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30016793 No.30016793 [Reply] [Original]

Does /biz/ golf?

>> No.30016908

yea sometimes

>> No.30017010

yep. love it. one of the most difficult but at the same time most based sports ever

>> No.30017064

>make it
>ahhh, time to celebrate with a good ol game of golf
>get head struck by golf ball
>die without having enjoyed gains

>> No.30017082

I do notice although not explicitly banned, golf has the least ethnic people per capita

>> No.30017154

>half lpga is hook
>third of pga is hook
Yea nah

>> No.30017214

Yet one of the few ethnics that played the game managed to mog an entire generation. Tragic.

>> No.30017215

Eh, I guess there's not a lot of Chinks where I live

>> No.30017229


>> No.30017385

I disc golf.
very relaxing, not nearly as financially involving, almost entirely white.

>> No.30017420

They are hilariously bad just like everything else they do. Most expensive gear yet cannot drive a ball.

>> No.30017621

Sungjae Im has a crazy straight drive. morikowa is alright, but i don't like him as a golfer tho (personality wise). he can still play, though.

>> No.30017657

Part of the fun is going to stupid expensive resorts and taking your big tiddy milf somewhere poor fags despise

>> No.30017696

Golf is the true white man’s sport.

>> No.30017699

I'm looking to start golfing but idk what the minimal setup is needed to start. can one of you golf anons give a noob some tips?

>> No.30017732

I like topgolf lol

>> No.30017734

I'm trying to figure out anything about his personality that is remotely questionable.
He seems like such a good guy.

>> No.30017765

Get lessons and by that I mean pay a pro to teach you

>> No.30017776

I mean your average weekend warrior you see on the course. Not pros.

>> No.30017815

I like to smoke weed on disc golf trails with my friends and we yell "go whiteboy go"

>> No.30017829

Go buy a used set at a pawn shop/used sporting goods store and just go to the driving range and try and have some fun.
Seriously don't even think about it for the first few weeks and see what develops.

>> No.30017847

Go to a driving range, pretty therapeutic and you get to work on your swing.
Just try be natural in your swing, what comes to you. Too many try force some technique and look like robotic retards.

>> No.30017886

I grew up around joggers they’re the worst golfers ever and all act like they’re MJ on the course

>> No.30017892

Don't get lessons from a pro at first, they will not give a shit about you and are only looking to make money.

>> No.30017929

Once in awhile I golf. We used to take customers out to golf but that kinda went away over the years. I like cart girls with big tits.

>> No.30017956


>> No.30017967

True, but Nicklaus always was a better driver

>> No.30017968
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>MFW only had one birdie ever

>> No.30017998

wtf are u talking about? so learn bad habits first and spend even more time and money to get them fixed? are u retarded? thats why you do research on the best pros in your area

>> No.30018015

just get a driver, putter, and set of irons. you will never be good enough to need fairway woods or a bunch of wedges for at least a few years, and definitely don't worry about having the latest tech or fancy golf balls

>> No.30018028

>newfags ruining /ourhobby/

shorting polo stock

>> No.30018041

Is that Las Americas in Tenerife? It looks a lot like the 1st there.

Also yes, /biz/ golfer checking in. Dropped some LINK on P790s in the summer. Don't even care. Those irons are fucking beautiful.

>> No.30018045

used set is a good option or if you like to buy new stuff I bought a full starter set w/ bag for about $300 from Wilson that does the job well. and yeah just go to the driving range and literally hit 100 balls and just figure out your swing, best way to get your feet wet

>> No.30018055

How often do you play and how long have you been playing?

>> No.30018065

>disc golf

>> No.30018146

thanks guys. so should I primarily be hitting the driving range for the first couple of weeks? isn't it pretty nice, therapeutically speaking, to be on a full course as well? do I need membership at a club to do that? i am very new to this whole thing

>> No.30018147

Like 7 years, not very often, last year only went once .. total is probably less than 60 times

>> No.30018149
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I had to googled it. I thought it was some special course or something. That faggot plays frisbee

>> No.30018166

I also play disc. Ball golf is a pain in the ass and takes too long. I can play 18 holes in under an hour and I can take my dog on a walk at the same time. There are also no stupid field marshall fudds out there trying to keep everyone from having a good time. I am pissed at all the duffing newfags who are choking the shit out of my local courses ever since covid hit though.

>> No.30018180

I don't play it I simply watch the white boys throw the thing into the hole and shout at them

>> No.30018217

People should learn their natural swing and feel first. Like this guy >>30017847 said, true golf pros can be far too technical for absolute beginners and they easily get discouraged.

>> No.30018227

Don't go near a course until you're hitting the ball consistently. You'll just piss yourself and the other players off.
I'd tell any noob to spend 6 months at the range at least before hitting a course.

>> No.30018259

Just buy a $400 noob set that comes with everything and in 2 years if you stick with it upgrade to something nicer.

>> No.30018427

I'd stick to the driving range until you feel like you know your clubs. Meaning until you have at least a fair gauge of how far/how high you hit each club.
Stay away from anywhere that requires membership. Those places are FULL of pretenders and people who will hate you unless you are skilled.

>> No.30018462

Depends on course, most have public days and some are members only.
Yes it's nice to be on the course, but when crowded or if you are new you might feel pressured. Be holding up people etc. If you can get on at a quiet time it's better than the range for sure.

>> No.30018483

Well that's the only reason why man. Golf takes serious commitment even just to break 100.

>> No.30018509

a golf swing never feels natural. ur a retard

>> No.30018514

I'd second this. I decided in my late 20s I wanted the "perfect swing" and took lessons to learn this textbook, McIlroy type swing. When it worked, it really worked, but I fucking hated it.
Anytime I got into trouble I went back to my original, Jim Furyk, spasm-in-a-phonebooth style swing and it just felt right.

Unless you're an actual child with promise, stay away from the course pros until you know what it is you're trying to fix.

>> No.30018524

Nope I hate golfing

But I won't deny its for biz chads

>> No.30018610

get fitted. get lessons. you can get fitted and still buy some shitty clubs to start with. golf mart probably has a lot of last seasons clubs for sale you can get a good deal on.
topgolf is disgusting (unless you bring your own clubs but that's too try hard).
he went to uc berkeley so he's very PC. but otherwise he seems nice enough. my favorite golfer is probably phil followed by rahm.
asian golfers can be annoying as fuck on the course.
this is good advice.
>you will never be good enough to need fairway woods or a bunch of wedges for at least a few years,
a few YEARS? kek.
you should be buying $ELY, unironically (they bought topgolf last year).

>> No.30018612

lol wat It's all just a natural body rotation, weight shift and turning over your wrists at the right time

>> No.30018689

also you need to make sure you warm up and stretch before you play. otherwise you'll fuck your back up since the golf swing (in general) puts a lot of pressure on your lower vertebrae.

btw who here /ping/ crew?

>> No.30018782

Putter only now, I miss my old set of Zing 2s

>> No.30018797
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boring boomer hobby only prevalent pre internet because hanging out at the country club was the only way to mingle with other elites and exchange insiders tips, rendered utterly pointless in the era of instant messaging and private telegram groups and only larps and pseuds still cling onto it as a form of social status symbol, it's as retarded as collecting luxury watches in the era of smartphones or buying books as furtniture instead of pirating on a kindle

>> No.30018873

make it.
spends rest of life locked in apartment cooming and eating delivery. orders hookers. dies. kys now.

>> No.30018900

based. kushin? same here. zing 2s were based as well. i rock g400s (entire set).

>> No.30018919

Taylormade for the whole bag apart from a few.

New p790s (they're a fucking dream), Burner 2.0 (regripped three times now, you'll never take this driver from me), Early 90s Wilson Tour 5-Wood (again, from my cold dead hands) and my 1980s Wilson Tour Staff Sand Wedge (Regripped and regrooved infinite times)

I'm super picky about all of that but my putter is out of a Nike Slingshot set I bought for my wife years ago. Dunno why, I just like that putter.

>> No.30018968

I've been hit in the head by a golf ball and it was at a fucking mini golf course some asshole hit it like a driver I had no idea where it even came from

>> No.30018973

Love it although I'm really bad at it and dont have much time to play cus wagie

>> No.30019056

Anser 2i.
Got a set of Cobras now..they're decent but I'm looking to grab a new set this year, not sure what yet.

>> No.30019092
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this you bro?

>> No.30019114

My first summer job was being a green striper at a local golf course. Making the checkerboard pattern as the sun comes up, listening to a walkman was pretty chill. Sounds gay but I miss that job

>> No.30019136

> Playing the most autistic and slow paced sport ever.
> Tfw you will never know the friendship & comradery of team sport.
> Literal sport for autists. Google it.

>> No.30019183

That sounds so great.

>> No.30019219

Do you think his swing feels natural? That's your swing right there feeling all clunky.

>> No.30019275

Just weight shift and turn wrists at the right time bro ;)

>> No.30019307

/callaway/ crew

>> No.30019363

What kind of places does everyone like to play?
I live in mid-america so I'm sort of stuck, but I love mountain courses.

>> No.30019395

Hell yeah love it.
I have a nasty slice that I've never been able to get rid of so I just play all my shots left and end up doing decent because it's so remarkably consistent.

>> No.30019458

man the new sim2 stuff looks fucking god tier. i've also watched the foreplay guys do a sponsorship with wolff and fleetwood and they all struck the ball incredibly well (not sure how much was edited). as much as I like my pings (they have a lot of give, imo), I might go test some out. p790s look slick. i actually use my buddy's burner 2.0 once before and it drove the ball incredibly well. fuck man time to go to the store.
kek. at least you got a funny store out of it.
>anser 2i
damn, anon are you in your 70s?
based. i've been playing the chrome softs lately and have been liking them. also rocking a callaway glove lately.
on west coast but my favorite are links style by far.

>> No.30019503

My drive summed up perfectly

>> No.30019518

>damn, anon are you in your 70s?
I've tried but just can't give it up, I know it too well.
Oddly I just turned 30.

>> No.30019552

A game that is most popular in New England and Scandinavia and requires some understanding of flight mechanics, sounds based to me senpai.

>> No.30019569

no thanks, I'm straight

>> No.30019575

Did you never play baseball growing up? Just keep practicing you'll get there.

>> No.30019612

by ethnic he meant uncivilized peoples

>> No.30019687

I'm Irish, so we're spoilt for choice. There are countless world class links and parklands within a couple of hours drive.

My local is a parkland, but I grew up playing links.

>> No.30019892

Golf is for boomers, I'm a cyclist

>> No.30019953

I can shitpost about losing money on crypto, enjoy a good loss in a videogame, but something about being bad at chip and putt golf or mini golf makes me so mad I can't play it anymore. I went to a driving range and missed the ball a few times in a row and threw the club on the range and went home the last time I went, I can't handle it.

>> No.30019960

you mean game

>> No.30020135

My only chip in was basically a putt kek

>> No.30020159

That's kinda the whole point of golf imo. At the end of the day, you're only playing yourself. It requires you to be a bit more zen about things otherwise you're gonna fuck it up.

>> No.30020366

Try to turn your shoulder in more so you can see (more) of your glove’s logo.
Based 30 year old boomer. If it works, why mess up a good thing.
Envious and low key considering moving to Ireland because of that and I’m tired of burgerland.
It’s meant to be a difficult game you can take with you throughout life and anywhere in the world. You need to practice though. Very rarely is anyone naturally good at golf. Just stick with it. Find a course that has a little chipping area and work on your short game. Then you can apply that to your irons. Driving and putting is a different skill that you can work on later.

>> No.30020632

Tiger Woods

>> No.30020787

yes, it's great. it isn't that hard to learn to make par either, you can learn and get good with really cheap equipment too.
one overlooked thing is that you don't have to play a round of golf, you can just go to the driving range solo or with friends and have a great time

>> No.30020849

I used to hate golf more than anything and golfers as well, it's so boring and cost money but some day I realized that's why people play. It's so low stakes and about enjoying your life and shitty beer with your rich boomer friends.

>> No.30020855

Buy a box set of clubs, or get someone experienced to find you a decent used set. Have fun on the range. Watch some youtube videos (Shawn Clement is great for fundamentals). Don't swing above 70% power. Focus on iron striking and wedges - but feel free to have fun with the driver, just don't focus on it.

You can get going with one club to start - try a 7 iron.

Golf is hard, but you can make good progress if you keep at it. 2 years, no lessons, and at a 6hcp.

>> No.30020944

6 months is way too much. I shot 105 my first time out after about 3 weeks. Just manage your expectations, and go with someone patient and experienced. But also make sure you can hit the ball solidly 7/10 times and about where you want to send it before you go out.

>> No.30020994

Any anons who are serious about taking up golf in this thread btw, I'll give you the best tip I was ever given. 3/2/1.

For every three putts/short game, there are two iron shots, and one drive.

Practice accordingly.

>> No.30021047

Driving range sucks if you’re actually trying to improve though. You will hit a plateau once you get your swing down. Also a lot of munis only use mats which is way different from actually playing on grass. Would much rather just play a 9 with friends.

>> No.30021855

Used to play when I was younger. Recently picked up again. Broke 80 last week with 3 birdies for the round. Felt like a king

>> No.30022642

checked and based. had you played that course before?

>> No.30022768

Here's my idea for a fucking sport. I knock a ball into a gopher hole.

>> No.30023020

>most based
hitting a ball with a stick is not based lol

have you tried racing anything with a motor?

>> No.30023153

>I knock a ball into a gopher hole
its insane to think that golf is a multi million dollar market

>> No.30023815

drove my buddy's modded s2k years ago, but that shit isn't for me. i drive a reliable beater jap car. but try playing golf sometime. it will humble you. the cockiest people who've never played before are my favorite to play with.