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30043744 No.30043744 [Reply] [Original]

is 1inch a solid buy?

>> No.30043797

Only if your weener is 1inches

>> No.30043848

I got rekt with this one, and now is moving to Binance chain so I'm not buying this crap never again

>> No.30043964

>airdrops everyone but its own userbase
>migrates to Binance scam circus instead of offering layer 2 aggregation
zero long term planning from their team

>> No.30044429
File: 41 KB, 474x584, ThinkAboutIt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more Aidrops. Confirmed to me by an admin on their discord.

It doesn't matter how shit BSC is, as long as it is just an option, all is cool. I expect them for example to support Polkadot or other chains eventually as well. It's less of a migration in regards to BSC and more of an expansion.

You are straight up coping if you think the 1inch dev team isn't competent.

The 1inch team / project / brand is severely underappreciated / undervalued by people on /biz/ it's baffling.

^ This is one of their main devs / founders. He knows his shit. He has his finger on the ETH pulse from what i can tell.

I am confident 1inch can get into close proximity of Uniswap in terms of Market cap this bullrun.

I personally see 50$ per token definitely happening and maybe even 75$ and if we're lucky maybe even 100$.

>> No.30044495

I didn't say incompetent, I said zero long term planning. they're chasing hype and it's backfiring

>> No.30044536

I am betting on them that they will adjust and learn from their mistakes as time passes.

>> No.30044575

no it's shit.
all it ever does is crab, it's not as good as uni and they shit on me with the airdrop.
delusional shill detected

>> No.30044627

They're technological wizards, but they could benefit from a business class's at a community college night school.

>> No.30044782

>I got rekt with this one, and now is moving to Binance chain

1inch was forced to move onto BSC, 1inch CTO Anton Bukov told CoinDesk in a Telegram message, “because Ethereum miners killed the Ethereum network by not raising the block gas limit.”

>> No.30044792
File: 57 KB, 327x327, WhenWillYouEverLearn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all it ever does is crab
Short sighted impatient fool.

>it's not as good as uni
You'll have to expand on that to make me agree with you with that one

>they shit on me with the airdrop
No more airdrops, holding a grudge won't get you anywhere

I already addressed that there will be no more air drops and the BSC issue.

>delusional shill detected
I just have a bag, that's all and see too few posts on here about 1inch and i'd like to know what others on /biz/ think about it who aren't brainlets. I am willing to hear out all who think it might not be a good project, i still am not seeing anything to sway me away from holding it.

>> No.30044863

I could’ve sold my airdrop at $6 weeks ago and since then it’s been the worst performing coin in my portfolio REEEEE

>> No.30045070

>replying to this every sentence type reddit style comment
go the fuck back nigger faggot, your bitch ass low t front hole fucking literal homosexual

>> No.30045258
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I love seeing these replies. I've been on 4chin for 7 years+ now, have not used reddit for like 2 years or so, but i'm gonna continue posting like this idgaf. I live in the minds of autists like you rent free. Watch me do reddit spacing, kek.




>> No.30045274


I drop anything that partners with Binance. 1inch will become as dead to me as coinmarket cap.

>> No.30045742

the faggotry is literally ingrained in you.

>> No.30045833
File: 50 KB, 680x680, AllAcordingToKeikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a (You).

Also thanks for the bump ;)

>> No.30046859

$15 by April

>> No.30047039

It was up 25% while BTC and ETH, along with the rest of the market, was down 35%. It'll be back to $6. Be patient or go put all of your investments into jeet scams.

>> No.30047375

I was sooo fucking seething when that happened.

I literally wanted to die at that moment because i wasn't in yet at that point and had 43k stashed away to get in, but the price was too high.

I thank the gods for that epic dip on sunday. I finally pulled the trigger at an average of 3.85.

Having 10k+ $1inch is the comfiest hold ever.

>> No.30047412

Would dump a guy if he only had 1inch

>> No.30048067

Undervalued. Aggregators are becoming increasingly essential and 1inch is leading the pack. 1INCH has decent governance features with more to come, and distributes good returns to holders.

>> No.30048320

Based shill post.