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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29989185 No.29989185 [Reply] [Original]

I see you all sad, lonely , depressed why are you like this? Why are you so unhappy? Never had a woman? Or your only goal is to make money, and you can't do it? Are you incompetent?

>> No.29989249

i bet it is that you are alone !!

>> No.29989321

what are you talking about? /biz/ is the happiest board. We even make jokes as we lose 50% of our net worth. If you want to see sad, go back.

>> No.29989499

The venn diagram of /r9k and /biz users is a circle.
The only difference is on /biz people larp having a successful life.

>> No.29989697

im lonely

>> No.29989933

Most of us hate spending 8 hours every day slaving for someone else and just want to be free.

>> No.29990418

then open a company.

>> No.29990444

typical 4chan user you're talking about is an antisocial Whiteboy with all of his immediate needs taken care of. Depressed and has no self confidence whatsoever. Possibly on some kind of antidepressant meds. Puts pussy on the tallest pedestal and doesn't value himself. Does not know what real problems are. Does not have real goals. Racist because Black men get pussy and they don't. Think Elliot Rodger and Columbine school shooter types.

>> No.29990580

>then open a company.
Kek good luck with that in corporatist USA/EU

>> No.29990624

Wasted trips

>> No.29990676

why are you so angry at the world? what are you missing?

>> No.29990748


so now what, faggot? You laugh at lonely people for fun? Doesn't that make you even more pathetic?

>> No.29990779

People are sad on 4chan in general. Most neutral boards are probably the hobby ones, nothing stressful about discussing literature for example.
People being stressed out and neurotic trading cryptocurrencies with their whole net worth on the line is pretty much expected.

>> No.29990784

Almost every first world country has spent the past year killing their small businesses while big business thrive.

>> No.29990854

who is laughing at you, im trying to help.

>> No.29990885

>nothing stressful about discussing literature for example.
The amount of butthurt and negativity on /lit/ is immense.

>> No.29990892


>> No.29990899
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>nothing stressful about discussing literature
I see you've never been to /lit/

>> No.29990911

How do I not be alone?

>> No.29990963

>Never had a woman?
stop putting women on a pedestal dumb simp

>> No.29990975

because i was there, and now im not

>> No.29991108

you have clearly not seen the threads about philosophy or literary fiction on lit, kek

>> No.29991307


>> No.29991356

you should try to fix your problems first, then go out and just walk with no phone. and then go and do things. join a group( a real one , with people) , go out, meet friends, stop looking at your phone and social media. try to find a girlfriend, there is one for everybody, but dont be afraid to get hurt , fear is the path to the dark site

>> No.29991373

Everyone on /lit/ is profoundly hateful. There has never been a single positive sentiment on that board, ever. They are incapable of articulating why they like something, but can tear anything completely apart.
They are as toxic as /v/.

>> No.29991415

I tell you to sell
Other try to bring you stupid shit

>don’t believe in this scam, a lot of trash on biz today
my bro always tells me - want to mine and get income - use non eth ecosystem
>take a look at Enecuum, this is best eco for this year

>> No.29991413

i never have anything to say to anyone

>> No.29991470

what groups should I join. I live in a pretty isolated small town. Most of the women here are either trashy junkies or die hard christians

>> No.29991538

yeah this is accurate

>> No.29991571

Nice projection, bizchads are humorous, redpilled but still well adjusted, and most importantly wealthy.

>> No.29991574

Cause they're NEETS with horrible appearances/3rd world tier hygiene that never have sex. Same reason they make the "wage cagie" threads. Their only happiness is a false fantasy there are people living worse than them in 1st world countries but the only ones who are homeless slob drug addicts.

>> No.29991572

you should move out. and i know what you will say, i can't,'' because insert reason here'' you should at least try.

>> No.29991627

>how can I stop being lonely?
>just don't be lol
Damn normalfaggot you are really helpful
Remember that you have people around you only because minorities stick together nigger

>> No.29991629

Not a larp. I’m just autistically obsessed with /biz/ shit instead of anime or whatever bullshit you do loser

>> No.29991659

OP I am happier than you and wealthier than you and have more kids than you.

Imagine making this thread lmao, cope

>> No.29991685

GOD, the more people shilling a token the worse it ends up. Stop being an idiot, don’t follow this trash
I don’t trust this shill. My funds are on liquidity pools with YVS Finance system. I can withdraw whenever I need and any number with no stupid fees

>> No.29991722
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People here are just using gallows humor. If you want to see what real crippling depression looks like go to wizchan

>> No.29991909

everybody has something to say. for example i was a shy fuck. couldn't see a girl in the eyes. then i started to travel alone and enjoy life alone, and then everything came to me , i was just living. i mean im form europe, but loved japan since i was 8. fell in love with the towns, games,... and now im moving to japan in one month with my wife. it just happend because i was traveling . i mean i know everybody is different but fuck it you can't lose anything!!! fuck money, just go out there and try

>> No.29991959
File: 31 KB, 530x696, DB0C088D-C262-4B0E-B6CD-A4D191C3AD1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m literally crippled from autoimmune disease, I either make it with crypto or it’s rope time, don’t tell me I don’t have real problems projecting nigger faggot, you have to go back

>> No.29992058

You need money to travel eurobro, wish I could

>> No.29992136

that is the first step. it doesn't work if you have chronic depression, then you need a doctor , but most people are just bored, and not depressed or lonely. this is a fact. when you are alone by you pc , of course you feel like this, if you go for a walk you will feel better for sure.

>> No.29992188

Have a friend who has been out of work with auto immune. I wish you luck bro I know your struggle is real

>> No.29992326

yes some, but not a lot. i know a few people who have traveled around the world with nothing spend except for food. yes you need to be that kind of a person, but you dont need to travle the world, you can even visit a city that you have never been in ( but alone) and get drunk and find new friends. people just want it easy, I CAN'T well then you are right, you can't

>> No.29992373

Which one anon? I got one too

>> No.29992559

While I agree that starting a company is the only way to truly "make it", it comes with significantly more risk than taking the safe bet wageslaving somewhere. Literally 99.7% of all American businesses are classified as "small businesses", most of which are just barely treading water and not going to see the incredible growth needed to see true wealth. You are significantly more likely to lose everything.

>> No.29992578

Money only buys temporary happiness.

>> No.29992718
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>join a group
>go out , meet friends

good bait

>> No.29992882

yes it is true. BUT you have tried !! you will feel 10 times better because you have tried and it is worth every penny you lose. if you ain't traying what are you doing? if you ain't happy now what can you lose? there is one book that can help you all The Alchemist ( its free on youtube ) this book will push you to the limit in everything

>> No.29993204
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>>BUT you have tried !!
>i know the boulder fell down again sisyphus, but dont you feel so good knowing that you tried to push it up the hill
youre a fucking looney

>> No.29993305


>> No.29993437

This, wasted trips and very bluepilled, lurk more, also expressing your "perceived superiority" and not providing solutions, shame on you

>> No.29993446

Because instead of going outside and having a fun fufilling life, we sit on our computers staring at green and red candles, living in complete fucking anxiety about everything

>> No.29993459

pepe the hedgehog

>> No.29993510

well i have the Holy Spirit within me so why would i be sad?

>> No.29993537

just don't be anxious, easy

>> No.29993568

I think most are like myself so poor but willing to learn and try to find a way to dig ourselves out of hell.

>> No.29994151
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looney confirmed, but looking like a looney with good intentions.
there will always be a new problem with the way our brain operates. best thing for ppl like us is to address underlying issues and anxieties. create and follow a system that help your brain remain stable. advice is to complicated to be throwing at people. dyor