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2995290 No.2995290 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it so that those who start out in life wealthy have an easier time obtaining wealth and those who start with nothing have a harder time obtaining a basic living? Are there any policies the government could implement that would be fair and constitutional to help the many at the bad end of this deal? Or what are some other solutions?

>> No.2995301

and when a poor person tries getting into investing they get swarmed by sperglord kikes reeeing about how they dont have thousands invested already

>> No.2995302

kill yourself commie

>> No.2995306
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>> No.2995351

>Why is it that people are all different
>Why is nature so unfair

Capitalism is a good system. Here's your choices.

>You live on $400 USD a week and your (((overlords))) live on $400 USD a second

>You live on $10USD a week and your overlords, in addition to maybe killing and eating you for fun, live on $100 USD a week

>> No.2995357


Being born in wealth doesn't guarantee you will be more or less knowledgeable and wiser than the person who brought that wealth in the first place.

Then again, if you grew out of the slums and became a millionaire. Would you bring a child into a wealthy life? I don't think those rich people actually care about the kids more than their care about their new puppy they bought.

Life has and always will be trivial game. Policies won't make you evolve better, it'll make you more square. You need to learn how to win yourself.

>> No.2995383

>rich people aquired their wealth through intelligence
>offspring likely to be smart also since the parents are smart
>offspring make more money since they are smart

Sounds like the allocation is pretty fair to me. Your just pissed that you were born a brainlet

>> No.2995406

The one in Africa is capitalism too you amerimutt moron

>> No.2995487

No its not.
They don't actually get paid $10USD a week you dick.

>> No.2995634

Op here. You faggots don't seem to know what you're talking about, just saying "lol u mad bro" you know full well that poverty stricken families are almost impossible to get out of poverty, and the upper class have an easy time staying in the upper class because they can use the money they have to make more money

>> No.2995933

its called karma. how about do something good in your life and maybe in the next one, you'll be born in a better family

>> No.2995953
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>> No.2995958

Buddhism ain't real

>> No.2995993

Why is it so that those who are intelligent have an easier time obtaining wealth and those who didn't win the genetic lottery have a harder time obtaining a basic living? Are there any policies the government could implement that would be fair and constitutional to help the many at the bad end of this deal? Or what are some other solutions?

>> No.2996005

Read The Bell Curve. And yes, you're at the bottom.

>> No.2996032

capitalism is good if you have classes and serfs. its just a higher form of slavery.

as everyone gets equality you run out of room for people to move up or set the bar to distinguish themselves from others so they make shit up like skin color and IQ.

socialism and hedonism is the future as automation becomes feasible for maintaining subsistence. invention and artisans will only be the one setting the bar higher.

>> No.2996033


>lets just make 8 billion people instantly competitive to one another and make things stable

you know the angels who allow this world to be what it is surely aren't getting any thanks from you, u ungrateful slob. If you had any sense you would be busting your ass to make money right now because next month its just gonna get more difficult when the 'poverty stricken families' suddenly get access to the internet and start making cash faster than you

You have no sense of reality

>> No.2996051

capitalism allows for dumb people to have subsitance. and girls fuck dumb people. alot of dumb people are out having kids that end up enlisting in military and come back with no limbs while shouting that they fought for the country and theyre good people ect.

if there were no dumb people then youd have to force smart people at gun point to enlist in the military which is a corporation too.

>> No.2996070

So what I got out of that dribble you call English is: "Poor people are cannon fodder"

>> No.2996169

how do you expect to own a running and profitable enterprise without people having an incentive to work for you?

its the lack of money and the introduction to a failing system that makes people do stupid shit for a living. including saving lives of racist white people.

>> No.2996242
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>can barely communicate
>muh racism
I think I found a nigger.

>> No.2996517

Isn't it great that in America people with generations of military service get nothing - while Third World subhuman trash get free phones, free cars, free housing, etc?

America = anything to destroy the White race.

>> No.2996559

Breeding licenses with a minimum required IQ

>> No.2996571
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>> No.2996680

Now we're talking

>> No.2996772

>why do people start out differently in a world where different people are free to make different choices in life

Some people start off easier than others. equality of opportunity is what remedies this. Not equality of outcome, which socialism demands.

>Are there any policies the government could implement that would be fair and constitutional to help the many at the bad end of this deal?

The cure for poverty is jobs. 1950s America has the highest wages and the lowest cost of goods because 350 million people run the market better than a small group of (((beauracrats))) can.

price controls for affordable housing/healthcare/etc never work. redistribution never works. economic growth does.

Social programs always have good intentions, but disastrous results.

as long as the poor, illiterate retard who pays no taxes has the same voting power as a person who does, Americans will continue to vote not for the best politician, but for the one who promises the most free stuff.