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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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30037317 No.30037317 [Reply] [Original]

> Goes on linkedin
> Get cancer

>> No.30038703

>pretty much

>> No.30038788

LinkedIn for me is just freelancers complaining about how awful their clients are. It amazes me they get any work at all. I will literally never use a freelancer who makes a post talking about what their clients should or shouldn't be doing.

>> No.30038927

Its just boomers writing shit they don't understand
>as part of our diversity and inclusion policy

>> No.30038957

What is a good alternative then?

>> No.30038989


>> No.30039015

I'm paying ducking 69 goddammit ducking dollars a month nigger ass autocorrect for this shit that I could be spending on coin - it's community is fruity and gay and its all adds and hiring managers with an attitude like, well it might not be a good fit? ducking retarded

>> No.30039031

Help my brainlet brain here, how does crypto helps me to showcase my product, create professional networks and lead to sales?

>> No.30039154


>> No.30039338
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>showcase my product, create professional networks and lead to sales
Fucking boomer retard, that's the role of a marketing team

>> No.30039451
File: 542 KB, 1080x1769, Screenshot_20210302-121408~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related makes me feel I'm currently living in a simulation.

>> No.30039833

Anon, I am one man army that want to build my own brand. There is not marketing team.
Also, you did not answer my question.

>> No.30039889

This guy is a billionaire, right? Advocating that normies would be happier if they own nothing.

>> No.30040377

Businesses exist to feed literal cake to their employees every time the executive team gets shuffled

>> No.30040426

I keep getting FBI agent jobs recommended on LinkedIn kek

>> No.30040451

Money is like food. Humans need food, but the purpose of the human is not to get more food.
Wait, it is...

>> No.30040556

Nice- apply for the cyber force and help thwart economic terrorism.

>> No.30040614

Sounds comfy but a man of my skills would be a top agent on the streets busting criminal scum

>> No.30040651

he did clearly, you just dont understand the answer.

>> No.30040678

You're not in an MLM, right?

>> No.30040753

No, he did not say what is a good alternative to Linkedin.

No, I am trying expand my own brand.

>> No.30040824

amazon private labeling?

>> No.30040917
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>> No.30040953
File: 1.19 MB, 1242x1640, EC8C51F1-BFC7-485E-B131-7748BEC3CB5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted my LINKEDIN a long time ago because everyone on there is a phony piece of shit who calls their ordinary soulless profession that an 8th grader could learn to do by some overly fancy title.

I have no active social media of any kind and haven’t since MySpace, I’d hate normies even more than I do now and land myself in hot water irl for some inevitable edge lord comment I would make.

>> No.30041110
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I absolutely LAUGH my ass off at seething wagies trying to sound big and smart with their expensive job titles, writing long ass stories about how ''thankful'' they are for this and that, when they own NOTHING.

>> No.30041307

Unfortunately, I am selling services so that option is not available to me.

>> No.30041323

Crypto allows you to quit your job

>> No.30041398

Seems like facebook- I mean linkedin- is just another social media stack. It doesn't function as an alternative, you have to have it if you want to expand your online presence which can be good bad whatever, depends on your goals ...

>> No.30041470

anon, please don't laugh at us :'(
how else are we meant to get cash to buy crypto

>> No.30041506

Many such cases.

>> No.30041676

The fucking nose on him man... EVERY FUCKING TIME

>> No.30041727

nice business word salad, i bet you're fun at parties, ya big important professional guy

>> No.30041792

I see, now I understand.

Thank you, that is the perspective I was looking for.

I just want to make it on my own anon, that is it.

>> No.30041906


It's fine if you work but don't try to brag about it on Linkedin 24/7.

>> No.30042178
File: 252 KB, 533x1196, Screenshot 2021-03-02 133302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30042290

I'd row her bottom

>> No.30042307

I have eye cancer now, thanks

>> No.30042377

*Their bottom*

>> No.30042400


>Gas rise
>trying to be alive
>lose get broke

Go GSX, don’t spend your time
Lol, I keeP GSX

>> No.30042597

Get rich from crypto. Buy Hookers that sleep with your clients.

>> No.30042860

I think what he means is that most super successful business don’t start with the only goal as making money. They want to make money, obviously, but they also want to create something. Think about a super successful distillery. They started with the goal to make the best whiskey they could. Or your mother, she strives to give the best, cheapest blowjobs around.

>> No.30042909

linkedin = wagie olympics. i have a profile to reach out to recruiters whenever shekelstein pushes me to my breaking point.

>> No.30043579

>its purpose is to... meer weergeven
writer had a stroke kek