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29857824 No.29857824 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when ADA flips ETH?

>> No.29857870

Depends on if it happens before or after smart contracts are actually implemented lol

The inertia on this things price I’m dying

>> No.29857871

You’re delusional if you really believe this would ever happen. Go ahead and name one dapp kek

>> No.29857964

ADA is ETH 3.0. In general this will be a good thing for the crypto space. The main problem with ETH is that it was a beta release and ETH 2.0 was (Scaled and PoS) was supposed to be done by 2017. We see now that ADA has better tech and better engineers. GL biz

Holding 240k ADA and 32 ETH

>> No.29857988

All the ETH boys cry on here & twitter and call Charles nasty names then refuse to sell their bags and get rekt and hodl for 4 years until the next cycle when they can offload for 2/3rds of the 2021 ATH which is $1,320

>> No.29858001
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>> No.29858039

There is a really possibility that it will happen. Execution wise and tech wise ADA is much better. The only thing that ETH has is the network effect. Will ETH be myspace or Facebook?

>> No.29858061

woah good stack fren. 40k ada stacklet

>> No.29858070

Name one dapp

>> No.29858110

>My concept car is way better than your car that's been in production for years

LMFAO OK faggot
honestly wouldn't be surprised if the marketcap flips, crypto is full of fucking retards hitting bid

>> No.29858182

The network is forking to accommodate dApps, which is what the pricing pressure is. Network does not have smart contracts implemented just yet, so it clearly does not have dApps.

>> No.29858228

>no dapps
>40B market cap
Makes total sense. The dump will be glorious.

>> No.29858248

It’s like investing in a failing automobile company instead of Tesla because of hubris. Enjoy your 800 dollar gas fees next year as Ethereum — the worlds most unscalable smart contracts blockchain — shits the bed.

>> No.29858281

Threads like these make me comfortable with my decision to sell. Cardano doesn't even have working smart contracts, no way it should be valued this high.

>> No.29858288

Do you know what l2 is? Sounds like you don’t. How new are you?

>> No.29858303

Lmfao you’re going to be so salty. Virtual machine software is already developed to run solidity based dApps on Cardanos network.

Every single dApp that exists today will be able to run on Cardano.

>> No.29858321

Tesla was a concept car and everyone laughed at Musk. Time will shows us whos right. I hold both ETH and ADA. There is probably 20% to 30% chance that ADA flips ETH this year.

>> No.29858347

right you get to pretend to be facebook or tesla whatever as long as you don't deliver a product that fails to meet the very realistic expectations your community of retail fuckwits have dreamed up

I cannot fucking wait

>> No.29858348

>they’ll run eth on cardano!
Topkek you don’t get it do you.

>> No.29858369

Just wait 1 month. Hedge your positions. The EVM runs on Cardano, moving dapps will be very easy.

>> No.29858439

I don't think you get it. The EVM runs on Cardano. Porting over DApps is going to be easy.

>> No.29858443

Why would anybody move dapps to cardano when there’s L2 solutions working right now? Cardano holders are too thick to comprehend this.

>> No.29858472

No, I genuinely don’t. Casper is a crappier scaling solution and Ouroboros was released and I silently was accumulating then. The only thing you don’t “get” is that Ethereum is an inflationary token, gas prices are a huge hinderance for DeFi projects, and not speculatively buying a bag of ADA for its lack of inflation was an extremely poor business move. I’m up 30x on my investment.

>> No.29858514

Stop shilling this ghost chain plz. I’m tired of making money

>> No.29858565

Because those weird bugs which keep popping up endlessly due to spaghetti code that made people pay thousands in gas fees.

>> No.29858574

Have you ever heard of eip1559? I don’t care how much you’re up. Cardano is a bubble. No devs will move to it especially with l2’s already out. Goodluck.

>> No.29858617

Not a ghost chain. Has the 3rd most tx out of any network.

>> No.29858634

Developers don’t have to move. EVM runs on Cardano.


>> No.29858637

>spaghetti code
>brags about a project that isn’t even out yet and thinks it won’t have bugs or flaws
Get off of biz you mong

>> No.29858647
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We moonin

>> No.29858662

eth goes to 0

>> No.29858699
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Yeah let’s run our evm on cardano! That’s a great idea.

>> No.29858710

Well, Charles did make sure everything was peer reviewed and stressed the importance of this approach over ethereum’s approach of releasing shit as soon as possible and figuring out bugs later. He’s dealing with peoples money. It’s smart not to release crap.

>> No.29858715

How the fuck can I buy this on my phone? I won't have a computer for two more weeks, and by then I'll be priced out.

>> No.29858743

ADA is gonna end like NEO, EOS, etc
ADA is the google+ of social media
technically a better product but lacks the network effect

>> No.29858760

enjoy retirement anon

>> No.29858761

Did you guys have trouble getting verified on binance? Keeps rejecting my drivers license.

>> No.29858794

We wait, and we flip BTC a year later?

>> No.29858808

If you havent already heard about yAPE, check it out. it has some serious potential. No staking required. Just buy and earn reward directly into your wallet! There on pancake swap as well! Cheap gas! Google gorillayield finance and take a look! Their link for pancake swap is also on the website. Grab your bags now while its still cheap!

>> No.29858811

dont tell them that. let them die poor and smelly like they lived

>> No.29858860

I'll be a billionaire. Put in $10,000 at a bit over $1, multiple by 1,000x. It does have this potential, you're honestly stupid if you think it's not at least going to $100. Even then I'm still a millionaire.

Get in bros, this is gonna be a comfy hold to the top. The comfiest yet.

>> No.29858886
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>> No.29858940

Not going to happen dumb ass. NEO on the other hand will absolutely flip it.

>> No.29858977

Wanna know the difference between ADA and your shitcoin? Normies aren't talking about yours. A normie cousin of mine asked if Cardano was a good investment and said she put $100 in. Normies are putting money into this, even if it's in small amounts. When it hits coinbase we're going to fucking Mars. Get a good hodl of it while it's cheap.

>> No.29859040

>tfw just a 29k ADA stacklet
I fucked up hard by being late before it mooned to .83

>> No.29859088

Nice dude. I only have 230K ADA

>> No.29859132

I don’t think you understand how tokens or market cap work lol

>> No.29859134

Cool larp and all, but coinbase listings don't make high market cap coins moon anymore. Just look at EOS, XRP and XLM.

>> No.29859155

That's enough. ADA will go to $20-30 easily

>> No.29859316

the EIP 1559 has been ready for months, won't be releases for months. That's problem with ETH.

>> No.29859381

Why not? JVM runs on all kinds of OS. Also EVM is not the only thing that will be running on Cardano. Do your own research bro.

>> No.29859507

why are so many chainlinkers fuding caradano?

>> No.29859674

everyone is fudding ada right now, it's called envy, mixed with a little bit of cope

>> No.29859712

This board will find new ways to FUD

>> No.29859870

kek, it won't flip eth
you reddit fags are delusional as fuck.
there are other alts that are trying to keep eth alive and decrease the gas fees for it
the only thing that will flip eth will probably be ___ and i'm not even a ___chain fag

>> No.29859894

on what timeline, realistically though?

>> No.29859895

Yup. ADA the best tech and the best Engineers (300) in the space. About to drop the best smart contract platform in the crypto space. Fuding thousands of projects in the next few months. This is what ETH should of been but Vitalik is too passive.

>> No.29859934

lol retard

>> No.29860012

mETH bagholders go postal, many suicide, many dedicate their lives to fudding mETH, vitalik cries into his blue unicorn pillow

>> No.29860068

2-5 years?

>> No.29860098

>Celsius Network
Here's where you shift the goalposts anon

>> No.29860111

You weren’t here in 2017/2018 obviously. Tough break kiddo.

>> No.29860235

Just put $2000 into ADA. /Biz/ fud is so intense I think they're Jew shills who don't want us to get rich. Always do the opposite of biz

>> No.29860246
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>he only thing that ETH has is the network effect.
Then ETH doesn't have anything anon. On Cardano & Network Effects:

>> No.29860268

I want sum beefchain just for the keks

>> No.29860403

>balanced but ambitious portfolio
>reasonable expectations
>actually talking some sense
Sir, we scam people on this Bangladeshi dicegambling board

>> No.29860513

yeah it sounds silly. but the beef market is worth billions and people pay $$ for grassfed beef.

>> No.29860559


>> No.29860597

you disgusting fucker, how could you?

>> No.29860618

this anon is right

>> No.29860807

Care to provide the source for Celsius network? The CEO said if Eth does not fix the scaling issues then they might move

>> No.29860934

post it

>> No.29860949

what dapps does ethereum have that are used outside of crypto? oh that’s right, dapps are a crypto meme for moving shit coins around with no actual purpose

>> No.29860981

I want ADA to go to $500 at least.

>> No.29861106

LMFAO the asbolute fuckigng state

>> No.29861149

you'll get $3 and you'll be happy with it.

>> No.29861160

At this rate everything in top ten will up ETH

>> No.29861217

More like 2-3 years. It'll 100x in the next 5 years

>> No.29861463
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>> No.29861492

lmao, you guys are about to get dabbed on

>> No.29861691
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>> No.29861917

NGMI if you are not shorting ADA now, 80 cents incoming in a week.

>> No.29862058
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>> No.29862146
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>> No.29862229

africa + defi who the hell knows where this thing will end up, it could blow past bitcoin

>> No.29862326


>> No.29862456

Lol how can you say the tech is better when it literally doesn't exist yet? You guys are delusional.

By the power of imagination Cardano is better!

>> No.29862706

Probably the best post in thread.

>> No.29862987

>>brags about a project that isn’t even out yet and thinks it won’t have bugs or flaws
Do you know what's formal verification, right?

>> No.29863007
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>> No.29863197
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I love BeefChain

>> No.29863513

With 5 years of staking, and maybe dollar cost averaging a bear market and some defi, we could easily increase our stack by an order of magnitude