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29936809 No.29936809 [Reply] [Original]

what do you even talk about when you're with poor people

>> No.29936854

niggerball, reality television, nigger music, drug/alcohol abuse

>> No.29936864

If wealth really has that much effect on you I think you need to do some kind of soul searching. Material and finances isn't everything.

>> No.29936879


>> No.29936889

Jesus and Jordan Petersen

>> No.29936913

Two Jews?

>> No.29936920

Based and lmaod

>> No.29936929

I have a lot more in common with them than I do with rich people. Rich people are boring as fuck. They were either born into it and waste their lives, or they earned it and spend the rest of their lives chasing the number. I was born porn and bootstrapped myself, so I can still communicate with poor people just fine. They're mostly good people.

>> No.29936937


Get new friends

>> No.29936940

Talk about going on trips and life experiences together that never happen

>> No.29936949

they're not worth talking to, even when you yourself are also poor

>> No.29936971

video games and shit retard

>> No.29936979

media has no barriers when it comes to discussion

>> No.29936983

s/porn/poor/ kek

>> No.29937021

if you don't realize why Jews hate Christians so much I don't know what to tell ya buddy.
Imagine your entire ideology is based off of a guy showing up to redeem everyone and you accidentally kill him... them some fucking goys steal the salvation from you.

>> No.29937034
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talk about the inevitability of death and how meaningless life is

>> No.29937059

so.. how about that wagin'. sucks don't it. heh. yeah.

>> No.29937108

Seek Jesus

>> No.29937171

Get rich quick schemes mostly.
Aka crypto

>> No.29937189
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hail satan

>> No.29937272

im basically estranged from family and extended family because all they talk about is sports

>> No.29937293

This is true. Jews hate Christians and I’m not necessarily anti-Christian.
But it is true that Jesus was a literal Jew and all abrahamic religions are of semitic origin.

>> No.29937308


>> No.29937322

rly funny to see their BUYBUY spam
idiots want to fuck you with all this shit scam on biz

don’t trust if you don’t want to lose your purse
I get rewards each day with YVS staking, 1.330 $YVS just for staking

>> No.29937342

You should literally have all of the conversation themes by then, if you're still an autist that can only talk about crypto then you haven't really made it at all.

>> No.29937356

>fat kevin did literally nothing wrong

>> No.29937371 [DELETED] 


As a retail vendor, it's basically asking how they're doing, business talk, weather, awkward silence

>> No.29937377

I have a friend that's not as well off but he's a good guy. Whenever we meet we talk about video games, movies, internet, girls, fashion. Normie shit, really.

>> No.29937385

The weather

>> No.29937430

make fun of faggots and trannies
poors are fun in a way rich pricks will never be

>> No.29937543

He was Hebrew; actually he was God but I digress.

Are you trying to equate Jesus with someone like Chuck Schumer, just because he calls himself a jew?

>> No.29937545

>poors are fun in a way rich pricks will never be

Used to work in the oilfield and this is true. Much less uptight than upper middle class who think they're millionaires.

>> No.29937587

To hate your brother is to hate God. Jews are of this earth at them moment, until they accept Christ they are going to be a successful but anxious and death fearing people. Their salvation isn't based on their works and they burn in the very hellfire they've been trying to avoid for 5000 years.
I don't hate anyone, or I try my best not to. Life is easier that way, vengeance is mine, so sayeth the lord and it is alright to be angry, but let it not lead you to sin.
Reprimand behaviour and groupthink, don't cast away entire groups of peoples.

>> No.29937611

things you're interested in. people like things regardless of financial standing

>> No.29937647



>> No.29937648


>> No.29937658

I just don’t even know what to say to this post

>> No.29937687

"Amen." would suffice.

>> No.29937702
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Muh Benzos!!!! You ideolog!!!!!

>> No.29937761
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says the poor who probably owns an applewatch. Most poor conversations are not about anything worth my time. Being poor is not righteous, its a sin, and a biproduct of doing sinful things.

>> No.29937815

I only leave my house to buy food, cigarettes, booze and if i need toilet paper and that sort of stuff. I might just make small talk with the cashier but thats it.

>> No.29937840

Kek what fag? Priests gotta be in poverty when they bury your mom in the ground.

>> No.29937849

>mother was Jewish
>lived in Israel
>studied Jewish scripture
>worshiped at Jewish temple
>called himself “king of the Jews”
What more evidence do you need? Anybody else who fit this description you’d call a Jew.

>> No.29937878
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I'm really running out of topics, lads. I've just stopped talking to them all together, as it's just.. mindless in a sense? A friend of mine knows I'm into crypto, but a long time one who isn't going to rat me out/doesn't ask me to pay for things.
He will call me and start by baiting me in with asking thoughtful/real questions about blockchain, but then always ends up trying to talk about basketball. I fucking hate basketball. At least pick a somewhat decent spectator sport to watch that isn't just a bunch of nigs nogging about in a stadium.
I act interested, and try to learn more about the sport (at least trying), but there's only so much I can pretend to know about basketball and 'sneakerheads'.

>> No.29937955

It hard for me to believe a book written by kikes that’s say said kikes are gods chosen and the got are cattle. Which is you btw. Also jesus didnt come for the gentiles he came for the Jews and your not a Jew.

>> No.29937967

You watch media?

>> No.29937987

Idk why you faggots larp about being rich psychos. Turning rich isn't supposed to make you into such a cunt.

>> No.29938029

I don't talk with poor people anymore. Life is easier when you're not around people who put their feet on the table and fart in public.

>> No.29938076
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drop the bias
if you were a bit more of a historian you'd know how off mark your statement is.
>only talmud says goy are cattle
>Jesus did come for the gentiles, read romans you ingrate
>look into how much the Jews fought to supress early Christians

>> No.29938141

Us dumb goy rugpulled the Messiah from them, and they're too proud to admit it.
Revelation will start when the number of GENTILES comes in, not Jews. they get a hardening of hearts and get to suffer 7 years of tribulations.

>> No.29938192


a certain movie about a rich man written by a gay man is very popular among closeted nigger trannies such as OP

>> No.29938229

Priests aren't normal men, and don't follow normal rules. I can tell you are from reddit you faggot nigger.

>> No.29938323

Rich men cannot get into heaven anon

>> No.29938400

There is one thing poor people do more than rich people.. Fuck.
Rich people are busy doing this or that to make money. This or that thing they brought or hobby.
this or that they are building. this or that they are improving. or just spending their money.

If you poor sometimes the only thing to do it fuck.

>> No.29938406

No, it is EASIER for a camel to yada yada.
Nowhere in the bible does it say being rich is a sin, in fact a few parables reprimand a person, not for hoarding wealth, but for not being as successful as he could with what he was given. If that's not what you took away from the story of the servants and the talents I don't know what to say.

>> No.29938495

I was born lower middle class, too. Single mom. Landlords. Evictions. All of that.
Yeah the thing about poor people and all of the people I was around growing up is that they are in love with poverty. They are in love with pain. They are in love with their own strife. They thrive on victimhood. They will openly shit on their fellow lower class people if they don't "work hard enough" for their capitalist masters. THEN they'll bitch about capitalism and how unfair everything is.

I hate them. They are insufferable.
Most of those people I grew up with, their problem with me today is I'm not "producing anything" cuz I just invest and shit and am pretty leisurely. So even then, when I'm here with millions of dollars and they are poor as fuck and pissed off and miserable, they are still judging me for NOT being a slave, just as they did when I was younger.

And so you say, how can people who see moral fault in NOT being a slave ever rise above their own slavery?

And that is when you'll realize Republicans are right about poor people.
Just stop being poor. Don't be a fucking communist.

Only thing that is unfair in our society is loans. We shouldn't have loans. No need for them. They drive the prices of everything up. Make everything more expensive. It's all statism and government violence that enforces them. There's no need for us to have that, and getting rid of them would make life WAY cheaper and more manageable for poor people.

But by and large, whether they are left-wing or right-wing poors will scoff at you when you talk about setting them free from the banks.
"Wut?! Get rid of the banks! We can't do that! Those are our masters!"
OK well, whatever, keep on being poor then fag. I'm not gonna support restrictions on the free market, or 15 dollar an hour minimum wage, or higher taxes, just because you can't figure out the proper answers to make the world a better place in your sick, stupid, fucked up poorbrain.

>> No.29938545

I want to make it to not talk to anybody, social human by force of nature is a biological mistake.

>> No.29938885


>> No.29938944

Turn off rick and morty soiboi

>> No.29939002

Play golf with him

>> No.29939033

Based and substitutionpilled

>> No.29939168

Ud be based if u understood the function loans and interest have on the economy. Read Man Economy and State by Rothbard

>> No.29939179

I think this is basically it, especially
>They are in love with pain. They are in love with their own strife. They thrive on victimhood.

you also get a lot of people who will brag about how bad they have it, without doing anything to improve their situation or look for an alternative. Still currently working, but I see people with absolutely no drive what so ever. No plan, no commitment to anything. It's just... sad, really. They could just go online, learn about new things, but instead just life in the life of mediocrity.
I did that for a while. I don't know where my life went, and I don't know what it will take to get more people out of the cycle, but hopefully they find a way.

>> No.29939205

>drop the bias
No bias. I’ve only stated things that even Christians agree are objectively true

>> No.29939264

Poor people are still interested and sometimes know a lot about stuff they can't afford.

>> No.29939876

This is the only viable suggestion so far

>> No.29940023

Are poor people even allowed to have hobbies? Everything worth doing in life costs money.

>> No.29940174

Video games, work, personal projects (e.g. the programmer's blog on cloud hosting).
Though those guys aren't poor poor. When I was homeless and then when I was just dirt poor, we'd talk about dangerous fun shit we did, fights, fire tennis etc.

>> No.29940200

>I did that for a while. I don't know where my life went, and I don't know what it will take to get more people out of the cycle, but hopefully they find a way.
how did you get out of that state?
own nothing and be happy. that's literally the cope some poorfags live off of.

>> No.29940310

God, Jesus, sports, Walmart, new TV show, new movie, new fast food - especially if combo, red tie vs blue tie.

>> No.29940379

You missed his point entirely. Anon is trying to say that Jews are controlling your mind through Christianity kek. Your God and religion is a Jewish construct.

>> No.29940408

you should avoid poor people at any cost, there is a reason they are poor

>> No.29940409

>They are in love with pain.
I do find the concept pretty romantic. The human experience is tragic, and if you reject the tragedy then you reject the human experience. I connect intensely with others who have trauma in their past, in a way that transcends anything else I've experienced. Almost like our souls can communicate directly. People who have survived adversity are more real than anyone who has never had to confront their darkest demons.

>> No.29940453
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>> No.29940543

that's cliché but true. it's actually quite easy to socialize with people in lower classes of society. find something you enjoy be it a sport like tennis, basketball, whatever and talk about that. or chess. you build different themed social circles that way and you know you can talk about things you enjoy with these people. they don't need to be rich to add value to your conversations in these areas.

>> No.29940824


>> No.29941156
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Honestly, I met someone who told me about blockchain and the fact that you don't have to be tied down by work. The moment I looked into it for myself on their recommendation is when I kind of figured it out.

Beautiful sentiment. I feel like any normies to escape here, like myself, are the ones you want to connect with. They've had their souls destroyed by waging. Those ones are the ones who know how important making it truly is.

>> No.29941313

you are the niggest one here

>> No.29941379

>Honestly, I met someone who told me about blockchain and the fact that you don't have to be tied down by work. The moment I looked into it for myself on their recommendation is when I kind of figured it out.
based. congrats on getting out of that spin and I hope I can get there too. turned $50k into $180k since November so far, still need a nice 10x

>> No.29941546

They're in love with it in a white American boomer kind of way where kids have to be kicked out at 18 and crawl the the mud alone without any help kind of way. This is strictly a christian anglo poorfag kind of mentality.

>> No.29941974
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>if you don't realize why Jews hate Christians
Vanity of small differences. Christianity is literally just a universalist jewish sect that believes their messiah has already come.
yahwehism is one religion with many different branches and any White who worships the semite god, learns about semite history, semite heroes, semite culture instead of his own is anti White. I say this without any malice but you have chosen to perpetuate semitism over White Western cultures and there is no other way to describe it other than cuckoldry and betrayal.
>inb4 muh rabbi yeshua loves you anon
Don't bother. I hope you come to your senses.
>inb4 you're a jew
The complete opposite.
>inb4 LARPagan
No, but it would be preferable to this.
>inb4 you're le heckin satanisterino
Just another flavour of jewry.

>> No.29942089

My stepbro has been super into commie/socialism propaganda. I've been trying to get him to invest but he basically just says "maybe you can but some people CANT!!!" He crosses his arms and mooches off my parents while wasting away in the basement living off covid bux unemployment.

>> No.29942213

This. Jews basically where looking to buy the dip of salvation and March 3k Bitcoin passed them by, so now their entire religion is basically bobo posting that the savior didn't come yet.

>> No.29942246

I just talk about how i love jews and pepe is a hate symbol and 911 is real and i love america but not like too much you know. They eat it up

>> No.29942266


>> No.29942412


>> No.29942477

That's the thing with socialists. Everyone else and the "system" needs to change, but the individual should just be able to do what they want without any responsibility.

>> No.29942500
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>> No.29943209

I only ever encounter non-family (and talk at length) with people at work, and we mostly talk about work. Other than that, I let them talk most of the time and pretend like I'm an active listener. They fucking love it. Everyone thinks I'm their best friend while I'm thinking about hentai or crypto while they're blathering on about their career, wife, kids, bi-annual new car purchases (I wish I was joking), vacations, whatever.

The only thing I won't do is talk sports because I only care about the olympic sports and weightlifting and nobody I know does proper weightlifting and the olympics were cancelled last year.

>> No.29943572

Yeah everything he said about the poors is true, But loans are how the economy expands....

>> No.29943794

>im thinking about cartoon porn while they talk about their career, wives, children, vacations

Anon... are you sure this is something to brag about?

>> No.29943875

>fire tennis
cmon, story time

>> No.29943957

Nah. I don’t care about their stupid desert religion. I’m antisemitic on racial grounds. They want you to think they are just a religion.

>> No.29944106


>> No.29944148

Yes you normie nigger it's time to surf alternate isekai dmt realities

>> No.29944171

My problem is more that he basically won't play the hand dealt to him until "something happens that makes it fair". Considering he is a middle class white male with no physical ailments, he has a good hand. But he has slowly become this sloppy pussy who is a basement dwelling leech, yet talks with this sense of superiority. It's sad, he just drinks, plays video games and reads fagget shit philosphy as if he is going to find the answer in some centuries dead old fagget's reddit rant blog printed on paper.

>> No.29944318

So if there isn't bias why bring it up? Am I supposed to be turned off from Christianity because he was Hebrew?
I love shutting niggers up when they say Jesus wasn't white, like no duh nigger. I don't follow him because he's white.
I can tell by Jewish seethe that this isn't the case.
>all other religions weigh your deeds for salvation, also obessed with death dying malice, and human sacrifice
>one doesn't
>"I'm sorry anon but if you don't know why PaganlarpX is the right religion for whoiite people you're a traitor"
This x10000 Jews are just Bobo that revel in every little dip, but they're priced out forever.
the schism I believe happened at Moses and the mount, with Satan misguiding the 70 Pharisees at the base of the mount. That's when the first Talmudy malicious blood culty Jews came from.

>> No.29946216

Based dept would like a word with you. You're being promoted.

>> No.29946608

The weather.
Plans for the weekend.
Did you watch ___ movie/show?

>> No.29948210

Anime, manga, video games, politics, iphones, android, relationship, etc. Anything that is not biz, an, lit, diy, out, o, sp, trv and biz.

>> No.29948427

the more i hear stuff like this, the more i think nietzsche was right about slave/master morality

>> No.29949866


>> No.29951068

You seem like a stupid miserly person

>> No.29951433

Based and Science of Getting Rich pilled

>> No.29952246
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I like anime and video games

>> No.29952946

Sports, normies gossip about other normies, talking about how much they can drink.