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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29938968 No.29938968 [Reply] [Original]

Our digital asset holdings are appreciating in value.

>> No.29938984

Post portfolio

>> No.29939042

>same-race couple
Hello, based department would like a quick word with you...

>> No.29939069

why can't all blacks be like this?

>> No.29939148

lack of the right evolutionary pressures

>> No.29939194

I presume you are speaking of Bitcoin and Ethereum equities?

>> No.29939243

>t. Incel Basement Neanderthals

>> No.29939307

they largely were until nixon

>> No.29939332
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>> No.29940525

dressed up in suits? trust me they will still ruin your neighborhood

>> No.29940622

She’s hotter than 99% of white girls

>> No.29941000

I love nigger legs so, so much. I watched the trailer for US 3 times to jack off to Lupita Nyonga's.

>> No.29942463
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40K+ years of weak evolutionary pressure. Its not that being black automatically makes you trash, its that blacks have a higher than average proportion of trash that nature dreams of culling. Europeans and Asians were brutally savaged by millenia of bitter winters and capitol punishment creating peoples capable of deep abstract thought and forward planning. For proof of this and how fast it happens, look no further than the massive populations of white trash that have come about in the past century who do nothing but smoke meth and pop out little retards. When food and water fall from the sky like mana from heaven, a people degenerate, and the trash has no issues spreading their genes. All westerners, regardless of race, are headed for niggerdom and in a thousand years will be no different from the worst hood nigger, except for belonging to even more extreme class divisions.

Whoever allows their people to be sculpted by Winterchan will approach true master race status.