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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29846319 No.29846319 [Reply] [Original]

I think i'm gonna start sharing some institutional content here
previous threads include >>/biz/thread/28684171
and another pdf about inflation i cant find
>Time in india 23:20
god forbid these pajeets get educated though

>> No.29846461
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meanwhile these retards are claiming that the institutional flow had very little to do with btc going up
are they fudding their own investments?
interesting charts in the pdf include the comparison of flows into BTC ETFs vs gold

>> No.29846778

>comparing the money going in to the total marketcap, disregarding the liquidity
The fuck are they smoking

>> No.29847243

it is an absolutely retarded take, which really only makes me question if they're doing it on purpose

>> No.29847460


It's pretty common fucking sense. If you pump 11 billion in to something you can't fucking cash out 700 billion later unless somebody else is willing to pay for those bags they are fucking worthless.

>> No.29847583

What if all the 1% get together and burn half thier cash to save the economy just because they are nice guys? Biden could give them all medals

>> No.29848046

Yes you can based on leverage and even more people (non institutional investors, including international whales) speculating on it.

>> No.29849056


>your only chance of making a profit is if more people buy in at all time highs

enjoy your pyramid scheme i guess