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29952135 No.29952135 [Reply] [Original]

Looking at how much return I will get on a masters vs phd in CS (USA). And it seems that for every 2 years you spend after the base 4 you get a return of 20k a year.

Well I decided to see how that works in other developed countries like Japan and Germany...

Germany seems to pay shit to computer scientists. Why the hell is this? What is going on there that gross pay is so low?

>> No.29952216

Germany pays shit for specialists, i get more then that postdoc. Also there isn't as much money in education, so the comparison isn't accurate

>> No.29952219

it's not germany having low wages, it's the US having high wages, dumdum
software engineers are subhumans

>> No.29952259

>work life balance

>> No.29952314

>san francisco

>> No.29952366

Yeah, but I would take Munich over some San Fran type shithole in the US any day. Plus Germans have 2nd world tier living expenses.

>> No.29952372

You're comparing apples and oranges OP, USA is a third world country.

>> No.29952383

>making money here
Lel no pay gibs

>> No.29952511

it's insanely NGMI tier if you think a masters or PHD in fucking comp sci just be a programmer or """data scientist""" will do anything other than put you six-figures in debt and give you no competitive edge over someone with a bachelor's. And let's not forget that you'll get BTFO by literally anyone with experience and completely unrelated degrees.

>> No.29952518

Cost of living is way lower
Everyone in the west outside the US has access to "free" social services. You pay taxes, in exchange to not losing your house and job when you get cancer. You also have access to basic education which makes you understand this.

>> No.29952641

You are in Germany, if specialization isn't valued what is?

We are, and the US does have high wages but I always get told by krautfags that "at least we get a living wage." So I thought they might be doing better off.

True. I hope to work myself to infertility for dem shekels one day as a good engineer must.

Yeah you have to walk through shit and needles every day and pay $25 for a burrito from a food truck. But you also make 120k a year for sitting on your ass all day.

I do know that living expenses are low but taxes are so high that you can't expect to move forward in life much, right?

It is a third world country, but it also pays more than every 1st world country I have been to.

I feel like getting out of gibbs is ez in the US, but I know the system better. How hard is it in Merkel's land?

>> No.29952694

I don't plan on being an engineer with a PhD you stopped programming in your classes one presidential term ago. You will be doing R&D on equations about computational power or do some gay bioinformatics research. You won't be an engineer but it seems on glassdoor there are programming jobs looking for doctorates.

>> No.29952767

Thats fair. However, once you are making over 100k a year I feel like free healthcare and education aren't big issues for you because you can pay for it on your own and you will benefit less from the system than those who need it.

>> No.29953488

Idk why so many people across the internet ask this. I guess it's a bit of a wake up call that Europe isn't paradise and the US isn't a shithole like they were told.
Asking why EU salaries are so shitty vs US is like asking why Bangladesh farmers make less than western ones. EU is poor and the US is wealthy.

>> No.29953763
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This conflicts with the beliefs of every person I have met from the EU that thinks Americans are poor yet makes perfect sense.

Maybe they meant median income and its in the top skilled earners where the US excels in.

>> No.29954041

Cost of living... some will never understand

>> No.29954060

You have to factor in things like healthcare, retirement pension, unemployment benefits, college costs for your kids, daycare for kids, price of public services, etc.
For a low to mid earner it's then much better bang for your buck in Europe because a lot of that stuff is socialized.
If you're a high earner in the states it matters less because unemployment won't be a risk for most of your career and your company will have good benefits.

>> No.29954287

You realize that $120k is not even equivalent to €100k, right OP? Learn to convert currencies before making such a thread.
As several people noted, cost of living are much lower, and at higher wage levels I'd consider it questionable how much of this gap still exists.

>> No.29954354
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Some of the highest taxes, can't disconnect from electric grid even if you have a big solar setup, can't homeschool children must be rolled in propaganda factories, so much bureaucracy and red tape it will make you dizzy.

>> No.29954446

In Europe you'll have a life. And won't have random shootings in the university

>> No.29954530

Munich is the most expensive city in Germany, a decent sized 2 room Appartement may cost ~1500€, rooms in shared flats are about 800€, crime is low, healthcare is free, child support is free, schools are free, university is free, every destination can be reached by public transport which costs 100€ a month. In SA you need a car, you pay 3k a month for child care, maybe 5k for a decent Appartement, etc., That's why the salary is so high over there.

>> No.29954554

Universities in Germany are public institutions fag, you will never get pay potential from the private sector in public institutions
are you retarded? Getting a PhD does not equal getting more money in the private sector.

>> No.29954771

Many Europeans in the eu seem to need to massively cope when they face the fact that they earn much less than Americans or swiss.

You refer to the US muh shootings and welfare
You refer to Switzerland muh living expenses

>> No.29954872

>In Europe you'll have a life. And won't have random shootings in the university
you get beheadings in the street and trucks running into you though :) Europe is so much better than america

>> No.29955383

that amount that you can find on internet is not what you will get paid. depending on the field real pay is different.

i get over 40% more than my contract says because of additional pay.

other thing is that germany is lot cheaper to live at and has better quality of life than usa. if you have everything else better you can pay little bit less.

>> No.29955595

:D fuck you mutts are stupid

>> No.29955830

only thing that matters is that in europe wage cuck can save easily 500€/month if you are not retarded you can actually save over 1000€/month as "minimum wager"

as a minimum wager you can retire when you are 45 only by saving to no interest bank account.

its so easy to get better standard of living in europe than 90% of usa has. we could say its automatic.

you will be better off after vocational school in europe than after university in usa.

>> No.29956000

I went from the US to Germany 10 years ago now and never looked back. Literally every aspect of my life is better for it. You'll truly see how good life can be.

>> No.29956078

Living expenses is not a cope, retard. If you win 100k but you need to pay 5-7k a month for a shoebox, then you're not really winning a lot more.

>> No.29956089

The US is a shithole though. Imagine paying taxes and getting shit on in return. Even during the pandemic.

>> No.29956106

Isn't it funny how all that stopped when Trump became president and the US stopped pouring money into extremist Muslim groups to destabilise the Middle East for Israel. It'll start again now with Sleepy Joe as President but still

>> No.29956331

>healthcare is free, child support is free, schools are free, university is free

>every destination can be reached by public transport which costs 100€ a month
Which you can get to twice as fast due to outdated infrastructure and CONSTANT delays

>> No.29956401

Twice as fast by car*

>> No.29956408

Then either you cope and pay your taxes, or like 90% of the 1% you evade taxes
Being rich is being rich, no matter the place you live in. Being middle class or poor though differs bigly in the US or EU. I don't know maybe poor muricans enjoy their hard mode, I for one prefer not getting rekt as I try to get rich, and still live in relative comfiness if I fail

>> No.29956451

People always tell me that US violence is because of all the gang violence, blacks on blacks, drug gangs from Mexico, South America, etc. The interesting thing is, US violence is so much higher than Eruope, that even if you would take out all gang & drug violence, US violence would STILL be higher than violence in EU (where you of course still include drugs & gang-related violence).

The murder rate in Chicago is higher than the murder rate in fucking Afghanistan, lol. I sometimes wonder whether we should take in some refugees from the US instead of Afghanistan.

>> No.29956459

Germany is super behind on anything related to computers and it fucking sucks. Our politicians are all paid by the car lobbies which is where all our shekel go

>> No.29956535

Wait til you see what you make at FAANG.

>> No.29956569

>comparing academic positions in Germany with industry positions in the US
you deserve $20k per annum you fucking dumbass

>> No.29956657

>industry position

>> No.29956710

it might as well be

>> No.29956831

Industry positions would pay twice as much

>> No.29956907

>I don't know maybe poor muricans enjoy their hard mode
You literally cannot move classes in Germany.
It's easy in the USA.
80% of German millionaires are born into it.
85% of American millionaires are self made.
Anything else is cope.
>t. European

>> No.29956966


>> No.29957042
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I compared two universities though?

>> No.29957181


I have a phd in computational biology, working with machine learning models, as a data scientist, in a consultancy agency in europe.

Unless you have a strong desire to do research and go full academic route, don't bother with a PhD. It's a minimum of a 4 years herculean effort and getting a relatively low pay (EU). PhD is not a walk in a park. It pushes your mental health to it's limits. It can be a wonder, if you find the right supervisor. But it can quickly overrun you if you are unlucky enough to find a bad supervisor.

tldr, if you are passionate about academics/research, do it. If not, don't bother with a phd. You don't get a much higher return (pay) with a PhD.

>> No.29957236

You are absolutely correct the return on those 4 years is about 40k usd/year in the private sector and the amount of people I have heard just in my uni turning to suicide in the PhD program is so sad.

>> No.29957810


Yeah, there were a lot of depression related issues back then. And after my PhD, I was done with academia and finally understood what freedom was.

I can't say that it wasn't worth it... I learned a whole fucking lot and grew tremendously as a person. However, I took the scenic route. Nowadays, my end game is somehow ending in infosec, pen-testing if possible. I could have been doing that for ages if I decided to start working immediately after my MSc.

PhD allowed me to learn about statistics (the proper way, not just press 2 buttons to get a p-value), which allowed me to get into machine learning easily.

Also, I did my MSc in Munich, at the LMU. It's a great uni and the city is lovely. Germans seemed a bit too uptight and on the prude side (Bavaria is quite catholic it seems). However, Munich is worth it. SA I have no clue

>> No.29957950

They have literal porn store billboards in public, legalized prostitution, sex toy commercials on daytime tv, and women fuck around amongst the most in europe. In bavaria. What kind of blind faggot are you?

>> No.29959291

being degenerate, doesn't mean that people are open/extroverted/outgoing

>> No.29959578

SNC will fix this, dont worry

>> No.29960118

how do you get into pen testing? i've got a masters degree in cs and pentesting to me is the most interesting field

>> No.29960810

Go back to plebbit.
Also this. Germany is Sodom, the USA are Gomorrah.