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30061024 No.30061024 [Reply] [Original]

Is it likely for this coin to reach $50,000 in 10 years?

>> No.30061089

50k is fud

>> No.30061121

Better chance than any other but also a high risk of 0.

>> No.30061132

Lol no, it’ll be plus or minus 100 where it is now

>> No.30061168

why so stingy? probably going to be 5 mil each

>> No.30061268
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>> No.30061318

Cartels use bots to mine and trade XMR in order to keep the price stable. It's my favorite coin but will never moon

>> No.30061364

100% it will flip BTC and be a billion dollars a second

>> No.30061405

Yes, there will be more Bitcoin than Monero in 10 years
>but muh buttfarts are capped and monegro isn’t

>> No.30061427

quite likely in 10 years yes

>> No.30061480

since it has no true cap i dont think so.
but it might go to 1k or back to 100. as long as there are people with strong incentive >>30061318
to keep this coin alive there will always be a buyer.

>> No.30061531
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>> No.30061618

There’s a lot of privacy solutions out there. This could just default to the Bitcoin of privacy solutions and every private coin follows it like alts to btc now.

>> No.30061791

Monero's supply isn't going to grow much more though. I'm not 100% accurate with my numbers here but I know Monero won't have more than 21,000,000 coins by the end of the century. M

>> No.30061811

Who the fuck knows?
And are you going to buy just because some random anons tell you "yes" or "no" using a confident voice?
Just read about the tech and understand its use cases. Go on the dark net and see for yourself.
Otherwise, just buy food coins, you'll have more chance finding funny shillers for those.

>> No.30062189

If that's the case then they'd want it to trend upward, right? I'm sure they want to make gains as much as anyone else.

>> No.30062191

I just want to see what people think about Monero. I know there are more knowledgeable people on this board than myself so I'd like to get varying opinions on its price trajectory.

>> No.30062242
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Oh boy don't look at 2013 /g/ I feel terrible for them. Some anons even have 1500 BTC.

>> No.30062248
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yeah you have no idea

>> No.30062377


>> No.30062710

true, but it's also the least likely to go to zero other than btc

>> No.30062794

It has a [REDACTED] max supply though

>> No.30062827

its gonna be 33million when BTC mining mines the last piece of bitcoin. so.... Its like... still very scarce asset.

>> No.30062829
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>unlimited supply
I like this coin, but no

>> No.30062911

So does Ethereum but look at its Market cap

>> No.30062987

usd is gonna hyperinflate so could be. could be toilet paper will be $50k.

>> No.30063087

Since the coin is actually used for transactions, the price needs to be kept stable. XMR rising in is highly dependent upon the number of illegal organizations using it for their transactions. For example, lets say the Sinaloa cartel opens starts a drug e-commerce business. That would drive XMRs price up due to increased demand for it. Until we see stuff like this happening, price will stay stable.

>> No.30063097

>Infinite supply

>> No.30063235

Bitcoin was also used primarily for illegal shit in its early days as well. Monero doesn't have to just be a dark web currency. Also "muh crime" is a flawed way of thinking about crypto because the US paper dollar is used for more illegal transactions than anything else.

>> No.30063291

Number of coin minted doesn't = number of coins available in supply. Wallets are lost etc etc

>> No.30063303

Yeah but the coins are going to be released very, very slowly. The supply of Moner won't ever be all that high.

>> No.30063309

You have to go back.

>> No.30063324

Can it reach $500 this year? Genuinely curious

>> No.30063402

Is it likely for this coin to reach $100 in 10 weeks?

>> No.30063482

Shit will moon, criminals use it and that's why this will become the next Bitcoin. Not some Safe africa coin or fuckin useless magical Internet money network coin.

>> No.30063611

I'm thinking about it

>> No.30063942
File: 31 KB, 570x666, monero tail emission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite, but you get the idea. Here is a chart showing the emission of monero vs bitcoin.

>> No.30063976

If the supply would infinite it wouldn't have a price or else the market cap would be infinite too. Think before you speak, you petrol huffing faggot

>> No.30064678

That's very true, but there are better white market currencies if privacy is not a major concern. XMR will always be used as a dark money token, whether used for buying on DNMs or evading taxes. Its use on the white market will continue to remain limited. That's why it will never die so long as it is remains private and secure. I don't think it'll reach four figures unless there is a massive spike in use amongst the larger crime organizations.

>> No.30065366

>newestfag outs himself

>> No.30065379
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>I don't think it'll reach four figures unless there is a massive spike in use amongst the larger crime organizations.

Well it just so happens......

>> No.30065515
File: 84 KB, 1064x442, monero-2-strong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There’s a lot of privacy solutions out there.

None of them compare to Monero.

>> No.30065529

Fuck criminals I just want to support a truly private, truly decentralized currency system. I support the project ideologically and will mine XMR regardless of any financial benefit to myself (you don't make shit mining XMR anyway.)

I have never participated in any crypto in my life btw.

XMR feels like the future in terms of crypto. Speculation aside.

>> No.30065793

Xmr is the only future for privacy crypto imo .
Isn't this the truly main purpose of crypto currency ? nobody knows you , what amount you have or what u use it for and can't track you.

>> No.30066564


>> No.30067046
File: 44 KB, 154x151, Screen Shot 2021-03-02 at 1.38.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a honeypot
>use by drug dealers
>pedos coin
>infinite supply
>fluffypony was can dump on you to buy another 500K watch.
>not going to make it

>> No.30067710

top 3 within 4 years
50K by end of decade

>> No.30067779

newfag detected

>> No.30067972

infinite supply fudfags, try to think for a second of what will happen to the BTC network when the last coin is mined

>> No.30068077
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fee economy

>> No.30069718

stopp pissing your pants. i said it has not true cap which is true. it is also true that the emission rate is very low in the distant fututre. while this is good i can see how this would psychologically be different to a fixed cap and therefore limit the influx of money.

>> No.30071422


reality is more persausive than psychology
high fees will cripple btc network in future
just look at btc fees today
xmr fees today are less than 1 cent
xmr user experience not as great as btc but it is getting better and better

>> No.30071494

Yes, but IMO it would be the dollar crashing rather than Monero flying to the moon.
You're better off using Monero as actual currency than an investment.

>> No.30071668

50k is "Fear, uncertainty, and doubt" - wat?

>> No.30071727

you could be right, but people were unironically saying the exact same thing about btc in 2012. In fact, most XMR fud is exactly the same as old BTC fud.

>> No.30071837

lurk moar

>> No.30071893

not if they also use it to pay for shit

>> No.30072441

if XMR is an easy way avoid taxes, there will definitely be a lot more "criminals" though

>> No.30072611

It would have to get on Coinbase first.

>> No.30072691
File: 47 KB, 460x650, Valentino-Chevron-Leather-Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If XMR hits 50k I will buy this jacket

>> No.30074052

not when atomic swaps are implemented in Q4 2021

>> No.30074837

Lol once some of the other shitcoins drop off the map and monero corrects upwards, I’m sure some normies will be like “hey why can’t I get that Monero coin? Where’s the monero coin?”

Its surprising but also not really that they havent added it yet.

>> No.30075213

>Fuck criminals
cuck detected

>> No.30075305

Monero is not going to moon ever and you should not be investing in crypto at all(not one cent) until you understand why

>> No.30075319

welcome newfren

>> No.30075420

>monero is never gonna become more valuable
>but i wont tell you why, just an ominous, baseless warning

>> No.30075934

What monero loses in inflation, it gains in transaction costs