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30027492 No.30027492 [Reply] [Original]

What % would the market drop if any of Satoshi’s coins move? I say one movement would tank the market 50% overnight but it’d recover.

>> No.30027555

Satoshi died in 2014

>> No.30027599

Satoshi never existed

>> No.30027774

Depends what the movement was. If it was just unknown wallet to unknown wallet, I think it would just fascinate people.

>> No.30028407

cheecked and based

>> No.30028963

No, and that is why any mention of CSW makes everybody seethe. He can tank the entire market, and he might.

>> No.30029058

craig is a fat retard who is never, EVER right about anything

>> No.30029114

Like I said. SEETHE.

>> No.30029235

Okay Craig. Don’t you have something to work on?

>> No.30029248
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just stating facts my dude, but enjoy your fantasy where fat retard isnt a joke if you like.

>> No.30029321

The whole market can be destroyed by like 3 people instantly. If Musk tweeted
>Well bitcoin seems dumb, selling my bags
It'd dump like 50% at least.

And he doesn't even own any.

>> No.30029356

Looks like a good time to buy.

>> No.30029396

No wonder BTCers are so insane. They know they can be holding bags at any given time.

>> No.30029395

when did you buy, you absolute fucking dolt? lmao

>> No.30029403

I have never been so sure of anything as much as I am CSW is not Satoshi

>> No.30029405

Apparently he is frozen in ice now that he is dead so. Maybe him and Walt Disney will come back one day

>> No.30029430

Satoshi is a time traveller. He comes back in time and "invents" bitcoin and goes back to the future to dump.

>> No.30029447

I bought my BTC in 2013, and then bought even more BSV around $60. Also sold all my BTC from 2013 for BSV. The thing is, I only like to hold coins that work.

>> No.30029489

Satoshi is Goldman Sachs. BTC is a liquidity trap to prevent inflation.

>> No.30029499


>> No.30029507

>ignoring a mountain of overwhelming evidence because blockstream's cock is so deep down your throat you can't see straight
sure thing fella, tell me how well that works out for you over the coming months

>> No.30029541

How’s that working out for you
Even if CSW was satoshi and BSV was the “true Bitcoin” the only Bitcoin that matters is the one worth $50k USD. The flippening ain’t happening and CSW is a liar and BSV is a scam

>> No.30029554
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Satoshi is CSW, but you are close about BTC.

>> No.30029616

I'm in the green.

>> No.30029649

It’s probably Hal finneys friend satoshi . I believe he forgot the keys or never wrote the key down on purpose to show how bullet proof the security is

>> No.30029703

Lololololol I cannot say how extremely I know this is not true on any level whatsoever. About as likely as it coming from Infosys.

>> No.30029726

BSV hitting 4k is the same gains as BTC hitting 1million. What do you think is more likely? BTC is struggling with fees at 50k. Its shit.

>> No.30029766


>> No.30029789

Fine, Blackrock. Great reset mofo. Oh no hyperinflation got you down?

Why my coin wallet at zero?

Few trillion outta the money supply, nice.

>> No.30029899

The BTC pump has topped off, and BSV being so repressed by haters to due for a massive pump, probably past 5k.

>> No.30029942
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Maybe Satoshi was the friends we made along the way..

>> No.30029991

If he can, why wouldn't he have done so already? If he's really Satoshi it should be trivial for him and shitloads of people would immediately switch to his coin. I don't even think BSV is inherently a bad coin, but people rightly see this laughable fraud attached to it and run like hell.

>> No.30030003
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Again, WITCH tier. The only financial institutions with any half-decent tech department are hedge funds, and even then it’s mostly people making up for being just-above-average by working 12 hours a day.
BTC didn’t come from any established player in finance, full stop.

>> No.30030057

They are in a trust so there are legal issues and also a lawsuit preventing him from selling those coins. Other coins of his were also stolen.

>> No.30030081

Satoshi is the NSA. thought that was common knowledge
Christ this board is full of newfags

>> No.30030306

Do you deluded faggots even fucking understand that if BSV moons or "flippens" BTC, that shit means it will TAKE DOWN BTC and all confidence in the market, tanking everything to below 2013 levels?
A flippening won't just flip a switch and wallah now you have 50k bsv and 180 btc and evrything is fine and dandy. It will fuck shit up, no one will want to touch this market for years/decades. It might even kill it altoghether and pave the way to bank/gubbermental issued coins.
Do you even fucking understand what you are saying? It means you will be holding bags for at least another 10 years for the REMOTE POSSIBILITY of your shit mooning.
Jesus fuck, you people are unbelievably stupid.
Also sorry for your fucking loss, must be brutal.

>> No.30030311

Didn't the BCH hard fork like delete or redistribute satoshis coins on that fork?

>> No.30030366

The point of the thread was what would happen if an original wallet moved, not identifying Satoshi. We’ve been derailed. But yeah NSA duh

>> No.30030503
File: 133 KB, 1374x1718, early btc buys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how it would go, everything would tank, and then BSV would rise from the ashes and it would go far higher than BTC ever did because it does everything any alt can do and it can actually scale. Nice fud though. Buying more BSV. Pic related is a slice of my 2013 buys, trust me, I have no losses. No debt. Bought a car and house, and have a fuck ton of BSV. I've been here longer than you, and know more about bitcoin than you.

>> No.30030630

No, anyone who can access BTC coins during the forks that haven't moved can access the BCH and BSV,

>> No.30030693

Why do you hold BSV over BCH?
What’s the most credible evidence for CW being Satoshi?

>> No.30030718

>priced in?
Yes, people often use 21M btc as a fully diluted figure but the fact is that 20M is the real fully diluted supply quantity. We assume that those coins will never move. Hypothetically, they can, but only 999,950 of them. The first 50 from block 0 are not part of the global transaction database and thus would be rejected by the network.
>What % would the market drop if any of Satoshi’s coins move?
Probably in excess of 90%. It depends on how it happens. You deal with two problems.
>1. 999,950 btc volume is huge and can't be absorbed anywhere near equilibrium price. Almost every bid in the books would be required to fill that.
>2. Even if satoshi spread his sells to avoid slippage, we'd all see this in the blockchain and shit ourselves.
I have zero confidence that satoshi is either alive or has access to those SKs though. Mainly because I don't believe any rational human being would ever leave $45 billion on the table. There are some really ideologically motivated people in the world, but that's a level extra.

>> No.30030763

Low taxes now, time buy more $ENQ
Look at it mates, you will see that this blockchain is new era in crypto
mobile dapps and mining
I am safe now with this system, tards wouldn’t get how it is working

>> No.30030772

Checked high energy thread

>> No.30030775
File: 539 KB, 1280x720, 1614622974801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are all satoshi

>> No.30030782

I liked BCH until they too failed to remove the blocksize limit. BSV has had a record 369MB block, and i believe the largest on BCH was like 6MB or something like that. The most credible evidence of CSW being satoshi is a youtube series he does with Ryan X Charles.

>> No.30030831


>> No.30030878

Not Ian grigg or Gavin andressen?

I think the best evidence is actually his knowledge on possibilities of bitcoin script

>> No.30031016

That also supports it, but Ryan and Craig talk about Craig's early writings and interactions with his peers in the the series of videos. They even go over the white paper line by line. It was very eye opening, and yes, his knowledge is on a level that I have not seen in other bitcoin figures.

>> No.30031574

>buys like 20 btc in 2013
>sells them all for scam
>btc goes to 58k
>shitcoin goes to 200
>BuT I HaVe nO DeBt i KnOw MoRe thaN YoU
>14 posts by id
>most credible evidence is a youtube series
>youtube series
You live in schizo land and i'm really sorry for your oportunity cost that you somehow seem to miss. If you knew that fucking much you could have easily seen what's coming and just traded your way onto billions. Instead you got cucked by crazies and got a house and car out of it. I mean i can appreciate that as an achievement and unironically congratulate you for it, but fuck trying to convince others of your scam.
>I know how it would go, everything would tank, and then BSV
Then sell your shitload and just fucking buy in then for cents no? You still have like 2 weeks.

>> No.30031679

What's your net worth right now? How many bitcoins did you sell?

>> No.30031701

>he doesn't know
lmao why do you even think you're investing in crypto ?
its the illuminati retard.

>> No.30031721

The most credible evidence is 24+ hours of live interviews with Craig... Yeah, how crazy. Realizing gains is crazy. You are not going to make it with that negative attitude.

>> No.30031789

Of course they are lmao. "Muh tx's!" oh wait, we're rich now... MUH GOLD!

peepeepoopooo it's gonna end SO BADLY.

smart money who bought under $10K, start getting out in ladders.

For the rest of us, we ride DIA oracle hype now.

>> No.30031839

I sold around 50, half of which was during the 2018 rally. The rest was around the BSV fork. Net worth, I don't know mid six-figures.

>> No.30031905

i am Satoshi ama

>> No.30032042

>ey yo there's this guy he says he can fly here buy some of his shit
>oh wow cool did he actually fly
>well no but he knows all this shit about flying
>also he talks about flying for like 24 hours straight BUY HIS SHIT
>ok but can he actually fly? just saying it is not actu...
>he can point his fingers really good at airplanes just buy his shit
>just letme see the dude fly and sure

>> No.30032044

You have conviction sir, I'll say that.