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29981595 No.29981595 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a conspiracy to keep BTC from being great?


>> No.29981656

by posting that link you've already been redpilled. why make this thread?

>> No.29981762

worse schizos than XRP

>> No.29981764

Cause it sounds like something from /pol/

>> No.29981940

To believe the BSV conspiracy theory, you have to believe Craig Wright when he says over and over that blockchain signatures can't be relied on to prove anything meaningfully but lawyers and judges can.

>> No.29982191

I’d just like to interject for a moment. What you’re refering to as Bitcoin, is in fact, BTC on the Bitcoin blockchain platform, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, BTC on Bitcoin.

>> No.29982240

For starters, how come the original Bitcoin was supposed to have "transaction fees 1/100 of a penny" and "instant transactions" but in practice, this is not even close to reality?
And if all of that knowledge is there, why hasn't it happened in over a decade after being published?

>> No.29982745
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>> No.29982762

Technology that upsets the power balance will be suppressed. Technology than cannot be controlled will be suppressed. Peer-to-peer electronic cash breaks the financial system, so the protocol was downgraded and the narrative was changed to "Bitcoin is a store of value".

>> No.29983022 [DELETED] 

>For starters, how come the original Bitcoin was supposed to have "transaction fees 1/100 of a penny" and "instant transactions" but in practice, this is not even close to reality?
I have ther same question.
Also they claim that "in the future, blablabla"... So they do intend to modifiy to original Bitcoin, right? Like BTC and BCH do.

>> No.29983079

fuck off fraud
stop scamming people

>> No.29983094 [DELETED] 

modifiy *the original Bitcoin

>> No.29983219

Absolutely seething.

>> No.29983255

>For starters, how come the original Bitcoin was supposed to have "transaction fees 1/100 of a penny" and "instant transactions" but in practice, this is not even close to reality?
I have the same question.
Also they claim that "in the future, blablabla"... So they do intend to modify the original Bitcoin, right? Like BTC and BCH do.

>> No.29983317

scammer get the rope
fuck off in antigua you fucking pedo

>> No.29983342
File: 275 KB, 1475x2048, Satoshi Nakamoto - Deal With it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bless whoever made that page.
Im arguing it up over here.

Ah thread just died.
Yes BSV id the original bitcoin.

>> No.29983384

BSV already has sub-cent transaction fees.
The solution is literally right here and already exists at your fingertips. It's just being suppressed via control of the narrative.

>> No.29983390


>> No.29983418

>BSV already has sub-cent transaction fees.
because nobody uses it lmao

>> No.29983452

Wrong. There are around 300k transactions per day on both BSV and BTC networks. Yet, BSV is over 20000x cheaper.

>> No.29983524

Nobody is buying your bags

how does it feel knowing BTC went 10x since march 2020, yet BSV is 70% of its march 2020 price?

>> No.29983576

>BSV already has sub-cent transaction fees.
Did the original Bitcoin (let's say the last commit from Satoshi himself) have such low fees and speed? Or it is because of improvements made on BSV?

>> No.29983592
File: 49 KB, 716x543, Bitcoin Whitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also they claim that "in the future, blablabla"... So they do intend to modify the original Bitcoin, right? Like BTC and BCH do.
Yes by scaling Bitcoin, which BTC did not do.
BCH did it but they went against the protocol by adding in things like Schorr Signatures and Avalanche which makes it reliant upon third parties which is 100% against the protocol. Read the Abstract to the White paper (The white paper IS the protocol)

>> No.29983631
File: 75 KB, 1334x750, Total transactions BTC BCH BSV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29983669

>>how does it feel knowing BTC went 10x since march 2020, yet BSV is 70% of its march 2020 price?
Feels great! I own both.
BSV however will win in the end. Use trumps speculation in the end.

>> No.29983739

I have bought some BSV now in February, but didnt seem any price movement at all. The projects being built on it looks interesting, though. Unfortunatelly these projects are obfuscated by Craig and his court stuff. BSV should focus more in bringing these projects to light and show people what is being developed, instead of all the ego blasting intrigues around Craig. By what I have read, BSV should be in the top 10, it should have more value than BCH, or at least be close to it.

>> No.29983806

>removed bitcoin
>inserts scam coin line instead
holy shit. the sheer desperation.
this graph is so bullish for Bitcoin core, holy shit.

>> No.29983899


Except it doesn't and BSV isn't Bitcoin. But keep keep chirping about it you paid shills, no-one else actually cares

>> No.29983957

Before Blockstream and segwit, the blocksize was initially limited, but Satoshi mentioned increasing the blocksize over time:
BSV has removed the blocksize limit, which massively boosts the potential scaling of the network.

>> No.29983961
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Yes, you aren't saying anything that isn't said in BSV circles daily.
It's really about what Bitcoin was about, in say 2013; Changing the world.
Price will follow. BSV has some very heavy hitters shorting the shit out of it since 2019.
Don't worry about price. Use BSV just like what Satoshi envisioned. It will pop in time.

Look at all these use cases int he last 6 months. It's insane really.

>> No.29984101
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Thanks for the link, just sold all.
As soon as spergs like you take over it is unironically over.
Aspies like that are the reason nobody uses linux and it will be the same with Bitcoin

>> No.29984109

all of this obvious paid shilling is getting tiresome. cant you clean this shit up like you do everything else jannies?

>> No.29984129

Are you slow ? It's a live chart at the end of 2020

>> No.29984251

>btc not bitcoin
this just comes off as sour grapes seething

>> No.29984277

>stealth blames the jews
Makes it more confusing by jumping back and forth between BSV and Bitcoin.
So basically Bitcoin tried becoming money so then autists made a new bitcoin to replace it.
How does this not prove bitcoin is retarded and we should just stick with fiat?

You dumb niggers keep colliding with 2000 years of economic evolution and acting confused when you can't just cheat code your way into revamping the entire world's financial system.

>> No.29984279

Why would the world flip over to BSV, even if BTC completely collapses? Wouldn't they want to switch to ETH, XMR, LTC, or something else?

I personally won't invest in BSV because I already got burned with "BCH is the real bitcoin". Others feel the same way.

>> No.29984325

>Except it doesn't and BSV isn't Bitcoin
because you say so, right got it.
Just so you know the protocol IS the whitepaper and the Protocol was not included in the MIT License. BSV is the only fork of Bitcoin that uses the 2009 protocol.
and they are ALL forks. BTC, BSV and BCH.

>> No.29984396

Kek Idgaf how you call it, tard. I'm a newbie to crypto and wanted to know how's that possible the knowledge for a x1000 cheaper transactions is not used over a decade after it was originally envisioned

>> No.29984431

>Why would the world flip over to BSV, even if BTC completely collapses? Wouldn't they want to switch to ETH, XMR, LTC, or something else?
Because it does anything any other coin does but at scale and ON-Chain.
It's trustless, uses POW, No third party involved, Immutable and peer to peer with 1 sat fees. That's why.

>> No.29984537

>posts bullshit
>believes in a con artist and a liar
>useless spam generator
Excuse you, you are talking to one of your betters. I don't accept comments from people like you.

>> No.29984575
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>> No.29984596

Scaling combined with scripting.
Monero is pretty nice though.

>> No.29984617

you know there is and it's the usual suspects
gregory maxwell, the loudest opponent is a _ _ _

>> No.29984646
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Holy shit I just had to send $1000 in bitcoin core and the transaction fee was $175. what the fuck? people really think BTC is the future? why do people actually shill this bullshit??

>> No.29984671
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>Desperate attempt to shill BSV bags #863

>> No.29984694
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Just like Satoshi designed amirght ?

>> No.29984709

Did BSV add anything else? They changed a constant and that's it, the code is otherwise identical to the last commit from Satoshi?

>> No.29984754
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Just use a credit card with cashback, BTC is a store of value and not meant to be spent.

>> No.29984769
File: 153 KB, 1142x1156, Legacy Chain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's right but technically they had to strip all the BTC and BCH changes to get it back to the 2009 protocol.

>> No.29984832


>> No.29984924

Why not start from the latest commit from Satoshi instead?

>> No.29984965
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Go on, what's your excuse for this?

>> No.29984989

why wouldnt I just store my value in a coin that actually works? or an index fund for that matter

>> No.29985081

Because it would make millions of dollars disappear from people who support BSV and have supported Bitcoin from day 1. I bought my first bitcoin in 2011. Why should I lose them because Digital Currency Group, AXA and Blockstream decided to change the protocol in 2017 ?

>> No.29985119

genuine question about bsv, ifg its the true coin as satoshi wanted, how can one retard's patents get around something not even the government should be able to stop the advent of.

>> No.29985187

>I'm a newbie to crpypto and I'm just curious how <insert generic talking point for shitcoin #5493>
Classic astroturf tactics. Nobody over 120 IQ is falling for it nigger

>> No.29985306

Come on now... do you really doubt that Bitcoin (BTC) is a store of value? Satoshi intended it as digital gold! The limited supply makes it inherently valuable, I know the whitepaper says peer-to-peer electronic cash and Satoshi talked about massive scaling, but 6 megabytes per hour is enough and should never be changed.

>> No.29985343

Bitcoin was created as a competition to visa, and mastercard. Not to gold like it is right now. Although CIA niggers found Satoshi (they've stated it many year ago), and imo. they killed him. They installed blockstream to cripple Bitcoin, to give banking Jews more time to create CBDC. Craig is most probably a CIA asset. His role is to mock big blockers for good. In any case don't ever think of buying BSV. Craig didn't show any cryptographic proof for 6 years, and he won't, as he doesn't have any. BTC in the long run is also a dead end. Since miners can't earn revenue from fees, and block rewards are constantly getting smaller, than miners will simply not have money to run the blockchain. So either BTC will be moved to PoS, or inflation will be implemented at some point. Or it'll die. The best you can invest in would be coins, that are cooperating with bankers.

>> No.29985361

That's easy. In the 2020 Kleiman case the court ordered that Craig Wright show all his "Bitcoin address" that he has ever used or had control over.
Now if you you remember way back to 2009 one thing was set in stone by Satoshi as per proper use of Bitcoin addresses was; "Use a new address for every single transaction".
So, Craig Wright had literally millions of address. An Algorithm was made by Steve Shadders to make a list for the court of all the addresses. The algorithm was not perfect and addresses were added to the list that were not Craig Wright's.
The court accepted this and if you don't, who cares.

>> No.29985406

shadders bug scraped a lot of addresses into the list by mistake
fud dispelled already a year ago, go back greg

>> No.29985503


>> No.29985862

The whole 'store of value' debate and scarcity (21m) misses the point entirely. Satoshi's long game was to create a data infrastructure that can incentivize transactions/data interactions. If you think of the data-based economy that's evolving, that's MUCH MORE significant than the hodler narrative

>> No.29985952

it's great it has 100000 times more adoption than the cash forks.

>> No.29986015

So did the Rhodesian dollar. Whats you point ?

>> No.29986112

my point is when you betting against btc you are pissing against a hurricane

>> No.29986152
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>He claimed that millions of addresses were all pointing at his money and then when it turned out that it wasn't actually his he said haha oops well that one isn't actually mine but the rest still are btw and we know it's true because a judge rolled his eyes and admitted the claim into evidence the same way you admit every other dumbass thing a claimant presents as long as it isn't a Rules of Evidence violation
Jesus Christ.

>> No.29986154
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Anything ISO 20022 related. I'm biased towards XRP, and you won't hear anything good about it from me. It's too high in the marketcap for me to make it. Since I was hodling BSV, I lost a lot of potential gains (made like 70% instead of like 10x). Currently I need 10x to make it, and because of that I prefer Algorand way more. It doesn't have bad PR of XRP, and it's tx/s, and fees are on a level of BSV, without wasting tones of energy for mining.

>> No.29986217

BSV bagholders are truly fucking morons.

>> No.29986405

Thanks for all the answers.
That said, I'm uncomfortable with all versions of Bitcoin, desu. I admit BSV believers have some very good points (I do think BTC is manipulated as fuck), but I also don't think the original code, as is, is a viable solution. I'm going to stick to Monero for now, even if it's not the OG.

>> No.29986421

yeah it's amazing how stupid they can get when they go for it.

>> No.29986452

Based high IQ chads. I'm glad I get to share Biz with people like you who aren't falling for the most ovirt and obvious bullshit conjured on this basket weaving site.

>> No.29986467

Yep, well put.

>> No.29986469

nice i got a big bag of ALGO at .3150, so i would agree with that. still dont have any XDC or IOTA, probably should, but Im also making good money staking shitcoins so idk if its worth the opportunity cost when I already own 3 major ISO20022 coins.

>> No.29986536

You think we don't hold BTC as well ?
The vast majority of BSV proponents are early Bitcoin adopters.
We however believe in Satoshis Vision that Bitcoin was meant to be used as peer to peer cash in every corner of the world, to allow farmers to sell their crops directly to consumers and for people to be their own Uber amongst 1000 other use cases.

Watch this. This is what the vision is.

>> No.29986646

Nothing wrong with Monero. Completely different use case.

>> No.29986770

>You think we don't hold BTC as well ?
i always assume when i meet a retard that he is a full retard.

>> No.29986847

Too bad that law works in courts and not in your mind.
You do know that the Klieman's lawyers have agreed to the addresses in the Tulip trust.
Just wait till he get's the rights legally to the protocol.. Stay salty.

>> No.29986875

also you can't possibly pay me enough to listen to that homosexuals incoherent ramblings about things he doesn't understand.

>> No.29986908
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Must have gleamed that from staring in the mirror

>> No.29986924

Seriously. And the low IQ shilling in every thread.

>> No.29986968

Monero indeed has a use case, but governments hate anonymity coins. They'll sooner or later make it impossible for you to cash out. I'd advise you to only use it, when you need it, and hodl something else, that you can actually make money on.

These picks might not be final. Imo. IOTA is a vaporware. But I might be wrong. If you want to jump on these coins, at least make a lot of research before doing so. I don't do research anymore on them, as I don't see them outperforming Algo.

Rulers will never let that happen. In 10 years there probably won't be a single PoW coin left.

>> No.29987013
File: 352 KB, 2000x1116, Bitcoin BSV 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lso you can't possibly pay me enough to listen to that homosexuals incoherent ramblings about things he doesn't understand
Oh you mean like Bitcoin being turing complete.
You are a typical fag. Throwing around name calling and not showing any substance.

Wonder why you haters never bring this up

Craig Wright smacked down every developer on planet earth.
He was the only person on PLANET EARTH that knew that Bitcoin was turing complete.
He told everyone that Bitcoin is Turing Complete at a conference. Look at the reaction.
This went on for months on Twitter and blogs and forums. He's insane, he's a grifter.

and yet it turns out he was 100% correct.
https://twitter.com/sinoTrinity/status/1355577117619044352 (embed)

and people don't understand WHY that is important. Keep buying your non scalable coins. BSV Will have it's day in the sun DESPITE 15,662,247 BSV being actively shorted for over a year. If those shorts ever close their position that will be a 433% rise in price if not one coin is purchased.

>> No.29987468

BSV is stupid white man corpo coin.

>> No.29987757

>Wonder why you haters never bring this up
>Shares video
>Craig gets BTFOed by first guy who responds on stage
>Second guy says "well, if another language is Turing complete, then it could talk with bitcoin if a whole new code was made"
>Thinks this means bitcoin is "turing complete"

>> No.29987847

how to buy bags for village?

>> No.29987854

>Oh you mean like Bitcoin being turing complete.
it's fucking not
attaching external turing machines to it to drive non deterministic smart contracts still don't count.

>> No.29988056

>Craig gets BTFOed by first guy who responds on stage
Yeah and that second guy was WRONG 100%
See you think calling someone an idiot wins a debate. This is why you will lose in the end.

Bitcoin IS Turing complete. That's just a fact.

>> No.29988160

Nope you are wrong.

>> No.29988201

>Bitcoin IS Turing complete. That's just a fact.
it's a well known fact it's not. and that was a conscious design decision as you would only need a single opcode to turn bitcoin turing complete: a conditional jump operator. satoshi was an accomplished programmer and added like a hundred opcodes he didn't make that by mistake.

>> No.29988219
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>Too bad that law works in courts and not in your mind.
I'm literally a licensed attorney. That's why I'm not moved by all the ramblings of schizoid laypeople who conflate the minutia of procedural maneuvers that accompany this and every other piece of intentionally-murky complex litigation advanced by every other crack-smoking huckster with some kind of conclusive set of factual findings that outside observers should treat as proof.

The only thing more sad than the ride you are all being taken on by this dickhead's increasingly-complex web of lies is the fact that he's somehow gaslighted you all into eagerly accept a vision of Crypto's future where the real meat of validation and proof and establishing the viability of the space's future evidently happens in courtrooms with lawyers and ugly protracted shitflinging instead of through the actual use of the trustless technology that he claims such enthusiasm about championing.

>> No.29988339

>it's a well known fact it's not.
Bullshit. Game of life is running on the blockchain right now. you have ZERO clue what you are talking about.
BSV loops easily.

>> No.29988414

This. Although there is a wrong narrative, that if something is Turing complete, then it's instantly superior. Maybe Satoshi designed Bitcoin to not be Turing complete, as a feature? Silvio Micali, founder of Algorand mentions that a lot, that you rarely need Turing completeness in finances. And that most hacks in ETH ecosystem happened, because of overcomplicated contracts

>> No.29988423

i'm still not listening to that idiot i gave that up years ago at first i felt h deserves to at least be heard but the sheer amount of stupid and immature sperging and posturing just made me not care about a word that leaves his mouth.

what you can do to convince me is since any turing machine can emultate all other turing machines show me a bitcoin script that emulates the simplest turing machine in existence the subleq machine!

>> No.29988429

BIP 101 was voted on by the 90% of mining pools to be Bitcoin going forward, anybody who doesnt understand this is a fucking retard.

>> No.29988431
File: 86 KB, 1080x553, EuQPDo_WYAARaes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm literally a licensed attorney.
Sure you are. What's you license number ?
The rest is veiled bullshit with zero content.
If he is lying, the courts will figure it out.

>> No.29988483

>i'm still not listening to that idiot i gave that up years ago
Cool... but you are still wrong if you can not refute what is said.

>> No.29988537

>Game of life is running on the blockchain right now
no it's not. it's running on a server and written to the blockchain like all other garbage be it weather data or forum posts...

>> No.29988593

no the burden of proof is on you. >>29988423
show me bitcoin script that emulates the simplest turing machine in existence!

>> No.29988776
File: 136 KB, 408x233, lalala.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>show me bitcoin script that emulates the simplest turing machine in existence!
Ok, I've posted it 4 times now. Just keep pluggin your ears.

here I took a picture you

>> No.29988821

High IQ chads

>> No.29989025

but it's all bullshit. i have designed and implemented a couple of programming languages. bitcoin script is not turing complete. and on purpose. it would have been trivial to make it turing complete. it was avoided because it causes more problems than what it solves for bitcoin.

>> No.29989136

still waiting on bitcoin script that emulates subleq operator. a simple fucking little operator... there are only turing machines that are a million times more complex from there. and each and every one of them can emulate subleq and each other.

>> No.29989256

So says you. However you are incorrect

>> No.29989279

Coingeek is as much of a source as CNN. It's literally being written by paid shills.

>> No.29989304

Oh so the wright brother's airplanes are not airplanes since they are not 747s.
GREAT argument!

>> No.29989337

It's truly remarkable that a BSV bagholder will expect a stranger to dox himself with a professional license on a cantonese paper mache penpal bulletin board to verify a credential, but will never expect a self-proclaimed Satoshi to sign a blockchain before they start dumping their own hard-earned money into his scam.

Here's a pro-tip for anyone ITT who cares to read it from a Professional who appreciates crypto specifically because he has seen first-hand exactly how much waste that trustless technology can cut out of Finance: The future of this space will not, and in a technical sense *cannot*, belong to people who think they can litigate a sense of legitimacy for their project into existence. Don't get strung along by bullshit just because picking up breadcrumbs and trying to parse through complicated legal proceedings makes you feel smart. Crypto is going to move on without this loudmouth schizoid scammer, and while he'll surely find a new racket like these bottom-feeders always do, it would be a shame if you got left behind with him.

>> No.29989343

Attack the Source and not the content.
Good job

>> No.29989350

''The best you can invest in would be coins, that are cooperating with bankers abd joos''

>Hedera hashgraph, HBAR

>> No.29989462

>It's truly remarkable that a BSV bagholder will expect a stranger to dox himself with a professional license
It's truly remarkable that someone should be belived because they say I am a Navy Seal on 4 chan.

>> No.29989575

subleq or btfo
your choice

>> No.29989679

i never said life was not turing complete. in fact you can write life in life. which is hilarious. i said they are not running it on bitcoin. they are running it on a pc. there is a big difference.

>> No.29989808

No that is running on the BSV blockchain, right now

>> No.29989987

every pc is turing complete so it will obviously run life.

>> No.29990065

i have to tell you something and it may come to you as a shock. you are being fed lies by these assholes in calvins employment.

>> No.29990162

He didn't say it was running on a computer.
It's running on the Blockchain.

for the 5th time.

>> No.29990218

This anon's got it right. I was played by Craig, and held BSV for months, and lost so much potential gains. Although since I left that sinking ship I started making very good investment decisions (buying dot at $5 for particular). Godspeed anon.

>> No.29990222

Yeah vs believing AXA, Blockstream and Digital Currency Group. Sure thing.

>> No.29990407

>He didn't say it was running on a computer.
lmao how fucking naive you are?
>It's running on the Blockchain.
no it's not. it can't. script on the blockchain has no state no deterministic state transitions and no ability to drive itself nor any ability to pass on parameters to other scripts.

and within the script itself while it has a stack it can use it has no conditional jump operator.

so within a single execution bitcoin script is definitely not turing complete and if you count transactions as iterations like a PC (program counter) it's definitely not turing complete.

but if you add an external turing machine like a personal computer then you can play pretend all you like.

>> No.29990414

You're right. Proof shouldn't be easy and cheap. That's why it's so special that Craig- Sorry, I mean Satoshi- is showing the world the true value of Crypto: As a complex mountain of inscrutable data for teams of attorneys to contrive paranoid amphetamine-fueled stories about to claim that their clients are entitled to millions of dollars.

>> No.29990476

i'm a dev i can read and debug code i believe myself.

>> No.29990480

Or just follow the money.

>> No.29990521

>but if you add an external turing machine like a personal computer then you can play pretend all you like.
So any blockchain can run it.. Cool... story.. bro

>> No.29990561


>> No.29990576
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Of course. Devs and Lawyers all over the place on 4 can. Navy Seals too.

>> No.29990619

no i'm telling you they are running their retarded shit on a pc. if you find that pc and put an axe into it it will just stop.

>> No.29990620

it's the real bitcoin and craig is satoshi, unironically. that's it. that's the redpill.

>> No.29990672

Then what does it tell you about /pol/?

>> No.29990699

yeah we soo rare there is only a handful left on the planet. i totally understand the skepticism lmao.

>> No.29990811

Yes they are all just making it up.
it's actually all running on an Raspberry pi..

>> No.29990830


the ones believing crag wright is satoshi are the same ones believing q anon shit and that the elections were rigged.

don't follow mass stupidity and let natural selection remove their genes from the gene pool

>> No.29990909
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uh huh

>> No.29991110

Why DID btc have 1 as the first number of wallets ?

Why do bsv wallets start with a ‘1’ now?

>> No.29991177

>so much discussion of BSV
>my margin long is about to get liq'd still

Feels bad man.

>> No.29991188

Found the Israeli shareblue agent . Hello rabbi Shalom nigger

>> No.29991267
File: 13 KB, 353x142, excel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, since you think excel sheets prove anything. Here is a confession from Craig stating he didn't make anything.

>> No.29991273
File: 450 KB, 750x946, 06EC9341-4FED-4A78-AB65-50C1F777B5E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank Elon and China - and any of Elon’s faggot Twitter followers and China chat bots that shill for Elon

>> No.29991302
File: 652 KB, 745x481, Satoshi Nakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29991336

1700$ FROM 33000$ FOR A MONTH

>> No.29991369

LMAo use the interenet bro.
It's easy to see that they were on the same IP. YOU blockstream shills gotta try harder.

>> No.29991833

because it's a lie and is not possible with Bitcoin's current or original design

>> No.29992060
File: 16 KB, 798x402, BTC vs BSV fees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure thing

>> No.29992163

Indeed BTC is broken, but it doesn't make BSV automatically Bitcoin. BTC was overtaken by blockstream, while BSV is overtaken by faketoshi, which wants to change Bitcoin into turing complete public database.

>> No.29992302

You are gay. You have to tell your dad some day

>> No.29992316

could be or on an old laptop. but i guarantee you there is a computer that if you trashed that "game" "running" on bsv would just fucking stop.

because even if you add a few opcodes to make bitcoin script turing complete it would still not be able to drive deterministic smart contracts with predetermined outputs.

you see bitcoin script is unable to determine outputs. it can only unlock inputs.

>> No.29992446

>BTC is broken
i would say it proved a concept admirably and also proved it will survive the next n halvings as miners already have substantial income from fees. which can't be said for the cash forks. all they proved is big blocks lead to decreased security as subsidy goes away.

>> No.29992651

>BSV is overtaken by faketoshi
Nope. In you rmind maybe, but BSV has 200 devs and Craig doesn't have near the say in things that you believe. Calvin Ayre says as much every single day on twitter.

>which wants to change Bitcoin into turing complete public database
which is the 2009 protocol

>> No.29993153

where is BSV available?

>> No.29993156

>BSV has 200
you can divide anything calvin says by a 100.
like when he said he will acquire enough hashrate to 51 btc... and he ended up with less than 1% of bitcoins hashrate in total and bankrupted the company called squire (now taal).

>> No.29993301

>bitcoin script is unable to determine outputs
Yeap everyone is fooled except you

>> No.29993354

Wouldn't it be better to increase blocksize limit to like 10 MB? $2 for a transaction wouldn't really hurt people, while right now we're at $20, and at this rate we could see $100+ by the end of bullrun. Hard drives are not that expensive. you can buy 4TB for like $100. It wouldn't make Raspberri PI node owners go broke.

>> No.29993475

There are pictures of the 200 devs. They even showed up for a Livecast for the Genisis block day. Stop talking shit.
Tall is doing just fine up 300% this month. Why do you just constantly smear people. You are 100% full of shit.

>> No.29993531

because they would have to hard fork in order to do it.

>> No.29993586

yes because if there is ONE source on the entire planet that cannot be fooled its fucking yahoo finance .come on you fucking retard

>> No.29993602

i never seen that but i know calvin can throw a party and organize demonstrations he can gather up a bunch of uni dropouts with free pizza any day.

>> No.29993636
File: 587 KB, 1080x2236, craigwright.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that Craig Wright is willing to completely destroy the foundations of decentralized currency for a few shekels

second reminder that he thinks every world government will put a gun to the head of BTC miners to give him these shekels

>> No.29993812

>Wouldn't it be better to increase blocksize limit to like 10 MB?
maybe but i personally think moneros was is the was to go.
sma cap on block size as anti-spam measure. a miner can only include more tx if he pays penalty from the block subsidy to an anyone can spend time locked address.

that was miners will only make larger blocks than average if there is real demand willing to pay for it but fees don't go sky high and congestion don't occur. spamming and blockchain grafiti is still expensive but the stupid traffic jams won't occur.

>> No.29993913


>> No.29993996

Oh yeah because the ONLY place this is on the internet ins Yahoo.com
Sure we should believe YOU! Fuck off lmao

>> No.29994056

Yes it's all smoke and mirrors. All the devs don't really exist lmao.

>> No.29994108

Is that right ? then why didn't he dump any of the 600k bitcoin that he does have ?

>> No.29994254
File: 752 KB, 1242x1708, mount-stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a hilarious concept he shouldn't have emboldened by the imbeciles that pulled the whitepaper.
there had been quiet a few discussions on github you can look up for yourself about the whitepapers proper place. many felt it does not belong to the documentation folder because it does not describe how bitcoin works it's just a vague concept.
others argued that satoshi included in the original release as part of the documentation.
so in this mess comes craigs lawyer and some weak nerved soiboi pussy merged in a change under 2 hours thinking it doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.29994258

When you have to post three times in a row because you're slowly going mentally unhinged from being proven wrong over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over

>> No.29994362

they can or they can not. that's all i'm saying.
i won't believe anything calvin says or tweets by default. if proven otherwise sure i will change my stance. so far however calvin only proved to be more resilient than i thought.

>> No.29994460

filling the blocks with random weather data doesn't mean they are actually being used, retard

>> No.29994470

this is strategic.

you can hear it when people like Saylor talk about bitcoin too. They intentionally abstain from discussions involving how it could undermine our financial system or be used as currency in general and stick to the "store of value" rhetoric. This is 100% part of the plan.

BTC appears less threatening this way. It appears less criminal, more regulatory, less of a competitor to The System.

How much of a mushbrain do you have to be to not see how intelligently this is being played out. 4D chess.

>> No.29994537

Or maybe I am replying to three different people. lol
Try harder. That's ok I can handle more shit sniper.

>> No.29994587

Do you research the teams are there and showing thier work.

>> No.29994720

You think that is what it is ? LMFAO.
You could not be more wrong. Want me to paste over 100 working transaction cases ?
Or just look here.

Durrrr... Hurr de durrrrrr

>> No.29994772
File: 186 KB, 351x347, 1614110432976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are telling me... that you don't know... how to respond to multiple people in one post...

>> No.29995330 [DELETED] 
File: 754 KB, 1865x704, BsvFun_Bitcoin_SV_Games_For_Fun_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I am playing games while I fuck with this thread

>> No.29995440

so the price action of BTC is all theater?

>> No.29995506

>It's truly remarkable that a BSV bagholder will expect a stranger to dox himself with a professional license on a cantonese paper mache penpal bulletin board to verify a credential, but will never expect a self-proclaimed Satoshi to sign a blockchain before they start dumping their own hard-earned money into his scam.
hahahahaha rekt

>> No.29995886

it's an opera where Tether plays

>> No.29996185

Their leader Adam Back told BTC users to just start a tab with the business and settle it later. What a joke.

>> No.29996198

no i never researched the other coins dev teams. i'm only really bothering with bitcoin. i just know ho calvin is. i could be wrong but i doubt he has 200 actual devs. not that he can't afford it but it would be horrible investment.

>> No.29996305

Look at the smart contracts that have come out in the last 6 months.

Or just believe Calvin is making it up. Whatever

>> No.29996365

I have the same number of BTC as I have BCH and BSV because I haven't bought either since before BCH forked. If there is a flippening I'm safe but I somehow doubt that will ever happen. So it doesn't matter if BSV is closest to Satoshi's original vision, it won't ever have first-mover status.

>> No.29996397
File: 22 KB, 602x256, irony-is-lost-on-brianlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw that tweet was taken out of context by s cucks.
peter was ironic about the ""evidence""

>> No.29996731

i'm not opening that url but if you can link me a github i will tell you why the project is bullshit and how.

>> No.29996855

The weather hasn't been leading the transactions for months. Educate yourself.

>> No.29997065

I don't understand this conspiracy theory. If the feds didn't want bitcoin to be spendable why does Nano exist? Why does litecoin exist?

Who gives a fuck about if Bitcoin™ does it if it happens.

It just seems like this guy is a fraudster who silences people with lawsuits. Satoshi would be happy that any crypto could accomplish his "vision" which is why we still don't know who he is

>> No.29997077

ya hear that boys? The graph is for years and years but its OK because the weather data hasn't been used "for months". Nothing to see here.

>> No.29997231

Why doesn't he sign a message with those wallets instead of trying to sue the blockchain

>> No.29997347
File: 40 KB, 1198x632, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you read you retard? I said "leading", it's because it was overtaken by other sources of transactions, fucking idiots.

>> No.29997355


Bitcoin.com isn't a Bitcoin address

Bitcoin has and always will be .org

>> No.29997678

>yeah so basically we use weather data
>but recently we stopped using it and that is why other transactions are now outnumbering the weather data. Because the weather data is now zero.

holy kek

>> No.29997748
File: 396 KB, 1440x2924, Screenshot_20210301-160656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitcoin.com wasnt even registered until 1/4/2008


>> No.29997858

There is weather data still there.

>> No.29997926

hmm, maybe I misunderstood

>> No.29998040


KEK, they are all $0.01 transactions. "We are a real blockchain, muh transactions"


>> No.29998335

As long as the miners pick them up, they still count as transactions. It is on chain data.

>> No.29998540

If anyone wonders, this anon is correct. And I thank him for arguing his point here. Earlier today I read an article claiming BSV could run smart contracts and I found it hard to believe.

>> No.29998558

dibs on your GF this weekend when she goes out on girls night

>> No.29998631

so why hasnt BCH or BSV "broken the financial system"? inb4 muh exchanges delist

>> No.29998658


>> No.29998840

Ever heard of Tokenized? It's smart contracts on BSV.

>> No.29998955

/pol/ is based and redpilled. you’re a complete faggot if you disagree

>> No.29999003

XMR or even XRP allow on-chain and at scale more than Bitcoin Sperm Vision

>> No.29999082

No but the discussion about how bitcoin is Turing complete 100% demonstrates the concept is bullshit. And don't try to convince me otherwise. I don't even coutenance L2 on ethereum so this horseshit is a total nonstarter for me.

>> No.29999246

Alright, but can it work on any coin?

>> No.29999497

1 smart contract out of 1000s

Every post is transaction handled by the smart contract and paid out instantly with 0 confs.

>> No.29999559

what does this have to do with bitcoin.com

also, where is the proof of that tweets claim?

>> No.29999825

Dont be so lazy dig around a bit

>> No.30000639

Sorry im on mobile, but this is very interesting, thanks for sharing

>> No.30000867

bump. BitcoinSpermVagina shills cant answer this

>> No.30000923

>elections were rigged
but they were, are you a jew faggot or a tranny?

>> No.30001236


>> No.30001628

where is tiffany getting this information, is it visibke on archive.org somewhere?

>> No.30001687

It's not public she is using a service that shows parked domains

>> No.30001834

if its not publicly verifiable, i am less inclined to beleive that what she is posting is true, but its still interesting.

>> No.30001901

haha, nice trash
my bro will never go for this shit on 4chan
we are not a retards

>JULB -all on holding on Julswap and JustLiquidity trading

>> No.30002076

It's public in so much as available to everyne. you just have to pay

>> No.30002285

>300k transactions per day
Almost all of which is weather data X-D

>> No.30003019


csw is really the only thing holding bsv back, it would be a top 10 coin today if he wasnt such a lying camwhore

>> No.30003140

MasterCard and the rest of the (((elite finance dudes))) took over crypto, its BitCoin vs the world

>> No.30003214


>> No.30003314

Learn to use commas, nigger.

>> No.30003472
File: 13 KB, 245x327, 1517369735840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i forgot BSV was even a thing.

>> No.30003479
File: 123 KB, 1280x960, Eva0JQRXEAI27xY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30003703
File: 149 KB, 1450x760, 23532452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I'm buying BSV.

>> No.30003968
File: 595 KB, 1280x960, Eva0JQRXEAI27xY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30004203

That means bsv is going against the banksters?

>> No.30004324

all the bsv schizo posting from polnpcs is the biggest sell signal there could ever be

>> No.30004325

it isn't.

>> No.30004658


>> No.30006140

Csw is the only reason i never bought and never will

>> No.30006557

Craig is the only reason there is a functioning implementation of the whitepaper, and is why i bought and will continue to buy.

>> No.30006674


>> No.30006740

Then maybe you should stay there

>> No.30007095

it was a one way mirror

>> No.30007162

If that's his writing he obviously is not Satoshi. This guy is a crank fraud.

>> No.30007470


>> No.30007560

We will see. Just relax and enjoy the show.


>> No.30007875

>why do people actually shill this bullshit??
They are:
a) central banking shills
b) scared to lose invested money
c) don't understand blockchain
d) all of the above/Gregory Maxwell

>> No.30007889


>> No.30008167

>not even the government should be able to stop
Governments can seize hashpower. In fact the West should stop serving kikes and niggers for two seconds to invest in Bitcoin mining. Its unironically a national security concern.

>> No.30008347

Given Craig's antics for the past few years you might be right.

Centralized garbage is not at all the technological nor the economic breakthrough that is Bitcoin in the slightest.

>> No.30008517

Monero is the only coin besides Bitcoin worth holding.

>> No.30008670

nice bait

>> No.30008737
File: 1.85 MB, 3508x2480, monerochan8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero is the only coin worth hodling. It's the only coin worth spending an undisclosed amount of on undisclosed services.

>> No.30008798

Yep this anon gets it

>> No.30008823

They can print tether ad infinitum, anon. The shorts won't be stopping until tether is stopped and at this point I don't think it will be.

>> No.30008886

Imagine not knowing you can get paid 100% passive income by having an IoT Device report the local weather..

>> No.30008972
File: 95 KB, 1000x750, 1*I1uph5LqHWwyAc3_1IxzJg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Adam Back realised he couldn't get rich that way, and it would be better to suck the dicks of the chinese miners.
Fucking spot on

>> No.30009007

You literally loop by adding transactions or using a payment channel. Its Turing complete, guy.

>> No.30009016

Because the price of btc increases faggot
Holyshit you bav fags have room temperature iq

>> No.30009160

10% IOTA
10% BTC
40% BSV
40% XMR
Never been comfier. Will flip IOTA for UDSC around $10-15 and buy into LTC during the January crash.

>> No.30009429
File: 115 KB, 993x790, 1321442287399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-bro stop fudding, l-lightning network is coming, next year, again!

>> No.30009659

You mean you can over engineer software to compensate for percieved problems with blockchain and scale that don't actually exist. You default to walling off the blockchain to users and moving Bitcoin to a bank to bank network instead of peer to peer. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but pushing Bitcoin in this direction while understanding the effects is the scummiest shit imaginable.

>> No.30009801

Kek this got as high as 100k times higher a week ago.

>> No.30009865

BTC = benis in vagene
BSV = benis in poppy butt

>> No.30009908

Bittrex if you're a burger.

>> No.30010062

>monitized data isn't actually monetized data, retard

>> No.30010226

When craig pays you by the post and you're desperate to keep a dead shill thread going

>> No.30010292

>BTC appears less threatening this way
Bankers literally reigned in ALL of the disruptive potential of Bitcoin.

At least with actual gold you can hand it off or even withdraw it from banks to cause a run. With BTC they've made a system where normal people literally cannot use Bitcoin because of the fees. The fees today are tiny to what they'll be as more people try to use it. They've created the perfect Goldsmith 2.0 scam using BTC. Its fucking blackpilling senpaitachi...

The one thing that was going to aid our fight against central banking has only entrenched its power further.

>> No.30010309

>no reporting

>> No.30010532

Imagine thinking this was a bad thing on a technology that monitzies data.

>> No.30010557

Uhh based

>> No.30010621

>not knowing Btc was created by ((them)) to disrupt the gold market in the first place

>> No.30010684


>> No.30011632

BSV goes against bankers, but still operates under the law. BSV is the only coin that does this.

>> No.30012604

>The best you can invest in would be coins, that are cooperating with bankers.
>but still operates under the law
*tee hee* Wait anon, you wouldn't really fall for that, right? Why don't you value your privacy in a free market?

>> No.30012673
File: 1.57 MB, 1770x1499, monerochan11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>file at an undisclosed location

>> No.30012904

Is using cash privacy?

>> No.30013247

CSW intends to issue an additional 1.1 million new satoshi coins on BSV. There will be 22.1 million BSV ultimately. These coins will replace his stolen holdings are allow the chain to retain immutability.

>> No.30013480


>> No.30013936

Its fanfic.

>> No.30014016


Its make-believe internet money and its worth FUCKING 50k.

How is it not already great.

>> No.30014321

Because its effectively become a backend bank to bank network that serves none of the original purpose.

>> No.30015615

Jesus christ that pic