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File: 48 KB, 660x371, MW-HA370_bitcoi_20181214095900_ZQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30044545 No.30044545 [Reply] [Original]

Promise me this won't happen again.

>> No.30044626

it won't, too many people would be eager to buy the dip

>> No.30044718

people say this literally every cycle. why don't you idiots ever learn?

>> No.30044880

didnt tim draper predict 250k in 2023 or so?

>> No.30044917

I PROMISE you that it will happen again. It's a sure thing. The only question is whether or not the bottom of the upcoming dip is above or below 50k.

>> No.30044969
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meme institutions are coming - CNBC
elon the scam musk just bough 100k
twitter normies have glow eyes

we are at the top, the regular -85% will commence in less than 2 week

>> No.30044994
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Because in 1928 people also said that it would never crash because "we now have a global economy" and literally "this time its different"
Every Bubble and every crash follow the same paradigm.
This is why i believe in the NPC meme, because of the absolute incapability to learn even from the most recent history

>> No.30045061

All those retarded bullish comments are like all the retarded bearish ones we are getting now with every small dip. Stop fading the uptrend you dimwits BTC is going to 200k+

>> No.30045112


>> No.30045165
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i promise

>> No.30045181
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And yet here you are, a learned man
So then why do you say man does not learn?
Are you not a man?

>> No.30045185
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No, see pic related

>> No.30045188

It's entirely possible and logically consistent to believe that BTC will soon see a price of $200k+ AND that there will be a massive correction (greater than 75%) from ATH soon afterwards. Personally I haven't bought BTC since we passed $20k but when we do crash I'll start DCAing again.

>> No.30046030

based DBT therapist

>> No.30046786

apparently i'm in the minority or else this shit wouldnt happen over and over again, would it?
Like i said, NPC meme. 80% of people are retarded, always have been and always will be.
That was the answer to >>30044718

>> No.30047089

Honestly who knows where it will go. Too many variables. Depends on the institutions buying in, Tether printer, the Fed, the stock market, Elon's tweets, etc etc.

2017 went up way too high too fast and it was mostly whales suckering new retail people in and pumping their bags, not very sustainable

>> No.30047398

I think 40k is the new bottom and BTC will never again go under it. It has usually been roughly 2x the previous cycle's ATH

>> No.30047446

yes it will go back about 250 of last high wish is about where it is now....

>> No.30047580

I have a theory that people will disregard things that are priced too cheaply (in their opinion) assuming that there's something wrong with it, but once that thing hits a certain price (for them) they start to take it seriously. It happened to me with bitcoin, I didn't care until it broke $1k but by that point I didn't have money to throw at it until after the 2018 crash. So I think there's this entire class of investors (including institutions) that won't buy in until a certain price is reached, then they'll fomo in in tranches. Basically, when we hit $75k, a new tranche of investors will decide it's now viable and buy in. At $100k, same thing. And similarly at all new higher price points, especially if it zooms past a bunch of them all at once. Then some early whale will dump, drop the price 10%, the new investors will panic dump, and then we start the crash.

Since crypto is new and adoption is still really low, I think bubble cycles are inevitable until everyone with money has become familiar with how crypto works (not necessarily bitcoin, but at least some form of decentralized cryptocurrency). After that, regular supply and demand will take over. But I think by that point BTC will be priced somewhere in the ballpark of $10-100M and people won't even talk about wholecoins, just millibits and sats (conveniently priced around one dollar and one cent respectively).

>> No.30047688

there's no way... what are you smoking... goldman sachs, citi, tesla, paypal...

>> No.30047728

>adoption is still really low
It is not. My dads boomer friends all bought in the last 3-6 months.
I think we are about to reach the peak for this run

>> No.30047778

all the money in the world cannot prop up literally nothing.

>> No.30047828

literally happening as we speak

>> No.30048607

Retail doesn't really matter in this run

>> No.30048770

Is that what you're telling yourself?
Do you think everyone will buy because a certified lunatic like Musk bought?
Big money knows how the game is played and the house doesn't win with bitcoin so it is only a matter of time until they will change the rules so they can only win again

>> No.30048824

it will 100% happen again. question is whats the high and what's the new low. some people believe 40k will be the new bear cycle low.

>> No.30048844

The peak was $58,4k.
BTC will not reach that point by 2025.
Only buyers right now are the same brainlets who bought at $20k in 2017 when euphoria peaked.
Those same fags will all sell.their bags when 40k is broken by the end of the week.
Then the true bears will enter play.

>> No.30049036

well then some people are retarded.
Bear cycle will go below 20k
Top is already in if you ask me. maybe we'll hit 60k if something major happens, but then it's bobo time

>> No.30049241

yeah wages will be in KiloSats or Ksats a week or some such and that will be good living wage.

>> No.30049346

>Big money knows how the game is played
big FIAT money just got is game not just taken away, but anhilated.

They have less that nothing left

>> No.30049413

Pretty pitiful bullrun if 3x previous high is the top. We haven't even seen the exponential mania phase and yet all the doomers are already calling this the top. On the other hand if 20k is the new bottom I wouldn't mind either, I'd still be nicely in the green, but I heavily doubt that because BTC has never dipped to previous cycle's ATH after a bull run

>> No.30049804

Adoption is low in that most people still don't have their own wallets. I'm talking in absolute terms. Once we hit 2 billion active wallets I think we'll be close to "full" adoption.

I doubt crypto/bitcoin will actually replace fiat for everyday spending. Governments won't give up that power easily. But I do think bitcoin will be treated like precious metals are today (something for rich people, and a hedge against inflation) while some other crypto (XMR? maybe something else with really low fees) will take over digital payments due to the ease of universal adoption. I think it's really bearish for credit card companies since they'll revert to be regular lines of credit rather than the de facto only way to make online payments.

>> No.30049906

Anon, some faggot here sold at 43k and successfully led others to the slaughter. This faggoty mongolian board is a source of good memes, but other than that you won't find here anything useful, nor interesting.

t. hold retard, we're entering weimar, and Bitcoin is the hardest money ever created

>> No.30050279

Govs are fucked. Like that R&M where they make the currency go to zero, and its all over.

See gov is composed of people. Some of those people have crypto, in fact more an more of those people will have crypto. They will find ways to undecurt any law or policy that harms thier crypto holdings becuase there is no real way the gov as employer can find out about this a conflict of interests nor can the gove pay them as much as crpto can.

Thus they have a new paymaster.

Govs will die a death of a million cuts and be white anted out of exitance

>> No.30050285
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yes the people that killed millions and asassinated dozens of top tier leaders just gave up because a bunch of retarded zoomers invented 1s and 0s.
Absolute dellusion

> We haven't even seen the exponential mania phase
See pic

You are making a crucial mistake. Bitcoin is a product and just like any other product there is only a limited target group.
Out of those that would ever consider a wallet most of them have fomo'd in within the last 6 months.

>> No.30050319

It will because retards like >>30044626 exist, but if you know to sell the pump then you can make out like a bandit while the market is going down.

Volatility, son. That's the best for swinging.

>> No.30050365

>yes the people that killed millions and asassinated dozens of top tier leaders just gave up because a bunch of retarded zoomers invented 1s and 0s.
>Absolute dellusion
its not the 1s and 0s it the immutability of them

>> No.30050401 [DELETED] 

Anon check out $MCM
They are gonna rock soon.

> No investments
> no ico
> original concept

>> No.30050411

typical midwit dunning kruger behaviour
will never make it

>> No.30050472

Explain this to me. Have some people ACTUALLY invested in a coin that is near useless for 40.000 dollars a pop? Is it all a gigantic meme forced by a few hedgefunds? Who in their right mind would invest in this?

>> No.30050496

How much a retarded narcissistic zoomer do you have to be to think that gen z invented cryptocurrency technology

>> No.30050544

Is there anything worth accumulating during bear market besides btc? It seems like it's what kicks things off.

>> No.30050567

Until I'm almost about to make it, we won't dump.

>> No.30050613

Think outside your box.
These people control 90%+ of the worlds ressources.
These people have had their hands in the rise and fall of every single leader in the last 100 years.
If you think they dont have ways to destroy existing crypto and replace it with their own fiat version of it, then you are either a zoomer that never read a history book, or you are an absolute NPC that always drank the cool aid and believe that WTC7 collapsed from a small fire.
They might not be able to destroy bitcoin, but they can obliterate it's usability and value

already made it.
People that call dunning kruger usually either dont know what it really is or are suffering from it themselves

>> No.30050681

Nobody gives a shit who invented it. for all we know satoshi might be a meme and it was made by the glowniggers.
The point is that zoomers turned crypto into a fucking cult of retards

>> No.30050895

>These people control 90%+ of the worlds ressources.
not anymore .... they can't even reliably make a unit of value for their asset.

They area fucked

>> No.30051145

>You are making a crucial mistake. Bitcoin is a product and just like any other product there is only a limited target group.
That's like saying there's a limited target group for [money]. And I should clarify I didn't mean 2 billion bitcoin wallets, I mean 2 billion crypto wallets of any platform (bitcoin, litecoin, ethereum, monero, etc). Obviously some people will have multiple wallets on multiple platforms but I still think there's a ton of growth potential as crypto moves over the next few decades from being a speculative investment to being how people make digital payments (replacing credit cards).

And during this process, bitcoin will remain at the top as the "gold of crypto" which sucks a lot of oxygen out of the room until people realize other altcoins are better suited to actual commerce. Retailers get this which is why they always diversify what cryptos they accept, but all of them accept bitcoin.

>> No.30051262

Oh so your bitcoins just took away their nickel mines, their steel smeltery, their cargoships, their exploration rights, their patents and their treaties? Damn buying right now

Bitcoin is not money and it never will be money.
Some of the altcoins have legit chances to become money but bitcoin will never make it.

>> No.30051281

>using linear chart

>> No.30051391

Bitcoin meets every part of the definition of money. It's absolutely money. Maybe not good money because of blockstream's fuckery, but it's still money.

>> No.30051441
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>Nobody gives a shit who invented it. for all we know satoshi might be a meme and it was made by the glowniggers.
>The point is that zoomers turned crypto into a fucking cult of retards
Dunning kruger midwit + polNPC
sorry that you were born with nigger tier genes, gl next life

>> No.30051566

Can you pay interest in bitcoin?
Can you loan bitcoin to others without actually having it?
Can you keep bitcoin for a year without massive changes in value, like a company would for their annual reports?

No you cant because it is too volatile.
Transactions take too long for quick payments.
Banks will not use it and neither will everyday businesses. It is not money.

holy shit its like youre talking to a mirror

>> No.30051619

>I do think bitcoin will be treated like precious metals are today
I agree. It’s gold for millennials & zoomers. Silicon Valley zoomers don’t want to put their savings into a .0001% APY. They’re going to use Bitcoin.

>> No.30051811

Hey! Bring those goalposts back!

>> No.30051911
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Did you enjoy the return to normal?

>> No.30052032

see that bearish sentiment on /biz/
That's all you need to know

>> No.30052071

Yes, everything is different. Look around. The world has fundamentally changed in only 1 year.

The line between npc and human has never been more clearly delineated ever before in human history.