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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29855275 No.29855275[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

how long do we have?

>> No.29855316

House prices where I live went up 20% year.

So we have negative 1 years.

>> No.29856093
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~15 minutes I'd say

>> No.29856868

Between 0-3 years. The reason for uncertainty is there is a lot that can happen and a lot of variables between WH/Treasury, Fed, and Congress as well as geopolitics.

>> No.29857174


It's slowly flowing down the liquidity pyramid. We still have 1-5 years, but hurry up and prepare if your haven't already

>> No.29857289

are you implying that shadow banking and mainline banking/finance are already affected by hyperinflation?

>> No.29857410

It always starts with minor things:
>quality food is more expensive
>transportation costs
>things seem to slow down
>boom the market collapses
>total chaos
>Over 80% unemployment

>> No.29857453
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dump it

>> No.29857582

It won't happen. You think you are smarter than FED. You are not.
Be prepared for bigger taxes

>> No.29857682


Noticeably affected? no, but only because global lockdowns are reducing the velocity of money like a clogged drainpipe.

>> No.29857707

Ofc only small businesses and mid class will pay bigger taxes

>> No.29857763

It’s already started.

>> No.29857779

about 3-10 years

>> No.29857815
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>Activate phase IV, crush it and then poomp it to wipe out any hedges

>> No.29857839

>FED smart

>> No.29857968

>You think you are smarter than FED. You are not.
Well the Fed is pretty fucking stupid so that reflects poorly on me.

>> No.29857998

Less than 2
Just hodl bitcoin niggers
You'll be fine

>> No.29858008

30 mins

>> No.29858074

Would bitcoin really survive an economic collapse? I doubt it

>> No.29858566

This is what my dad said. Isn't it largely out of their control though? They've already introduced vastly more USD into the money supply.

>> No.29858606

imagine thinking that bitcoin is nothing other than a tool for the chinese to extract money from the united states

>> No.29858669

wait i meant imagine not thinking or was it thinking im not even sure what i was trying to say in the first place

>> No.29858842

>retards don't understand the money printer doesn't cause inflation
>kike business owners that aren't subjected to competition in the market does
so yeah, the USD is finished.
CNY is eternal.

>> No.29858993

>he thinks you can coerce fiat into working indefinitely
I thought boomers weren't this retarded

>> No.29859171

nice job analon, but i get your point.

>> No.29860367

It won't.

>> No.29860684

Inflation is caused by the money printer. Hyperinflation is caused by a complete breakdown in trust in the fiat system. Printer go brrrr can play into that, but it can also arise from destruction of confidence.

>> No.29860788
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all it took was for a printer to stay on for too long to completely break this board i love it

>> No.29860913

also you niggers are pointless doomers
>will bitcoin survive
>wtf do i do
bitch, just fucking buy bitcoin then nigger, at least it's fucking pumping as shit right now and IT POSSIBLY might become some new monetary system or some shit, so why the fuck not, at least i know i dont want to be holding USD

>> No.29860947

if you try to act like you can time it, you’re going to look like an idiot. I’ve got about 15k in emergency cash and I’m going to start dcaing into more crypto and pm whenever I can

>> No.29861322
File: 430 KB, 736x602, 894b3cdb243a4880e8ddf87d1983a01f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver and Gold and Platinum now too, doesn't matter what county all are good tools. No matter the government or a warlord boss they will all accept a big pile of shiny rocks

>> No.29861441

The Fed isn't stupid, and you thinking they are really underscores how little you really understand

>> No.29861586

Shiny rocks probably work too im slowly buying some silver i have a lot of my net worth in crypto already

>> No.29861925
File: 67 KB, 605x328, 221287-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FED will enact a form of YCC(Yield Curve Control)
>Another stimulus passes and wall street has a little optimism again
>Economy slowly opens up
>Cue commodities super cycle in oil, wood, and copper
>Normies and analysts realize that the economy is hollowed out and a lot of small businesses, restaurants and tourism won't be back for a while

>> No.29862086

Don't forget Steel, HRC is over 1k for delivery in 4-5 to months