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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 63 KB, 252x252, Cardano-trigger-CHAD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29859782 No.29859782 [Reply] [Original]

>Native Assets and Tokens live in 1 day!

>On Chain Treasury for funding DAPP developers worth $345,000,000

>Catalyst Round 4 LIVE -- $1 Million Funding for DAPP Developers

>Where to Get Inolved in Catalyst - Vote, Comment, Submit Proposal for Funding

Where to Get:
>Exchanges - World

>Exchanges - USA

>Welcome to Cardano

>Comfy Hoskinson Interview

>Why Cardano (Official page)

>Charles' Latest AMA

>Also formally verified - see future of DeFI section below for a bit more on formal verification

>The Most Decentralized Cryptocurrency
>Over 1,600 Stake Pools participatign in Consensus
>100% of all blocks will be produced by the stake pool community by March 31
>Anyone can run a stake pool with any amount of ADA &/or Delegate to a stake pool

Should I Stake my ADA? Yes!

How to Stake:

>> No.29859859
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>Million-dollar baby: Project Catalyst DAPP developer Fund 4
>$450,000,000 On-chain Treasury for Funding DAPP developers
>$1,000,000,000+ in funding will be available in the future
>$1,000,000 Round 4 underway now -- focus to DAPP devs. Full Daedalus Integration for Voting this Round!
>10 total rounds of funding to happen this year

>Decentralized Identity - Cardano's Atala PRISM

>Atala PRISM Demo

>Cardano to onboard 5 million people

>Native Tokens

>ERC-20 Converter:
>Video Demo (start at 10:20)

Smart Contracts in April
>Solidity, Javascript to Marlowe, Drag & Drop via Marlowe, Hardcore Haskell
>Solidity Smart Contracts 100% Ethereum compatibility via Cardano's KEVM
>Drag and Drop smart secure formally verified smart contract creation via Marlowe

The market is waiting to be captured.
Intro to this video (first 2 minutes) ...provides high-level context preview for the next section on multiple programming language support:

Multiple Programming Language Support for Smart Contract Creation

>Solidity (KEVM)




The future of DeFI requires formal verification (start at 33:00)

>> No.29859919
File: 981 KB, 1000x625, Cardano-general-partners-edition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Media Channels that Cover Cardano:

Projects Coming to and Moving to Cardano
>SingularityNET moving to Cardano and fully focus on Expansion into Cardano - ETH token to have low importance

>DNATags™ full conversion to Cardano

>Celsius Network to Cardano - Losing Millions of USD each Year in ETH Fees (start at 26:15)

>BeefChain (only USDA approved blockchain for tracking Beef & Sheep - Multi-billion dollar food-traceability market in the US)

>Stablecoin AgeUSD algorithmic stablecoin

>> No.29860572


>> No.29860905
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Ada 3$ end of march

>> No.29861072

Should I get in on ADA this weekend?

>> No.29861085
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So ADAchads, when we pumping again?

>> No.29861158
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>mfw I can dedicate my life to shilling Cardano if ADA is 10$ eoy

>> No.29861191

Short Answer: Yes


>> No.29861218

now is probably a good time, because on March 1st there might be a new wave of excitement when people start obtaining native tokens...

>> No.29861236
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I'm thinking Sunday dip and Monday liftoff.

>> No.29861512



>> No.29861565


>> No.29861610

patience yung one, you won't get anywhere in this space without patience
cope more eth maxi

>> No.29861653

yes, monday high chance for gains

>> No.29861663

Is there any non KYC way to get this shit.

>> No.29861820
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Gonna buy me a nice Civic with this

>> No.29861847

WOW! It's gonna support on its testnet what Algo has supported on mainnet for many years now! Omg Hoskysons what a gebius!

>> No.29861945
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Why did you lock 32 ETH a-anon kun? We were so close to making it together...

>> No.29862180

I'm trying to figure out if I want to swing trade. I could sell now, I'm expecting a price correction soon, but they usually happen near the end of the week. So what do you anons think? Sell on monday then wait for the dip to buy back in? I only have about $250 Ada.

>> No.29862232

Do you REALLY think ADA can flip ETH this year?

>> No.29862251
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Huffing hopium.

>> No.29862365
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I'm gonna hold anon to that, I don't take kindly to being lied to on the internet.

>> No.29862384

I'm hoping one day soon ADA will kill ETH.....one day.....soon....

>> No.29862442

ADA $10 would mean flipping ETH and have a marketcap half as Bitcoin's right now.
$3 would be huge already.
Maybe one day ADA will flip BTC but it all depends on Charles delivering in Africa.
That said, remember what they did to the last guy who tried to change Africa's economy?

>> No.29862514

I told him that his mother would be very disappointed in him if it turns out to be a lie.

>> No.29862517

would Charles getting suicided be bullish or bearish?

>> No.29862541

>That said, remember what they did to the last guy who tried to change Africa's economy?

I'm insulated from the outside world, do tell....

>> No.29862643
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Pajeet coins bad but African coin is somehow not a scam?

>> No.29862781
File: 453 KB, 1080x1175, ADAchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice FUD you nigger

>> No.29862830

Look up Muammar Gaddafi.

>> No.29862926

Enjoy your diet xrp

>> No.29862967

you know it's not too late to get in right?

>> No.29863003

It's actually pretty sad what they did to him. I don't really think he was a "good" man, but he was what his people needed to have a semi-stable country. I hold the same opinion about Saddam and Assad.

>> No.29863019

Retard, you can't draw the fibonacci retracement if the top is not in yet.

>> No.29863020
File: 410 KB, 500x639, 4CEC2233-C2A7-4527-8C74-7A20AAA2C5DD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohhhh fucking hell

>> No.29863097

I’m out I’ll see you cunts on Sunday

>> No.29863104

Tezos has 3x the amount of funding and 3x the amount of projects

>> No.29863611

He got a knife shoved up his ass by american funded jihadis

>> No.29863822


>> No.29863872

I don't like that we're back to being pegged to BTC.

>> No.29863885

uhh redpill me on the last week in cardano news please?

>> No.29864317

yes wait for the dip

>> No.29864737

yet it has no demand. curious.

>> No.29864928

Can I invest is Cardano as a Canadian? Tried to buy some on binance but won't give me the option to purchase it in Canadian money.

I'm obviously new to this. Help

>> No.29865215

i don't know about binance but you may have to buy btc and then purchase ada with btc. new anon, remember to DYOR, find a project you like, learn risk and stress management, never put in more than you can lose. do not think about what could have been win or lose. work out.

>> No.29865283
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Is it too late to buy

>> No.29865289

also get a wallet for ada and keep it off exchanges. look into staking if you are in for the long haul.

>> No.29865398
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I thought that it is impossible but the amount of pumping before major news makes my pepe hard

>> No.29865503

>noooo don’t buy this coin!!!
>my useless shitcoin already has this!!!
>buy my bags pleeeeeaaaaassse

>> No.29865596

you may need to convert cad/usdt or cad/btc before buying cardano (go through another pair)

>> No.29865604

I use coinsmart but I wouldn't buy until tomorrow if I were you

>> No.29865723

We just came off a big dump

>> No.29865934


>> No.29865991
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Any TA bros out there? Is this what they call "Bearish Divergence"?

>> No.29866148
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I doubt it will flip this year, ADA will need to see more adoption first

Here's another dancing dog for you

>> No.29866584

Thanks for the advice


Made a coinsmart account. Thank you

>> No.29867069

sorry anon

>> No.29867275
File: 67 KB, 739x872, neat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learning a lot, TA is fuckin neato

>> No.29867511
File: 131 KB, 1817x799, cool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next low @ like 1.10 or 1.15?

>> No.29867911

cryto new fags in this thread lmao
noone takes cardano serious, ur in for xrp levels of bagholding

>> No.29868155
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Man I sure feel bad for these guys then

>> No.29868417

Neither does Cardano. It just has a cult of personality and an army of WSB redditors who decided to latch onto it

>> No.29868426

>invests based on sandnigger boomer news
kek u have been warned
hint: watch the FULL cardano chart from the start, this has happened before (everyone was as smug back then, reality is cardano is 2015 levels of blockchain not 2021)

>> No.29868452

They bought 1 million Cardano and 749 million Polkadot.

>> No.29868572

Didn't invest based on it, its just bullish AF

>watch the FULL cardano chart from the start, this has happened before
You mean the initial hype/pump and dump? Pretty much every single coin has it, go check charts


>> No.29868751
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>mfw I'm the OP and pulled all those numbers out my arse before I even knew about the 1st
>mfw anons posted in support because they think it's realistic
>mfw if it does happen like this it'll pay for my wedding

>> No.29868923 [DELETED] 

>impliying that this is not another pump and dump

>> No.29869088

Your mother thinks you're a disappointment.

>> No.29869149

Why are chainlinkers so negative about Cardano?

>> No.29869191
File: 14 KB, 532x384, 2020-02-28 coin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i comfy hold this for 4 years locked?
Im stacking XMR and will start stacking BTC hoping for a bottom out of the bear run soon

>> No.29869259
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 002-hbar-usd-dev-tool-MINOR-edit-for-ada-facts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long has it been? 3 Days? 4 Days? It's crabbing at $1.32 just like this is still CG #1
>It's become sentient and moving independently of BTC on price
>Look at this attached chart for Cardano just crabbing over an entire two weeks
>No smart contracts still after 4 years. deadlines keep getting pushed back and back despite muh April deadline (was December before)
>No projects being developed for it (Polkadot already has ~360). no one can post a link to any projects
>Scaling still 2 years away (phase 4 of 5). everything is hypothetical
>Governance still 3 years away (phase 5 of 5)
>Gene Simmons, the lead drummer of Rolling Stones shills this (a Scientologist trance music group)
>Only 40,000 transactions on it currently a day. Ethereum does 1.5 million.
>My wife is leaving me
>Literal ghost chain, Tron and BNB have more utility. charles is spamming transactions with high volume to make it look like people are using it
>Almost certainly a security
>He had dinner with Shatner, a fucking leaf
>This will crash the chink gpu farms in favor of white countries to virtue signal for Africa
>Charles did a cock tribute to Lush Rimbaugh. He's boomer tiered alt-light
>Prove you're not white supremacist and sell your ADA now. You're not a Cardano holding NAZI are you? Antifa will doxx all your wallets.
enjoy alt season as this pumps with everything else but those bags are going to be heavy afterward

>> No.29869286

Its gonna be its own thing not a middle man like Chain link and other ETH based coins. Have patience man.

>> No.29869386

You posted this yesterday already. Go away.

>> No.29869483
File: 1.59 MB, 869x1024, ADApepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29869542

is she getting a bukake anon?

>> No.29869652
File: 41 KB, 743x367, 021146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more anal swab for you

>> No.29869707
File: 2.36 MB, 3000x4000, chinknadian-marriage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch, I'm Canadian.

My prime minister is cuban
my rambo is blu
my hand's whiter than 56% of america

>> No.29869725

When staking, can I add more to that very wallet in Dadedalus?
Might be a pain to keep resetting for 25 days if I can't add to it over time.

>> No.29869850


>> No.29870796 [DELETED] 

i guess the incoming dump bullish af ?

>> No.29870973

see >>29867511

>> No.29871396

It dips every Sunday, its like a cursed day for ADA.

>> No.29871408 [DELETED] 

>he belives in biz ta
>didnt watch the full chart
>holds cardano
my pink wojaks are ready

>> No.29871494

Will it approach $1.50 again anytime soon?

>> No.29871564

Does she have feet pics anon?

>> No.29871655

u felt for this pumps xrp kid, now do me a favour and gtfo of biz

>> No.29871657


>> No.29871766 [DELETED] 

saged again
faggot i dont invest in charts, any 1 that is not a degenerate gambler invests by FA, where cardano fails to meet even 2015 standards.
go back to plebbit

>> No.29871819

When THE FUCK is ADA coming to normiebase? I'll be goddamned if I put my money in the hands of chink crypto traders.

>> No.29871888

Probably after March onced.

>> No.29871964

Should I get in before that?

>> No.29871994

You gotta respect the TA m8. It works well, especially for crypto. RSI is sick as fuck


>> No.29872036

I bought at $.55, looking for a time to sell in the near future.

>> No.29872075

Its a good long term investment, so sure.

>> No.29872171

>good long term hold
2017 bagholders could profit this week (or not at all accounting for inflation. this week and the next will create a new generation of xrp bagholders

>> No.29872233

Lets hope bitcoin behaves good on monday

>> No.29872239

e-interact with Shakepay -> buy BTC > transfer to binance -> buy whatever you want

>> No.29872356

I mean hey, I got in at 70 cents so that personally benefits.

>> No.29872404

*personally benefits me

>> No.29872544

You think the hard fork is enough to make it to up that much?

>> No.29872676

Gary??? From /pol/??
But you're a robot!

>> No.29872803
File: 182 KB, 1500x840, 1614048075418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over

>> No.29872848

cool. i bought 50 cent chainklink now what? at least it was a new tech that no other project was looking to do. cardano is vaporware lol noone is building on this crap

same situation as xrp, normies see a cheap coin in top 10 and buy it, cause hey it can go to 55k like bitcoin, guess the new released helps as well, but dont be mistaken, there are potential bluechip projects that can compete with eth, but cardano is not even close

>> No.29873188

>lol noone is building on this crap

>> No.29873368

If you can get it in the $1.20s, you have done well!

>> No.29873490



>> No.29873522

Should I just sell my Fantoms and get ADA?

>> No.29873558

>are potential bluechip projects that can compete with eth, but cardano is not even close

Explain faggot

>> No.29873573

Why are you holding Fantoms after that recent scandal

>> No.29873634

Wasn't that big scandal

>> No.29874026
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>> No.29874085
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>Native assets and tokens
But Algorand already has this? What's the point of cardano then?

>> No.29874089


>> No.29874091


>> No.29874261

Being better than algorand

>> No.29874519

All in again after a successful swing trade, cardano on sale

>> No.29874565

how do i stake?

>> No.29874731 [DELETED] 

if you don't know it you didnt dyor and u dont deserve it. enjoy being an ada bagholder, i know many xrp and even some ada holders from similiar situations.

>> No.29875305
File: 35 KB, 632x485, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a complete newfag on this

how can i buy this shit if the site wont accept my credit card?

>> No.29875555

We are well on our way already

>> No.29875659

Libya had the highest HRI in Africa. Women had equal rights. Prestigious universities. The Clinton turned it into a slaver’s shithole full of jihadists and mercenaries.

>> No.29875765

If your Bank is blocking Crypto purchases (Fuck HSBC) you can use P2P on Binance.
Make sure you have your banks App on your phone to make quick deposits. It'll be to a 3rd party vendor, not Binance directly, so pick a respectable one from their list.
The rates will also be worse than just spot buying with fiat thru Binance directly.

You can set all this shit up quickly to buy the sunday dip. It might drop between 1.16 and 1.12

This is fucking financial advice, I am the king of financial advisors.

>> No.29875885

New fags fomoing in for an 100 stack when you get that from staking every 5 days. Don't know a more comfy feeling.

>> No.29876507

How much do you have to stake to get 100 every week tho? I'm a wagie

>> No.29876888

What a lovely dip

>> No.29877145

delicious sale
waiting until we hit sub 1

>> No.29877288

cardano is already on sale for about 1.17

>> No.29877314


>> No.29877367

dunno chief, still looks expensive to me

>> No.29877390

Needs to dip more

>> No.29877487
File: 319 KB, 900x1122, 1519605165614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kat ID get

>> No.29877506

too many people are waiting for it to dip to buy back in imo, you shouldn't get greedy

>> No.29877561

I bought high, ngmi

>> No.29877684

its over
its going back to a dollar pnd complete

>> No.29878481

saddam and assad should have been supported only against US imperialsim but gaddafi was actually based and gave a fuck about his people. Definitely not comparable

>> No.29879879

I'm >>29864928

Seriously considering dropping a grand on some Cardano before it rises in price again. Going to keep it for a long term investment.

>> No.29879957

It's already rising, act quick anon

>> No.29880148
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It came THIS CLOSE to bouncing off my break-even stop limit.

>> No.29880326

bought 623 ada

>> No.29880401

Guys I've joined Team ADA. Took my $2000 I had in another coin, sold, bought ADA. Immediately after I bought the shit dropped 20 cents. But my hands are made of meteorite. Fucking kryptonite hands bros.

>> No.29880633

Hoskinson is 26 years old? What?

>> No.29880681 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 552x537, 1613142662528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just threw some of my btc in ada. anyone else use kucoin? i just found out about how they got hacked? neupoorfe here

>> No.29880730

Welcome anon. Just in time for mary hard fork and the gougen. This is going to be a great year

>> No.29880885

Only 319 ADA but $1.15 cost average. Got out of some other coins only in 2 now. Have some BTC standing by in case we dip again tomorrow

>> No.29881078


It will be back at mid $1 come Monday.

>> No.29881469

Is this the dead cat bounce?

>> No.29882904

Any former linkers here? Don't want to feel like the only Link guy that lost hope and joined this bandwagon.

>> No.29883383


No I jumped on this bandwagon but held my linkies too.

>> No.29883738
File: 44 KB, 183x275, c16409ac0d1596083ed5759eecc4e4f8b0c119f920dc7cd4843be5d3e7d84222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to have both, sold my ADA for more linkies few weeks ago. now holding onto my balance waiting to buy ADA which might be tonight/tomorrow