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29935788 No.29935788 [Reply] [Original]

My dad told me if I invested money into bitcoin back in march he would kick me out of the house because we might need the money because of the deadly pandemic. So I didn't. He told me this week "told you so" because bitcoin was dumping. I was going to buy 6 bitcoin.

>> No.29936078

if you had enough to buy 6 btc back in march you had enough to move out

>> No.29936152

Are you losing son?

>> No.29936197

Yeah, growing up is realising your parents are retarded.

>> No.29936452

>letting your parents decide your financial decisions

You are a worthless CHILD

>> No.29937707

absolutely this

>> No.29937743
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>> No.29937885
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Ask your dad to check out DaFi protocol instead...they are literally curbing hyperinflation by introducing synthetic assets as an intermediary

>> No.29938061
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Why must this fact of life be so true

>> No.29938232
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>> No.29938263

how about a cuttie flight from world earth when the GSX does 10x ??
doDO NOT waste your time on erc20 coins, if you want profit - join GSX and receive $$$

>> No.29938350

And also trying to distance yourself from their bad habits you saw as you grew up. My parents have always been terrible with money and it definitely rubbed off me. Had to take conscious efforts to reverse that shit

>> No.29938467

why would you tell your fucking parents

holy shit

>> No.29939391

what do i do if my parents are very high functioning and I'm a total loser? i'll never be able to beat them, let alone find a partner

>> No.29940705

this. Used to see my parents as amazing gods, now they're just fucking retards. still love them, but as a young adult I know I'm much much smarter and better than them. They think I'm an "arrogant college kid" but I ironically am making more than both of them combined just out of college.

>> No.29942290

Growing up is realizing nobles are right to kill their parents to inherit everything, but at least parents of nobles teach their goddamn children how to handle money and win wars.
Gypsies/rednecks know absolutely nothing but to beat their kids, treat them like slaves and teach them the wrong way as a joke. Rednecks make me fucking sick.
We do not need more slaves, you slaves are the ones overbreeding and making your own lives a living hell, not the nobles.

>> No.29942556

This is one of the hardest things to come to terms with since I love my parents

>> No.29943667
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what happens when we grow up and have kids and they become adults. aaa-a-are we gonna be retarded too?

>> No.29943718

Yeah, I remember that feel anon. I tried to get my dad to invest even a small amount of money when it was under $100. He laughed me off.

>> No.29943826

I have accepted that I am incredibly retarded so I rather not transfer my mental problems and existential despair by having children

>> No.29943960

sounds like he wants to fuck you, you gonna give it to him?

>> No.29943973
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ya, kinda sucks to think about, unfortunately I wont have a family like my parents so no genius lineage will ever make a fool of me. feels bad man, all I want is a son who thinks I'm retarded because he is so successful unlike his oldman.

>> No.29944002

Fucking retard dad. He’s holding you back. So what he kicks you out? I hope you have a stack of something else.

>> No.29944064

Not really, it’s just due to how fast advancements came the previous generation or two got btfo.

You’re kids should only be smarter than you due to you giving them things you might’ve not had(private education and good discipline etc)

>> No.29944074

Fucking this. As a kid i thought my parents knew everything. Growing up you realize they are mindless as the rest of the goyim cattle

>> No.29944092

>mfw when I begged my parents to lend me $1000 to invest in the ETH ICO in 2014 and they told me to fuck off

I would’ve been a multimillionaire now and not even 25. Fuck these retards.

>> No.29944120

lmao my dad messaged me to tell me the market was tanking and to help him open a account for everyone else in the family asap

>> No.29944184

You'll be maladapted for the world that they'll be living in. Our parents' generation was one in which a semi-skilled laborer made wages rivaling that of a skilled professional. It's a historical abnormality that they simply take for granted as the natural order of things.

>> No.29944283

maan its like naruto you must grow up to be stronger than them and you should raise your children to be stronger than you.

>> No.29944345

I just got my dad into crypto personally. tried to get him on bitcoin years ago. chainlink at 30c. but glad I got him now. The only reason he did now is cuz I just started finally. (poorfag massive college debt).

I had a buddy mining BTC in 2011 (sophomore or junior yr of highschool) and since then, I've always known the one constant fact about crypto is "late now, early later".

When you can afford to buy in, get in the game.

>> No.29944386
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If your parents control your investment decisions, you have no one to blame but yourself. That in itself is entirely your failure, not your parents'. The truth is that you lacked courage and conviction, and if you really felt that strongly you would have found a way to invest. It's the cowards freeroll - if the price doesnt go up, no harm done. If the price does go up, you get to blame your parents and lament what could have been and what a genius you are if it weren't for your circumstances.

>> No.29944451

I realized that my parents were lucky with the dude they trusted their money too. Decent guy even if they were geting fucked with 4% mer. Gave decent returns so they are happy.
Would have invested myself if i was them, but i remind myself that it would have been more difficult without web brokers or internet to gather info.
When i tried the "old fashion" way if asking my bank to help show me and my parents financial advisor they made it seem way more difficult than it was. Would have been easier for them to just say " read these books/ look this up, if still interested you can find more info online".
Started when i was 20 and im 26 now. Did basic potato couch investing until i was 24, making 4k off that. Than went to stocks and lost a couple thousand. Once igot better at around 25 i had made about 12k total. Not great but good.