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30010148 No.30010148[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

which coin will bring back my libido?

>> No.30010221

Blue Baikal for you

>> No.30010307

When I'm unsure on what to do I sort by % change and short some dubious pumped shitcoins.

>> No.30010357

The coin that makes you stop watching porn. Speaking from experience. My cock stopped working after years of porn addiction. So... buy GRT I guess.

>> No.30010363

same thing happened to me after only 3 years. you gotta end it bro. unless you have kids

>> No.30010409

She's too loose for your small dick.

You know what's the next step

>> No.30010449


>> No.30010470

steroid coin.

>> No.30010500

Stop watching porn and don’t even look at your dick except to piss. Guarantee in 3 weeks you will be dying to but in her

>> No.30010647
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The Chad Rat

>> No.30010691
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Cistanche deserticola, fren

>> No.30010701


>> No.30010949

Happened to me after 2 years with my ex. She got a bit chubby which is a turn-off for me though..

Serious question, how do people deal with this long term (if you don't want to cheat)? Is it possible to be sexually attracted to a 40 yo woman you've been with for like 15 years? I want to settle down with a girl and start a family at some point. But I don't want to not have any (good) sex for the rest of my life after being 10 years in.
Someone please red/ white/ black pill me on this. Maybe the solution is to allow the man to fuck other women (obviously not gonna let my wife/ gf fuck other men though)?

>> No.30011039

Happens with every gf for me.

Not just the sex, but I get tired of being around the same person all the time.

Sometimes I think it would be better to just stay single permanently.

>> No.30011912

You've had a girlfriend for 10 years and you haven't married her? I have to assume you have a good reason. It's probably the same reason you don't want to fuck her anymore.

Maybe you should reassess your position.

>> No.30012022

i will never marry.
we have kids and are basically married

>> No.30012073

36 years old. Been with wife for ten years. You get so used to each other that you don’t care about what’s gross about each other. Sex is still good man. No issues

>> No.30012258

I've had 60+ women and if I had them long enough (a few months, sometimes weeks) it was like that every single time. I have no idea how I'm supposed manage a life long partnership. I had zero interest in my gf of 4,5 years, wouldn't even touch her with a pole and I almost felt raped whenever she'd initiate sex. That shit freaks me out, how the fuck do people do it?

>> No.30012397

theres no point in a long term relationship without kids

>> No.30012450

Porn Coin

>> No.30012456

I can relate. Gf of 3 years and fucking is a chore sometimes. When I'm on cycle (steroids) the interest is back though.

>> No.30012461
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Is porn dick permanent bro? Nothing gives me a stiffy anymore

>> No.30012505

talk to a doctor

>> No.30012579

3.5 years here much the same problem, also blame porn and being into watching shit like femdom and find videos

>> No.30012687
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>> No.30012749


To get you penis working again you need Viagra and a asian girlfriend age 18-30

>> No.30012759

>jerk off
>no libido

pick one

>> No.30012800

black maca, you're welcome.

>> No.30012812


Asian hookers and Viagra is the only cure for porn addiction

>> No.30012865

incredibly based OP, keep it that way

>> No.30012927

Happens to most couples. Your relationship will reach a point where you have to make the active decision to keep staying together because you want to, rather than because your balls tell you to. You choose to because you're genuinely excited for a future with this person.
Once you both push past the hump you'll enter a new stage of relationship bliss. You both have to push through though, if either of you are reserved against the idea then you'll end up in a bitter relationship.

Stop watching porn and do nofap for a couple of months. You'll go literally insane at the two-three week mark but once you push through that you'll start getting boners again. Otherwise by some cialis online or from the doctor, I've been using cialis since a rough breakup nearly two years ago because my dick stopped working lol.

>> No.30013038

I do want to have kids at some point I think.. The thought of having mediocre/ no sex for the rest of my life and knowing that it will never get better just scares me.

>> No.30013062
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What it like to have a girlfriend?

>> No.30013104

This and those replies that mention compulsive behaviour (e.g. porn use that is better described as an addiction) are telling of relational trauma in your past that has so far gone unaddressed. I wish you all strength in defeating your fear of the other.

>> No.30013125

>in relationship for 10yrs
>one day i want kids
>10 yrs

>> No.30013251

I'm not OP

>> No.30013530

Is porn bad if you dont have a GF? I’m trying to re learn lucid dreaming so I can hook up there

>> No.30013618
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Fuck whyte biotches all day long sun

>> No.30013636

>10 years
Break up with her in the next 30 minutes. You’ve wasted your time with her and she takes other cocks.

>> No.30013718

Depends. But usually
> comfy
> fun
> romance
> sex
> having someone who supports you emotionally. This is mostly the man's job though... Don't count on women to be there for you if shit really hits the fan. Even if she's a good girl and loves/ loved you.
> Money sink (not that big of a problem if you're not a beta paypig though)
> HUGE time sink. You have to do all sorts of things you don't want to do and it gets tiring once you're over the honey moon phase. Y
> Having to deal with drama and listen to her bitch/ complain about random things

>> No.30013746

get a escort beta fuck faggot. no strings attached retard.

>> No.30013753
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Boomer here. Wife got fat. I see prostitutes sand sugar babies every week. I filter them to have the same eye and hair colour as my wife. I'm pretty sure that fat bitch is getting railed by a nigger on the side. She is fond of some African intern at work

>> No.30013794

Sell link and buy anything else. That should do it.

>> No.30013872

Hit the gym and watch your boners go back to high school levels

>> No.30013945

All it took for me was 4 days to start getting boners without assistance again and holy fuck jerking off felt amazing. I am really appalled at how difficult it was to simply not touch my penis for such a short amount of time though.

>> No.30014521

>>Money sink (not that big of a problem if you're not a beta paypig though)

This. I always know the person complaining about women has only had shitty women (or none at all) if they say they're a massive money sink. It's 2021, if your girl gets angry because you wont pay for her every time you go out/don't lavish her with gifts then find a new girl. Don't set a ridiculous standard when you first start dating either, people get used to being spoiled and react badly when that slows down, so don't set the precedent to start with. If she isn't working then don't date her unless she's chill as fuck and on NEETbux or something.
Buying her dinner every once in a while doesn't count as a massive money sink, btw. If you're spending more money on your girlfriend in a month then you're spending on yourself in a week, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.30015236
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So the redpill is to just cheat on your wife and give zero fucks?

>> No.30015364

As an incel the only tought that hinders me from jumping off a bridge is having sex and you come here and gloat how overrated it is

>> No.30015697

It really is overrated. At least by people who have never had it. It doesn't really feel any better than a good sex toy. The main appeal is the mental/ visual aspect.
If you've been trying for years and can't get laid, then just get a high quality hooker and get it out of your system. It might actually make you more comfident around women and stop putting pussy on a pedestal if you're not a virgin anymore.

>> No.30015761

As a volcel of several years, sex is overrated though. Any dumbfuck can breed, but not everyone can be a man of history.

>> No.30015920
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the biologically driven cycle rules us. be aware of it and minimize your personal risk.

>> No.30015934

Jerking off feels better than sex

>> No.30015951


I've been with my wife for over ten years with two kids. We still fuck at least once a week. Am I as attracted to her as I used to be? No. But I married her because she was both mother material and we have a similar worldview and some similar interests. Sex was lacking when kids were young, but now that kids are in school and I work from home, lunch breaks are great

>> No.30016051

more anal is the answer. For you or her

>> No.30016153

how the fuck do you get to this point

>> No.30016261

This is what happens when you have a relationship and you aren't a virgin. People in the old days would bond to one partner forever. I still sometimes catch my parents slobbering over each other after 20 years of marriage.

>> No.30016309

Proud of you, but once a week sounds like hell.

>> No.30016319

rip lad

>> No.30016377

This is also very important. Both you and the woman biologically expect to have a kid together after sleeping with each other for a while. The woman starts to subconsciously resent you for being impotent if you haven't impregnated after months of sex.

>> No.30016536

In Philippines, you get to reduce the minimum age range by 8 with right pimps.

>> No.30016854

Kek, that image is pretty accurate.

>> No.30016923

OP, take some MDMA with your girl

>> No.30017066

Uhhhh stop jerking off then your libido will come back

>> No.30017828
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>> No.30017965

t. retard

>> No.30018054

no bro i've been there before, it stops after you stop cumming to porn in a good 2-3 months

>> No.30018109

gingko biloba
sunflower lecithin
cardio, and weight lifting

>> No.30018126

i've had crazy orgasms from jerking off compared to sex so stay up bro

>> No.30018226
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>> No.30018592
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Kek this thread is a giant blackpill for me. I just got engaged. I'm coming up on the last real exit point soon. Definitely reconsidering all the time.

>> No.30019007

you must be a dicklet

>> No.30019629
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Maybe to be a man is to just navigate the blackpills and push forward the best way you can for better or worse.

>> No.30019686

Jesus, become a monk

>> No.30019860

Testosterone Enanthate coin

>> No.30019990
File: 392 KB, 1002x874, 84D78594-2D3A-40DA-BFCC-C9238D039A53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There’s a certain personality type that will never thrive in a relationship. Ever heard the phrase “familiarity breeds contempt”? If it applies to you, you’ll always be miserable.

I find myself absolutely residing everyone around me after a few years with them. The way they look, their mannerisms, I just start to hate them, even though I know rationally they’ve done nothing wrong and are better than me. It’s a terrible thing to have happen because very suddenly you just want to pack your bags and disappear.

>> No.30020226

dw i got my exit plan ready too