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File: 94 KB, 1125x1107, 1600146540249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29884823 No.29884823[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Everything that sounds good turns to shit after a few minutes of research. It's highly competitive and the pay is shit for 5 years. Or you're going to be $100k+ in debt. Or it's a soul-sucking nightmare. Or you have to sell your soul to be another cog in the wheel. What the fuck can I do to earn a lot of money in 2-3 years that's actually enjoyable?

>> No.29885133

Join the army.

>> No.29885178


>> No.29885228

yea its all shit so just do whatever makes you want to kys the least

>> No.29885379

Dont its literal suffering 90% of time.
>t. current armyfag

>> No.29885461

This is terrible boomer advice. You will demolish your mental health joining the military (in murica anyway).
Truth is you will likely either need to settle for "it doesn't make me want to kms" to earn money or settle for being a poor who does things he enjoys. Building wealth is a hard road of pain and sacrifice friend. If it was easy every jeet and tyrone on the block would be ballin.

>> No.29885501

I'm a musician that tried for years to get into product mgmt after getting a neuroscience degree.

36 yo and hate tech world and marketing jobs/ppl in general, drive Uber and practice instruments and comedy writing and that's the only thing that keeps me from killing myself. Might audition for stuff when pandy is over. Don't know how normies do it/did it.

It's late for me but at some point you just stop giving a shit about money and realize you're wasting your life and letting your dreams die slowly is more agonizing than death.

Not sure how ill ever afford a house or family.

Maybe this is helpful non-advice idk. I used to buy into the idea of opportunity cost and just do the safest easiest most money making thing, but that thing doesn't really exist. Fall back careers are still competitive, so you can fail at something you hate, it's like being rejected by a 5/10. Or dumped after 4 years with her.

>> No.29885515

Unironically, just do something that you like and are interested in. Also don't forget that art is NOT a career.

>> No.29885534

Statistics is easy and pays decently. You can get a government position if you aren't retarded and live on easy mode

>> No.29885697

Or listen to this guy

Idk some people are artists and are stuck that way. Every day not doing art is hell. Work feels like being sucked on after you cum. Not hard to explain. However you're not wrong and even successful creatives kill themselves anyway

>> No.29885760


There's always compromise. I'm a musician so I became a sound tech. Pretty chill, surrounded by music all the time, except covid kinda fucked me up

>> No.29885778
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What are your thoughts on petroleum engineering?

>> No.29886214
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id also like advice on what the fuck i need to do. I was planning on going to grad school for a math PhD but I got rejected from every single fucking school i applied to. I didn't have a backup plan and since i like pure math i have no skills, can i even get a job after i graduate? Should I just kill myself?

>> No.29886256

>I didn't have a backup plan and since i like pure math i have no skills, can i even get a job after i graduate? Should I just kill myself?
Let me guess, you're a White or Asian male and naively thought going off merit was all. You didn't even pretend to be gay, did you?

>> No.29886303

i dont like anything. i'm not interested in anything
please advise

>> No.29886332


>> No.29886348

University XDDD

>> No.29886426

You could always become a jannie. The pay is pretty good I hear.

>> No.29886439
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pajeet but I was born and raised in the US so I don't even have the fob card. I do think that's a big component of why I got rejected, but part of me also says that I'm just a retarded sack of shit if I couldn't get in. At the end of the day I guess I just wasn't good enough. Doesn't change the fact that I want to blow my brains out, it was my dream to get my Phd

>> No.29886626

who gives a shit about math anyway

#1 it's a miserable life
#2 you can learn math on your own online and probably faster than at Uni
#3 it has terrible job prospects

Do engineering or something

>> No.29886662

learn to code. or improve optimization methods in ML. or go into metric learning, multi/cross domain ML, data/sensor fusion, or porting existing ML to new datatypes (pixel photos -> 3D voxels). or cryptography but that shit is for snitches, feds, and undercovers like satoshi

>> No.29886667

Only once you've lost everything are you free to do anything.

>> No.29886719
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academia is miserable, but I geniunely like learning the subject. I wanted to get my PhD because having an advanced degree opens up jobs and speaks for itself. At my current level I have no fucking skills besides a degree and basic coding so idk how to get a job. Also fuck engineering literally just applied math most boring subject there is.
>pic related it's me

>> No.29886784
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i have pretty shit coding skills so I guess this is the only option. I wanted to go into logic/theoretical CS/cryptography in grad school so I don't see how i can get into a job straight out of undergrad. Furthermore how the fuck do I get a job by the end of the summer when I have no skills and need to apply now? With no job my parents will probably kick me out so it might actually be over

>> No.29886799

numerical analysis runs the world onanistic pajeet

>> No.29886841


Car mechanic

>> No.29886848
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i need money for that kek. I'm still a poorfag piece of shit with only 20k to my name in internet money. I was gonna teach english in japan but covid fucked me. so yeah i don't see how i can achieve anything i want rn, maybe im jsut being a depressed sack of shit

>> No.29886857
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parasitism and scams. it's pointless to go into highly competitive shit because that will always have diminishing returns.

invest in yourself - get a neetbux by simulating mental illness, train yourself to be a pickup artist, learn to sweettalk people, then just scam them when you get an opportunity. work is for midwits, unless you're like milking a bunch of wagies.

>> No.29886957
File: 457 KB, 750x896, NOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i won't lie liking pure math does make me a faggot but there really isn't anything as interesting as it in the world. Shame it fucks my job prospects and exacerbates my autism

>> No.29887034

Nursing is pretty dank. You gonna be working among Thots who Can do science and make a solid 6 figures and get laid many times more often than any other trade job. Plus it’s pretty cheap if you’re smart

>> No.29887071

Hugs bro. 36 y/o myself. Physics student drop out that found out music my only inspiration in life. Haven't made anything in a year and just lurk biz in hopes of a ticket away from pointless clockwork job. Your post hit hard. Myth of Sisyphus amirite.

>> No.29887097

shit nigga, man up, almost no-one gets to do their dream job, and at least you can still learn all the math you want for free

>> No.29887108

>Thots who Can do science
read this again and literally go neck yourself

>> No.29887124

Fuck yeah, and very easy to get a nurse wife so you both pull good and very secure money

>> No.29887155

Biopharmaceutical manufacturing anon, thats where its at
Money is good, and they let any dipshit in an entry position believe it or not.
Amazing place to start a career

>> No.29887222

heres the basic concept - youl;l; be one of the blue suits at first but you get to wokr with cool equipment - go into large scale where youre needed.

This is how covid vaccine is made a tons of other expensive drugs.

Just dont fuck up or be a retard

>> No.29887251

unethical industry

>> No.29887258
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yeah maybe it's because im a gigantic spastic autist, but im just really nervous about getting a job since i have no practical skills and I need to get one by the end of the summer somehow in a math related field or my parents will kick me out. (hardcore indian parents who say if im not using my degree im a waste of life) I don't have much fiat just crypto so I can't survive if i don't move out, and my dream is crushed so im pretty tilted

>> No.29887260

Everything in life is competitive. There are 10 billion people when we only really need 1 billion. It doesn’t matter what you go into desu it’s about how you progress
>build a big network
>be better at what you do than other people
>maintain a high social standing

>> No.29887292
File: 2.69 MB, 2300x2900, scp-1471+scp-1471-a-k-dromka-safe58-80baa1c5fa8c0e12ffeed0ee3839ee0e-ambiguous gender black body black border black fur black hair border fur hair looking at viewer canid canine malo mammal undead scp-1471 scp-1471-a scp foundation k-dromka 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, just go full psycho.

i was a neet for 5 years, then just went into high end programming jobs. you know how i did it? i went through 30 interviews in one city, memorised the questions then moved to a different one and successfully faked competence. i haven't programmed shit, i just go into new job, make excuses, work on my own stuff, quit, go into the next job. it's easy as fuck to charm managers, since they look down on programmers. act arrogant as all fuck, demand high salary, then gradually come down to regular one in negotiations.

i was always kinda psychopathic, but then i just decided to abandon stereotypical behaviours and concepts like decency altogether, and it worked perfectly. you just need to apply a bit of logical analysis to whatever you want to achieve, and then just do the thing that's most likely to succeed. repeat until profit.

>> No.29887376

dont believe you. why dont your managers ask you to explain your empty commit history, ticket progress, etc.?

>> No.29887406
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>> No.29887412

Dead end desu, even nuclear engineering probably better

>> No.29887453

Yeah and it’s only a 4 year degree.

>> No.29887506

Anything. DCA into bitcoin, retire a millionaire in 20 years.

>> No.29887531

I'm taking a free online course to learn Java and hopefully get a job doing it. Normally I'm a music fag and only like doing creative hobby shit and I refuse to work 40 hour a week jobs (I restaurant serve instead). Wish me luck fellas, hopefully coding won't make me an hero

>> No.29887622

meant for

>> No.29887664

Repeat after me: business analyst

>> No.29887679

unironically start your own business. I couldn't face the soul crushing reality of a wage life so I started my own business building and selling computers. it's a lot of work to run the business by yourself but you do it entirely on your own terms and you can create opportunities to earn a lot of money

>> No.29888097

>Like coding
>Being a software engineer pays well
Anyone else luckmaxxing?

>> No.29888329
File: 291 KB, 600x1024, scp-1471+scp-1471-a-foundationdown (artist)-safe18-30751e22ad4a2b33805a7f2aba28ef95-ambiguous gender black body black fur blue eyes bone fog fur glowing glowing eyes open mouth skull solo canid canine malo mammal undead scp-1471 scp-1471-a scp f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why dont your managers ask you to explain your empty commit history
i honestly don't know, but they don't seem to look at commit history for some reason. this was my initial concern when i just switched entirely to reading up on programming and writing my demo, and i expected to be fired in half a year, but no one ever brought this up.

as for ticket progress i do write up some horseshit and am very vocal during meetings. also i sorta sell myself as a specialist in an obscure area, so that helps too.

ultimately managers aren't as smart as you think and people won't notice you not working. stop being a sissy scaredy-cat and just lie and go full chutzpah.

>> No.29888390

lol you would probably sell your mother for cash but youre gonna talk shit on something that actually provides medicine because you have to put on a suit, interview and pass a drug test

Yeah the jobs not meant for drooling retards who dropped out of high school

>> No.29888501

yeah dont believe you. youre a specialist in an obscure area so youre the code owner, but no one notices no development/fixes go into it?

>> No.29888759

I’m becoming a high school history teacher because I’m autistic :DDDD
Honestly tho teaching isn’t a terrible career choice compared to a lot of other fields. Almost always guaranteed work plus decent starting salary and great benefits considering you don’t work many hours and have summer off plus many other breaks. You also always have the option to move to Squeel-Like-A-Pig, Kentucky where cost of living is dirt cheap but you still get a good salary because it’s a state job.
Lastly you get a similar schedule to your kids if you have them which is nice, and it only requires a bachelor’s degree and has many debt forgiveness programs or scholarships/grants for Uni so it’s not completely crippling debt and if you go into school admin you can make $100k sitting on your ass doing fuck all

>> No.29888767
File: 35 KB, 800x800, The-SCP-Foundation-фэндомы-SCP-art-SCP-119-5328033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch my hands closely:
i'm not a code owner. i sell myself as a specialist, and get hired because dumbfuck manager thinks that i'll come in useful.

whenever anyone tries to bring up that i'm not contributing, i simply simulate outrage about not being able to work in my obscure area, and guilt-trip managers/leads into not thinking about my performance.

you have to be 100% psycho and actively befriend everyone, so that guilt-tripping actually work.

but once they're positively viewing you they'll subconsciously block out anything that might insult you.

>> No.29888794
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If you work really hard, you might even make it to mod one day.

>> No.29889076

Do you have a degree?

>> No.29889130

dont believe you. what specialist area? managers have to prove their actions to their managers also, how is your place justified if you dont do anything and just 'might' be useful - a role reserved for contractors

why are you larping lol?

>> No.29889368
File: 407 KB, 772x704, fan character+marsh (marshthemalo)+scp-1471+scp-1471-a+scp-1471-a-37-victordantes-safe18-8fc17c3fb3dabd1fd894eadeb715ce16-anthro bone female skull skull face skull head solo canid canine malo mammal monster undead fan character marsh (marshthema.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope! degrees are a waste of time.
>how is your place justified
>dont believe you
ok, fuck off. you're just an overly anxious coward who thinks everyone's out to get him all the time. this is why you're still a virgin.

>> No.29889642

why are you larping lol? do you really think you can just 'be outraged' in a professional working environment and everyone else (including peoples whose jobs depend upon it) will let you do what you live? oh i forgot, you have to be a badass psychopath who posts cartoon demons online LOL

cringe retard

>> No.29889723
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Is Insurance agent a good career? You'll mostly be ripping off boomers and doomers, but the MLM-esque company structure they use is giving me warning signs. Plus you'll be considered radioactive by your friends.

>> No.29889839
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i've been doing this manipulation thing for 4 years, have been through 6 jobs by this point.

you're a cowardly autist who overestimates others. managers are humans and investigation into how i'm
would be an proactive action from a manager that's never gonna happen.
>cringe retard
i feel that you're upset bro, this anon posting shitty furry cartoons was totally in the wrong, you know i'm on your side if you wanna bring this issue to hr, man.

>> No.29889911

I mean I’m a designer and have a lot of influence at my job, work with an ex-pro skateboarder that used to run some major boarding companies. I got lucky, but perseverance really dies count for something. I hate my job a lot of the time, but I keep telling myself to give a shit anyway and it has payed off pretty well. 29 y/o so I feel I have a couple more years before I shoot myself if it stagnates.

>> No.29890022

yeah because going through 6 jobs in 4 years is something hiring managers really look for LOL. oh i forgot, everyone is stupid/cowardly apart from you LOL. i guarantee you were one of those kids who had a wolf talisman

youre acting out, or at least typing out, a fantasy - thats cringe

>> No.29890061

Of you’re in any way interested in looking at cool shit or visualization, there’s a lot of cool stuff going on with 3D graphics, particle systems, fluid dynamics and plugins for tons of different software out there. Usually the barrier to entry is an understanding of code but then also the complex maths behind natural patterns, so could be something to think about. Creatives always need smart people to help them make cool stuff and it can be lucrative if you can build a tool everyone needs to better their workflow. Could apply that to most software out there I guess too.

>> No.29890110
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i had 2 comments from hiring managers about this so i just doctored my resume and only give my consent to contact the last workplace, kek, and they don't care to prod.

>> No.29890148
File: 149 KB, 800x974, The-SCP-Foundation-фэндомы-SCP-art-SCP-040-JP-5327860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone is stupid/cowardly
nah, just you. how does it feel to never have touched a girl? do you cry yourself to sleep, lil fella?

>> No.29890150

How do you pass coding tests?

>> No.29890192

How do I become a police analyst? I want to use my internet lurking and stalking skills productively rather than just sitting at home opening a few dozen tabs in record time

>> No.29890253

You sound like an awful employee and you’re racing against time. That shits gonna catch up with you

>> No.29890291
File: 10 KB, 189x267, cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually have interest in dynamical systems and fractal structures, so the math isn't the problem. The coding, on the other hand is. How can i learn enough code to get one of these jobs in like 3 months?

>> No.29890330

Seconding this. I always wanted to use my schizo autism skill as a proper glownigger.

>> No.29890545
File: 180 KB, 1080x1423, The-SCP-Foundation-фэндомы-SCP-art-SCP-529-5484570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coding tests are for junior positions, i mostly just tell people to take a look at my github and that's enough.

i DO program at work, i just program my own shit, parts of which i then use as demos for the next job. desu i only stopped neeting because i was procrastinating, browsing boards and playing vidya all day. playing cat and mice at work is stimulating enough to make me work on my projects.
worst case i'll just go on welfare. but i seriously doubt this ever catches up with me, since world is increasingly globalised and psychotic.

>> No.29890704

oh you gave them permission to use the phone, thats very magnanimous of you. oh only 4 workplaces in 4 years, yes i suppose that is reasonable LOL

(coding tests are not just for junior employees)

nice FURIOUS double post gayboy

>> No.29890774

Incredibly based Were you inspired by https://www.ribbonfarm.com/2009/10/07/the-gervais-principle-or-the-office-according-to-the-office/ or did you just come to the same conclusions?

>> No.29890788
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>> No.29890849
File: 133 KB, 1024x1078, The-SCP-Foundation-фэндомы-SCP-art-SCP-179-5312354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually i have only watched the office space like a year ago.

i was mostly inspired by boards discussing dumb fucking normies, and decided to try and trick normies irl, acting on the assumption that they're idiots. worked perfectly kek.

>> No.29890961


I suggest you to check out Mochimo.org for once.

>> No.29891019

took you this long to tap out LOL

>> No.29891038

became seafahrer on lng carrier or cruise ship. you work 6 month and then have 6 month free

>> No.29891204

Software? Yeah fucker, he should start learning frontend for a year and then ease into actual programming, should be able to be of use to somebody in fucking 5 years. Oh, by that time all the kids know how to build a superintelligence with fucking java? Too fucking bad, here, insert these values you chimp, for the rest of your life.
Fuck your shitty advice.

>> No.29891234

you can learn how to be a starter engineer in about 6 months

>> No.29891320

>art is NOT a career.
I’m a concept artist and illustrator and earn better than any techcuck, while improving an extremely rare skilled. Stay mad passionlet

>> No.29891327

Do what I did

>Dominos Pizza ltd
Delivery Driver makin big $$ + TIP always
>Security Company
Got my security licenses and got hired on making less than I did at delivery desu but needed this for the next big dick step
>Correctional Officer
Worst fucking job sucked major dick but needed it to diversify my resume and make me more competitive.
>Deputy Sheriff
Where I currently make about 70,000-80,000 a year 9-5 with stats off.

btw I graduated highschool at 21 because I dropped out at 15 and played WoW all day and watched porn and pro-crastinated doing my homeschool work.

No university, no student debt. Legit started from the bottom. University is a waste of time unless you are going into something very specific with good job prospects and can pay the student debt off fast.

The next big step for me is (hopefully) going to be a better law enforcement agency with minimum 100k salary. When I tell university kids I'm making 80k without a degree and no student debt tends to cause shit - even with my co-workers.

My biggest regret is not investing in Etherium in 2017 and thinking Bitcoin was a meme in 2015. The fact I could have just delivered pizza and put my tip and profit money into BTC/Eth and have been a millionaire by now sucks; because if I could start from 2014 again that's what I would do.

Out of all the jobs I did, delivering pizza was the best one - go with that.

>> No.29891351

How? Few measly sentences to get this bitch boy started. Please, bub

>> No.29891405

frankly if you have to ask yngi. being able to research solutions to problems is step 1

>> No.29891669

If it’s that easy than a third worlder will do it. This is a delusion only bootcamp cucks sell because they can steal money from rich and uneducated folks

>> No.29891739

I have a good degree and I quickly realized that I just don't fit into those corporate cultures. I despise normies and I can only go so long before I snap. I just grow weed instead. I also used to bartend part time for fun and profit until covid fucked that up.

>> No.29891753

BOND career is the best, if you like money working for you, not the other way around

>> No.29891766

Software. I went to a shitty no name college for a CS degree and left with ~20k in loans. First job pays ~$150k/yr + bonus in a medium COL area. Work your ass off for a for years and learn the interview game and you'll be set.

>> No.29891856
File: 212 KB, 650x893, The-SCP-Foundation-фэндомы-SCP-art-SCP-753-5286441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most 3rd worlders aren't intelligent enough. but so too is anon.

>> No.29891877
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mathfag here, how can i get one of these jobs with just a math degree and not much coding knowledge? how can i learn as fast as possible?

>> No.29891982
File: 146 KB, 1200x1197, Panting+running+pheasant_6c04fe_7897565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

machine learning

>> No.29892220


Grind the shit out of these. I recommend starting with firecode, also check out the book "cracking the coding interview".

I'd say 90% of the big name tech companies these days don't care at all about fundamentals, they'll just throw variations of these problems at you and expect you to walk them through it on a whiteboard.

Make sure you include a few programming languages on your resume (but don't overdo it) and if you don't have one already, set up a github and include a link along with a description of a project or two you've done even if it's just copy pasted shit.

>> No.29892281

Just do what you find most enjoyable, you can make money by investing on the side. You'll regret getting into something you don't like just for money

>> No.29892511

i literally have 0 coding experience, the most ive done are projects in mathematica for my own research (constructing phase diagrams to model bendixon traps, iterated function systems) but nothing that was actually "programming related". Should I try actually mastering python with a project first and then grind leetcode or just go into it and learn? The logic is really fucking easy to get since im a math major, just not really strong on syntax stuff (I took APCS in high school 4 years ago and barely remember things like polymorphism and data structures)

>> No.29892843

third worlders do do it, youre just lazy

the logic is the main part, syntax just comes with experience. design patterns etc. you will also pick up, but it is important to understand the major data structures and complexity. that is good enough for beginner level, but specific knowledge for the techstack (eg memory management in native languages) are great bonus points

>> No.29892845

With no coding experience I think a project or two might be best first just to get general syntax down, but you can still do leetcode as you go. I found looking at other user's solutions helped me pick up syntax tricks I wouldn't have learned otherwise. Leetcode can help you get familiar with data structures, I'd recommend doing some of your own learning on them as well and at least getting to know names and runtime complexities. I wouldn't worry too much about stuff like polymorphism, I only had 1 interview out of about 20 ask anything other than leetcode style problems and data structures

>> No.29892889

Start your own business

>> No.29892910

depends where you are applying, in my experience european companies tend towards fundamentals whilst us companies just want you to jump through leetcode hoops to know youll fit into their wagecage

>> No.29893067

Lol yep probably good to mention I am in the US. Yeah I thought it was crazy they cared so little about fundamentals, not complaining though because my knowledge on things like design patterns was pretty lacking until I started actually working

>> No.29893203
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im also US based. it seems that to get a job quickly I should just grind leetcode and coding interview problems, also probably learn some of the curveballs they throw. However, as a math person this seems completely disingenuous since i dont actually know anything about computer science itself. My dad ran a CS company before and he also says the majority of CS people are worthless codemonkeys who don't know any fundamentals like Turing machines, automata theory, etc. I guess if you can't beat them join them

>> No.29893231

What your opinion on NEXT Chain? Guys are widely discussed. NEXT.chain allows anyone to easily create and maintain their own digital asset, similar to Ethereum's ERC20 tokens. All assets are directly tradeable, since their goal is to provide transparent liquidity to new and existing projects. Is your business ready for a boost by incorporating digital assets? Join on Telegram @nextchain

>> No.29893612

yes you have literally the easiest starting conditions on the planet, stop acting like its a curse LOL

>> No.29893652

Can't say I just love what I do but I'm an ICU nurse. Two years of school costing about 10k, work two nights a week making 60k with matching retirement and health insurance. You really won't find better hours than this and demand has been consistently high even prior to the wuflu.

>> No.29893754

it's obviously not a curse it's just that I have 0 incentive to actually care about what as I'm doing, but I guess as anon said in the end it's all just figuring out what makes you want to kill yourself less. I think I'll go part time next quarter (my final quarter of senior year) and just spend time learning in grinding leetcode. You think this would be enough to get a decent job by the end of summer?

>> No.29893839

>it's just that I have 0 incentive to actually care about what as I'm doing
you americans really are defeated by victory. yes if you have a maths degree and can solve medium tier leetcode problems you will acquire more resources than 95% of humanity - drop the woe is me act!

>> No.29894524

ive never heard anyone say defeated by victory, but that honestly is a rather apt saying. My dad came from literally nothing in India and worked himself up to 8 figure net worth. I've had almost everything provided for me and yet I still feel miserable, partly due to the expectations that being the son of such a person brings upon me. It doesn't help that I didn't get to actually do what I wanted since I got rejected from every phd program, but I suppose I'll have to make do with what im given. Thanks for the advice anon, I'll do my best