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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 1024x508, neo_official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2994362 No.2994362 [Reply] [Original]

bittrex volume at all time by by a large margin, chinese exchanges price just increased by 20% in the last 6 hours. the pump is here

>> No.2994376

THE pump of 2017 is upon us
NEO shall take the top 3 spot on coin market cap
all hail our new super coin

>> No.2994380

Friendly reminder to never buy the high.

Look into buying this a few days from now when the hype (and price) has died down.

>> No.2994383

nice just bought 200k

>> No.2994388

you call it hype
we call it fundamentals

>> No.2994391

>buy my bags that stupidly bought after a fucking name change

fuck you

>> No.2994404

NEO is getting slowly dumped, fucktard. Buy this now and become a bagholder forever.

>> No.2994411

I believe in NEO. I also believe in the fundamentals of trading. Don't buy the highs.

>> No.2994415


say this people who bough EHT when it was 20 dollar

>> No.2994418

this, you're buying into sell walls and it's gonna crash again tonight, exact same thing for 3 days in a row

>> No.2994423

I admit I panic sold at around to lock in my gains at .005 I was afraid it was correcting, but I bought back in at .0052 so not too bad of a fuck up.

>> No.2994475


Yes anon, everyone's buying because NEO is a great product, with a whole new site with a great timeline/roadmap that doesn't actually have a roadmap

>> No.2994494

>implying people do anything with crypto other than buy it so it can go up in value

Stay poor. Chinks will make me rich

>> No.2994505

Volume was higher on the 7th you mongol, reminder not to buy the high. Pretty bad advice from OP

>> No.2994520

Uh see you in a couple weeks when it will be at 30$

>> No.2994530

wtf happened to this world, after 12th it will be a slow creeping death to establish a new floor because there are no more developments. The biggest developments are lined up for 2018 jesus fuck

>> No.2994566

oh you're a NEO insider? tell us more about their plans, or lack thereof, for 2017.

>> No.2994569


>> No.2994603

Dude, i hold neo myself, this isnt random fud but godamn, have some common sense. Is this your first day trading crypto?

Most stuff on here if not all is traded on speculation and emotion. Or you're just too blind to start seeing trends pretty much shared by all altcoins

>> No.2994616


It had a big increase over a short period of time, you're gonna get a lot of emotional holders like him thinking this is what's going to make him rich and anyone saying otherwise is working against his dream. He's high on crypto

>> No.2994665

Which wallets supports Neo?

>> No.2994687

i use https://app.antshares.org/
never had any problems
be sure to write down ur private key

>> No.2994694


Also know if I can stake using Ledger Nano or should I just leave it in Desktop to stake?

>> No.2994700

So many people were the same way with ripple and digibyte. Do you guys really think getting rich is just this easy? Everyone else has to work hard their entire life learning, improving, reaching goals and making connections to get some wagecuck job just so they don't have to be on the street, but you've stumbled on some magical secret that will message you rich just from clicking some buttons? Be realistic. If it seems too good to be true, it is.

>> No.2994721

Use Neon. It's really sleek and you generate GAS immediately. It's on downloads on their website.

>> No.2994724

daily reminder that GAS (which currently has a market cap of 30 million) will be the ICO token

>> No.2994729


Whenever I worry about lost gains, I just remember at least I didn't buy DGB at 2000. Also I'll (probably) never stick a sharpie up my ass for the chance at 0.5 BTC

>> No.2994732

Forget fucking NEO.

ANT (Aragon) is the coin that's mooning anons.

>> No.2994847

Primed to explode.

>> No.2994855

buy the dip

>> No.2994876

>Buying in the middle a clear downtrend

You're a smart man anon

>> No.2994885

You're on every fucking thread. Fucking sage.

>> No.2994901

>Muh volume

>> No.2995027

you have to be one of the most retarded guys posting in this thread.

any forecasting on what would be that new floor? I'm waiting to get in for long term but right now it's a bumpy ride fun for day traders that are fucking retards like >>2994566 in the ass.

>> No.2995240

looked good, but then I looked at the daily chart. Haha you can't be serious.

>> No.2995256

>got out of NEO about 8 hours ago since I thought it was the massive downtrend
>now missed out on gains

I'm not negative but it's fucking annoying, and now I'm not game enough to buy back in

>> No.2995304

Well, there's the Tokyo conference on the 10th, so that should be interesting. Rumor has it Vitalik will be there too.

Also, there will most likely be a steady stream of positive developments from now until 2018, so I don't see why the price of this coin would stagnate. If anything, it should steadily increase.

>> No.2995340

We /icos/ now

>> No.2995361

well I mean if you already made massive gains on it, then just buy in and set a stop loss near where you bought and then if the trend reverses take a minimal loss.

>> No.2995364





>> No.2995437

Same fudders still fudding since it was $6 an Antshare. Don't you all get tired? I'm not saying this shit is going to be Bitcoin levels, but the floor has just been rising and rising. Wasn't too long ago when the floor was 300k. Anyway, faggots, first ICO incoming in September.

>> No.2995459

I bought early enough not to have to look for plebe things like "entry points" faggot :)

>> No.2995492

It'll drop back down before that. I have my buy-back order for 400k sats. As it is, I've already quintupled my money

>> No.2995502

not going to fill :)

>> No.2995507

Nobody listen to this nigger buy bitcoin

>> No.2995509

>implying it wont be both + bitcoin

>> No.2995513

This crash is going to make the rape of nanking look like baby's first tea party

>> No.2995529
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way. the retards who missed out on NEO have it all figured out. see, NEO is actually worth 0 (lol what fools who bought it). GAS is what should be worth 500k sats. Mwahahha, oh man. those guys. they're brilliant.

>> No.2995530

I probably will

>> No.2995536
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i cant fucking wait for the next moon

>> No.2995550
File: 101 KB, 1792x864, NeoCrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude look! LOL some rich guy sells 138 Bitcoin and you've lost 15%

>> No.2995577

Ok just bought 10 btc worth of NEO. When do we moon?

>> No.2995579
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Guys, I shorted this pump a little to soon. What are the chances of this hittign 300-430k over the next week?

>> No.2995580

After this week easily

>> No.2995588


Hope you're right. I'm holding NEO for the long term but did not expect it to moon so hard on this news. I will still be able to buy back in and increase my holdings if we get a nice dip

>> No.2995593

seeing as how literally everyone wants NEO to dip so they can get on this rocket, not very likely.

>> No.2995648

>seeing as how literally everyone wants NEO to dip so they can get on this rocket,

I've seen more people saying people should get in because it's gonna be huge (and they're already holding) than people saying they want to buy the dip. I really haven't seen that many people talking about buying the dip

>> No.2995654

is anyone using the neon wallet to stake for GAS?

>> No.2995662

Been holding since June and would love to buy more on the dip!

>> No.2995671

no but im using the neon wallet to shake that ASS

>> No.2995734


Do you honestly think the big players talk like they do on 4chan? The whales move the markets. We make decisions based on what they do. /biz/ should be renamed /HODL/ because of how few people short crypto. Enough retards make their stupid decisions public (selling ETH at $150) to encourage the HODL meme.

Whales sell ATH and buy the dip. pro-tip: they don't sell everything at once.

>> No.2995767
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>> No.2995776

>76% in two weeks
All I have to do is make 5% daily over the same time period to beat that

>> No.2995780
File: 12 KB, 480x360, lockitin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$4,000? That'd be 229.885 NEO, John.
Let me lock in that trade right now and get back to you with my secretary with an exact confirmation. Sound good, John?

>> No.2995802
File: 46 KB, 665x574, 1502019268293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone explain why Neo is slowly dipping in price, didn't they just announce a new ICO?

>> No.2995811

LOL WHY? It went up REALLY FUCKING HIGH and now it's going to come down REALLY FUCKING FAST!

>> No.2995812


Hype period's over man

>> No.2995818

what goes up gotta go down

>> No.2995832


You just made someone else rich :(

>> No.2995835



>> No.2995838



>> No.2995845

I've not bought in anywhere near the ATH, just wondering why the a crash is happening now of all times.

>> No.2995871


It's post big news for NEO, which means dumping time like it did before for ANS/NEO. The ICO announcement gave it a little more life, but it wasn't enough to clear levels that would bring back interest

>> No.2995882
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Never mind it seems to be growing with some decent supports

>> No.2995892
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i'm ready to cut losses on my shitcoins and go all in on this once it dips

>> No.2995906

Some crazy mother fucker just slapped down 13 BTC at 0.00535900 and it got eaten alive

>> No.2995915
File: 257 KB, 1440x1664, 20643273_2370994639792345_5937623388401966247_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok faggots. Who can actually explain what gas is for? whitepaper is a bit ambiguous on the topic

>> No.2995917

During the Buy Phase I swear to god people were taking out 100 BTC Walls in 10 Seconds LOL... you have to understand how fast it COULD come down...

>> No.2995923

What's the chance of it not dipping the next week? These are minor corrections/pulses that we are seeing right now, right?

>> No.2995936


Goddamn this rush made some people fucking rich

>> No.2995939

it's what you use to do transactions / make smart contracts on the network, just like how ETH is spent as "gas" on its network. it's clearly a better system to separate the two concepts like NEO does.

>> No.2995951
File: 54 KB, 608x448, NEO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These are minor corrections/pulses that we are seeing right now, right?

Tough to tell. It was on a downtrend before this point, where the NEO team announced the first ICO for a project built on NEO which reversed the trend. Unsure if the announcement put enough interest back into everything

>> No.2995954

So a tech startup will accept gas as contributions during an ICO?

>> No.2995957

So let me get this straight you are asking why parabolic price movements don't continue upwards forever?

>> No.2995967

I doubt it. They will probably want NEOs so they can generate their own GAS for free.

>> No.2995984

No. Agrello asks for NEO shares. Gas is a bit of a meme right now by noobs that missed out on the moon

>> No.2995990

If this is just a small boost back into a drop, how much are we looking at it going than 400k sat? I sold all my shit at 560k. 400k could be a nice amount of additional Neo.

>> No.2995997

Am I retarded?
What I meant to say was "how much are we looking at it dropping, do we think it could reach less than 400k sat?"

>> No.2996009
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Whats your price?

>> No.2996018

I set a buy order @ .004111

>> No.2996034

you're asking a bunch of people who desperately want it to go lower so they can maybe get on this rocketship. i wonder what they'll say.

>> No.2996043

Yeah even more perplexing..

Agrello is not Neo based though is it? they are accepting multiple coins as contributions

>> No.2996053


Admittedly they're also fighting against people who bought in high and want it to stop going down so they don't lose gains

>> No.2996054

>Yeah even more perplexing..
maybe to brainlets...it seems pretty straight forward to me.

>> No.2996058

Oh cool a neo thread
idk what it is I just care about what's on top 5 on volume

been riding this all day today, held the bag for a while and took a nap on a sell order and it filled

Was considering buying now while I sleep but I want to sleep peacefully, I can eat the regret for breakfast in the morning

>> No.2996155

Any idea if Neo will catch up to Ethereum in the future?

Is this a Hodl coin?

>> No.2996157

>Sold neo at a loss for the third time this week hoping to wake up to a profit
Wish me luck I guess.

>> No.2996172

Probably, but people are going to turn very skeptical when it catches up to Ethereum. Bullshit ICOs probably aren't going to be enough to make it moon. Actual adoption will have to occur.

>> No.2996202

kek i bet you are holding it for a quick flip when it moons and nothing else.

Still doesnt explain the demand for gas and who needs it

>> No.2996211


Its gonna drop when ICOs come out... just like Ether's ICOs

>> No.2996247

How I understand it, NEO are the shares used in the coin's POS scheme to secure the network and reward you for doing so (generating GAS).
GAS is divisible into minute quantities and actually used to pay for services on the network.

I think GAS might be a decent investment now for a quick flip, but in the long-ish term NEO is what you want. It's a perfect speculatory asset if there ever was one because it basically shits free money.

>> No.2996266

GAS is inextricably tied to NEO. And the GAS marketcap is like 1/30th of NEO's right now. I'm all in. Up 5x on the week and way more to come. Only 2 million coins in circ

>> No.2996279

How do you farm GAS?

Which wallet should I hold Neo in?

>> No.2996444
File: 87 KB, 1071x296, exchangevalue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Value seems to be dropping on other Exchanges!

>> No.2996487

What services though?

>> No.2996543

are you asking what services the NEO network provides? try reading the white paper.

>> No.2996576


>> No.2996592

Go to the Reddit NEO page. There's an FAQ there regarding NEO and wallet options. There's a desktop, web and light wallet. The light wallet is community made and pretty easy to use but I use the actual NEO wallet made by the devs. Been using it for the last couple months and it's pretty cash.

>> No.2996784
File: 98 KB, 730x502, realshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaks truth

>> No.2996801

god fuck off pajeet you shill every one of these threads i hate you so fucking much goddamn

>> No.2996879

Jesus fucking Christ how long do NEO transfers take?

>> No.2996893

they are near instant. your wallet probably isn't synced, dummy

>> No.2996922

Well I'm sending to Binance so maybe they're slow. It said height was 1225078/1225078 when I sent it.

>> No.2996930

Did you faggots listen? 600k tonight. Probably beyond. But take your profits because it will dump. Unless your a hodler nigger

>> No.2996947

im a hodler nigger

>> No.2996967

>Do you guys think getting rich is just this easy?

Yes. This may never become a 1000 dollar coin but I know for a fact people have gotten rich off "clicking buttons" when they bought BTC or ETH when it was worth single digit dollars.

Also do not compare NEO to shitcoins like DGB

>> No.2996979

>too good to be true
and yet for some it is true.. soo...

>> No.2997006

I grew my ETH stack from $17k to $120k (before fucking up in daytrading), so its definitely possible to make mad gains and easy money from investing in crypto.

>> No.2997039

it isn't >too good to be true
1. it's high risk high reward, if you fuck up badly you lose 2/3 of your life savings
2. early adopters etc.
3. free money while NEETs pump their NEETbucks into coins
4. whales are adopting

it's not "too good to be true" it's just low awareness still

>> No.2997053

I'm transferring everything over to GAS for the time being, then I'll switch back in the dip.

>> No.2997073

Dammit, you were right. Fucking thing just suddenly started syncing.

>> No.2997082
File: 13 KB, 825x541, ALX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying the high

Wait for it to crash in like, 2 days

>> No.2997125

lmao you're like a cheerleader on the losing football team

>> No.2997128

>January 2017
>My portfolio started with me buying 5 BTC when it was only 1k a pop.
>Threw in another 7K into ETH at various prices between 25 and 100 dollars.
>That, along with a few other misc coins, got my portfolio to 45-ishK.

I'm not a neet and I have a normal job. I know compared to some those gains are pennies but it is proof you can 3x or 4x your money quite easily. And shit, I did that all in a span of 5-6 months?

HOWEVER, I did crash to having only sub 10k at one point but I'm currently around 30 and am fully confident NEO makes me wealthier in a shorter time than my job or any stock/bond/mutual fund would.

>> No.2997129

where do you short NEO?

>> No.2997164

Go FUD somewhere else

>> No.2997171

I sold at 19, you should sell before the return of the AAAAANTTTSSS IN MY PAAAANNNTTSSSS wojaks

>> No.2997204
File: 538 KB, 552x807, Ants_in_my_eyes_johnson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you shouldn't sell before the return of this guy?

>> No.2997225

Just sold 100 at triple my buy price. Still holding some, will buy back if we see a dip.

>feeling comfy af

>> No.2997234
File: 245 KB, 512x496, 1499144159069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mooning again, this coin is so comfy. Only issue is the army of FUDers who hate it with a passion

>> No.2997297

wont hit 600k

>> No.2997325

it soared passed that days ago but thanks for your advice, the community appreciates it

>> No.2997326

ETH hit $400 before it dropped

>> No.2997344

Dammit... fine. I don't like how the GAS graph looks right now anyway. I'll hold ETH instead.

>> No.2997348

Top Kek

>> No.2997401
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I have a feeling that the 600k pump was a pump and dump but I'm holding out hope to drop my bags at 590

>> No.2997434

Might not happen any time soon

>> No.2997459

Holy shit kek

>> No.2997535
File: 66 KB, 602x602, S9DYgAk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allright, I just went all-in on our unstoppable friend $NEO. How long am I gonna be bagholding or when do I bring out pink Wojaks /biz/?

>> No.2997548

I sold half my portfolio at 447 when the pump was JUST FUCKING BEGINNING and sold a third again at 590, I have 50 of these things left, when is this son of a bitch dipping to reboard the boat

>> No.2997603

Binance manually approves deposits.

>> No.2997690
File: 83 KB, 1129x740, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's going for a third leg up. If it passes the 60k sat resistance point, it might be going for another moon mission, but if not, expect the price to dip soon.

>> No.2997872

>we call it fundamentals
Oh god anon you are so wrong.
One of the fundamentals in trading is to buy the rumour sell the fact.

Tomorrow when the fact about the conference hit, traders are going to sell. And NEO will hit 300k sats.
Don't say I didn't warn you.

>> No.2997898

No they won't you stupid fuck, 1 NEO can only generate 1 GAS in its entire life.

>> No.2997932
File: 108 KB, 1098x1384, 1501579347162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if their undivisible shares idea is a good idea, but in term of tech, NEO is next to ETH, and Ethereum is only better because there are more devs in it. NEO will actually be tanglible for programmers.
It will x2.5 again and then rise parallel to litecoin

>> No.2998073

If North Korea starts a war would that be great for crypto values? South Koreans get rekt, blown up computers/people mean lost coins = vast shrinkage of supply, prices sky rocket? Plus all the global uncertainty these things would cause may force fiat out of govt currencies.

>> No.2998205

Good idea. We must manipulate the goyim into starting a war so that we may profit

>> No.2998345

>Implying this is in any way a new idea

>> No.2998550

We have become soros

>> No.2998560

>buying post pnd at ath

Please stop doing this people, it hurts to watch.

>> No.2998571
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>20 buttcoins dropping the price

who would have seen it.

>> No.2998665

Is this going to dip or not?

>> No.2998701

Conference isnt over. It'll prob stay steady until then.

We might get a big sell off after.

get those buy orders ready.

>> No.2998842
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>> No.2998864
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>> No.2998867
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>> No.2998871
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>> No.2998877

Still posting this trash. Kek

>> No.2998881
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>> No.2998891
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>> No.2998919


dunno, looks like a bunch of chinks pumping and exploiting the westerners to me

>> No.2998925

>someone actually bought my bags and allowed me to make a small profit

thank you FOMO retards

back to 390K soon enough

>> No.2998958

Literally will be 300k. Probably peak down to 270k.

This price is gonna be the new norm on at last 21th august.

>> No.2998980


I have bad news for you

>> No.2998983

NEO will rise and never stop.

>> No.2999017


>> No.2999023

>never buy the high.
This meme makes no sense.
If nobody buys the high, the price will only fall.

>> No.2999027

This is why you fags always end up loosing money according to the /biz/ triangle.

You don't bother learning anything about trading, so you have no clue why the market does what it do.

Buy the rumour sell the fact.
Tomorrow at the conference when the facts come. Traders are going to dump their bags, since there's nothing to keep the value up after the news are out.

Fucking cucks don't be fucked, atleast sell a certain percentage of your stake before the conference starts. That way you wont be screaming in neomarine threads in the coming weeks.

>> No.2999038

Traders are only buying the high right now in anticipation of the conference tomorrow.

You LITERALLY saw what happens when news drop just yesterday.

NEO 2.0 went live, good news right? Price dropped from 680k to 450k.

I can't tell if you fags are just ignorant or simply stupid.

>> No.2999040
File: 8 KB, 285x177, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have bought yesterday when I wanted to.

>> No.2999042

No...keep buying...Chinese...billion....ETH X TWO....intelligent coding,,,,,,,smart GPU quantum processing power....

>> No.2999049

you must have missed the ico announcement lol. We are at the new floor now.

>> No.2999051

So your advice of not buying the ATH was good for people like me that bought at the 80k ATH back in June?

I don't know if you're simply stupid or just a moron.

>> No.2999061


Youre being played into a pump and dump

Nobody is saying that NEO won't go anywhere, but you are LITERALLY going to be bagholding if you keep buying now

>> No.2999066
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Trips of truth.

>> No.2999067

>If nobody buys the high, the price will only fall.

That's why its called the "HIGH"

>> No.2999071
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pic related
You became a bagholder for a month? GZ on your HODL.

I haven't seen any ICO announcement lol, so you are right. Can you link me to this?

It's not a P&D.
As you said Neo is a great coin. But fundamentals are fundamentals. Price will drop after the facts drop.

>> No.2999086

You will be rewarded much more for just waiting this news out anon..
Be patient my padawan.

Also why arent you faggots buying GAS?

>> No.2999096

>you are LITERALLY going to be bagholding if you keep buying now
Didn't you say this to people that bought at the 450k ATH, just after it crashed to 300k?

The price of NEO will almost certainly be $30+ before soon.

People like you never lambo.

I buy coins that I think have future value. Would you like to know how that has turned out for me?

I bought BTC at $15, sold 50 at $700 each, kept the other 50 until recently.
I took out $25k and used the other $10 to buy LTC, ETH, NEO, amongst others.

My portfolio is pretty nice right about now, with around 50 different shitcoins but the main is in BTC ETH and NEO.

Yes I purchased at the ATH on many occasions, sometimes you lose a bit, but if you do your due diligence, you can mostly make a profit and a good one.

You morons are the people I make money from, so crack on.

>> No.2999097

They don't want easy gains. Can't wait for it to hit western markets senpai!

>> No.2999103

i can't wait for pink wojacks next week

>> No.2999117

I'm sitting on 100GAS from 150k, I'm just enjoying this comfyride while trying to help Neomarines who don't know better.

NEO is a great coin that's definitely gonna be above $30 before soon. BUT WHY BUY NOW AT $20 WHEN YOU CAN BUY AT $10 IN A WEEK?

That's just being retarded.
I honestly believe I'm trying to save all you faggots buying above 500k.
You are just loosing profits if you buy now.

>> No.2999118

So much FUD it's obvious Neo will keep rising.

>> No.2999122

People buying NEO right now will never lose if they hold.
Sure it will drop after news pumps, but history has proven this coin has support and a future, so bags are never that heavy.

If anyone here is losing money on NEO, they need to get the fuck out of crypto.

>> No.2999130

>fell 200K from ATH
>rises 100K

guys it's gonna peak again i promise XD

>> No.2999134

>not owning ETH at 20$
>not owning Chinese ETH at 20$

Don't go dull retard biz

>> No.2999139

That's a fact?
I doubt it will go below $15 again, but if that's the way you play then fine.

Maybe you need it to drop to $10 to buy back in, so you spread your FUD in the hope it will drop...


Learn to spell.

>> No.2999147

Is it too late to buy gas? Seems like it mooned already and the volume is dropping.

>> No.2999170
File: 80 KB, 500x642, 1388638133869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know where you get your information from, its been rising for 3 days straight and is still rising, will continue to rise atleast until tomorrow.

>> No.2999199

8 cents off the ATH right now, nothing to worry about.

>> No.2999204

I aint buying at ath

>> No.2999253

I was an example, who knows if it's dropping to $15 or $10.
Fact is that it's going to drop below what it currently is after tomorrow.

>> No.3000071


>> No.3000101

Fact is that it's going to go above what it currently is after tomorrow

hey look i can pretend i know too

>> No.3000117
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEO is in "we finna be rich" stage on the meme graph. Pink wojacks coming soon...

>> No.3000133
File: 86 KB, 600x395, TheMostFamousBubbleChartAcademics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops wrong pic

>> No.3000167
File: 81 KB, 783x1024, 1496461335744m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and Kek'd
Praise Kek!!

>> No.3000265

Of course it is. It's a shitcoin that is being tacitly backed by the communist party purely to profit off bittrex gamblers.

>> No.3000270

fuck neo, buy GAS and BNB on Binance, TO THE FUCKIN MOON!

>> No.3000290

love watching you no neos cope :)

dont worry, im sure neo will have 2 small red candles at some point in the near future, so you can get all your rage at missing out out by posting a HAHAHAH thread :)

>> No.3000310

Gas is where it's at.

>> No.3000312

noneofag here, neo hasn't reached my exit, so I literally don't give a fuck

>> No.3000313

enjoy the gas bubble, lmao. it's going to pop. people buying it have literally no idea what it is.

>> No.3000316

I made my 20% flipping this coin today.
Doesn't make it any less of a shitcoin.
Buying neo because you believe in their tech is retarded. I buy neo when the neo controllers are paying out. After the 10th I won't be buying for a good while.

>> No.3000329

Who here /holding GAS until it it gets added to Bittrex/?

>> No.3000334

And you think most people buying NEO have any idea what it is?

>> No.3000338

Will Gas or Neo be worth more in the long run?

>> No.3000348

hmm gee lets see, what will be worth more, the coin A, which generates coin B for free, or coin B?

>> No.3000414

>hmm gee lets see, what will be worth more, the coin A, which generates coin B for free every few years, or coin B?

>> No.3000427

coin A generates at least a fraction of coin B every day, mr. retard :). and you only need fractions of GAS to do work on the system, just like with ETH. maybe you need to do some research.

>> No.3000429

all crypto is bubble right now.
this is a good thing it lets you make money if you get in early

>> No.3000434

Does Neo have any other value than generating Gas?

>> No.3000442

It's already more value than eth.

>> No.3000444

it's in the white paper.

>> No.3000473
File: 70 KB, 2481x455, neo12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of you guys are alright, don't hold NEO today.

>> No.3000532

>tfw limit sell passed at 500 the other day
i'm feeling that it will drop to 300 eventually but would have been nice to set it at 550

>> No.3000576

What do you guys sit on when you sell? Just BTC?

>> No.3000597
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>> No.3000605

wtf is this real?

>> No.3000607
File: 71 KB, 400x400, 1492182385052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>standing against the wall 30 mins a day fixes forward head posture

Might actually try that

>> No.3000611

of course it is. gas is a bubble fueled by regretful fags who missed the neo space ship.

>> No.3000623

Can I get to lamboland with only 200 ANS? :(

>> No.3001020
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>> No.3001111

Buying some GAS while NEO is stagnant.

>> No.3001677

>During the Buy Phase I swear to god people were taking out 100 BTC Walls in 10 Seconds LOL... you have to understand how fast it COULD come down...

are you aware that all those are fake buy/sell walls made by coordinated bots? They cancel the transaction just a few millisec before the tx.

>> No.3001822
File: 60 KB, 800x445, mukesh-ambani-quotes-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirs, buy bancor now. Or you will miss the moon

>> No.3001835

And the internet is actually an advanced AI computer game, none of us are real.

>> No.3001942

this is how retards who trade shitcoins get owned.

>> No.3002098

The volume has halved in a day. How is this still going up?

>> No.3002112

no it didn't, lol

>> No.3002157

It did, why are you lying anon?

>> No.3002288

dead cat bounce

>> No.3002392

volume is currently 10k. at no point in the last 24 hours was the volume 20k.

>> No.3002407


Wait wasn't volume something like 25k around a day and a half ago?