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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29972617 No.29972617 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine the pump when v3 is released with optimistic rollups. Degens will come crawling back

>> No.29972865

I don't get how people really can think BSC is a thing.

>> No.29972951

sushi is the future

>> No.29972997

Blessed pinky IDs
UNI going to 60$ EOY

>> No.29973031

we already have Matic and quickswap, its working perfectly

>> No.29973152

Uni has the liquidity

>> No.29973297

>I don't get how people really can think BSC is a thing.
Not even the paid chink shills really think it.

>> No.29973692

When is V3?

>> No.29973869

Optimism is rolling out this month, so I'm guessing some time in March or April.

>> No.29973906


>> No.29973922

sorry theyre busy spreading #FairFi social justice
by the time v3 comes out pancake would have flipped it

>> No.29974041
File: 172 KB, 561x920, 1614105967529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

token not needed
holding the uni token does zero for you
im not saying there won't be some stupid pump for literally no reason(see current price)
crypto fundamentals are meaningless

>> No.29974070

Red pill me of fairfi?

Who on the eth team is pushing this and why is it important

>> No.29974148

uniswap "growth and marketing manager" is pushing it, shes also pushing feminist garbage like "pay women 2 x crypto when they get hired so we can bring more womyn into crypto companies"

unironically uses "womxn" too

>> No.29974232

It's SJW newspeak to somehow benefit niggers and women, because they're being "left out" of the defi boom

>> No.29974273

check out $EYE. Innovative new L1 DEX, up to 65% less gas fees than UNI, up to 5x less pool fees (and single-sided pooling), free flash loans coming, and more. Behodler.io