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2996490 No.2996490 [Reply] [Original]

>Parents want to start charging me $500 because "it will teach you about life"

Seriously what the fuck. Can someone please help me think of some arguments against this? I've tried all possible arguments I could come up with and it's not working, they refuse to budge.

>> No.2996494


>> No.2996495
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they're right, deal with anon.

>> No.2996504

no they're not. this is absurd and a violation of my rights

>> No.2996505

threaten to kill yourself if unless they stop

if they still dont budge cut your wrists a little and bleed out in the bathtub while they are home

when they find you they will be very sorry for doing this shit to you

>> No.2996507
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this trick will work - tell your parents their saving on future inheritance tax by subsidizing your lifestyle.

>> No.2996509


500 for what?

They're teaching you one thing, that people are full of shit and will try to fuck you while telling you they're helping you.

>> No.2996513

They should give you as much advantages as possible.

Trump received a good amount of money from their parents. You could have been like him if your parents gave you money and you put it into crypto.

>> No.2996515

weakass bait

>> No.2996516

Ask them if they would rent out the room for somebody at that same price if you moved out.

If not tell them to go fuck themselves and move out anyway.

>> No.2996529


nigger literally just dont move

Its not like they can lift you

>> No.2996537

just... don't pay them?

You can also file a police report online and get your state to sue them for neglect. You get the deficit.

>> No.2996540

They would not. Please guys i dont know what to do my dad keeps saying some retarded shit about how "it's to teach you about the world" and he keeps bringing up some idiotic example of his friend's daughter that's 15 and works and pay her parents money

>> No.2996557

but eth

>> No.2996581

Then what the fuck do they want the money for? You aren't leeching if they wouldn't be getting that money anyways. They're fucking leeching off of you.

>> No.2996583

Just move out. Bitches love it

>> No.2996591

They want me to contribute to the household or some shit

I'm a kissless virgin with no friends, there'd be literally no benefit to moving out

>> No.2996599

How old are you? $500 a month is a good deal.

>> No.2996602
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Just do the same thing as I did with my parents.
>Wait for opportune time to sit with parents make sure both are in the same room.
>Bring up the rent situation
>As they are saying that it's good for your life whip out 10k and throw it on the table
>Look at them face to face and dead in the eye and ask if this will be the amount of money they will be happy with when they retire.
>Wait for them to talk

No need to thank me

>> No.2996609

They're teaching you the concept of expenses. NEETs think they've made a "profit" in crypto but they don't take expenses into account.

>> No.2996612


>> No.2996614

Move out. $500 is more than rent in some places. Move with roommates on the cheap. Get on welfare. Invest in crypto. Then don't talk to your parents for 3 years.

>> No.2996620

That's ridiculous.

That's like depriving me of sleep to teach me the "concept of sleep/recovery". Or breaking my leg to teach me the "value of having working limbs".

>> No.2996632

literally get a job, lazy fuck

>> No.2996644

>live at home at 27
>eat free meals
>lead a humble life
>spend valuable time with loved ones
>make thousands of dollars with zero expenses
>start life at 28

>> No.2996649

Ask dad if you can establish a quid pro quo by sucking his honker on the 18th of every month.

>> No.2996651

Your parents are evil
This is totally unnecessary, why would they do that? They obviously want money from you.
I'm 21, finishing my university and living with my parents without working. In a year I'll start my engineering internship and I think in 3 years I'll leave home.
Explain it to your parents that they don't really need to do that.
How old are you? Do you study/work?

>> No.2996654

I'm also 21 and currently a neet. i tried talking to them about it man but they're not being reasonable

>> No.2996671

Just tell them they are really making getting on your feet harder, tell them you want to save up money for a real place.

>> No.2996681

Where the fuck are you from, rent is like 850+ for anywhere decent here.

>> No.2996694

Negotiate; $500 but half of that goes into a savings account.

>> No.2996702

It's not ridiculous. They giving you a wake-up call. The longer you live as a NEET, the more difficult it is to get out of that lifestyle. Being a NEET fucks up you mentally and physically.

>> No.2996709

I understand being a neet is bad, i will stop being a neet.

but paying this absurd amount of money is ridiculous.

>> No.2996714

>currently a neet.
>they're not being reasonable


>> No.2996719

Do you really have to make this same shitty thread every other day?

>> No.2996725

i am willing to stop being a neet, but i am not willing to pay so much money.

>> No.2996728

>That's like depriving me of sleep to teach me the "concept of sleep/recovery"
Nonsense hyperbole. A more accurate simile would be taking away your comfy quiltset and down pillows in exchange for a shitty mattress and pillow to teach you to the value of comfort.

>Or breaking my leg to teach me the "value of having working limbs".
More bullshit.

>> No.2996733

being a neet means not studying or working?

>> No.2996740



Tell em to go on welfare if they want free money

>> No.2996742

Then you're being a stupid, stubborn unreasonable child. Your father has set the terms, you either negotiate, take the deal or go elsewhere.

He is doing it because he loves you.

Stop making excuses, you are stronger than that.

>> No.2996743
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I know this thread is bait, but

Find out who the "Friend" is
Report the father to CPS
Charging your child under 18 rent is considered abandonment, that friend will lose custody of their kid

>> No.2996751

I was paying $350 to live with roommates in san diego. Then I paid $400 to live in the living room with my girlfriend (she took the bedroom). Paying for your own apartment is wasteful.

>> No.2996754

that's retarded

>Give birth to child
>Abuse him while he's young and treat him badly
>He does not do well in school
>Constantly move houses when he's young so he can't make any friends and all his social skills are fucked
>Inevitably becomes a neet and is trying to recover and fix his life
>Force him to pay money just to make his life harder when clearly they have enough money to support him, it's not like he uses anything besides food and internet
>JUSTIFY THIS WITH THE RIDICULOUS AND ABSURD REASONING OF "we're only making your life harder to teach you a lesson, trust us goy"


>> No.2996756

Love all these stupid ass parents who've raised their kids terribly this generation and then have to deal with the fruits of their "labor"

>oh shit, our lax hands off instant gratification style didn't pan out so well, let's start playing hardball now

>> No.2996765

>i refuse to take responsibility for myself: the post

No wonder your parents are fed up with you, they're probably hoping you'll run away.

>> No.2996769

fuck you nigger, you can't find anything for less that a grand if you count electricity and running water. Not to mention no bugs, no fucking mold, and working lights/stove.

>> No.2996770

>He is doing it because he loves you.

Making me life harder because he "loves" me?

>> No.2996775

this sounds like all the dads that start telling their kids to take cold showers
>its because they cant afford hot water and are also too lazy to work 2 jobs

>> No.2996776


You don't learn and grow by having an easy life you retard. Are you 21 or 12? It's hard to tell.

>> No.2996779
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May I recommend

>> No.2996787

>your upbringing has no effect on how your life turns out

typical silverspoon normie refusing to understand anyone else's position

>> No.2996797

>what is the quickest way to turn my child into a serial killer

>> No.2996805

I had to call my mom a nigger in order to get her to make me a doctors appointment OP. Do whatever your instincts tell you to.

>> No.2996807

No such argument exists and anyway you will thank them for this later. Chin up little man.

>> No.2996811

>HURR People become NEETs because they've been abused.

The more likely reason is that they've been spoiled rotten by their parents.

>> No.2996816

you should hire an attorney i believe this is hate speech crime

>> No.2996820

>has to make up imaginary characters to reject opinions that shatter his precious worldview
I had abusive parents growing up, kicked out of home when I was 16. You have shelter, food and internet. You're a fucking baby that's crying because his parents what him to stand on his own feet.

>coddling them to the point that they don't develop healthy relationships and boundaries

>> No.2996822

$480 room with water electric gas AC internet all kitchen appliances. Live in sonwhete kinda shitty for a bit instead of letting your landlord cuck you

>> No.2996824

>You don't learn and grow by having an easy life you retard.

Do you honestly believe this?

Why not just kick out children at 18 then after buying them used clothes and garbage food for 18 years to give them the hardest life possible and make them "learn and grow"?

>> No.2996827

Make a deal with them. You stop being a neet and they don't charge you. Say it will be too hard if they charge you when you're just getting off the ground

>> No.2996840


Yes, now at whatever age OP is claiming to be is the time for them to start teaching and caring about OP.
This scenario has played out time and time again and is purely a move to get rid of the kids, not help them. It's obvious that OP's imaginary parents never wanted kids and are too stupid and irresponsible to actually not have them or to raise them if they do.

>> No.2996846


Getting kicked out at 18 is better than 16.

>> No.2996855

So your parents treated you like shit and now you want the same for others?

You feel superior because of it? or are you just seeking vengeance now?

>> No.2996875

>So your parents treated you like shit and now you want the same for others?
I want 21 year old manbabies to get perspective that their situation is not as bad as they are deluding themselves to believe it to be.

>You feel superior because of it? or are you just seeking vengeance now?
I feel stronger because of it.

>> No.2996883

But it is bad. My parents have more than enough money and they're completely unnecessarily making my life much harder. How is that not retarded?

>> No.2996884

That's pretty cheap for a place to live.

>> No.2996886

>stereotypical bully response

>> No.2996895

Negotiate $500 worth of labor for rent. Just doing the lawn, household dishes and cleaning costs more than that if they hired. If they won't budge move out since $500 is practically extortion.

>> No.2996904

>How is that not retarded?
Because they are forcing independence on you, perhaps because you are incapable of making the transition willfully.

>> No.2996907

OP is 25,KHV and leeching off his parents allowance

>> No.2996909

>perspective is bullying

A new order of thought has emerged.

>> No.2996911

What are you going to do when your parents aren't around to pay for everything for you? What the fuck have you been doing since you graduated high school? You did graduate high school, didn't you?

I almost can't believe this thread is real. Yeah wow, totally unreasonable that your parents would expect a 21 year old man to start acting like one WEW

>> No.2996956
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>Statistics show that more and more people are living with their parents, and longer
>The vast majority of these people do not pay rent to their parents

>AND YET ON 4CHAN, the website known for having the most successful and ambitious people of society everyone is an Engineer making $120k a year, moved out at 15, wiring their parents $2000 a month and completely self sufficient at the age of 20-21

>> No.2996975

You don't even have a job.

>> No.2997008

In fact, how the fuck did you survvie getting kicked out at 16?

Can you please explain how you survived, managed to graduate highschool and where you are now in life?

>> No.2997055

Please stop this pathetic larp

>> No.2997064

>>Statistics show that more and more people are living with their parents, and longer

Those people probably have fucking jobs or are at least making the effort to do something with their life

>> No.2997069


16-19 dropped out of school, slept at friend's houses, slept on benches, did drugs, sold drugs, scabbed food from anyone and everyone, stole things. Around 20 I decided to go to TAFE and finally finish high school, went on social security and found some government housing. Got a job at a supermarket for a few years, went back to TAFE and got an IT diploma. Got an IT job and now rent a place.

>> No.2997079

>slept on benches, did drugs, sold drugs, scabbed food from anyone and everyone, stole things

wow sounds like it really taught you a useful lesson and made you into a better person

>> No.2997097

underage fuck off

if he's over 18 police cant do shit

>> No.2997104

>she took the bedroom

for her and her bull's son?

>> No.2997105

my man, you just proved us all right with this post.
>capcha: Find the punching bag.

>> No.2997109

>he thinks learning is like tinder, "swipe right to now smarter"
It's like you totally ignored the part where I stopped doing those things and learnt to better myself.

>> No.2997124

Do you think you couldn't better yourself without doing or selling drugs?

This makes about as much sense as getting into extreme debt and then climbing out of it after many hard years to "learn the value of managing your personal finances".

>> No.2997141


>> No.2997143

>Do you think you couldn't better yourself without doing or selling drugs?
Congrats, you can consider yourself better at making decisions than a 16 year old that's alone and without a support system.

>> No.2997149


>> No.2997168
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>> No.2997170

Please answer >>2996911

>> No.2997172

your logic is astounding, i think the drugs might have really done a number on your developing brain

>> No.2997180

>What are you going to do when your parents aren't around to pay for everything for you?
I will start paying for my own shit then, by then I will have a decent amount of investments and a career built.

>What the fuck have you been doing since you graduated high school?

>> No.2997185

At least mine was developed by the age of 19, yours will still be in an infantile state until your parents kick the bucket.

>> No.2997190

>and a career built.
>Admitted to currently being a NEET


>> No.2997193

Are you disabled or something? Why can't you help your parents now?

>> No.2997196


He needs to think through his LARP answers more thoroughly.

>> No.2997206

because i refuse to pay so much money to my own parents who should be helping me

>> No.2997218

>i refuse to take responsibility for myself: the reprise

>> No.2997221


>> No.2997227

Then get BTFO when they put you out on the street I guess lmao. I think that's enough larping for me tonight.

>> No.2997232

How much BTC do I need to own for a serval like this?

>> No.2997239

Spoiling children is abuse

>> No.2997244

Complete bait thread but a lot of good subjects were brought up. Anyone who's parents did this to them made bitter as fuck angsty posts. Unless OP's parents are planning on investing all of that money for him and giving him the return before he moves out, they are just lazy cucks who won't get extra jobs to pay their own expenses. (and they shouldn't have had a child in the first place)

TL;DR: asshole parents make asshole kids.
I can't fucking wait until september 23rd.

>> No.2997245

She's a light sleeper. Literally wakes up 3x a night. I don't mind my own bed anyway.

>> No.2997251

It's really not bait anon, it's all true unfortunately

>> No.2997258
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They want you to move out. They did their part in your life, now you're supposed to move on so they can live again.

>> No.2997274

No they are just fucking greedy and are using bullshit excuses to get money from you

Are you 14? What rhe fuck is there to learn about life by paying board if you are a grown ass man
Like seriously you are either underage or a colossal man child

>> No.2997292


how hard is your life?

like really really hard?

wake up, eat, play vidya, do nothing all day but mooch?

>> No.2997322

You getting spoon-fed and figuratively having your ass wept by your parents is not a human right, anon. Pay up, make them compromise, or move out. $500 is enough for you to rent your own apartment so you can grow up for once and get a GOD DAMN life.

>> No.2997332

I had a friend at my first job who's parents were doing this to him. He had to explain to our employer why he still didn't have a car after working for 2 years, and the manager went nuts.
>I gave you a fucking raise and your parents are just sucking the life out of you!
He was able to help the guy get his own separate bank account, which he hid from his parents, and also set up a direct deposit.

The guy was able to move out in a month, and find a better job since he could afford a car, insurance, and the gas to drive somewhere else.

>> No.2997347

Millions of people have not only survived, but thrived, in the span of time you did nothing with your life, while balancing things you could only dream of doings. Kiddo, do you understand the cost of your own living? Taxes? Insurance? Appointments? ANYTHING about growing up in a reasonable manner?

You're an absolute joke and are only seen as equal by coddled, immature manchildren. I guarantee that every person in this thread with LIFE EXPERIENCE has told you how wrong you are. This is your generations attitude more than any other period in time, and the sooner you enter real life, the sooner we can break you down. Be a NEET forever, faggot, because every day that I succeed and you don't, is a step further into feeling no remorse as I torment your stupid, stunted brain.

>> No.2997359

>I guarantee that every person in this thread with LIFE EXPERIENCE has told you how wrong you are

Hasn't the last major poll shown that over 50% of this board is unemployed?

Pretty sure these are just fellow NEETs projecting hard on me, pretending to be boomers.

>> No.2997369


My parents didn't make me pay as much as OP, but as soon as I was out of college they made me pay something to them if I was to continue living at their house

>> No.2997405

Listen to yourself you deluded tosser. What the fuck are they gonna do with 500 bones? Buy 4 ply toliet paper? Op just get the fuck out of there. If they gave a fuck they would help you find work

>> No.2997431

If i move out ill lose even more

i just wish my parents were more reasonable

>> No.2997446

When I was living out of home I was contributing $500 a month to my parents.

Living back at home for a while so I made it $600.

My parents would do anything for me so I want them to be as comfortable as possible and not worry about bills and such.

OP you can't expect to always live without expenses. Surely your life plan isn't too mooch of your parents until they die. Even if is their fault you are a NEET blaming them at this stage will get you nowhere.

>> No.2997448

You lose either way so better pick or try to negotiate

>> No.2997468

ask what happens if you don't pay

>> No.2997469

While the poll may be true, there isn't some NEET toll to make a post. You cannot expect that the majority of people posting are doing it because they're bitter about their own lives.

Most parents have *soft* expectations given that they were your age at one point and now have hindsight to produce better human beings, better than they could have ever been. They love you and don't want to be hard in a way that will not show results because you will always be their baby boy.

Money will be taken from your hand faster than it will be placed for the rest of your life until you can change that... In normal cases, 500 a month will barely get you an apartment, let alone feeding yourself. Your failure to launch not only stunts your emotional and personal growth, but limits it. If you were born fortunate enough to be comfortable until this point in your life, then you're lucky to have a support net but still act like it's a right. It isn't. Be better than the bare minimum, man.

>> No.2997480

can you help me negotiate please

that's what i asked for originally but everyone decided to go on projecting sprees instead

>> No.2997486

Jesus fucking christ anon quit being such a colossal faggot, you haven't even seen how hard life can actually be. Have you ever lived on food stamps? Had to do all the retarded and useless state programs that they think will get you a job but are actually an ineffective excuse to make it seem like you "earn" your handouts? Jumped through hoops every month in order to obtain the basic toiletries food stamps won't cover?

Your parents want you to get out of the house and quit being such an antisocial pussy. Now obviously they've been colossal failures as parents if you turned out like this, but you're an adult now and need to own up to your flaws and take care of yourself. Is getting a job hard in this climate? Fuck yeah it is, and if you can't get a job easily then record all of your attempts and show them to your parents. But until you actually make the attempt, you have no ground to stand on.

And if you think they're charging you too much then quit being lazy and do the god damn math. If you think they're asking you for a disproportionate amount then this should not be a problem, they cannot refute hard numbers. And if they still refuse even when you pay a disproportionate amount then move the fuck out, you're better off not living with leeches who use you.

So you're actually getting the best deal in the area? Fuck it, this was a waste of my time, either you are an excellent baiter or a pathetic retard.

>> No.2997498

normie what is your problem

im just looking for advice you don't have to insult me or sperg out like this

>> No.2997523

Your best bet is to negotiate, Have your argument then say "fine, How about $100"

>> No.2997556

Because I had a similar situation as you, except I took advantage of my parents due to my impulsive ADHD behavior and they kicked me out. I even had a job at the time, I just kept spending my money on stupid shit while eating the food my parents bought and using the utilities they paid for. I felt bad for doing it and I knew better. So seeing you do the same shit while not even having a job and not even having the slightest inkling of while it is bad, yeah that pisses me off.

You have to get out there anon, people become neets because they lack confidence, you wil never have a fulfilling life in any fashion if you hole up in you house while being afraid of the world and afraid of failure.

>> No.2997557

My advice? You won't have to pay rent if you kill yourself, OP.

Think about it.

>> No.2997566


Would you rather be paying $800 to a stranger and living in some shit suite alone or pay $500 to ur parents and be chill

>> No.2997577

when were you kikcked out

>> No.2997580

Kinda fucked up but this might work. Give it a shot u fucking NEET

>> No.2997649

Charging rent is nothing. I charge my kid 20% interest anytime we're at a store and he wants to buy some candy or comics and wants to borrow money because he forgot his wallet.

>> No.2997697


Fucking kek

>> No.2997765

>western parents

>> No.2997769

you're not supposed to have a child until you are financially, physically, and psychologically backed enough to focus your entire life onto it, encourage it to find its passion, and make sure it can survive off of its career choice before you let it go off on its own. This is also why I'm never having kids, I'll never be able to do such a thing.

This board is full of table builders and canadian plumbers. I bet all the posters in this thread are nocoiners.

>> No.2997782

if he lives in the united states, his parents will just be angry because of how embarrassing this will look in the news. OP's best bet is to hold his ground, save his cash, and move out when he has enough courage & faith in his financial backing.

>> No.2997784

i have some savings thanks to /biz/ but how do i know how much is enough?

>> No.2997806
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I can sort of relate to you OP. When I graduated hs, I attended community college for 1.5 years near my parents home and my mom made me pay 200 a month. However, I was working 2 jobs and I had been in trouble with the law a few times and they paid the lawyer and fines for me. Eventually I went to university which I just graduated from but I have been struggling to find a job. As a result, I have been living with my girlfriend (who I cannot stand) for free because her dad spoils the shit out of her. I hate the thought of moving back with my parents because I do not get along with them well and I know they will likely charge me and try to discipline me. Being a freeloader sucks though and I hope i can land a decent career soon so I can start a new chapter in my life. I struggle to not kill myself everyday.

>> No.2997821

about 5 grand.

>> No.2997829

i have more than that but no education, no experience. feels like id burn through savings quickly if i moved out

>> No.2997853

That's plenty op. What the fuck? Move your ass the fuck out of there, take an entry level job, and then learn a trade or skill. Get ready to work for the next 30+ years like the rest of us and do something with your life. Pathetic.

>> No.2997860

grow up lol.

>> No.2997863

On a slightly different topic.. Do ops parents expect him to house them when they are old and worthless? To not charge them $1500 a month (muh inflation)?
His parents are scabs and want to bleed him. Wog families, islanders, gooks etc all house their children for free forever. Even fucking jews! White people are literally more kike than kikes.

>> No.2997865

Not gonna lie, i have like $15k from the crypto and stock meme. but i feel like it means nothing when i dont have a "career job"

>> No.2997887

$500 per week?
If so just move out.

>> No.2997909

Just go find any job then. Look for something you're at least half interested. Wtf man... this is life unless you have a trust fund and a silver spoon on a platter. Your 15k in crypto is just a lucky advantage you have.

>> No.2997919

Just don't give them anything. It's not like they can force the money out of you.

>> No.2997921

because i want to get rich man

i know it sounds hypocritical or whatever as fuck considerin im a neet but if i was to move out id literally be able to save no money at all. i just want to make it man. i dont want to be an average pleb (i recognize im below average, right now).

>> No.2997930

career jobs are't real, they're just wagecucks that got stuck.

It's time to start looking for shitty jobs OP. If you have anxiety, you can get your parents to pay for an appointment where you will probably get prescribed legal amphetamines that boost your courage. Meanwhile, report anyone who treats you like you're lesser because of your anxiety, and help clean the world up of bullies.

A simple start is midnight stocking at small stores. You don't talk to anyone, there's hardly any costumers in at night, and a lot of employers will let you listen to music (I used to put porn on my phone and listen to it) to make the night go by faster.

Bonus, lifting the boxes help you get muscle gains while you're also making cash, fuck paying for a gym membership.

>> No.2997946

You're not gonna get rich suckling on mommy's teet waiting for your meme coins to moon. This should only be seen as side income. Go make something of yourself. Worthless

>> No.2997955

When you negotiate show them how much they would get renting to someone else.
Pull up craigslists postings for roomates. They'd be lucky to get $350 a month.

Then say you bring a safety premium since they don't have to worry about you stealing or locking things away. That's worth another 10% over market rate.

So basically they are giving you $200 worth of living a month.
A janitor costs that much a day, so give them janitorial services every weekend and recoup your $200 in monthly rent they provide.

Also they aren't paying payroll taxes, so add that to their savings as well.

>> No.2997958

How the fuck does listening to porn audio make the time go by faster

>> No.2997959

i just dont have any friends, im a virgin, no skills, etc. im losing hope. i constantly feel anxious about everything when im not trying to avoid reality.

i don't feel depressed at all, i have too high of an ego probably but always anxious and angry

i got fired from the few jobs i had man. im starting to really lose hope.

>> No.2997960

I can see exactly what you're saying OP. Income moves faster than you expect, and working for 1/3 of your day makes the time go by faster, which lengthens the use of your income.

these are the people you write reports about. Make sure you send them to corporate.

>> No.2997970

Then keep trying! After you get fired from enough of them, the government actually starts paying for you. It's part of our forced donation system (taxes) that helps people like you survive without getting their shit wrecked by the rest of these assholes.

>> No.2997990

Start an anti-semitic campaign and spread pro-white propaganda.

>> No.2997999

Well learn from what you did wrong and do something different so u don't get fired next time. Getting laid is pretty overrated honestly. I fuck my gf occasionally but when she's not around I love to just jerk off instead. Also most people who are friends are just trying to use you one way or another. Definitely not a necessity. Look for a job that will help you expand on your social skills or meet new people. Do some exercise, get a new hobby, etc. Find a new life story. It's easy to say but that's exactly what I'm struggling to do rn with my own life.

>> No.2998001

I live in canada, im not sure that's the case but i would love to inquire more about it

>> No.2998010

>Also most people who are friends are just trying to use you one way or another

I just want someone to talk to face-to-face. 4chan is really my only social interaction, i talk with people irl sometimes but not much, i constantly see happy normies and i just want to know that feel for once

>> No.2998014

Say you will pay them later and never ever pay

>> No.2998032

You can order sex toys and smoke weed if you move out, just throwing this idea out there

>> No.2998050

Join a club, go to the park, put yourself out there, hell... Go to church maybe. It's not as hard to meet people as you think. Just be casual and just talk about random stuff with others. Learn to recognize vibes from people like if they want to talk to you or share something interesting with you. Find an excuse to interact with them again some time. Maybe they are going through something and could use a friend as well. Be nice to people even if they dont return the favor. Let me let you in on another little secret... All those happy normies you think you see prob aren't as happy as they seem. Everyone has their own issues, insecurities, secrets, things they're ashamed of, etc. Life can be hard man. This is what it's like to be a grown up but we're all here to struggle together.

>> No.2998051

Life will teach lessons the hard way no matter what, these parents are just adding shit to your life

>> No.2998058

man i do this shit, it doesnt do anything

i dont know how to meet others. i talk to people sometimes, even kind of get "to know them". buti don't know how to continue the friendship

do i invite them to do things?

>> No.2998083

Does it hurt being that stupid?

>> No.2998086

it does sometimes, yes.

>> No.2998091

I see exactly what you're saying friend. you've gotta be strong and not give up. There's billions of people in the world. Getting to know people is a process but there's plenty of good genuine people out there who will love and respect you for who you are. It's a trial and error process but once you find a compatible acquaintance, the friendship begins to come naturally. You've gotta love yourself even when it feels like no one else does, treat people with respect, and be kind to others and with time, you'll be able to open up to others and share the struggles you are facing and a good friend will feel comfortable enough to share the struggles they are facing and offer you genuine advice. The important thing is to not give up. Rejection hurts but you'll never know what could've happened if you don't make an effort.

>> No.2998093


>> No.2998098
File: 390 KB, 999x1030, 1502251945485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rejection hurts but you'll never know what could've happened if you don't make an effort.

If i had just applied to one job for every 10 threads I've made over the years... I would be employed and happy right now.

>> No.2998101

These are the type of people that you might see and have the illusion that they are happy but the truth is, this anon doesn't like themselves so they talk down to others to make themselves feel better. These types are easily ignored

>> No.2998129

I've applied to over 100 jobs this summer and received about 10 rejection emails. However, I have an interview for a job is really like next week and I plan on applying to at least another 5 tomorrow. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." -Thomas Edison

>> No.2998131

Start giving them money. It will teach them about their son

>> No.2998133

The problem is that i haven't even found one way that didn't work

In the last few years i've sent out under 10 applications.

>> No.2998140

Well whose fault is that, big dog?

>> No.2998146

same shitty bait thread

>> No.2998148

>Giving unnecessary stress is love
Fuck i hate normies and their shitty concept of life
It's good to not be loser but losers usually fall down if you kick em like this

>> No.2998154

NO. This will only lead to spending money, getting yourself intoxicated, and then being obligated to spend even more money. Only do it if you want to OP, friends are rare and sadly... people change. Anyone you know can become someone completely different within the year.

job apps are a bitch, but once you write an honest resume that shows what you're trying to be as a person, someone will see it and pick up on it as long as they're not a jerk. It's a filtering system for both sides.

A big thing I've learned about friends is when they're exhausted of you, they leave. I might live in a town full of sociopaths, but at the same time anyone who once tried helping me like the people in this thread are helping you would suddenly one day turn around and call me out for my physical deformities, my poor social skills, and tell me it would just be easier if I "already knew".

>> No.2998175

Nope, they live with parents cos they poor af

>> No.2998180

You sound like white trash

>> No.2998181

I moved out. Had my own place. Had everything I needed. Except I was alone. Being completely alone is terrible, a horrible way to live. I couldn't handle it, ended up in the mental ward.

>> No.2998192

but we're right here senpai

>> No.2998193

reading comprehension my friend, follow the comment back and try again

>> No.2998198


Completley wrong. People who are hidden from the reality of life usually find the eventual "lesson" to be far more damaging.

>> No.2998201

will i ever make it guys

i kind of do want to move out and move to a new province but im so scared and unsure of anything

>> No.2998207

just get a job, pay the rent and put the rest of your earnings into crypto. It's so fucking easy, but you neetards don't fucking do it

>> No.2998213

We all are anon. So were our parents. This is why you're not supposed to do it until you know it's the right time.

>> No.2998218

>So far in the bubble that yoi dont understand some people are weak

>> No.2998220

It's never the right time though. I've learned from my life that the right time just never comes.

>> No.2998255

>this level of learned helplessness

Sending out 10 applications and saying it's over doesn't mean it's over. Start a wagecuck retail gig or go to Alaska to get your feet wet. Being a mooch will only last for so long.

>> No.2998260

Give it a shot man. What's the worst that could happen? At least you have parents u could move back with

>> No.2998301
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>> No.2998393

5am... going to sleep... what a horrible day.

>> No.2998431
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kys, teach them about giving people ultimatums.

>> No.2998477

Quite the elaborate bait OP. I give u an 8/10

>> No.2998485

I wish my life was a bait guys. I really do wish I could say this was all one hilarious meme I made up.

But I cant say that

>> No.2998570
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Sorry anon, you are the best goy of this current era, you will have to pay rent to your parents, pay for their retirement, and keep paying for the massive government debt they left you.

Don't forget to be happy :^)

>> No.2998611

Save your energy. The manchildren here have no fucking idea what a tough life is. So many of you people have got it too easy.

>hurr mah life is tough no one understands

Shame. Try living without food for a week while looking for a job. Try actually working hard to sustain yourself.

>> No.2998655

you have to move out, otherwise you are just getting fucked. fuck them back by not giving them a dime and moving out on your own.

>> No.2998694

Whats the deal with american parents ?
Is it like
>son we have to talk, i want you to become a usefull member of the USA
>now you see i have already the 100k debts and my ninth credid card arived today.
>you should start selling your soul to the bank so i throw you out of my house
>now son go rent your own apartment the bank will pay for it.

>> No.2999641

I feel you..

Get them to put 500$ inside their account and have them return it when you need money for an apartment. If they dont agree to that they are just assholes like mine was.

>> No.2999663

>parents asking their children to pay the rent

Is this an American thing or what? This sounds retarded as fuck. You don't treat your children like strangers, no matter what.

>> No.2999764
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You will indeed. Get an income.


>> No.2999842

Damn your parents are dicks Anon, my father wouldn't let me crash at his house when I got out of the military and wouldn't even discuss a payment for me to use his fucking guest house. Luckily my mom let me crash at hers rent free I just literally did chores like I was 12 and she thinks I'm great for it.

>> No.2999947

fucking crybaby

my parents started charging me rent as soon as I graduated high school

pull your own weight you parasite

>> No.2999957

it literally only happens with parents who are deeply disappointed in their kids
not even hating on OP its just a fact
his parents are mad that hes done literally nothing with his life at age 26 and are fed up

at this point they either want him just out of the house finally, or to grow up and become a functioning adult like the rest of the world

>> No.3000018


Grow the fuck up you useless piece of shit, welcome to reality. It costs money to live, it costs money to eat. Your fuckin momma and your fuckin dadda aren't there to hold your hand anymore.

Can only assume you're >= 18. And if that's the case you're fuckin pathetic, get off your mommas tits you pleb.

>> No.3000029
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ITT NEETs advise NEETs

>> No.3000060

classic /biz/

>> No.3000073

Oh, so you're really a pathetic faggot. Kys.

>> No.3000572

>whining about having to pay rent
500 is a steal, be happy.

>> No.3000766

I pay 300€ for a 24m2 room + bathroom + kitchen in germany :)

>> No.3000806

Oh golly, you sure learned alot didnt ya

>> No.3000842

Tough love doesn't exist. Only the proletariat truly believe in it.

>> No.3000872


>> No.3000913
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Jesus Christ. This thread is autism incarnate

They want to charge you rent because they want you to fucking leave. Get your own fuckjng place and stop leeching off your parents

>> No.3000931

you lived in the living room while your girlfriend took the bedroom? lol was tyrone paying rent for the bedroom or was he a guest?

>> No.3000987
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500 is a bit steep for just still living with your parents.
Move out pay a bit extra do whatever u want. or try to bargin them down to something reasonable since they wont reconsider.

>> No.3001007

just move out and cut contact people like this should die alone

>> No.3001042

>sleeping in seperate beds
if a girl tried that shit with me i would dump her

>> No.3001186

Itt: neets projecting onto other neets

>> No.3001432

You literally have to go hardcore mind games , literally threaten to never talk with them again (start right now) or to kys, see how much they care about money

Tell them they will have to physically remove you/police envolved

Make it as hard as possible to get/want money, tldr: literally don't give in at any cost

>> No.3001485


if $500 is a this big deal to you, you're obviously fucking off and they are trying to kick you in the pants.

you don't like it? go find a better deal somewhere else.

>> No.3001543

My parents didnt have time to do a whole lot for their kids, but at least they didnt charge us
fucked up

>> No.3001789

If you think this is bad, you're about to get a really rude awakening once you're out in the real world where nobody gives a shit about you, and 80% of people want to use you.

However, you should negotiate $500 down to something like $300. Literally ask them if they would rent the room out to somebody else, and be comfortable with them if you move out, and how much they think they would get. Voila - you can now agree on a lower price.

Also help your parents anon, dont be a pos.

>> No.3002113

Considering you've posted this every day for the past month, you're either bait or literally the most pathetic anon on this entire fucking board.

>> No.3002159

$500 for a room lmao


>> No.3002188

Just get a $500 studio and tell them to fuck off

>> No.3002217

You're fucking kidding.
I never felt more sane than when I lived alone. Literally the best thing I could possibly do for my head.

>> No.3002444

>I was a defegenerate drug dealer and I'm stronger for it

I'll take people who vote democrat for 500 please Alex

>> No.3002448

You have a 15k in crypto right? Negotiate 500/month down to 300, and get a job. Literally any job. Work minimum wage for a while if you have to. Gain experience in the real world, and either go to a community college or trade school. Your situation isn't dire at all when you have your savings/crypto as a cushion. End goal is building up the skills/experience for a decent job where you can afford to move out.

>> No.3002658

Tbf this. Memers dont understand the concept of generationally building wealth. The whole point of money is to give you power and reproductive advantages. The average middle class child will be left with nothing but a bill

>> No.3002859

This we can discuss the morals of it all day, but we are on th busines board after all.

Play hardball back. Tell them you'll give them no more than x. Report the additional income they're making from you to the IRS or whatever. Invoice them for work you do around the house. Start treating them like strangers not family.

>> No.3003227

You have everything ahead of you and youre such a pussy for giving up

>> No.3003243

That's fucked up lmao

Good way to destroy your family relationship

>> No.3003410

this, work on your copy fagget

>> No.3003467

WTF William Goodall is that you!?

>> No.3003824

if your over the age of 18 you need to pay rent.

>> No.3003872

And when the parents are old they must pay rent too :) only 3 times as much to account for inflation or else they don't get to see their grandchildren

>> No.3003986

They started it ;^)

>> No.3004124

Yeah but still seems like a lose-lose situation no matter what

>> No.3004453
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at $500/month staying at home is no longer worth it over the price of renting a small apartment or getting a cheap mortgage

if my parents tried to pull this shit they'd never hear from me again
good luck getting me to help you in your advanced age

>> No.3004466

>good luck getting me to help you in your advanced age

good luck getting your inheritance lmao

>> No.3004497


To live with a roommate or SO, yeah, but $500 to live with your parents is the nut low. I could've lived with my parents for free but I noped the fuck outta there first job I got

>> No.3004588

LOL nobody wants the trouble of having to sort through their parents' shitty tchotchke collections

>> No.3004609

>not wanting the house and all their shit
>Being this short sighted

>> No.3004630
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>4chan forever contrarian
>bitches about boomers
>but whenever a young anon who is slightly naive/stupid/flawed in some way (because young and probably from low-tier background, hence why he's on 4chan) complains about specific boomer tendencies affecting his daily life, every fucking idiot who sees the thread opens it up just to shit on OP
contrarian shitheads

>> No.3004649

If you think his parents are the problem, you are just as retarded. This isn't a boomer vs. millennial thing, you fucking cuck.

>> No.3004666

typical /biz/ tard.

>> No.3004667

OP sounds like he needs an attitude adjustment, but $500 for living at home? you fucking shitting me? and OP is clearly a loser with no footing in life, you think that's a sensible way to treat your kids? no, that's a quick ticket to working class mediocrity.
>hurdur I had kids just to fuck them over instead of doing everything within my power to ensure that they have a higher life outcome than I
this is 100% a boomer attitude and if you think it isn't you are naive
$500 is 1BR apartment-tier, and in really low CoL areas you can rent an entire small house for not much more

tl;dr: OP is a loser and needs real help, not to be charged 500 fucking dollars to live at home as some sort of misguided shit-tier boomer life lesson

>> No.3004670

>using the cuck meme

Let's be honest here, the vast majority of people on here are contrarians. We'll have a "When is the right age for men to move out?" thread where everyone is mid 20's working a fulltime job and living with their parents and everyone uses the logic of "You're a cuck if you pay money to a shekelberg, I live with my parents and save 98% of my income, On track to retiring with $6million in 3 years" and then someone makes a "Halp im a 20 year old neet and my parents are going to kick me out" and everyone jumps on and starts laying into them calling them a loser and a leech.

It's amazing how despite the last major poll showing half this board is unemployed that everyone here is seemingly an amateur bodybuilder, engineer making $120k, successful cryptospeculator who's up over 5000% this month alone and moved out at the age of 14.

>> No.3004675


>> No.3004677

500 bucks where I am gets you a cardboard box by the highway.

>> No.3004679

find a place for cheaper then move there just to spite them.

if they try to match price, refuse.

>> No.3004682

This thread is still here?
Fucking grow up OP, your folks are trying to make a man out of you probably because you aren't one.
Go with it you might just have fun living as an adult.

>> No.3004693

>500 bucks where I am gets you a cardboard box by the highway.
It must be nice to live in the heart of NYC, it's a shame your legs don't work and you can't move 3 blocks away where the niggers live for $150 in gibsmedat money, $50 in foodstamps lowkey to the Jewish landlord and some loosies on the side

>> No.3004694

they they zero'd in on a pretty much impossible to beat price point, so props to them on that. I'd probably still move into a shithole to prove a point though.

>> No.3004702

>cucking yourself out of your inheritance

>> No.3004704

you guys do know this is a troll thread right?

>> No.3004764
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Consider the side of the story we're hearing here in this thread. I don't understand how anyone could feel like OP (if he exists) is not deserving of some tough love. Do you really think that he doesn't cost his parents more than $500 a month (I also think he's talking CAD which is even more pathetic)?

If it were in the US, I don't even think $500 would cover his health insurance, even in a family plan, let alone food and whatever else he needs. I know he's in Canada so it may be different but the point still stands, he's a 21 year old leech and he's being an economic drain on his parents and from the sounds of it doesn't even give a fuck. It'd be one thing if he was working to better himself but he isn't.

I'm pretty sure when his parents were raising their son they were hoping he wouldn't turn out to be an ingrate with zero ambition, or maybe they were just horrible parents, who knows? Either way, I'd be frustrated if that were my son too.

People are going to post in threads that they feel a reaction to and a lot of successful people (they exist) will read OP's thread and naturally tell him to stop being such a baby.

Even if I had completely failed in my own career I don't think I would have ever thought it was alright for someone to be sitting alone at home for 3+ years after high school doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.3004773

Kill your parents

>> No.3004793

>Do you really think that he doesn't cost his parents more than $500 a month (I also think he's talking CAD which is even more pathetic)?

Pretty sure he has already said that the only real expenses that he incurs are food and electricity. Which is definitely below $500 a month.

>I'm pretty sure when his parents were raising their son they were hoping he wouldn't turn out to be an ingrate with zero ambition

NEETs don't pop out of nowhere. He even talked about how they were abusive to him up earlier in the thread.

>People are going to post in threads that they feel a reaction to and a lot of successful people (they exist) will read OP's thread and naturally tell him to stop being such a baby.

It cannot possibly be such a huge disparity though.

When the topic of being a NEET comes up, all the 20 year old investment bankers and engineers hop on to berate the NEET, and when the topic of living with your parents comes up everyone is suddenly early to mid 20's living with parents? Ridiculous.

It honestly feels just like /fit/, where people make ">TFW barely made any progress in x amount of years" and everyone posts sad pepes and chimes in how they know that feel... Then someone posts a picture of his (above average) body and everyone suddenly becomes Mr. Olympia and pointing out every little thing not perfect with his body.

>> No.3004838

You're acting like there aren't hundreds of people that browse these threads. There are a lot of different stories out there.

There's also nothing wrong with living with your parents if they are welcoming and supportive of you, whether you're paying them or not, at any age. What's not okay is being 21 on a 4 year unemployment streak and getting indignant that your parents are beginning to get frustrated and are asking you to help out with household expenses. $500 a month is not unreasonable. Honestly, assuming OP is real, I think this is more of a threat from his frustrated parents who are desperate to try to get him to get a job and are resorting to this as their last resort.

>> No.3004871

Well we don't know the exact situation, but $500 is pretty expensive. What I think is most fair is that OP pays for all his own things, including food. Maybe even chips in for some utilities.

Him paying for what he uses is definitely fair. Charging their own son rent to live in a room they would not even be renting out or using for anything is not fair.

>> No.3004937


What the hell are ou talking about. If you made 12x500 a year in America King Niggercare would cover your health insurance and you could apply for welfare and government housing. Contrary to what most have been taught about American Captalis
we don't have businessmen with lambos and suits walking right by people dying in the streets.

In New York for instance we force them to die in North Harlem in soup kitchens.

>> No.3005032

And how did you think that one up? Haha deluded retard. People get to live with their parents rent free no problem into late 20s because they have jobs and a will to improve self. You're just a waste of space whos lucky to have a roof over your head. NOBODY AND NOTHING OWNS YOU NOTHING

>> No.3005080

Why the fuck is this shit thread so long? Get a job and pay them the $500 you ungrateful fuck. Or get a job and move out. It's not easy for people to have to work all the time and pay for bills while you continue to be a NEET mongrel.

>> No.3005120


Any of my family members who tried that on me would be evicted before they could finish the sentence. I'd fucking assault them.

Ungrateful shit. Nobody deserves nothing beyond what law dictates. OPs parents graciously accomodated his neet life for like 4 years. 4 years to grow up and take the life by the balls.

So to thank them, you'd threathen to kys.

If anybody I support dares to utter that sentence, I just might help them with that.

>> No.3005144

>Nobody deserves nothing beyond what law dictates

Oh yes, this seems like very healthy family relations. Kick out your children once they turn 18. Completely cut contact, never interact again (the law doesn't dictate it). Definitely seems like healthy family relations desu

>> No.3005167

plus it'll really show your parents!

>> No.3005222

Yes, that is the baseline Glad we understand that now.

If your child is a stupid degenerate who makes his or her parents life living hell, then they deserve what they sow.

If the child is literally OP who is a grown man with a mentality of a 15 year old (16 year olds actually work and go to school) then he had his chance. He still has it. 500 in rent is like 1/4 of a monthly retail paycheck. This is merely a wake up call for that child to go get this job. Parents wont be around forever.

I hope that when the OP manchild refuses to improve his life, his parents wont be pussies and actually do kick him out.

>> No.3005421

Implying I live in shitty ass NYC.

Implying I want to live amongst people that would rob my ass without blinking.

>> No.3005816

lmao do you know how easy police reports are to file

>> No.3005832

trips or not, you're the kind of parent that gets their teeth kicked in as soon as his son lifts some weights.

>> No.3006272

Put a little effort into man.

>> No.3006317

Just get 5,000 NEO and pay them rent in GAS.

>> No.3006692


you should leave. you can rent a room somewhere for cheaper.

and no, you're not going to "learn" shit giving your parents that rent. You only learn by actually being out on your own. Your parents are assholes, I know because I was in your situation.

I also realize you probably can't move out either, due to money and being a loser, and you're probably ugly too...

>> No.3006734

Savage anon!!

>> No.3006747

>I was in your situation

Are you saying you're ugly lmao

>> No.3006767

I'm 34, still live with my parents, and haven't paid them a dime my entire life. In fact I work and they still give me $20 here and there which adds up to about $400 a month.

>> No.3006917

lol u sad piece of shit

>> No.3007675

I'm 34 and live at home with father and brother. Mother passed away 12 yrs ago.

My brothers a crackhead alcoholic troublemaking piece of shit and my father sides with him nearly all the time.

About two months ago they stopped cooking for me and started charging me $100 a month. I could probably not pay it and get away with it but screw it.

My father is pretty old, hasn't paid a dime in income tax to the IRS his entire life (along with my brother who work ls with him) and I know the combination to his safe. He's either senile or something because he never noticed the cash I take out when no one's home, and it's a fair amount. Or he knows I'm taking money but doesn't want to say anything for whatever reason (unlikely)

If he ever gets a new safe I'm outta here, my brother is a piece of shit and impossible to live with, have to call the cops on him about every 3 weeks because of his harassment and sometimes physical abuse.

>> No.3007713
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>complaining about $500 a month to live with the equivalent of two butlers

>> No.3007790

By the way my father is fucking me good by giving our house to my crackhead brother in his will, and we also have two other houses and I'll get nothing out of them either.

I figure I'll stick around as long as I can remain siphoning money from his safe, I really dont feel any shame because he's never paid income taxes and is fucking me in his will.

And my brother never gets consequences for his troublmaking behavior, my father won't confront him, I feel so justified stealing money from my father, no regrets

>> No.3007810

contest the will when your father dies
says your crackhead son forced him to give him everything through harassment and abuse, if your brother has a criminal history you can also say he will just spend it on drugs
enjoy winning everything. just continue to be the good child

>> No.3007916

>too lazy to work 2 jobs
Looks like it sucks to be in burgerland if people can't survive off one job.

>> No.3007928

It doesn't take much to see how deluded you are. You're the problem.