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29963964 No.29963964 [Reply] [Original]

I hate to make a youtuber thread but I’m too new to this and I absorb information best in video format: what crypto youtubers give good advice?
Minimal hypeman persona and OOOO face thumbnails, if it can be helped.

>> No.29964018


I might make one. I’m sick of seeing people make it about them and not crypto knowledge /support

>> No.29964021
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Also who to avoid, thnx

>> No.29964031

Just don’t watch Indians.

>> No.29964039

Coin Bureau is legit.

>> No.29964074

One of those wojaks is not like the others.

>> No.29964090

Anyone feel a certain way about Satoshi Stacker?

>> No.29964184

Thanks, all check it out.

>> No.29964253

Fucking hate newfags who think they can just waltz into this like any other shitty hobby you have - this isn't a boss battle that you can watch a video to understand, it's fucking money and you can only learn by doing, anyone who gives you "infomation" is just lining there own pockets telling you what to buy - the crypto knowledge I possess is what puts shoes on my kids dinner plates, I ain't giving that away for a free and neither will anyone else.
thanks for playing

>> No.29964330

Cryptomanran is really good. He hosts cryptobanter every weekday at 10am EST.

>> No.29964351

Gonna have to call child services on yo ass, feeding them shoes... smfh.

>> No.29964380
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>> No.29964393

I second Coin Bureau.

>> No.29964412

>not just watching based autist benjamin cowen
what other crypto youtuber has a phd in mathematics and rocket engineering? enjoy ur zoomers and shills

>> No.29964417

sexy lyn the tranny

>> No.29964530
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>shoes on my kids dinner plates

>> No.29964559


Others I have seen are huge faggots

>> No.29964597

Joe Saz

>> No.29964617

Tyler S is good and humorous, crypto fomo is OK if you can get past the click bait titles

>> No.29964641

Every single crypto youtuber out there has an ulterior motive and is there to just pump their own bags. Best advice is to short everything they shill

>> No.29964837

No he's not. He's a shit cunt.

> Actually discusses fundamentals
> Doesn't shill shitcoins that much
> Focuses on ETH & BTC
> Goes through a lot of different project updates
> Incredibly autistic
> Called the last dip we had 1 week ago at ATH

>> No.29964905

only one that is watchable

>> No.29964982

Chico crypto avoid like the plague, crypto face also a larping faggot trying to sell you his premium group and market cypher (free indicators in a pretty hue)

>> No.29965004


>> No.29965085

>One of those wojaks is not like the others.
Sneaky brainlet among the sóyjacks.

>> No.29965138

Here’s some food for thought. I got into crypto in 2017 at the same time as a friend of mine. I’ve gone from 4 figures to 7 figures. There is literally zero reason for me to make YouTube videos. I don’t need attention, I don’t need money.
My friend who started at the same time I did, bought 90k link on my recommendation at $0.30, then sold them at a dollar. Has since fucked up over and over and now has no money.
He has just started running crypto education courses. Do you see what I’m getting at here?

>> No.29965337


>> No.29965385


Go watch coin bureau. Excellent content, whenever I am considering a new coin I always check if he's done a video on it as part of my research.

If you are honestly new, I HIGHLY recommend you watch two of his videos at the leash: 1) How to do your own research and 2) altcoin exit strategy. Knowing that info will put you 90% ahead of most retail investors.

>> No.29965465


>> No.29965507

Check out Benjamin Cowen, no bullshit, no clickbait

>> No.29965580

This. Running, promoting and cultivating a Youtube channel is a ton of work.

I could THEORETICALLY imagine some people doing it for attention, the social aspect, altruism, or a change of pace (I guess investing is stressful), but I bet the majority of these people with channels aren't like that.

>> No.29965875

bankless is nice for defi stuff

benjamin cowen tho, ben is the only level headed trading crypto youtuber there is, AFAIK

>> No.29965946

Coin Bureao and sometimes IvanOnTech(just don't listen to when he talks about small coins, he's paid to shill them but all the rest of information on big coins and crypto world is very valuable).

>> No.29965950

I like him. He doesnt really shill without a reason and his predictions are very often accurate. Not biased by emotions either though he is huge bull.

>> No.29965955

> signed L. Edge

>> No.29965977

The only one you need to be honest

>> No.29966057
File: 268 KB, 1152x1403, 4C75F242-67DA-43B5-8A57-8B709525E03D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever this is

>> No.29966162

His videos are slow but they're easy to watch and he has a jolly good british sense of humour

>> No.29966255

You do not “absorb information” better via video, you’re just too lazy to read you dumb nigger

>> No.29966771

Their website gives major scam vibes and he shills for CZ. I still like him tho.
Kek, why are you making shit up about Chico? He is an Eth-loyalist so if that upsets you then too fucking bad.

>> No.29967001

High Altitude Investing
333 Crypto
Coin Bureau
Chico Crypto
What Bitcoin Did
Dapp University

Fuck Bitboy lol but i will watch for lolz

>> No.29967174

Eth hub / Into the Ether

>> No.29967477

Thoughts on CryptosRUs ? He predicted last weeks drop pretty well with a video on f2pool outflow.

>> No.29968827

Cultivate Crypto

>> No.29969001

Ken the crypto

>> No.29969854

Im still mad COR got fudded as it solves this issue