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29965178 No.29965178 [Reply] [Original]

previous thread >>29944964

Americans can still buy XRP on Uphold or Bitrue
or on the XRP ledger https://xrptoolkit.com/trade
or on XUMM app (with USD IOU's from Bitstamp)
XUMM instructions https://postimg.cc/LqLWr0mn

>Flare Finance PUBLIC BETA:
>BETA Preparation:

>Ripple’s Response to SEC Lawsuit:
>Lawyer Explains:

>Flare (FLR) Overview:

>Bitrue vs Poloniex FLR:

>Flare vs Ethereum:

>Flare Finance Intro:

>Flare Finance FAQ:

>Flare Finance Wiki:

>XRP Ledger:
>XRP Charts:
>XRP Richlist:


https://twitter.com/PRX113 [Mr. Pool archives]

>The Myth of Market Cap:

>Past /XSG/ Threads:

>What wallet do I use?
Hot storage - XUMM, Exodus or TrustWallet
Cold storage - Paper/Metal or Ledger/Trezor

>> No.29965201

Ripple is not a cryptocurrency

>> No.29965315

Bitcoin is a security of the People’s Republic of China

>> No.29965319
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>brainlet take.

ripple being a security is unironically the best thing to happen since then we bagholders are entitled to ripple stocks in exchange for our bags. ripple stock is immune to fork fud, token not needed fud, and muh centralized shitcoin fud.

what everyone here actually wants is ripple stock but xrupee is the only thing they can buy

>> No.29965389
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>> No.29965444
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Frens, Tether is so fucked, it's hilarious:
https://youtu.be/wsplNmDH_2w [Embed]

Full podcast here:
https://youtu.be/rQ3nQ8-KY28 [Embed]

>> No.29965505
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Nice digits anon
Gary approves

>> No.29965591
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Gary our lord and savior!

>> No.29965650

The likeness is truly uncanny
Bless your heart

>> No.29965661
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>> No.29965700

I wonder how it will hold up under the gun

>> No.29965706

Yup, truly!

>> No.29965873
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Hey frens, I just mad dis
Spread the meme

>> No.29966161

I'm watching the full interview with this playing lol.

>> No.29966182

The Gun will shoot us straight to the moon, says ur digits

>> No.29966194

based and checked. Tether will burn

>> No.29966295

poompa in thread #777

check 'em

>> No.29966359
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Hahaha, very nice fren, I'm afraid BTC might actually see such a huge red dildo in the future.

Tether days are over, XRP will rises from the ashes of crypto as the magnificent phoenix it is

>> No.29966405

can i still make a claim on that flare airdrop?

>> No.29966667

If you held XRP during the snapshot I think you still can

>> No.29966710

the snapshot was last december right? I must've missed it then

>> No.29966854

Anyone else just really want to USE their XRP gains to have like 100 children and start their own tribe?

>> No.29966946

Threadly Reminder:
The SEC is losing it's case, but they implicated the two founders to gain their stacks in a settlement that's why they are dumping like crazy, Then they will start buying it while it's below a dollar. Then when the dollar collapses they control the supply and demand of the new standard. HODL LADS

>> No.29966950


>> No.29966986
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Most definitely

>> No.29967070

Yes it was last december
Sorry to hear that fren, I also missed it but it's okay, XRP will be more than enough :)

>> No.29967127
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who the fuck thought giving that guy an interview was a good idea. his blatant lies are written on his face, he's clearly a patsy. meanwhile Michael Saylor is on NBC looking coked out of his mind, spouting ridiculous bullshit about how BTC is going to scale to a million transactions per second. ridiculous

at this point i genuinely feel bad about how hard BTC maxis are going to get screwed, this is worse than Gamestop by an order of magnitude, so many gullible redditors are going to lose their life's savings, their mortgages, their hopes and dreams.

one thing i noticed- yesterday, everything was crashing, BTC down to about 43700, the entire market down 10% or more, and then at about 1pm everything shot back up, a straight line on the daily charts- clearly a massive infusion of cash happened to stabilize the price, which is EXACTLY what the NY AG lawsuit against bitfinex and tether accused them of doing. to me it looks like they're putting increasingly flimsy and fake bandaids on the gaping wound of a fake market, propped up by fake money. if i had to guess all the (mostly Chinese) exchanges named in the lawsuit are in on it- not just Bitfinex but Huobi, Poloniex, i think Kucoin? It's basically market-wide endemic price fixing. Coinbase's suspicious outages are one thing but these allegations are something different and altogether more illegal.

This isn't going to be a "correction" it's going to be a massacre. I suspect the entire stock market is going to crash, probably much harder than March 2020, maybe even harder than 2008. we might see a virtual bank run and liquidity crisis, something unprecedented. and that, frens, is when the SEC lawsuit will be dropped and Ripple (and its very, very powerful friends and partners) will step in and save the day.

curious to see who gets left in the wreckage. I think the worst-offending banks might get fucked, basically Bear Stearns v 2.0- maybe HSBC, Deutsche? I wonder which American bank will get sacrificed.

>> No.29967160
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100 blue eyed white babies

>> No.29967181

Q. So, Deltec can prove that Tether is 100% backed right? You know this because its your bank right?
A. (pic related)

>> No.29967253
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>pic related

>> No.29967283

feel you, about receive my 2nd child any day now

>> No.29967354

Good description. In a perfect world this would make sense. But in this clown world, BTC is going to crab a little in March and then shoot up to 100 k and XRP will still remain under a $1.
Hope I'm wrong.

>> No.29967467
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Yup, I think you're spot on

I know it's sad, but once you see what's going on it's just hilarious

I feel kinda bad for all the normies that will get fucked like never before tho...

>> No.29967520

Yeah I could definitely see this happening, but deep down I feel like this charade cannot go on for much longer...

>> No.29967665
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nah but i do plan to buy land and possibly renovate crumbling mansions and start/fund a decentralized movement of organic farming/mycoculture communes and community land trusts as a fun side project. i think it'd be cool to revitalize small towns by mass-buying property, starting cottage industries, and subsidizing remote workers who are leaving big cities to come and live in these dying communities 20-40 miles outside urban areas. where it really gets interesting is when members of the community/movement start getting elected to local, county and state government. it'll be like that Wild Country documentary but with less poisoning and child abuse.

oh man being a millionaire is gonna be fun i'm gonna do so much cool shit. fuck a lambo i'm trying to plant the seeds of a better world

>> No.29967696
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>> No.29967744

Love you all and WAGMI

>> No.29967745
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If it goes to 100k more people will suspect something is wrong and more people cashing out knowing what is about to happen. So everything will happen when nobody expects it and in the blink of an eye nothing will be the same ever again. Exactly like how the first covid lockdown came into force. You just knew that this is it..
XRP will rise from the ashes and will save the day from this massacre that is about to take place.
May god help us all.

>> No.29967787

>but deep down I feel like this charade cannot go on for much longer
The only thing will collapse BTC is Tether, but Tether is only banned in NYC. We have 49 states and every country in the world to go before tether can stop propping up BTC.
This is why people keep on saying a major event must happen in March, because BTC is nowhere near to collapsing yet. We need some announcement saying Tether will be banned in entire countries.

>> No.29967835

Absolutely. Land, orchard, cattled, the whole 200 acres. Blessed with another 5 or 6 kids on top of my 4 (Yah willing) assuming my wife doesnt lose her mind before then

>> No.29967851
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Checked and blessed!
Love you too fren, WAGMI

>> No.29967908

Again, it's a good thought. But people were saying the same shit about BTC when it was $30,000. Then it moons to $60,000. I hope for the best but expect the worst. I just don't want a repeat of 2020 with deluded hopium

>> No.29967916
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nah the writing is on the wall. When the head of the European Central Bank, Bank of England, and Secretary of the Treasury are all making public statements about Bitcoin being used for money laundering and terrorist funding, and stories about its environmental impact are being seeded in the mainstream media, BTC is not long for this world. i'm waiting for the old "child porn encoded on the blockchain" stories to get trotted out again.

in a tangentially related story, i've always wondered if Assange's dead man switch/wikileaks file key is really encoded into the blockchain or if that was just a Q-tier diversion psyop. those threads on /pol/ were fun. 4chan has some cool hacker shit occasionally. in another tangentially related story here is a picture purporting to be an ancient ruined space station orbiting Ganymede that was posted on a /pol/ disclosure thread earlier this morning

>> No.29967967

What a handsome man

>> No.29968004
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NYC is where wall street is, though. and Tether now has to issue quarterly reports proving that its assets are backed, which it can't do, because they aren't

>> No.29968078

Well it just simply can't go on forever anon so keep faith.
Its unsustainable growth. If you just keep building a tower higher and higher at some point the foundations will give up on you.

>> No.29968134

>nah the writing is on the wall. When the head of the European Central Bank, Bank of England, and Secretary of the Treasury are all making public statements about Bitcoin being used for money laundering and terrorist funding
But I can counter this with how the Miami mayor is now trying to integrate Bitcoin it it's entire system. Miami is one of the biggest economic powerhouses in Muttland and now Bitcoin is being pushed there more than ever. It will be hard to see them back out suddenly.

It seems likely this will happen in the span of years, but everyone wants XRP to moon in March and April to fit with the babacugs timeline. Everyone is hoping for some big announcement involving bitcoin on ides of march.

>> No.29968141

Yeah definitely, the BTC is bad narrative is being ramped up and pushed more than ever before, this isn't random, we all know how those people operates

Mmmh, interesting picture anon, can you send me the link to the /pol/thread?
The picture could be fake but I heard about this Ganymede space station story before, and one whistleblower admittedly lost his life over it?

I'm fascinated by such stories!

>> No.29968201

Hey anon, what's this picture? Is that Mars?
Also, what is the object on the horizon?

>> No.29968220
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>pic quote

>> No.29968252
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and smart, too

In 1979, Gensler joined Goldman Sachs, where he spent 18 years.[11] At 30, Gensler became one of the youngest persons to have made partner at the firm at the time.[12] He spent the 1980s working as a top mergers and acquisitions banker, having assumed responsibility for Goldman's efforts in advising media companies.[13] He subsequently made the transition to trading and finance[14] in Tokyo,[6] where he directed the firm's fixed income and currency trading.[13]

>youngest Goldman Sachs partner of all time
tfw you are 2 years older than Gensler was when he was made partner and your greatest accomplishment to date is going 12 days without changing your sweatpants

>> No.29968348

Ya I feel you anon, but hey at least if XRP eventually moon we'll be vindicated!

>> No.29968365
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>Tether now has to issue quarterly reports proving that its assets are backed, which it can't do
But tether has billions of dollars of revenue to commission the most elite jew lawyers on the planet to make up their asset. It would take a miracle for tether to actually fuck up from this.


>> No.29968435
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I can't find the contract address of XRP in coingecko, where else can I find it??

>> No.29968512

Contract address?
XRP isn't a ERC20 shitcoin

>> No.29968533
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love you back, wagmi

>> No.29968546

I don't feel so good Mr. XRP...

>> No.29968574

Checked and blessed, spread the love anons

>> No.29968598

Yeah that is very impressive. I've been reading, writing, and trying to educate myself more. I operate a small business but guys like this keep pushing me.

>> No.29968603

You really think they would allow this scan to run for so long of they didn't want? Wouldn't it just be convenient if the new global reserve system is in place right when tether suddenly, after all these years, is found to be a scam? Aure would be convenient timing.
Alternatively... It appears that Avanti is going to establish a precedent for a fractional reserve system in which you only need 10% of a stablecoin to be backed by cash. Tether gets a slap on the wrist if anything and continues business as usual.

>> No.29968626
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yeah if Bitcoin is trying to get away from its reputation for being funded by laundered money, Miami might not be the best place to establish a crypto mecca.

That mayor is a funny guy, he barely seems literate. One of the most hilariously blatant cases of nepotism in all of politics. His dad has had an interesting career.


that is a very good question. idk, i just found it in the thread linked above.

>> No.29968641

Congrats on your second kid brother. I stay home with mine, they are a complete handful but its worth it in every single way. My wife and i are ready (XRP or no) to get some land in the middle of the ozarks to hide our children away from this degenerate world

>> No.29968786
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>the pic text

>> No.29968841
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Interesting, thanks for sharing the thread, new rabbit hole here we go!

>> No.29968942
File: 63 KB, 957x717, e2d527e7d1fdb36a5a2854faad5a47fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehhh we'll see. i could be wrong. my intuition, combined with my amorphous notion of the world's economic trajectory cobbled together by my schizo-autistic habit of connecting many disparate data points across the political and economic media landscape tell me that Tether's collapse has been planned for a while, just like the rest of the stock market. I think what we see in the news is largely theater, like WWE on a global scale. BTC is both decentralized and controlled by China, you really think it will be allowed to flourish?

>> No.29968996

thanks brother, yes they are handful, but more than worth it. Hope I can provide for them even more with my 1k stack.
Seems like you have everything under control, hope everything turns out okay for you and all the xsg frens.

>> No.29969280
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wheeee down the rabbit hole we go. i got into the connection between Venetian moneychangers and German banking houses/ the influence of lenders on the Holy Roman Empire for like 3 hours earlier this morning.


The founder of the family was Johann Fugger, a weaver at Graben, near the Swabian Free City of Augsburg.[1] The last name was originally spelled "Fucker" - the first recorded reference to the family comes when Johann's son, also named Johann (or Hans), moves to Augsburg in 1367, with the local tax register laconically noting Fucker advenit, "Fugger has arrived".

>the richest man in the history of the world was a literal Fucker

one of the branches of the family is called "Fuckers of the Deer" lol

>> No.29969368
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Damn, that is trippy. WTF could it be?
A hybrid bio-mechanical space ship???

>> No.29969419

Always more time to accumulate until there isnt, if your a man of faith, God has you right where you need to be. Stacklet or no!

>> No.29969643

Right. If anything you might be wise to put a little of it into a service like Nexo or Crypto.com so that you can build more while doing nothing. I guess there's always risk (liquidation, loss of funds, etc.), so I'd never consider putting all of it there, but every little bit helps.

>> No.29969714

On second thought that shit looks all biological.

>> No.29969760
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>> No.29969877

I've decided to put 100 euros in XRP every month, let's see what happens in a month :)

And yes, I want to look into Nexo and similar at some point, thanks for the advice, fren

>> No.29970121

Sounds like a good plan to me! Best of luck!

Remember, it's not just the size of the stack, but how well you hold. You'll end up with more than someone with a 100k stack who sells at $1 if you hold to $100+.

>> No.29970227

Very nice. Im holding out for flare right now, interested in where it goes. Ive been sporadically buying xrp for while. Im blessed with a loving, trusting, and supporting wife so weve sunk quite a bit of fiat into it. Rather have it sitting on a cold wallet with the possibility of increasing rather than a bank

>> No.29970238

I think people should read up on the Stockdale dilemma.

>> No.29970467

Checked btw

>> No.29970528

Never stop posting this

>> No.29970543
File: 14 KB, 191x264, gogogadgetprintUSDT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this fat kid giving and interview out of his room with his bed probably next to him and rocking back and forth on a gaming red chair is the DEPUTY CEO of Tether Bank, Deltec? this is fucking hilarious, he looks like a kid that caught stealing candy and he is trying to do his best at lying about it.

Oh and after looking up Deltec bank I found out the founder and chairman is Jean Chalopin, the creator of INSPECTOR GADGET. im not fucking shitting you look it up.

fucking hilarious, welcome to clown town, you cannot make this shit up.

>> No.29970593

Wait is this what we're all here for?

>> No.29970627

Just looked it up, and it's very relevant for those who seem to NEED it to moon by a certain date. Thanks for mentioning it anon.

>> No.29970656

You mean paradox?
Have unwavering faith but accept the brutal reality set before you

>> No.29970662

Oh god, you can't make this up haha, hilarious!

>> No.29970665
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I can feel something coming. Not sure if it's even XRP related... but something big is coming frens

>> No.29970847

same, my man!
I'm not selling anytime soon (if ever!). If I have to reach into the ~300 something euros invested so far, I'm doing something else wrong with my life and finances.

thanks for the checkup!
Glad to hear your wife's into it, mine is understanding but a little bit pessimistic, trusts me nevertheless.

>> No.29970858
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My research contract ends in three months. All I ask is that we moon before then.

>> No.29970871

>being this new

>> No.29970875

Deltec bank=Sacrificed

>> No.29970901

Why didn't I look into this? Wew

>> No.29970919
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Hahahaha, exactly, this kid is fucked!
I feel like he was just manipulated into this position, and he will be the one the world make an example out of.

Woooow, this is so fucking golden, clown world for sure, great find!
I'm dead hahaha, it's so fucking funny, peoples are NPCs, hahahaha

>> No.29970945
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OG schizos on twitter are splitting their XRP stack into XDC because of the Pool tweet, and now Baba is warning them not to, causing a schism. It's interesting because now Baba is making a clear call, XDC will not moon before XRP moons. If XDC does moon a 100% in March, then it will be another faggot failed prediction from Baba, but if Baba is right about XDC stagnating or collapsing in March, then perhaps he actually knows something.

I'm rooting for the XDC collapse in March because it means we're closer to the XRP 2K moon. Plus it means the non XRP maxis get burned lol

What do you research?

>> No.29970952

>Stockdale dilemma
Yeah, paradox. This is the first article I found explaining it

For other anons, Stockdale was a POW in Vietnam. He said the optimists were the ones who didn't make it, because they KNEW they'd be freed by Christmas, then it was Easter, and by the next Christmas they died from a broken heart. But those who had faith they'd win in the end, whenever that end came, but faced the hardships along the way, those were the ones who made it.

>> No.29971067

>But those who had faith they'd win in the end, whenever that end came, but faced the hardships along the way,
This is one of the pillars of Christianity imo but Americanized globohomo churchians ruined it/forgot it.

>> No.29971136

>i hate baba but im also obsessed to the point where i photoshop him and talk about him in every thread
Haha you know you’re actually going insane right? Go for a walk fren, been cooped up too long

>> No.29971170
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Buying a ATH is always foolish. But I bought a little XDC a couple weeks back, and now I have a little bit of all the ISO coins on the infamous chart. XRP is about 70% of my holdings, with BTC about 15%, and the other ISO coins being the rest.

Yeah, it's a real shame.

>> No.29971173
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>> No.29971176
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>Inspector gadget leaving the earth after the USDT Ponzi has been exposed

>> No.29971195
File: 412 KB, 1124x1194, 1606366616092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah most of the optimistic XRP holders from group A are long gone... Only the faithful few of us remain lads.

We're near the end whenever it is

>> No.29971202

I've been working on a covid project since last summer. Not vaccine related but I probably shouldn't give out any details to protect against doxx.

>> No.29971204


>> No.29971270

Imagine doing anything other than XRP/XLM. I joined in on the chainlink hype in August and I starting researching crypto soon afterwards. It didn't take me long to realise XRP is just literally the best bet. People who hate XRP are just apart of the crypto tribalism. I'm 8:1 on XRP to XLM and it's absolutely comfy. I'm still up 2x and bought the SEC dip. It feels fucking great.

Also, XDC? Never heard of her.
PS: Baba is a faggot

>> No.29971300

Oh shit an xsg classic, anyone who dares talk some sense and logic is a baba discord tranny, right...

You niggers are actually slowly going bat shit

>> No.29971423

Hope you're right about XDC collapsing in March Baba.

I don't blame anyone for diversifying since XDC does better than XRP anyway. But I still have 100% of my portfolio be XRP because I want the 2K prediction to happen.

>> No.29971472

I figured people might find solace in knowing there is a named dilemma for what xrp is going through.

>> No.29971474

I didn't say nothing about discord or trannies, friend. Do you have something you want to tell us lol

>> No.29971584

XRP has been a shit investment compared to something like Cardano that's don't, idk, 100x since August. But whatever
XDC is a new banker elite coin that many XRP holders are shilling now. I follow the XRP schizo crap on twitter and seeing many people like PRX2020 hopping ship to XDC. It's scary, but I hope cugs is right about not entering it.

I'm 100% XRP until 2030

>> No.29971611
File: 66 KB, 512x384, Baba & Dirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a theory that's kind of obvious.
Babacugs will never ever give a clear date for when XRP moons and it's not because he's some Masonic riddler, but because twitter is the only thing he has left. No one irl likes him, despite the fake friends he makes up, and him being 5'1 makes him unfuckable even to the trashiest of gold diggers. Father thinks he's a total faggot. His surface level political commentary is the one thing that bares any resemblance of a hobby, yet would be laughed at by the average /pol/ user. The only group of people Baba can call his friends are that discord, who are a bunch of fundamentalist boomers that are the European equivalent of a redneck: the complete opposite of Babacugs, who is a degenerate cocaine addict who wants to party with Hollywood jews like Weinstein.

He knows if he says flat out
>XRP moons in March 21
No one would go to him anymore for hopium or further information. We would carry on with our lives and wait.
Even though Baba brags about how he will be a billionaire partying on yachts, the reality he is terribly scared of the date XRP moons because then he will truly be alone; friendless sexless manlet for all of eternity. I honestly won't be surprised if Baba gets addicted to cocaine again like in college and ends up overdosing in 2022.

>> No.29971664

In my opinion, the meme lines suggest a breakout in August.
I watched that lawyer guy explain the xrp-sec case. To me, this doesn't look good. The final argument was, " muh feelings" when describing that the judge who visited the prison to interview the imates would show the same "muh feelings" when thinking about all these retards who are holding XRP through their life savings even though you should only risk what you're willing to lose. Thank you for coming to my TED talk. https://youtu.be/nI77u50XH2A

>> No.29971695

Baba why did you change your Twitter profile to picture of a green Saturn?

>> No.29971698

Could someone give me the run down on the difference of XDC, XRP and XLM. They're all supposed to be part of the same ecosystem right, they're all FED coins.

>> No.29971713

checked, dubs of truth

>> No.29971794


>> No.29971861

fuck, this is GOOD

>> No.29971927

What a fresh hell that would be.
Amazing how JarJarcugs is fucked yet the Schizo anon in here who's 5'4 is going to make it. I guess the true handicap is being a mental manlet

>> No.29971942

XRP and XLM are only related. XDC is vaguely related because it's supposed to be the token used in r3, which was originally meant to be XRP. The creators of XDC have nothing to do with the Ripple team. Despite this people will say:
XRP is gold
XLM is silver
XDC is copper

>> No.29972278

>tfw future crackheads will raid empty houses for XDC while families are out to the pleasure domes

>> No.29972504
File: 86 KB, 500x509, CaptainAmerica1_zps8c295f96.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm now reminded of seeing those gore webms where it shows the aftermath of someone burnt to crisp from trying to steal electrified copper wire in some 3rd countries.

The absolute state of XDC

>> No.29972628
File: 29 KB, 552x414, n1a5h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fed Governor Lael Brainard said on Monday "the financial system should be addressed with new rules to prepare for the next shock."
Yet Fed's Yellen expects no new financial crisis in 'our lifetimes'

>> No.29973211

>no relation
but they all start with the letter X. Why is it X anyway.

>> No.29973374

Because back in the day we agreed.... X marks the spot.

Still, I only think this applies to XMR, XRP AND XLM, but whatever, DYOR, think for yourself.

>> No.29973377


>> No.29973465

You are really new. BTC is technically not BTC you know, it's XBT.
Read this explanation from Schwartz himself on quora


>> No.29973520

>Due to a change in our global business strategy, Xapo, Inc. is leaving the U.S. market and will be closing all U.S. customer Xapo accounts

>> No.29973550

X has a specific meaning to currency

It does not mean it's related to XRP.

>> No.29973588
File: 28 KB, 300x300, 0270A307-56C7-42BC-84E9-3D000F6C5F92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing this image just deflated all hope of xrp and I’ve been holding for years. What the fuck is the point now? Can anyone explain?

>> No.29973642

Who the fuck is Xapo

>> No.29973717

>>different US banks
Nice try fren

>> No.29973755

>I’ve been holding for year
>all those years and never did any research into what XRP is for
lmao retard

>> No.29973852

Bullshit. I saw tons of you faggots hyping up the feds faster payments taskforce. Don’t lie now

>> No.29973912

based and schitzopilled

>> No.29973941

>>bridge currency
>>not being used to bridge the same currency
Holy shit

>> No.29973988
File: 561 KB, 1238x1315, brute 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he outs himself within 2 posts
They're not sending their best

>> No.29974065
File: 89 KB, 1152x648, when moon V2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29974116

i held for it for sure i dont have to take any more actions past that correct?

>> No.29974135
File: 552 KB, 1152x648, when moon V3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.29974226

Hopefully this BTC rally is just closing the shorts before a sub 40k dip. I need to grab some more XRP at 30c.

>> No.29974227

>.It's interesting because now Baba is making a clear call, XDC will not moon before XRP moons

Cugs likes to play The Fool, he also said that Flare sucks, even though its plain as day that Flare is a critical part of the new ecosystem coming.

Sometimes when Baba says something it means the OPPOSITE, he plays The Fool

ITBH theres no reason not to buy XDC, its an ISO 20020, it's undervalued, it hasnt even broken its previous ath yet and Pool has liked tweets related to it

>> No.29974251
File: 176 KB, 558x878, 1598781773196-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know for a fact Baba said XRP moons in October 2019 and that "October 2019" is code for something else.
I found this picture where he highlights 11/9. Opposite of 11/9 is 3/5 on a clock. So, if I'm right, March 5th is a happening.

>> No.29974278
File: 81 KB, 568x346, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29974408

But if XDC does not moon, that would mean Baba is not playing the fool for once. I think he likes to go on and off. And Babacugs advocated for Flare before the snapshot. He may have said it socks at first but told everyone to go for it anyway.

>> No.29974452

He's code for a faggot

>> No.29974541

are u retarded anon?

why would they need to use XRP from US bank to US bank? kek it's the same currency you dummie.

>> No.29974616
File: 122 KB, 453x314, EuILo7CWYAQj7Zc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the October tweet. Notice how he says months in advance when it was only 1 month, September. October 2019 is the key

>> No.29974669
File: 22 KB, 755x200, kkuku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizo Greg is out on a rampage this last few weeks.
Starting to really question what his true intentions are.

>> No.29974691
File: 87 KB, 676x461, Moon when.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29974705
File: 159 KB, 800x600, 1598633315982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys wtf is happening why are my xerpies slowly but surely raising in value? Is the flippening upon us?

>> No.29974743







>> No.29974773
File: 329 KB, 1500x1216, 1612494262222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what is has come down to. pajeets same fagging fud that makes no sense.
>xrp wont be used in the fednow US bank to US bank system
>xrp is an international bridge asset between different countries
here is a (You) get some extra naan with your curry, on me.

>> No.29974822

I wait for the tiger to maul bill until he dies and goes to hell, then I shoot the tiger and claim I was too late. If I shoot bill then I go to prison and he is not worth spending a single second in jail for.

>> No.29974929

based and check'd

>> No.29975006

we're going to be so rich

>> No.29975068 [DELETED] 

You don't think Luque is already a contender? Look at his record, he's only got 2 losses in 5 years against the elite of the elite

>> No.29975116

just like XDR, the symbol for IMF Special Drawing Rights...

>> No.29975465

>March 5th
would be coolio

>> No.29975492


>> No.29975499

>March 5th is a happening.
Better not be, i only have 3.7k and i need to accoomulate until i have at least 10k.

>> No.29975598

>keep on imagining more dates as nothing happens on said dates

the absolute state of babafaggots

>> No.29975615

Isn't the symbol for Special Drawing Rights SDR?

>> No.29975730

>i only have 7.4 million dollars :(
Cmon, son

>> No.29975764
File: 44 KB, 480x480, 1521694873727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rolling for 3/3 meme date. If kek wills it, it will happen.

>> No.29975781

X mean its an asset not related to any country, like XAU, XAG, XBT etc

>> No.29975811

checked, be fast though, the switch has already been switched. We'll keep on rising over the next few days and will reach 4 digits

>> No.29976008

7.4 million is nothing dude. I guess it's better than 3k in debt but dude, 2k/XRP is pure FUD, it must go to 10k, or preferably much more than that. How am i supposed to have property in every land in the world with just pathetic 7MM? Bah!

>> No.29976012

anyone ever get surprised by someone you’ve known for awhile, that they reveal themselves as a norman?
I guess it’s because I don’t ever bother to talk about anything other than their interests

>> No.29976024

just looked it up. Yeah, good suggestion. thanks.

>> No.29976045

offgrid chads will survive the genocide

>> No.29976093

but he calls it a non-compliant security?

>> No.29976115

>7.4 million is nothing dude
The greedy will not make it

>> No.29976133

i only receive my wage once a month, next time i have any money is the end of march.

>> No.29976467

100% always happy to see people in here discussing using there gains to get off the map or homestead.

>> No.29976586


Fucking Mandela effect...

>> No.29976687


>> No.29976758

>I do think it's an unregulated security
Did you finish the video?

>> No.29976778
File: 107 KB, 713x507, bbf45f919088d5125c47830a0e8d55f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strap in lads

>> No.29976965

what happened to the one from end of February?
It's March 1st lol

>> No.29976969

what does a non-compliant security mean?

>> No.29976978
File: 23 KB, 601x132, Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 11.25.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XRP 1192600.23514591

Every day it doesn't moon I add a little more...

>> No.29977015

that is a good question and something i wondered myself. also can things evolve from a noncompliant security to a currency?

>> No.29977026

nice digits anon

>> No.29977177

I hope that when we moon some of that helps some people. Good on you for continuing to pile up friend

>> No.29977304


>> No.29977309

Damn, you’re a whale among us tiny anchovies.
My 3000 xrp on red last week feels like I already lost everything.

>> No.29977357
File: 7 KB, 474x185, A40DDFD1-F9A9-43D3-85C6-5FB16718154B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if ryan fugger has any relation to this family

>> No.29977433

>psychopaths vs schizos
>XRP not being the embodiment of a psychopath coin
As is typical, it's another satanic inversion of reality. Go to hell XRP "schizos".

>> No.29977505

Thanks for dropping in, see you tomorrow!

>> No.29977545

you're not gonna make it into heaven

>> No.29977546

Can someone tell me what the difference between XRP and NANO and Tether and ADA is? I am not a hater, have 8k, just trying to legitimately understand. Could these do what XRP is supposed by this thread or are they fundamentally different?

>> No.29977587
File: 335 KB, 900x517, 1595016931935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He doesn't take his enemies money and use it to better improve his chances of taking them down

>> No.29977606

>implying schizos don't use the evil against itself
That's how it's always been done

>> No.29977644

They have some things in common but I won't spoonfeed


Biggest scam lmao see >>29965444

>> No.29977649

Ill still check em them

>> No.29977654
File: 236 KB, 1026x684, car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave, outsider

>> No.29977665

Why so angry fren?

>> No.29977686
File: 207 KB, 628x472, Dslayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You meant evil against me, but God used it for good.”

>> No.29977735
File: 191 KB, 600x400, klSI1CBgQyWinwR0XvJZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IDK frens this spike is looking weird. Why is it spiking is something coming?

Could the 4 digits by eoy be real?

>> No.29977739

Please spoonfeed.

>> No.29977816

no dyor

>> No.29977871
File: 299 KB, 736x960, 1614512446885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means we own ripple stock.

>> No.29977906

i will pray for you anon

>> No.29977973

I have you massive faggot. I don't understand the difference. This is the autist equivalent of leftist douchebags talking about how it isn't their job/is emotional labor to explain something they know about. What a massive douche you are.

>> No.29977974

I've been very fortunate with crypto and I try to do good. If XRP moons I'll try and do some more good. Plus build a kickass indoor sports dome. And buy a lambo.

>> No.29978028

I believe ADA is iso20020 so not a bad thing to take a shot on. Tether is garbage, the only people blinded by it are delusional in their faith towards bitcoin. I dont know anything about NANO but all these things work differently

>> No.29978091
File: 133 KB, 558x380, 1604355110680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.29978098

I know most of that isnt helpful but im not articulate enough nor learned to be any actual help

>> No.29978183

That is fair enough then. I assumed by dyor you were being snide and withholding. No sweat fren, thank you for the info you did share!

>> No.29978232

Needs to go to 71 cents tomorrow and get back in track.

>> No.29978239

I will never again follow this shit that shilled everywhere on /biz/
just lost 25% of my purse
thank I participate in enq mining and alpha nodes offer nice profit
but don’t believe in that scam that they try to promote here

>> No.29978253

Could we be surprised and see ADA take the winner?

>> No.29978284


>> No.29978376

>what happened to the one from end of February?
Wage received on 26th of february, All investments, transfers and orders made and finalized by 28th of february (including XRP).

I do not tarry with my investments.

>> No.29978393

its over sell

>> No.29978465

it's over, the dream is dead
also, what kind of purse you got bro?

>> No.29978499
File: 8 KB, 316x202, 32905u82ingg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god...

>> No.29978514

>And buy a lambo.
You could buy a lambo right now if you sold your XRP or BTC. You've already made it king, why are you here with us dregs and losers.

>> No.29978536

That wasnt me lol but its all good!


I believe ADA will have value, but honestly it seems like XRP is the pick for whats coming and its not even close.

>> No.29978624
File: 170 KB, 600x580, 1601461749889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>here is a (You) get some extra naan with your curry, on me.

>> No.29978756

ada will be extremly successful when it comes to shaking out non believers from xrp.

>> No.29978901
File: 99 KB, 1267x633, 805fab7bd84c2a3ecf4b3355e25439182576c1cdf0df9c729f836f8a666aa9a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do not deserve wealth

>> No.29978999

dont count ur chickens before they hatch

He literally says that things will have to be decided through supreme courts, this could take a while, which it should if its really going to be the standard and replace the howey test, however that would also we're only a few months out from moon probably so that would be nice

>> No.29979010
File: 312 KB, 734x506, Crying Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about me fren, have you made your decision?

>> No.29979066

ok, fair enough, then good for you on getting in on XRP

>> No.29979092


Can't even tell who's who by looking at IDs
>being this new

I assume you're a newfag. Not trying to be an asshole but really you shouldn't be expecting sound advice or to be spoonfed around these parts. Do your own research so if you fuck up and stake your bets you have no one to blame but yourself. Also that way you're not relying on financial advice from fucking /biz/ and XSG no less where it's all about memedates, vibes and prophecies.

Also to answer your question ADA has potential to be the winner but not nearly as soon as XRP. Ripple have secured contracts with big players, have connections in financial institutions and have a long term plan in mind. To add to that XRP have a lawsuit against them by the SEC which lawsuit I'm expecting to more tightly regulate all cryptos and limit kikery and scams which should boost it's value in the long run.

>> No.29979125
File: 10 KB, 214x235, 9282ca2a45123aa8ea656931c8e9fbf24d8d10a3634305f1240979ebf538b60d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

State your case of what you would do with it, and how much you think you need

>> No.29979141

(You) will make it and (You) deserve to make it

>> No.29979225

March 5th is definetely the next meme date. Another anon derived March 5th from a completely different tweet from cugs

Now we have two riddles point to March 5th.

>> No.29979243

haha yeah i'm looking at a few...probably just get an older one...you can actually pick one up for just over $100k

>> No.29979265

based and checked


>> No.29979297
File: 1.33 MB, 1242x1394, 1603200983106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He invests based on financial developments instead of the voices


>> No.29979307

$20mil. 200 acre homestead, hide away with my family, thinking 5 million to get farm going with well water and crappy solar. After taking care of business bless the true israel (not the edomites) with the rest.
Another friend!

>> No.29979406

based and voicepilled

>> No.29979439

Mannarino said in his new video he wishes we had one more day off, but we don't. Market crash tomorrow?

>> No.29979464
File: 214 KB, 628x394, Screen Shot 2021-03-01 at 12.02.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2009 Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder, V10, 1000HP, HEFFNER TWIN-TURBO, NAV, CAM
>$149,800 (CAD)
I might pull the trigger on this...

>> No.29979467

But how can it be stock if most countries already declared it currency?
I think judge will just force them to settle.

>> No.29979558

Mmmh interesting, might be the case

>> No.29979585

When i was a kid i always wanted a lambo diablo (played need for speed high stakes PS1 demo constantly) but i couldnt bring myself to own a devil car because im crazy

>> No.29979701

I'm not new, I'm phonefagging on an app that doesn't give IDs, just post numbers. Thank you for answering my question.

>> No.29980015
File: 6 KB, 239x160, hotline-operator-portrait-beautiful-black-female-customer-service-manager-wearing-headset-working-call-center-portrait-165659600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"How dare you call Ex Ahra Pee Customer Support my name is Taiyesha how can I hep you?"

>> No.29980062

thanks for sharing
no sarcasm

>> No.29980104


>> No.29980145
File: 386 KB, 1920x1086, cadfleetwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's nice, but check this out. imma tesla swap a Cadillac fleetwood

>> No.29980243

jesus fucking christ dude. i am in awe of your power. i am sitting on a 2624xrp stack. dreaming of getting to 5k and you are a literal mega whale. how much btc did you have before you sold to 30?

>> No.29980356

Stop blaspheming a holy name and maybe God will help ya get more

>> No.29980430

im a budest

>> No.29980621

I sold down to 21 BTC in 2017 at around 12k, but I have clients who pay me in BTC every month and I've accumulated since then. I wish I'd been more aggressive when it crashed back to 3...but now I have no debt and iron hands. :)

>> No.29980758
File: 57 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gon get this anon.

>> No.29980814
File: 1.47 MB, 2100x2081, 1606937980176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we are nearing the end. Have this wrenching gut feeling, shit is about to go down. I honestly hope we come out on top. Wishing for nothing but the best... for all of us.

>> No.29980847
File: 48 KB, 599x622, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are we getting news soon?

>> No.29980978

congrats dude, wagmi. what kind of work do you do where people pay you in btc? I think I saw you say that is what led you to crypto was a client offering to pay in btc in another thread.
that is sick, i want to lift either an awd 911 or a wrx hatch for a rally car. wagmi

>> No.29981010


>> No.29981019
File: 309 KB, 501x371, 1605091773149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Give it a rest baba

>> No.29981021
File: 198 KB, 750x551, 02CF7958-E096-4D67-9B1A-FBEF2F10EC9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He says shit like this all the time.

>pic rel

>> No.29981042

make it stack is 100k

>> No.29981065

kek wills these dubs. moon soon.

>> No.29981073

no baba is a fucking faggot, he tweeted that literally word for word a few months ago. he is throwing shit at a wall trying to be relevant. if i say xrp will moon every day eventually i will be right, plus i think he sucks cock, saw a photo of that.

>> No.29981099


>> No.29981162
File: 145 KB, 600x338, 1614454397337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel...here we go again

>> No.29981187


>> No.29981227

When will you fuckers learn that this is just the monthly escrow moving wallets as programmed?

>> No.29981240

forget about this low trash
don’t follow this scam
>you shouldn’t be genius to get how to make profit on staking
check Justliquidity on binance smart chain
>don’t pay 30% of your portfolio on fees and taxes

>> No.29981310

I have 450.

>> No.29981347

no, that was the 1 billion unlocked in two installments of 500 million yesterday around noon or 11am EST (see: whale alert)

>> No.29981380

450k? congrats anon im jealous

>> No.29981394

>congrats dude, wagmi. what kind of work do you do where people pay you in btc? I think I saw you say that is what led you to crypto was a client offering to pay in btc in another thread
I do affiliate marketing, primarily for online casinos. The first client to start to pay in BTC was Bodog/Bovada, Calvin Ayre's casino. I also have a small BSV stack just in case...

>> No.29981427

no, 450 coins.

>> No.29981468

keep buying then the suicide stack is 25k

>> No.29981512

An app built on the XRPL, to transfer money in and out of South Africa, kinda similar to RippleFox (in China)

>> No.29981578

stupendously based anon.

>> No.29981581


don’t lie now. There’s a reason that image was posted

>> No.29981594

Doing my best, only have 800 Canadian dollars to trade with.

>> No.29981598

oops I meant XAGO not Xapo lol, idk wtf xapo is

>> No.29981669

suicidestack is 500
makeitstack is 2k
mylilstockstack is 5k
you clearly have not been here for before thread #600+

>> No.29981688

Don't listen to the selfbag fud from anon. You'll get plenty with 500 but you also have time to get to 1k which is the true make it stack

>> No.29981753

Alright, I reckon I can get to 1k within a week if I'm careful. Thanks mate.

>> No.29981869

Keep in mind capital gains tax, for your final profit. I got to the make it stack and then kept adding a little more to even out what the government would take. WAGMI brudda

>> No.29981884

Based. Almost there I'm at 854, buying more tomorrow to hit 1k. Love you all, and wish nothing but health, safety, and prosperity for you and your families WAGMI

>> No.29981963

Will do. wagmi

>> No.29982063

I have to say, and not wanting to shit this thread, the worst FUD I have came across is of how fucking little are the stacks of xsg dwellers
kek 3k? if you are all thirdworlders the FUD is even more intense god damnit

>> No.29982175

50k XRP/FLR holder here. Flare will usher us into the made it timeline.

>> No.29982181


>> No.29982220

Most of us have WAY more than that, but it's still a fact, makeitstack is 2k, unironically

>> No.29982243

put some respec on his name, bitch hes the only reason these threads exist via mellon larp you stupid newfag


>> No.29982289

hate all the anti-BTC crap in here... but welcome to March. in like a lion, out like a lamb


>> No.29982368
File: 289 KB, 597x385, David knows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Economy crashes
> XRP to the rescue

>> No.29982449
File: 132 KB, 720x960, 1599525422243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't understand what the criticism is? that screenshot gets posted here because if someone was unfamiliar with ripple, the FedNow development process or ISO20022 it might look bad, but if you have even a passing understanding of any of those things you understand that Arthur Portillo was just telling Twitter XRP CRYPTO ARMY XRP_PHOENIX_SOCCER_DAD retards that they need to calm down, which is based and rational pilled

what i think is funny is how there has arisen an antithetical Twitter subculture of Very Rational and Respectable Crypto Business Guys who all have profile pictures wearing blazers and bios that are like "Financial professional for 20+ years. All business no fun. #XRP #QNT #XDC Be Prepared For Tomorrow's Problems" whose character depends on being straightlaced (unlike the XRP_FLYING_FIREWOLF retards who are like "I just looked at the clock and it read 1:23 so that means the IMF is going to burn the escrow and Brad is going to gift his stack to the Pleadians"

idk man social media is funny, people are retards. please note that i am including myself in "people," because i too am retarded. it's beautiful actually, we're all just a bunch of retards talking into the glowing screens, saying "love me, notice me, please, i am worthy of love and affirmation." it's beautiful and also sad.

>> No.29982526

telling people they will make it just by spending 500$ is not a nice thing to do, in the end it will have the opposite effect, you have to tell the truth eventually and yes you can make it with 1k xrp but most likely not until 2030 and onwards, thats why the reasonable make it stack has always been 100k

>> No.29982583
File: 1.24 MB, 1039x1117, 1613427492662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha, it's happening guys

>> No.29982643

I live in NY m8. It's all I can afford because cost of living, rent, and taxes here are fucking crushing.

>> No.29982652

it's very bullish to me that Schwartz appears to spend some non-zero amount of time on social media basically trolling and playing into the whole schizo Ripple ARG. that water shed tweet was funny.

never forget that he also told us the 11/20 (11/19 actually) price increase date in that pastebin document, the text from his speech to the Berkeley or Stanford comp sci professors (he mislabeled the date or file size iirc)

>> No.29982722

try 2050

>> No.29982819

1000$ by 2030 is possible

>> No.29982872

>BTC maxis
i started reading your comment in the Berable Bulls voice after you said that.

>> No.29982888

Seeing as I'm only in my 20's making it in less than 10 years sounds pretty comfy desu. Years posting will forever be FUD though. ADA and Link niggers need to gtfo.

>> No.29982963

I have 1xrp am I going to make it?

>> No.29982995

>schizos and dot-connectors can’t be poor and/or young

Are you retarded ?

>> No.29983021

oh yeah guys, clearly there aren't any geopolitical or economic factors what might potentially spur governments and financial institutions towards the adoption of digital currency right now, not at all

i know you're FUDding but cmon. do better. be excellent to each other. or at least be lesswrong.

>> No.29983072

checked, well you will be rocking it in your 50s due 2050, how based is THAT?

>> No.29983190

>wait 9 more years and you'll have $50 million dollars

I'll accept your FUD since it's also hopium

>> No.29983252

I'd be in my sixtys but I'd totally be rocking a trophy wife

>> No.29983279

lmao dead, that guy is funny.

>> No.29983288
File: 332 KB, 2117x1190, dawn ofman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. but m8 link aint going anywhere. ADA is literal vapor ware though.
BTC XRP and Link (with a touch of algo and tezos competing with Flare)

>> No.29983328

shut the fuck up babacuck, XSG existed without him you fuckwit.

>> No.29983396

yeah okay, grandpa

>> No.29983414

new thread
new thread
new thread

>> No.29983482
File: 71 KB, 720x712, a8lnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to make money you need 100k or more...scamming idiots is just wrong

>> No.29984508

I feel it too, Anon. Something big is coming. I see the signs. I'm preparing accordingly.

>> No.29984738

Ouranos(Husband of Gaia) and Ganymede(cup bearer for Jupiter) are Aquarian archetypes, just like the color purple. (Purple Dawn - past Golden Age).
This news story has all the checks for some type of programming or signaling.

>> No.29985827
File: 80 KB, 399x305, comf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This needs to be cleared up because all the new r*ddit retards and people who think they remember the OG threads are ruining the numbers.

Anything else is 10k +
Make it stack is 2k
Suicide stack is 1k
Comf Stack is 500

Stop posting these horseshit ass numbers.
"50,000 stack MINIMUM >>BROS"

Ignore all FUD ignore all articles.

Frens are welcome - all others can perish

>> No.29986082

lmao you think you're going to make it with only 2k equivalent to approx 800 dollars rn... maybe in 30 years

>> No.29986205
File: 624 KB, 554x554, sauskeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you people ever get tired of posting this nonsense?

>> No.29986388

Evidently not
There was a time a 2k stack of bitcoin was only 800$ you know.

>> No.29986397

1k comfy 2k suicide make it 5-10k
Anything more is comfy
T. 500k spark / xrp holder

>> No.29986502


>> No.29986601
File: 146 KB, 800x806, 38F65BF6-AC9E-42D2-A5A8-2AD003FD3F72.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WAGMI fren
except this nigger faggot fudsters
make sure to fuck with flare open beta anon

>> No.29986719

I'm in for the drop. Just waiting now

>> No.29987983

>Muh XRP to the rescue

You had everyone up until you mentioned XRP swooping in like a Laser Guided Maxi Yellen to save the worldwide financial meltdown. Which is retarded.