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2997100 No.2997100 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point to being rich if we can't have the type
of woman we want?

Don't get me wrong, we can still derive happiness from our hobbies and such, which a lot of us do. I know I get a lot of pleasure in my solitude and hobbies.

However, our deep biological drive is to be with women and want to give/feel that love. Yes some of us have gotten screwed over and become bitter, but I feel like we would all want to be with a partner we WANT.

Anyways, I have a rich friend who gets any girl he wants. I met this girl at a party he threw that was seriously the most beautiful woman ever. A lot in common. But sadly, she's out of my league and I'll never have her. I saw the way she looked at my rich friend. He could probably get her. A lot of these girls don't give a fuck about your personalty man. They just want a guy with a big dick who fucks good and lasts long who can provide. Tfw when don't have any of those 3.

Sigh. I hate to succumb to the FA way of life but even though I've dated and had a girlfriend, I'll never find the girl I really want.

Crypto and making is rich is my only last solace. Anyone else know these feels?

Sigh even though you're all faggots, I love you bros.

>> No.2997156

Well while I can't guarantee you will find someone you want, Certain things help you attain woman. Like you said money, not a lot but enough to provide a family certainly and go on trips/ dates. And confidence. It's cool to focus on crypto as a goal, it's a really exciting new development with a lot of potential .

Being rich I think makes life a lot easier and you would be able to spend time doing things you love, which in turn might attract a woman you love ?? Idk dude good luck

>> No.2997161

Hey this is true stuff. I wanted to believe females and males could be equal, I wanted to treat women with the same mindset I treated men. But, in the end, men are the work animal and women are the play animal. You have to be the highest bidder.

>> No.2997216
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Ignore women, focus on making more money or influencing politics.

Women are (paradoxically) attracted to men who are super focused and interested in something productive and give off an aura of power. Being active both financially and politically helps in this.

Once acquired, you must them like horses: feed them regularly, stroke their hair, massage them when they're feeling sore, clean up their shit, and apply a nice swift application of the (figurative) riding crop to remind them who's on top.

>> No.2997230

>Posts Pepe
>Doesn't understand you have to be you before you can be two

Sounds about right.

>> No.2997238

>wanting woman when you could have lambo.

>> No.2997389

Yea I hear you


Sadly this is true. And this is what's frustrating.

This is definitely true. And you're kind of right about the horse analogy. If you don't keep them interested emotionally and physically they'll leave.

>> No.2997499

>FA way of life


>> No.2998012

Forever Alone

>> No.2998066

well, either change to acquire the women you want, accept the fact that the women you want don't want you (FA), or change your idea of the type of woman you want

>> No.2998087
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Just be urself guys

>> No.2998096

quit being 20 and listen to your mom shake from the orgasms I give her to night

>> No.2998100

Here's what you do

>get fit
>deadlift 4 pl8s
>squat 3, bench 2, press 1.
>get rich
>get sorted
>learn to shoot guns
>learn bushcraft
>learn basic diy skills

Women will flock to you at this point, so get well read and pick the women who will make the best mothers for your children.

>> No.2998132

Women date across and up.
Men date across an down.

Youll have to eventually lower your standards enough to have a larger pool of women to sift through to try to find someone that you like enough.

Women honestly dont care if you make $70k/year out of college, or have $1 million in crypto.

>> No.2998144
File: 88 KB, 634x635, 1494357271230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't get the woman i want

>wants a superficial , emptyheaded, gold digger.

you'll be fine.

money can buy you roids and a personal trainer

>> No.2998352
File: 46 KB, 619x453, crying pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I-I...I love you too anon.

>> No.2998369


>> No.2998382

This is a good response. Definitely get fit.
Getting fit made me so much happier with myself. Seriously, the amount of areas that being fit changes positively in your life is staggering. Everything opens up.

I was ready to give up a few years ago, and then just said fuck it. Started working out, dieting. Haven't stopped since. I had some dumbbells and an old bowflex machine my family wasn't using, and a crappy old barbell. I rigged up my own little home gym.

Saved up money after a year and a half or so of that, bought a power rack, barbell, bench, and plates off amazon.

I'm heavier than I was when I started, but it's mostly muscle now. I'm at about 15-16% body fat. Feels fucking good man.

>> No.2998453

all your ducks in a row. Don't have an item in your house that you don't have accounted for in your head. Trim the fat. Physically and mentally.

>> No.2998472

Bro fuck women. Honestly if you want kids wait until you're older and have decent money, then find a younger female to impregnate and take care of. If you don't want kids don't bother with women seriously, it's a waste of time and effort. Keep good friends as women but don't go balls deep.