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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30043232 No.30043232 [Reply] [Original]

you have 3 hours

>> No.30043252

why the fud

>> No.30043756

Why did they delete their telegram group though? I never posted anything in the group yet I can't join it anymore

>> No.30043909

yes they are banning critics

>> No.30043956

It's working fine for me.

>> No.30043975

I've not posted a single message though. But I've seen they've been banning people randomly lately so I guess that's that.

>> No.30044037

I still hold quite a stack of eggs but this banning policy is retarded and will push people away. It's super weird that they feel the need to ban people like that, it's making me lose confidence.

>> No.30044080

Why does it have teeth on its tongue what the fuck

>> No.30044083

still mad clonekek?

>> No.30044294
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All the FUD is coming from some egg-clones that got destroyed on biz after shilling it. (Toad, icecream, ..).

Now they try to take a 'revenge'.
But Binance retweeted Goose 5hours ago.


>> No.30044368

No it didnt.

Pajeet tier fud

>> No.30044403

Alright makes sense. Thanks for the answer! Still think the telegram group mods are a bunch of retarded faggots for banning like that but at least Imma keep nesting my eggs.

>> No.30044510

Whats ur tg, I ll try to write an admin

>> No.30044638

insurance for all of this available at squirrel.finance

>> No.30044739

Post @

>> No.30044784

how many telegrams do they have? this is the fourth time this week alone

>> No.30044845

>A part of incubator will not be opened sourced
AHHAHAHAHAH. Viking trannies btfo. Enjoy the free fall

>> No.30044908

To our beloved community and the Warriors who are with us on this journey, we thank you for continuing to support us and for the trust that you have put in this project. For those who are frustrated by the change in token price, we are as well, and we feel your pain.

The trajectory started a two days ago when we had several whales dump in quick succession of each other, followed by a flood of FUD into the Telegram channel. Any discussion of whether this was a coordinated attack is pure speculation, but a lot of price movement can create a chain reaction.

Originally we opened a price discussion channel as a place for people to vent, but soon this environment turned toxic and whilst we do wish people to be able to speak their mind, FUD and toxicity only serves to drive the price down further and this hurts the community in the long run which is why we’ve made the decision to shut this down.

None of these have been easy decisions, and dev Dwarves, mods, and admins continue to put their heart and soul into this project and we are confident that the features we are planning to implement down the line will allow Viking to find its own unique and sustainable space in the DeFi ecosystem. For those who wish to continue to journey with us, we hope to look back on these days and share a pint of mead together in Valhalla. Skål!

>> No.30046066
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>> No.30046095
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Viking below launch price HAHAHAHA
These fuckers FUD EGG so hard the last week. Karma is a bitch

>> No.30046372

I dunno what they were expecting? they bought Choco Roos instead of Cocoa Puffs and thought they'd win? Why go for a knockoff, especially when the knockoff has no interesting ideas over the original? Anyone with half a brain can fork, but what do you do when you need a developer to actually implement new shit?
>umm we will have viking NFT trading cards or something....

>> No.30046435

anons hold eggs or sell god damn it? What to do, paper hands hir

>> No.30046755

am holding. EGG is SAFU imo.

>> No.30047345

Lol no it isn't, you jackass. Some of us in the tg found a wallet they were dumping millions worth of EGG on holders in the first couple weeks.. they then sent the busd to a binance hour wallet to cash out.

At first they denied it, then claimed they needed it for "YouTube and Twitter shills", then promised not to dump anymore... then banned anyone who talked about it. Don't hold this garbage and don't forget to revoke wallet privileges..

>> No.30048153

toad ist at 0.5$
lmao rekt

>> No.30048300
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What's egg? Are you talking about eggswap?

>> No.30049114

I've never held that garbage, but nice try.

>> No.30050522

ugh im just sick of this egg garbage... i shouldve bought CAKE instead

its literally a fucking fork of cake but the cake devs are actually legit and the only thing that EGG has going for it t is that they took the rugpull migrator code but believe me they can still print as many egg as they want and just drop the price

>> No.30050787


>> No.30051235

EGG always has, and always will, suck a niggerdick

>> No.30051915

seething. kek

>> No.30052061
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>> No.30052477

So that is where those "millions of dollars in marketing" went...

>> No.30052560

>but believe me they can still print as many egg as they want and just drop the price
no need to believe when they acknowledged it themselves on their official tg, followed by a quick "but we won't do it again!" a couple hours later

>> No.30053226
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sucks that those millions couldn't pay for shills who are actually competent. pro-tip: if you're gonna shill, at least switch up your images next time so your samefagging is less obvious. that goes to the holofaggot janny of theirs, if you're reading this. yeah you, faggot.

>> No.30053362
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sup, Alan

>> No.30053677

>millions of dollars in marketing
the are just dumping on us anon