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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 317 KB, 454x640, stack bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29963770 No.29963770 [Reply] [Original]

TVK has the best immersive collectible platform in the game

All these big celebs are talking NFTs. Better believe that they see and are buying TVK.

>> No.29963916

nft so fucking overhyped gimme a break

>> No.29964085

it's so early in this space
a lot of these projects will 100x and that's just a fact

>> No.29964219

i just got into them last week- the VR crowd is going to be massive for this space

>> No.29964304

Terra Dome is fucking LIT

>> No.29964401
File: 32 KB, 460x361, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize the vFlects were so popular. Holy shit pricey af

>> No.29964649

some artists on twitter saying they make 7 figs doing this shit WTF

>> No.29964723

how do I invest into this shit without looking at retarded digital art myself

>> No.29964724

nft rug pulls will be fucking epic

>> No.29964855

bahahah you fucking wish dweeb

>> No.29964884

They're getting some big brands on there like TopGun. How much they gotta pay for these rights??

>> No.29964988
File: 317 KB, 500x685, moon ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good question. I have no idea, but it makes me continue to DCA my tokens.

>> No.29965112


how are they getting away with these prices? gah damn

>> No.29965446

ok well apparently i need to switch careers

>> No.29965483

no one gives a fuck about art, let alone digital art

>> No.29965659

not sure what world you live in

And even if you don't like art, NFTs are way more than just art

>> No.29965714
File: 5 KB, 318x159, biden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This market will crash harder than the dot com bubble

>> No.29965721

NFT is closely following the trajectory of crypto. It is just a matter of time.

>> No.29965834

BINGO, thus why I'm going 80% in NFT. The rest just btc and eth.

>> No.29966266

dude garyV wont shut the hell up about nft

>> No.29966279

>unlock rare interactive porn nfts
>only fans model goes to nfts
>every sport adopts moments
>rare pepes

>> No.29966357

Listening to a Mark Cuban interview. He says that the nft will moon when it becomes the standard for distributing royalties.

>> No.29966395
File: 140 KB, 736x736, cash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit i didnt think about porn
genius pajeet

>> No.29966508

Music royalties on blockchain would be incredible. I work in the industry and it is a mega pain in the ass to get that shit sorted out.

>> No.29966688

Another alt scam. Shills get a life.

>> No.29966711

>buy a starter set of porn nfts
>rare face
>legendary tits
>common ass
>uncommon pussy
>put them in the horadric cube and ai spits out a generated porn star that will fuck me in vr

>> No.29966782

The possibilities are literally endless with nft.
I'm trying to invest in this space in the best way possible.

>> No.29966900


horseshit project with some drawings for sale
cool who the hell cares

>> No.29967186
File: 280 KB, 928x523, virtua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your naivete is my gain buddy.

>> No.29967202

I bet some original signed matt furey and wojak artist nfts would unironically sell for a lot. Also, can't wait to see how banksy makes a statement on nfts.

>> No.29967728

banksy truly the goat- that shit is gonna be FIRE

>> No.29967846

Really hope WWE embraces this space. LETS GOOOO

>> No.29968010

for the first time in a while, im stoked about something in crypto

defi just doesn't do it for me

>> No.29968046
File: 9 KB, 300x160, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy fucking money!!!

>> No.29968203

Yall can keep the VR, im all about the AR. --thats where tvk will thriveee

>> No.29968258

I'm worried for the financial damage that will be done by the rug pulls.

>> No.29968311

I've used TVK and WAX, and terra virtua is a far better user experience. Artists are getting paid more too, so you choose.

>> No.29968356

The Godfather digital collection is on TVK?
wth?? howd they get that

>> No.29968397

not what i had in mind pajeets, sorry

>> No.29968463
File: 388 KB, 1600x900, t7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been telling everyone they're getting some big brands and big names immersed into the digital world. this is HUGE

>> No.29968670

i started with a small bag at 0.10, now it's approaching 0.50

>> No.29969126

all i fucking hear now a days is nft this nft fucking that

>> No.29969304

I want some power ranger collectibles on there plz

>> No.29969346

If it's not proof of work, I don't fucking want it.

>> No.29969382

YAWN just gimme polkadot tokens faggots

>> No.29970039
File: 6 KB, 306x165, evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one gives a fuck about dot lmao
bye bitchy

>> No.29970136

my TVK bag is loaded, lets take this from 0.40 to $4 senpai!!!

>> No.29970212

bloody hell i can't keep up with it all

>> No.29970248

blah blah fucking shill scam

>> No.29970322


ok the kolect has more capabilities than i originally thought

>> No.29970352

Honestly I don't understand this stuff, but I'm about to do some heavy research.

>> No.29970360


>these faggotsidiots can’t understand it and still try to mine their scam shitcoins
>I am not a dumb who believes in this shill
>multiminer that is future for everyone