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30002967 No.30002967[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you’re an adult male who’s failed to get a wife and kids there’s literally, unironically no point in living.

>> No.30003067
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>> No.30003167

I ain't dying until I've read the ending of One Piece. After that I'll take a long look at myself but hopefully I'll be rich by then and blow all my crypto on booze, buy a boat and go sailing. I'll die in a storm and join the heroes at the bottom of the sea

>> No.30003212

>I'll die in a storm and join the heroes at the bottom of the sea

>> No.30003488

>bringing kids to this god forsaken world
peak normie

>> No.30003558

I like sandwiches and drugs and big fat asses

>> No.30003632


>> No.30003642

based anon. you re poised to greatness

>> No.30003715

I've pretty much abandoned my kid to travel the world fucking women. It's wrong but can't help it.

>> No.30003717

mom would be sad if I rope and also >>30003488

>> No.30003860

whoa... so this is the power of conformity...

>> No.30003930

>wagecucking as a child therapist
>get sense of paternity and fulfillment
>hand them back to their dumbfuck parents at 3pm
>go home and shitpost on /biz/, watch anime and cum on my gf's belly

Parents are fucked for life lol, you will never have the same freedom or happiness that is achieved without them. As soon as a child is introduced into the world, you either lose 90% of life's possibilities or do what Jamal does and go get a pack of cigarettes.

>> No.30003949

i know but you're expecting too much from me if you think i'm going to neck myself because of it

>> No.30003991

The most bluepilled take possible.
Why would I base my self worth on the opinion of a child?

>> No.30004005

unironically $1k
bought and lost on trading
what a tard, now he cries on every /biz/ shit
don’t send him funds
I suggested him to take part in fucking amazing justliquidity and hold bomb juld but sounds like he is too stupid to realize this

>> No.30004079

Men can get married and have kids at basically any age. enjoy your life and get a young wife to take care of you. Stop falling for every dumb meme pushed on you

>> No.30004104

False. The point of living is to keep working to get a wife and kids. It's never too late anon. Read the book Reality Transurfing if you want to find out how to manifest wealth and a trad wife in your life.

>> No.30004136

What if you had a wife and kids, but she divorced you and took them?

>> No.30004250

This cheap world should be experienced cunt eyed, with a needle hanging out of your arm. If I have a kid I'll give him/her the needle if you die your all the better for it.

>> No.30004460

I had a wife that took half my shit, I basically paid for her new house and then some.

>> No.30004515

why are marriage laws fucked like that? i even talked to guys who are ok with this.

>> No.30004599

What's the main reason a kid needs to see you anon? You called the parents dumbfucks. What are they mostly doing wrong that means they need you to fix their kids?

>> No.30004710

based AF
gave me goosebumps

>> No.30004757

based af

>> No.30004776


>> No.30004881

>If you’re an adult there’s literally, unironically no point in living.


>> No.30004909

The laws are antiquated, historically wives stayed home and didn't have careers but that's just not the case anymore and we still get fucked. It sucks watching half your 401k go out the door

>> No.30004960

I’m in no rush to get married. I’m 25 and just starting my career. I want to have a solid amount of resources and a top tier wife for my kid, I’m fine waiting until my 30s.

>> No.30004989

Scarily based

>> No.30005057
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>> No.30005063


I’m 28, have literally lost count of how many women have rejected me. 300k net worth. Most days I wish I was dead.

>> No.30005116

Feel that brother

>> No.30005128

>living for shallow dopamine hits like video games, crypto gains, and movies.
>killing yourself when you're 55 because you realize you failed to fulfill your only biological imperative.
It doesn't matter if you aren't white though. It's not like your kids are going to invent anything or contribute to society in any meaningful way.

>> No.30005144
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>chaining yourself to a woman who only depreciates in value and can fuck you over and steal all your money through divorce rape
>bring little shits into this horrible world that will require your constant mental, physical and financial support and will probably hate you for it.
>not just keeping your money to buy anime collectables

Not good business acumen anon. Not good at all.

>> No.30005145

Ive had to cope with dropping my son off with grandparents to travel for a couple months at a time to have fun. Its comfy being able to do it pre-coof but coming back has always made me try to save more, find the higher APYs, buy less for the next time I go out to bang out the locals before returning to my offspring with gifts.

>> No.30005187

except to get.. you know a wife and kids

>> No.30005244
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I have a wife and 4 kids, I'll only feel like I've made it in life if one of my shitcoin stacks moons

>> No.30005270

Hey at least you weren’t DIVORCED by 28 and at least you aren’t basically gambling with your law school loan money

>> No.30005286

you're really cool anon, thanks for adding another retard with daddy issues to this world. I wonder if you'll bump into them on a street corner one day?

>> No.30005313

No no there is no if.
There is unironically no point in living.

>> No.30005325


>> No.30005345

you have no personality then, you are just a collection of genes that wants to duplicate
imagine being cucked by things that are microscopic, absolutely fucking pathetic

>> No.30005354

I don't care about procreation and passing on my genes. I'm here to be a burden to society, a society and civilization that I despise.

>> No.30005375


>> No.30005434

>I wonder if you'll bump into them on a street corner one day?
i feel like ive read that one before

>> No.30005442

My wife just gave birth last night

>> No.30005464
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>> No.30005526

Based and ascensionpilled

>> No.30005545

uh, kill? why off yourself when you can help contribute to the much needed cull of humanity

>> No.30005558

Congrats, man. Your life will now be qn order of magnitude more stressful, and you'll never be happier

>> No.30005577

You're all welcome on my ship sailor bros. I'll call her /biz/tanic

>> No.30005595

OP is right, zoomers will find this the hard way

>> No.30005644

very useful post, thanks anon

>> No.30005682

I live to make hoes mad

>> No.30005710
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>You are just a collection of genes that wants to duplicate
I mean yeah. That's what you are. Any other purpose means you are defective, a genetic dead end.

>> No.30005726
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>OP is right, zoomers will find this the hard way

>> No.30005843
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I just became a dad last week. I feel extremely lucky because my wife is based and redpilled on Jews and nonwhites. Feel like I hit the lottery.

My contribution to this nation will be raising a based and redpilled daughter. I will marry her off to a worthy Chad and they will give me many grandchildren to destroy ZOG.

When I am old I will gather them in my lap and tell them about 2011 /sp/ and how the Jews did 9/11

>> No.30005897

nice pic

>> No.30005898

>blaming an r-selected subspecies for doing r-selection things

>> No.30005970

Husband and father here. You're unbelievably retarded. The whole reason I started investing in the first place was to make enough money to retreat to the wilderness and pay someone else to raise my children. Being a father is unmitigated suffering and even if your wife ages well she will never be as physically attractive or novel as the next week's 19 year old hooker. Bottom line, life is always horrible no matter what, your fathers lied to you when they said it was worth living and the closer you are to dying of natural causes, the more afraid you'll be to kill yourself.

>> No.30005982

>I mean yeah. That's what you are.
No, you are a consciousness made by your genes you fucking moron
>Any other purpose means you are defective, a genetic dead end.
No, it means that your genes failed to create a consciousness that reproduces those genes. Your consciousness (You) is still free to invent the atom bomb, or walk on the moon or do what ever (You) want to do.
Newton's genes dont realize that we still speak of him, buts its a far more all encompassing legacy than some shithead kids no one will ever know.

>> No.30006046

Massive faggot FUD
People had kids during world wars you stupid fucking jew

>> No.30006083

Nice try brainwashed goyim. The structure of the modern family only exists so that the banks can get leveraged debt over the housing market

>> No.30006086

You're right, but the copers on here will hate you for speaking the truth.

>> No.30006101

ok, I'm out

>> No.30006113

I would be the cool wine uncle :)

>> No.30006119

>People had kids during world wars
because women are whores that can get away with it easiest when the man is overseas

>> No.30006178

you're going to ruin your life if you do that, the emptiness of your life will destroy you

>> No.30006187

>Being a father is unmitigated suffering
this, based

>> No.30006205

Your bot is broken

>> No.30006297

My sister had 2 kids and it feels like I’m dying inside when she brings them over and I have to look after them

They’re just too much effort, they drain all energy out of me and I can’t relax at all, it’s pure suffering. I only put on a pretend happy face to not upset my sister but I actually cannot stand her kids at all.

I’m glad she had kids before me so now I know not to have them. Just 1 weekend looking after them is enough to have me hating life, can’t imagine being locked to that for 18-25 years

>> No.30006332

What if one of your kids gets shitcoin rich first?

>> No.30006336

>that your genes failed to create a consciousness that reproduces those genes
Right. A defective mutation.
>Your consciousness (You) is still free to invent the atom bomb, or walk on the moon or do what ever (You) want to do
And it won't really matter because you'll have failed to pass on your genes. You'll just die like a bitch. Nobody to carry on your personality or genius.
>Newton's genes dont realize that we still speak of him, buts its a far more all encompassing legacy than some shithead kids no one will ever know.
Newton's genes were twice as valuable as any of his accomplishments. Genes get reshuffled and it is crucial that the people on the far right of the curve pass them on or society will turn into favellas monkeys that can't even pronounce "Newton". Don't get mad at me dude I don't make the rules.

>> No.30006364

i think its fair to assess whether or not you have a personality cut out for kids. obviously things change and people do change, i'm sure if i ever had kids (very unlikely) i'd learn to live with it and cherish them. but for now DINK is the endgame

>> No.30006365

My wife like this too. It's awesome. We just had a beautiful white baby together (which is rare these days)

>> No.30006402

All that pompous Steven Pinker talk will not help the fact that people will lose respect for you once you admit that you're over 30 and childless. You can be CEO of BBC and even the cleaning staff will look down on you for being the end of your bloodline.

>> No.30006428

nice fight club philosophy you got there, trad life is where it's at
the world sucks I know, but you still have to go for it

>> No.30006465
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I’m happy to read that, congrats anon!

>> No.30006468

I'd be ecstatic! I only live for their happi-

Oh, op is right.

>> No.30006469

There's always drugs and smoosh smoosh

>> No.30006501

I won't die until I see Half Life 3, ETH 2.0, and the ending of Berserk

>> No.30006513

I am 26 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.30006516

It's different for your own kids. I never liked them until I had mine. Also babies are quite boring to men. Once the kids can walk and do activities, they tend to like the dad more and are way more fun

>> No.30006538


>> No.30006539

>no arguments
>just crying

>people will lose respect
caring about plebs, what a sad life
couldnt even imagine

>the world sucks I know, but you still have to go for it
you began talking, and then your genes finished the last part of your sentence

>> No.30006572

Suddenly, I’m white pilled good luck frens

>> No.30006629

Are you Asian?

>> No.30006692

mozz got yall's back

>> No.30006708

Unironically not having kids because this world sucks is the bigger normie move. More and more millennials and zoomers are writing off the idea of having kids because they think the world is going to end to climate change in 50 years.

>> No.30006716

how old are you?

>> No.30006797


>> No.30006816

We must outbreed the normies abs inherit the earth

It’s what the Amish are doing

>> No.30006877
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Imagine getting a wife and kids when you can just live on your own, bang traps, take tren, play vidya, cook, travel, and drive a nice car. You faggots will never experience life with a wife and kids

>> No.30006909


>> No.30006956

>investing all that time and effort just to raise whatever horrifying shit is going to come after zoomers
Why don't I just go down to the slaughterhouse and walk into the chute instead?

>> No.30006960

back to your godawful containment general on >>>/lit/

>> No.30006971
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>imagine burning in hell for all eternity for 80 years worth of hedonism

>> No.30007005

I just became a father, biz made me 7 figures, feels good man

>> No.30007068


>> No.30007078


>> No.30007104


Being saved is not conditioned upon being married and reproducing. In fact, anon could do all of those things as long as he sincerely repents.

>> No.30007172
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So much this. Anti-natalism is peak 'woe is me', acting like the world is so terrible despite being able to sit on your ass all day and still be safer, richer and healthier than all kings and queens of the past could have ever dreamt of.

>> No.30007215

get a job, wife, kids, house, stable life, stable money, stable mood, stable education, stable heritage

>> No.30007240

Banging whores abs doing drugs does not sound like repentance

>> No.30007305

>The endgame of life is death

>> No.30007317

My father was in his forties when he had me and I have, by far, the best genes out of my brothers. As long as you don't waste your seed jacking off, you'll be good to go whenever you decide to have kids.
Also Sage
Also this belongs in /pol

>> No.30007326

They are strengthening challenging behaviors and not doing enough to strengthen prosocial behaviors.

>> No.30007351


Repent after he does those things you retard.

>Go and sin no more

>> No.30007383

women are a huge liability, just keep in mind

>> No.30007438

If we weren't supposed to do ketamine then why is it so much like being hugged by God?

>> No.30007504

>Be 40
>Banged chicks yearly
>Didnt marry, didnt have kids (that I know of)
>Was able to buy house and be completely debt free
I can tell you now that at 40 I can get any 20ish year old I want to marry.

>> No.30007515

Sounds like Protestant logic

Who is to say God won’t kill him before he has a chance to repent for his sins? That’s a bad way to live. Also a sin...taking advantage of Gods grace and presuming forgiveness

>> No.30007567

be careful man

>> No.30007579

I didn't want to have kids until I realized I was agreeing with faggots who buy
>anime collectables
kys, no one wants to fuck you anyway