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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29923277 No.29923277 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people say these two coins will go up when the government makes a digital dollar? Can some of the schizos explain to a smooth brain? I can't wrap my head around it.

>> No.29923552
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you know why
yes it’s exactly what you think
simple as

>> No.29923650

No I don't know why and until someone explains I'm not gonna believe it

>> No.29923841

sounds like a personal problem
good luck

>> No.29924000

reeeee spoonfeed me

>> No.29924290

You will unironically live in a pod and eat ze bugs. Its ok its just your genetics that's keeping you down so its not your fault but god always wins in the end. This is your last chance to buy the nwo coins before the happenings begin.

>> No.29924399

but why are these the nwo coins?

>> No.29924536

Stop asking ze questions and start eating ze bugs, citizen.

>> No.29924600

Ill eat ze bugs if you tell me why these coins are significant nigger

>> No.29924649

DYOR anon, read the threads, archives of these coins and read about the tech. Jesus Christ /biz/ is so retarded.

>> No.29924652

Checked. I don't know about HBAR, but just look into who Ripple is connected to. Who is on their team, which other boards do they sit on, how are they related to other companies involved in ISO20022 systems like FedNow.

>> No.29924747

the world doesn’t owe you an understanding
enjoy the cockroach milk and teeth gnashing

>> No.29924957
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Aite, I'll spoonfeed because I'm a nice guy.

XRP is designed to be a bridge currency between digital fiat and CBDCs (central bank digital currencies) and will be used to move vast amounts of money worldwide at a fraction of the cost and at many times the speed.

It's not only a matter of good tech, Ripple the company has a vast network of supporters in high level policy making positions like the IMF, WEF, governments worldwide, with connections to politicians and operatives like Janet Yellen. They have a former SEC chair on their defense board for the current SEC case for fucks sake, which they will win. Partnerships with major banking organizations from the UK to Japan to Switzerland (they're working with the Bank of England and SBI in Japan). Even the central bank of central banks (BIS) is looking into CBDCs. There are connections everywhere, you don't even have to be a schizo to see it. All of this can be gleaned if you do basic research and fact checking. These talking points are common in /XSG/ threads.

People fud XRP because 99% of people are straight fucking morons and are NGMI and will rope once XRP is slated for true mass adoption. Same type of normie 0 attention span mentality is also prevalent in the crypto sphere, they see XRP perform like shit and crab for a few years and think it's bad because "muh decentralization". They invest emotionally when the name of the game is making money. Yeah, XRP has performed like shit...but one day it won't and there are major players in key policy making positions that are working RIGHT NOW to set up the infrastructure of the digital global economy. XRP will moon violently and every serious XRP fudder is going to eat their shit with their paltry 2x-10x gains.

>> No.29925006

xrp+flare=global standard

>> No.29925168

>People fud XRP because 99% of people are straight fucking morons and are NGMI
I own XRP and fud it, am I ngmi?

>> No.29925240

>begging for shitcoins
>lose all
>whooping 4ch on every thread

I am not a tard to go this way, my portfolio with GSX, I know how to do win-win stuff

>> No.29925242

Keep in mind that while the dots are real, and you can draw lines between them, there is no guarantee that Ripple or XRP achieve the position they are seeking. I think there's a high probability that they will succeed, but there's also a perfectly reasonable chance that they won't. If they fail, another project will fill in the gaps, since the technology will be necessary in the digital economy...

>> No.29925251

I think he means people who fud it because they don't believe in it

>> No.29925265

xrp is like dark matter, letting stars twinkle amongst themselves...
it will become the ocean, connect islands so they can trade...

stock up and hodl so generational wealth can be made...

>> No.29925292

who is this nigger and why is this jew associated with pods, bugs, onions, jewish mind waves, erectile dysfunction, hormones, anal transplants, solar energy and the nigerian stock market

>> No.29925319

They are not, just close this thread

>> No.29925590


>> No.29925769

Bro, it’s the standard bro just buy it it’s the standard

>> No.29925773

Last time I spoonfeed. Go to the xsg threads, click on the archive that says insider/mellon/uhnwi, read the warosu links. Also look up the kendra hill posts. Afterwards, reflect on the past year then attempt to come to a conclusion.

>> No.29926774

Ok interesting, anyone know about HBAR?