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2990301 No.2990301 [Reply] [Original]

Post your best trading fuckups

>a few hours ago
>place a limit sell instead of a conditional "less than or equal to"
>look at my open orders
>dont find it, f5f5f5f5
>see order was actually immediately completed, sold way beyond market price
>90% of my profits gone

A-at least that trade wasn't a loss, r-right guys?

>> No.2990318

>first week trading crypto
>dash is $100
>Buy some dash
>Dash falls to $50
>fucking panic sell
>it goes back up past $100 the same week.

>> No.2990343

>buy NEO at 550k
>buy ETH at $350
>buy DGB at ATH

Im really bad at getting FOMOd/getting greedy

>> No.2990344

it's ok if you bought your dash with USD, but if you traded it with bitcoins you actually lost way more than 50

>> No.2990355

>Buy XEM @ 11k
>hold for 50 days while it falls to 5500
>sell @ 5500
>it's at 7800 a day later, even higher now

At least I bought Bitcoin Cash @ $200 with the money... but still...

>> No.2990356

Well it was my first week, so I was trading it in USDT to DASH on Polo at the time. Anyway I had plenty of other holdings, but I remember that as my first real lesson in crypto to research good coins and then just hold.

I fucking hate Dash now though and would never touch it again.

>> No.2990361

>Input wrong receiving address
>Lose 10K USD worth of ETH.

Not really trading related, but my biggest fuck up.

>> No.2990373

>bough NEO at 618k sats

>> No.2990400

>sending 10,000
>better not double check the address is correct

>> No.2990412

>buy rdd at 12sat, sell at 20. next day it is 130
>buy xvg at 17sat, sell at 21. some days later it is 120
>make $600 buying into NMR and selling, get ballsy and decide to go all in at .0475
still holding those bags (and they're pretty heavy)
>sold all my btc before the fork anticipating a crash

honestly I've only had two good trades and 10+ bad ones.

>> No.2990413

sold bitcoin cash for 0.096 last night, that was dumb, was obviously going to break out

I make a lot of mistakes when I get emotional

>> No.2990418
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>Network accepts wrong formatted address to begin with

>> No.2990419

>Buy Lisk over $3
>take out half of that Lisk to buy OKcash because I fell for a pajeet pumpndump
>managed to get out with a $20 loss, not too bad
>then I bought SEC, now SAFEX, at 700 sats
>minutes later it dropped to 600 sats
>praying it will go back up so that I can at least break even

Also didnt buy bitcoin when it was $1 a coin because I didnt know how exchanges worked

>not always sending .00001 first for any transactions

>> No.2990422

yeah, I triple check every time

>> No.2990425
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>Buy ripple at .03
>It dipped below .02
>Sold at a loss
>Week later it moon booms
>Fuck it, i'll buy when it dips back down to .03
>It doesn't
>It keeps skyrocketing until it hits over .40
>Finally it dips, buy in at .36
>It tanks
>It doesn't stop tanking

>> No.2990874

I just blindly bough NXT at 4020 sat, already 5% profit