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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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30008755 No.30008755 [Reply] [Original]

Lets assume:

1. Everything in the top 200 by marketcap pumps during altseason
2. They all pump a full fib extension
3. This is regardless of fundamentals

Then it follows that:

The best buys RIGHT NOW are EOS, ZCash, Dash, Bitcoin Cash, Eth Classic and XRP because they will all pump and offer the highest percentage gains. Get these now and/or rotate some of your portfolio into them.

>but theyre shitcoins
Yes of course. But they will pump regardless. Do you want more money or do you want to finger your ass about the top-tier fundamentals of your favourite coins?

>> No.30008822

Don't fucking tell them.

>> No.30008932

Your assumptions makes your entire post a waste of internet

>> No.30009209

Find me 1 (ONE) large cap coin which didnt pump during alt season mania in 2013 and 2017/18.

>> No.30009472

Lmao bruh this guy >>30008932 probably buying Bitcoin and Eth right sitting way above their ATH when he could be buying coins which are 5-10 times below ATH hahahahahahahahah

>> No.30010158

This is literally life changing advice, but people would rather blow their load on muh bundabentals and chase massive green candles. Sigh

>> No.30010700

>alt season, pump full fib extension
please for the love of god, kys!

>> No.30010942

why would i kms when i am about to become filthy rich on shitcoins

>> No.30011075

>8 posts
>5 posts by this ID

>> No.30011416

roughly whats a full fib ext in % terms?

>> No.30011487 [DELETED] 


>> No.30012516

Completely depends on how far the coin is from 1. its ATH and 2. its bottom (usually March 2020).
Bitcoin Cash for example is around 27,000%, Eth Classic is 8000%. But this is from the absolute bottom to top.

>> No.30014140



>> No.30014241

i'm not buying your bags bro

>> No.30014498

These are the safest and most profitable options this alt season. If you want to chase donut and pancake, go ahead. I hope you don’t get rugpulled. Won’t happen with these coins

>> No.30014570

not 2017 anymore

>> No.30014824

Lay off the coke and phonepost less, PLEASE.

>> No.30015070
File: 418 KB, 896x492, X9832215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would those boomer coins be better than the new zoomer 2020 coins? Do you really think those coins will come anywhere close to their BTC ath? I mean it would definitely be interesting if it happened. For me personally, i always put myself in the shoes of the normies of normies and which coins they would buy on coinbase. I feel like none of these would fit the normie category

>> No.30015107

Bit beside the point, but it obviously is. Zcash and Dash are privacy coins that are not private - what could be more pointless than that? That said I have a bag of both of them because they will pump regardless of what either of us think.
why is this relevant? in 2017 you would have said "not 2013 anymore"

>> No.30015291

Chainlink is still preparing for its unveiling. It’s going to pull an ETH.

>> No.30015399

1. ALL of these coins are on coinbase (except XRP right now) and interestingly BCH and ETC are on Robinhood as well. if we're talking retail normans they will get themselves a slice of whatever is pumping that week.

2. because they are established high cap coins which have been around awhile. normans dont trust brand new coins they want something they know wont rug on them. these are established names, and once they start pumping a little normans will start fomoing in.

>> No.30015418

> let's assume altcoins will pump
> therefore the obvious best choices are these 5 coins out of the millions available because they are in my wallet

>> No.30015694

they were chosen because they are at the bottom of their cycles and have the most % left to go retard. All of them are shitcoins but they are simply lagging behind the rest of the market and will catch up

>> No.30016279

Thanks i will think about it they are nice picks for alt season

>> No.30016578

no worries fren. there are some safer options still kinda low like Litecoin, XLM, XMR etc but these offer the best % imo

>> No.30016745

thanks for youre wisdom, based anon i hope we make it

>> No.30016783
File: 465 KB, 1153x2908, 43509823098230490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if their fundamentals are so bad that they are just dead? Just look at how many coins from the peak of the 2017 bubble went down -99.99% and never came back. Bcash is objectively one of the worst shitcoins to exist. I agree that it could easily pump, but it's more likely the other defi stuff will pump even more

>> No.30016856

You should google “Dash Venezuela” and see what you find. Those folks don’t think it’s useless

>> No.30017099

Traded xrp for zilliqa. Aigmi?

>> No.30017189

ok nigger.
>mentions btc cash
>doesnt mention LTC

>> No.30017284

>It’s going to pull an ETH.
Lose 30% of its value overnight?

>> No.30017310

we're gna make it bro, alt season is right around the corner just got to cling on. i do think we are in for one more big dip on BTC (and alts) before then so be careful accumulating now.
It would be pretty over the top to say any of these coins are dead, you can create a bullish case for any of them. For example:

BCH and ETC are 2 of only 7 crypto on Robinhood. They along with Zcash have their own Grayscale trusts. EOS and Block.One have an exchange coming out along with their 140,000 BTC war chest to use. Dash had use in Venezula, XRP had a promising initial SEC hearing.

Secondly, these coins havnt gone down 99% to never return. They are all up from their March lows, just suppressed. There are laggards in every cycle, these coins are no exceptions.

No - you will kick yourself when XRP pumps.
I have some Litecoin but its up 600% from March - there are just better choices in terms of percentages right now.

>> No.30017547

YLD app is the only coin you need for alt gains

>> No.30018022

Yes but compare 600% to BTC since March. 600% isnt that much in this market, plus it really has the most going for it as far as news goes out of the bunch you mentioned. I here XRP has some new things coming as well, but I dont know anything about that. I can only speculate, but privacy features are honestly one of the biggest upgrades a coin can make right now. If LTC can compete with monero it has a bright future. Privacy coins are the main ones that get me exited.