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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 122 KB, 477x587, 0B78313C-9936-4DEE-AF5F-270E385ACF4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29977199 No.29977199 [Reply] [Original]

> just be confident bro

>> No.29977364

Just work out, get a haircut and stand straight bro

>> No.29977462

how do I profit from the /fit/pill biz?
you need showers too bro

>> No.29977464

This is so stupid.

You gotta work with what you have, man. I guarantee you that the guy on the right would've been worse if he didnt lift. He's trying to be the best he can. Of course he won't be able to becom e 10/10, but he can always improve from his original form.

Keep improving, guys. Don't settle and don't get baited by stupid post created by losers.

>> No.29977701

>yes wagie, you'll never be a millionaire, but you're doing the best you can
>you're always making more money, you can always improve your position in the company
>keep working goy, don't get baited by stupid posts created by losers.

>> No.29977793

guy on right just needs abs and a better haircut

>> No.29977869
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>> No.29977886

Wow interesting, I didn't know a job was immutable like genetics, you stupid loser fag!

>> No.29977924

no, he needs jaw surgery

his maxilla and mandible are retrusive

>> No.29978019

Why? So he can waste more time with boring and stupid women?

>> No.29978281

Tbh I didn’t even notice. The dude on the right is in great shape. That’s all I noticed.

>> No.29978425

nice gyno faggy

>> No.29978453

Totally agree; my post above was just shitposting.

In reality, the guy on the left is in the top 0.1% comfortably. In a full football stadium, he would be in the top dozen or two for genetic attractiveness. Working out on top of that obviously accentuates it and elevates him to male-model tier appearance (ie. he could legitimately earn his living directly and solely from his appearance).

But here's the thing; even a guy in the 95th percentile for attractiveness would look beta and shit compared to the guy on the left of this picture. People like him are so rare - imperfect analogy but it is like having an IQ of 125-130 and feeling you are a loser because you know of someone else with an IQ of 160; they are so rare you shouldn't feel like shit you are not them.

As you say, you have to work with the genetic hand you have been dealt, but also with the environmental influences that impinged on you before you were self-aware enough to take responsibility for them (eg. being fed a low protein diet when young can lead to shortness as an adult).That guy on the right, if dressed well in the workplace or nightclub would easily pass as acceptably attractive. Part of the solution is to also reorient your mindset to accept you, like most people, will never be in the top say 5 or 10% for attractiveness and, if you genuinely are not likely to ever be even in the top 60% say for attractivenes, to become more accepting of the bad luck you have suffered and just stoically and manfully laugh it off (but not in a beta way, more a strong masculine man's man way) and excel in other areas of life eg. being a good friend, father figure, not be overly self-absorbed or ruminative, a reliable earner and provider, and take whatever other enjoyments in life you can. We can't all be in the top 5% for every desirable trait and that isn't the universe out to personally get us, it is just probability.

>> No.29978525

The guy on the right looks natural and his balls and penis likely haven't shriveled into baby genitalia. Steroids are fucking gay until you're at least 40, even then they're gay.

>> No.29978966

Did they get married in the end?

>> No.29979484

Cutting vs Bulking

>> No.29979719

once you become a chad or if you actually are one from birth you realize that the chad mindset doesnt even begin to think about putting down the guy on the right. if guy on left is an actual chad he doesnt think badly in any way about dude on the right. its only the toxic losers posting about it who think about it. the irony is the more one dwell on how someone is or isnt a chad, the less chad one becomes.

ive been practicing semen retention for 2 years now and i came spontaneously to these conclusions at some point. now i see people as spiritually equal even if someone is better in this material plane in some regard. i can appreciate great genetic examples and in no way feel bad about myself or look down on anyone for not being the same

>> No.29979798

also by "spiritually equal" i dont mean that exactly. i mean our soul has same capacity for goodness. of course some people are more advanced spiritually than others. i mean i can see the "I AM" awareness behind all material existence, or at least have a slight inkling of it

>> No.29979805
File: 153 KB, 640x360, 4A506282-2D84-45EA-862D-95F22DED248C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. He just needs to grow a beard. This is simple shit bros.

>> No.29979809

You know, I think if right is confident enough he is 100% able to get a gf still.

>> No.29979890
File: 10 KB, 225x225, 1569590266444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im 128 kg manlet and i get pussy because i have 25 btc

>> No.29979982

>ive been practicing semen retention for 2 years now and i came spontaneously

>> No.29979989

He only looks shit compared to a literal 10/10. He looks perfectly fine otherwise.

>> No.29980127


>> No.29980227


>> No.29980567
File: 1.88 MB, 2500x1315, 1612810691877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop with these demoralization threads go back to /r9k/ you megafags. 100 percent these threads are made by suburban white sheltered zoom zooms who are sad about their pathetic lifes. Fucking unironically kys, once you reach your 30's you realize how fucking worthless all this bs was.
This is a /go getter/ board, even if you get rugpilled by pajeets, it takes courage to get back up and do it again. You retards are not going to make it, because of this cancerous attitude. YOU mongloids only do things to gain admiration from other normies, you don't seek freedom for the sake of freedom. Both of those fags in op's pic mogs me, does it bother me, fuck no. I only have so much time in my life to give a fuck about some normie/roasties opinions.

>> No.29980618

life is demoralizing and the faster you learn this the easier your life will be

>> No.29980733

No showers, ngmi

>> No.29980967
File: 89 KB, 680x501, 1611871396006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice psued shit bitch. Why should I give a fuck about something that happens to EVERYONE. YEAH YEAH WE DIE ONE DAY, boo hoo. LET ME make the remaining of my life UTTER SHIT, because it is all so tiresome. I DON't MAtter guys, i am not special like my MOMMIE TOLD ME.
tFW when I manlet, ugly and not RIch what do guys. PATHETIC. DIE YOU WEAK NIGGER

>> No.29981036

What is Emin doing next to Jeff, he's supposed to be minting those bonus blocks

>> No.29981057

you got anger issues I suggest a therapist or good parents

>> No.29981248

BETTER TO HAVE ANGER ISSUES THAN BE A FUCKING LOSER. ATLEAST I LIVE my LIFE, than cry about not being chad cuz of my GenES or w/e. MAYBE YOU SHOULD BE MORE ANGRY WITH yourself instead of being a beta cuck.

>> No.29981388

“It is nothing to me”

>> No.29981525

desu he went from dweeb to isolated lighthouse keeper

>> No.29981592


Jeff Seid only hooked up with festival thots, I’m not even jealous. Well I am of his body though.

>> No.29981675

he could make it
just needs a fade and his eyebrows done.
facial hair would help him too.

>> No.29981701

Based and spirit pilled. wgmi

>> No.29981704
File: 2.51 MB, 720x404, Giga Chad Gives Looksmaxx Advice For Incels.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally worked for me!

>> No.29981716

based Jeff

>> No.29981760

what a weird thread
when I see this pic, I see two motivated and strong men.
is the implication that the shorter one is somehow inferior? That's autistic, this thread is autistic.

>> No.29981888

yeah, im angry because im not a chad that can pump 8/10 white pussy for hours

>> No.29981970

>why aren’t you miserable like me?!

>> No.29981995

The guy on the right is 6' (185cm) tall btw

>> No.29982070

Taking steroids and getting plastic surgery isn't anybody's definition of "making it", ace.

>> No.29982207

But no one cares, he's a gigachad
No amount of money will ever bring me close to looking like him

>> No.29982241
File: 1.99 MB, 2358x4192, justliftbro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just hit the gym and improve bro

>> No.29982349
File: 2.92 MB, 1056x594, 1614436270969.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just lift some weights bro!

>> No.29982429

can /biz/tards really not tell that jeff seid (guy on left) is on insane amounts of gear and has a lot of plastic surgery done?

>> No.29982508


>> No.29982570

why do you want us to buy amc

>> No.29982576

hire prostitutes after making it. True love doesn't exist. if you don't care for the hassle of dating.

There are ok women out there who aren't 8/10, if you want that emotional connection or w/e.

look for unsatisfied women in marriages, if not a moral fag.
go to another country, where you mog the local populace and marry trad wife.

be rich and be a sugar daddy, > but she use me, me no like. Well you use her for youth/looks w/e.

stop putting white pussy on a pedestal. It ain't that cash > inb4 my aryan jeans.

just do anything that is not complaining or circle jerking on discord about female bad or w/e. We already fucking know that. Also stop any parasocial relationships you might have including twitch, youtube onlyfans cams w/e. This is not real, these people are not even real. If plowing pussy is such a priority, make it your mission instead of being lazy. you might still fail, but it is better than doing nothing.

>> No.29982649

He has mantits and stomach hair. I have fucked genetics and get how people can hate the "just lift" meme but dude needs to put more work in before he tries showing off.
Also I left fitness 4chan after realizing how fucked I am but didn't guy on the left self destruct from being such a hedonist?

>> No.29982684

nice shitstain under his belly

>> No.29982709

mgtow cope

>> No.29982775

Are you a chink?

>> No.29982844

The guy on the left juices, 100%.

>> No.29982856

Just don't invest more than you're willing to lose bro.

>> No.29982863

yes he went completely insane, started losing his hair from all the gear so he quit everything, started doing 30 day fasts, 48 hour livestreams, hes a shell of a person now

>> No.29982933

Something tell me you look like him if he didn't lift.

>> No.29982975

t. Demoralization incel that creates these threads several times a day.

>> No.29983076

thats not mgtow, its closer to pua

>> No.29983163

You habe better solution cumskin?
nah bitch pajeet here in the usa. How does it feel to get mogged by one of the apparently "LoWEst SExual VAlue" in dating market people here.
>inb4 you will always be a cumskin

>> No.29983187
File: 31 KB, 676x676, 1612998270745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, name? Don't get how people get dealt a good hand then fuck up their test production with juice to try and look like a greek god and shag 9's for a couple years.

>> No.29983407


>> No.29983564

>30% body fat
>have crypto
>fuck fat white whores
>also skinny white whores
Hello? Just fuck women. That’s all you have to do.

>> No.29983580

>tfw IQ of 120-135
>tfw my mom has a confirmed IQ of 144
I feel so retarded all the damn time

>> No.29983621

connor murphy

the problem isn't test production really, that usually comes back after a few months even if youve been taking gear for a couple years. bigger issues are how they mess up your heart and kidneys and make you look older in the face, the latter issue being exacerbated by quitting also

>> No.29983649

nofap opened this man's third eye god damn

>> No.29983654

t. defeatist

>> No.29983677

Conor oberst

>> No.29983735


>> No.29983832

>Jeff Said
>top 0.1%
He's a roidcel and has good frame and muscle building genetics for sure but his face is nothing special

>> No.29983932

How do I kill that slightly annoying small gut? If I force my abs a bit it kinda goes away, but I can't be flexing all day.
I'm not exactly fat, quite the contrary actually, and I've been training for like 3 years, but since I had to eat properly for gains I've developed a small gut kinda like the guy in the right on OP's pic.
I'd ask on /fit/ but I'm no that much of a homo, only a bit.

>> No.29983934

stop sisyphus posting you losers

>> No.29983960


>> No.29984046

guy on the right looks much stronger and natural, this picture is also fucking gay

>> No.29984054

go all natural cooking your own food eating a lot of vegetables and soup and shit. go vegertarian or vegan

>> No.29984157

This is a good tip if you wanna kill your gains and become a malnourished fagget skeleton

>> No.29984225

I cook all my meals, not American so it's kinda easier and cheaper.
>lot of vegetables and soup and shit. go vegertarian or vegan
I'd like to keep on training because I kinda enjoy it, won't that be bad for progress?

>> No.29984332

his physique is mid tier on a year and a half of natty gains. don't let the jaw blind you

>> No.29984340


>> No.29984399

no needing all that protein is a stupid meme by people over compensating with small dicks. i used to go to the gym like 2-3x a week and work out at home every night.

ive tried overdosing on protein with whey protein eating chicken and beef jerky all day and mixing milk with protein and just not even paying attention to protein it was basically the same no matter what i did. as long as you work out and eat healthy you get fit

>> No.29984594

>blocks ur path

>> No.29984662
File: 373 KB, 635x416, must_keep_moving forward.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the only thing i know how to do bruh. post modernism has robbed my purpose away from me. I wish I was a christ cuck like b4, but I can't go back, I must push forward

>> No.29984710

>how do I profit from the /fit/pill biz?
Long PLNT while lockdowns are still a thing.

>> No.29985128

Thanks for your reply.
I do have a small dick, though.

>> No.29985153

>aryan jeans
I'm wearing my aryan jeans right now, anon.

>> No.29985407

This. High levels of protein really only matter when you're below 10% bodyfat. When pro bodybuilders are gearing up for a show, they eat so much protein because they're 8% bodyfat dieting down to 4% for the stage while building muscle and roiding hard.

>> No.29985565

/biz/ is not supposed to be a circlejerking board with things like "YOU GO GIRL" and "SO STUNNING AND BRAVE", but honestly you got a point, this board is getting worse by the day,
we need to get rid of /pol/ and /r9k/

>> No.29985911

based and gmipilled

>> No.29986305
File: 37 KB, 622x626, D8zcpGXXoAAq7o0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fell for the bait, retard

>> No.29986648


>> No.29986800

Wtf is wrong with that jaw

>> No.29987069

let's say you lost the genetic lottery.

does moaning about it like a little bitch help?

That's why you're an incel. Because of your attitude. Women are much less bothered by looks than you think.
What they actually care about is that you can't have your emotions manipulated and you don't act like a little bitch.

>> No.29987128

>Women are much less bothered by looks than you think.
are you actually retarded?

>> No.29987186

I just baited you, retard.

>> No.29987298

He's right though. A socially confident guy with friends will mog the handsome loner with abs

>> No.29987321

steven hawking fucked. he couldn't even walk.
whats your excuse?

>> No.29987400
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only based poster here

>> No.29987469


Looks like they bought $CLF

>> No.29987572
File: 30 KB, 520x563, georges bataille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know you can just kill them right? You know you can just beat the fuck out them right anon? Anon, you do own a gun or a knife, or a bat righttt right???

Anon you know you can just rape women. Do you honestly think your ancestors weren't savage killers. Genghis Khan's blood line is in like 30% of the world's population.

This is not legal financial advice.

>> No.29987579

Friendly reminder to stop obsessing over other men and go get your racks up >>29980567
Listen to that guy

>> No.29987741

also this board is for making fucking money and shilling shitcoins.
it's not about pathetic moaning.
The ONLY thing moaning does is make you feel worse. That's it. It accomplishes nothing. That's why you're still poor. Pick yourself the fuck up. Keep trying.

And fuck off back to /pol/

>> No.29987844

these threads will never ever ever make me feel bad lmao. go back to r9k so you can die a thousand deaths every day while people around you better themselves and live life.

these threads are just sad. it’s like FUD but instead of trying to steal your money they’re just trying to make you feel as bad as they do. they do it for free

>> No.29987883

The guy on the right should just take a shower

>> No.29987948

It's looks, money and status

>> No.29987994

have any of you been outside? maybe you won't get a 10/10 stacey thot, but you can do well. just stop being a loser

>> No.29988782
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>those tits

>> No.29988799

Low gas fee today, time grab more $ENQ
Check this dudes, you will get that this ecosystem is new age in crypto
mobile dapps and mining
I am safe now with this system, tards wouldn’t get how it is working

>> No.29988989

Listen up faggots. You don't work our and better yourself for others. You do it to improve yourself. ITS FOR YOURSELF. NOT FOR OTHERS. When will you learn focusing only on pussy will take you further from it.

>> No.29989115

It’s already above where it was before the crash

>> No.29989546

That guys not on gear. You can get that body natty working two years as a scafolder

>> No.29989563

This anon fucks.