why they an hero, no passion in life

>> No.30077032

Oh my god. Is he going to be okay?

>> No.30077079
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>> No.30077145

4 days a week is nice, are they 12 hour shifts though?

>> No.30077234

>50k is fuck you money

anything less than 100MM is no fuck you money

>> No.30077407

Please do not refer to Amazon employees using gendered nomenclature. Amazon prefers the term "it" or "employee" or "worker." You may also refer to them by their Amazon identification number.

>> No.30077502

If they had that mindset, probably wouldn’t be in shit positions to begin with.

>> No.30077831

ive worked here. can confirm, id rather do this than work another shift in a fucking amazon warehouse ever again.
captcha proves my point....
>I'm not a robot

>> No.30078604

I thought that was the way they were going to be plucked out of their cages once their shift is over.

>> No.30078675


>> No.30078735

We're becoming just like Japan that's so kawaii

>> No.30078748

>my dad went to North Korea
>he was with the Nork tour program
>the citizens looked happy
etc, etc.

>> No.30079297

Or concede that you won't beat. You can join them and buy a little XRP.

>> No.30079442

Lol I work at Amazon and O swear I think about doing this every week or two

>> No.30080189

Adversity is relative you boomer. Why is it you people constantly deflect to “well it’s not as bad”isms.

>> No.30080419

this, it’s a mentality thing

>> No.30080685

>50k is fuck you money
Wagies say the darndest things

>> No.30080778

This is unacceptable. How dare this disgusting person cause for lost productivity and shipping delays

I only hope Amazon is able to sue his family for all that lost money

>> No.30080894

it geg here. you're both fired

>> No.30080925

They definitely docked those 20 minutes from his final check

>> No.30081810
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It's someone birthday today wagie, why don't you come out of your cagie and do us a dance

>> No.30082247

>Designed for safety
>Locked from the outside
Yeahh it's for your safety. Most definitely

>> No.30082289 [DELETED] 

If there is anyone out there that see's this and can understand my situation, my family has kicked me out over political bs, they are mostly progressive types and even though I haven't said anything clearly they planned on kicking me out once time settled, I'm only 25 and I've been forced into a homeless shelter my friends are all out of state so I can't even find a place to stay.
I really just need something so I can get a hotel room for a week and by then my friend from Omaha is gonna pick me up and let me stay with them but I swear if I have to stay with these crackheads one more night I'm gonna lose it, I put my BTC and ETH address below if you are able to help, I also have a cashapp I don't really care how I get something I just really badly need help right now and hoped maybe someone here could save my life literally.




>> No.30082547

>Bro free life now that you don't care if you die
that's not how it works
if you're truly considering suicide any action delaying oblivion is meaningless because by that point being stuck in this meat body is hell itself, no amount of pleasure will fix it

>> No.30082599

I still work there. It's only gotten worse, much worse.

>> No.30082923
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Thread theme.


>> No.30083033 [DELETED] 


t. Told to smile/look happy at 3 of my former jobs...at least. Two of which rarely if ever spoke with the public.

>> No.30083099

Two threads on /biz/ today, one basically amazon is a shithouse slaver run by tyannical kikes and we hate jew bosses with every fiber of our being. Another thread on /biz/ about the 2% wealth tax on 50mil+ has people throwing fits about how much they love their jew bosses and how they're going to hurt their mommies if they take a penny from them
Love to see it

>> No.30083121

>”I’m only 25”

Tells me everything I need to know about your mindset and your actions

>> No.30083129

ask china how to build anti suicide nets

>> No.30083146 [DELETED] 

>Even people who work for McDonalds are happier.

I also know someone who liked working at Amazon but she was the type who'd still work if she was rich (i dont get it especially with thosewho already have social interactions outside the work place)

>> No.30083154

post pics of your homeless shelter with timestamp

>> No.30083189

based as fuck

>> No.30083283

go on livestream and cut your pinky toe off and i'll send you 1 eth. im dead srs

>> No.30083370

Nobody “forced” you into anything you fucking lardass.

>> No.30083913

As an Amazon worker, from the top floor looking down, we often joked about jumping. I suppose it was only a matter of time before some absolute madman actually did it.

>> No.30084400
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Reminder that Amazon Could pay each employee $100,000 just from their revenue increase due to COVID and still be at a new positive since this time last year

>> No.30084523

Amazon warehouse jobs are good pay for the meager educational requirements. A literal HS dropout nigger could do it.
Mining incurs some real risk of death and merits higher wages based on that.

>> No.30084789

>here’s your 1 share of Amazon goy, your contract says you can’t sell it for 5 years and if you get fired we keep it
fuck the free stock meme, i’d rather an hero like this wagie

>> No.30085015

Checked. They would if there was incentive to invest in people like that

>> No.30085543

Fuck that story is brutal

>> No.30085630
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How the hell is this thread still up?
I wasn’t lying.

>> No.30086090


>> No.30086149
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how do I piggyback into wealth on the jew's back?? I'm done rooting for the good goys

how does XRP help the kikes?

kek pathetic

>> No.30086266

They are importing the Chinese slave labor factories to the West, lol. China Numba One.

Everything is fucked.

>> No.30086473

2nd last bird i dated had an uncle that killed himself. She’d done self harm as well. The dumb bitch was bonkers. I think what you say is true. Suicide disgusts me.

>> No.30087361

t.Senior Server Architect

>> No.30087903

XRP is the banks coin
The banks are the kikes
The banks never lose because if they did they would just change the rules.
XRP can't fail.

>> No.30089367

they used to give out 2 shares when you got hired.
the stock is doing too well so they're ending that and doing a """vesting plan""".
i'm sure it will be like where i work now and you have to work there 5+ years (at lower than average wages) to get a single penny out of it

>> No.30090816

There are a lot of beautiful ladies there. Too bad I'm too much of a cuck to talk to any of them anymore. Although they're guaranteed low class, so they should be easy mode.
Also, their time off is unlike anywhere else. You can show up late or leave early whenever you want as long as you have the time off to cover it, and they're pretty generous with the time off.
So there are perks to the job, but that doesn't change the fact that the work itself is shit.

>> No.30090836

Who is he?

>> No.30091198
File: 60 KB, 580x580, 1597107980047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heaven and hell are pretty dumb concepts it's more likely you either reincarnate or just enter oblivion, personally I'm counting on oblivion it sounds comfy. thoughts and feelings are fucking shit just give me the void already.

>> No.30091431

The Egg concept is pretty cool.

>> No.30091446

I like the idea of quantum immortality. It would still suck if you attempt suicide by jumping and wake up in a world just like it where the only difference is it failed and you only broke most of your bones.

>> No.30091790

There are suicide nets at the one I work at lmao.

>> No.30091856

I went to an art exhibition on this.

>> No.30092037

Always. I worked for a company that would make us to both paid and unpaid training. Our reward.

>> No.30092149

"falling or jumping"

implying they don't film every square inch of that facility

>> No.30092252

I got fired from one of my first jobs in a warehouse because this female worker kept catching me looking at her and reported it to the mangers lol, ffs I wasn't even looking at her that much but you know how they have that sixth sense to catch you looking the moment you look their way.

>> No.30092647

Fuck man, don't scare me like that. Looking's all I can do. Sometimes I catch them looking at me, but I can't tell if they're looking because they're interested or if they're trying to keep an eye on me because they think I'm a creep.

>> No.30093665

I used to work at a warehouse in illinois and it was hot garbage. I worked their for 4 years and it was at 11/HR. I was a picker and then an ambassador but that role is trash. You get none of the manager benefits and all of the blame if something fucks up. Favoritism is rampant and they'll fuck with you mentally untill you quit

>> No.30094889
File: 44 KB, 474x573, geg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now this takes me back

>> No.30095876
