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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29841313 No.29841313 [Reply] [Original]

23 years old. Had 7 BTC when I was 17, and sold because I didn't understand what the upcoming hard fork meant back then. Plus I has made a few hundred and figured I'd buy back later. Yeah it boomed to 20k and I wanted to kms.

Fast forward to 2019, starting buy again in bear market have been putting small amount in crypto, my 5k was worth about 20k last month. Felt good. Felt like the bull run was just getting started, got a small loan and dumped it in top coins. My now 10k investment was worth 28k last week.

Got into bsc 2 weeks ago and didn't know shit about it. Invested in EGG at $40, was up pretty nice. Now EGG is going to shit. Almost all egg gains gone unless miraculously it goes back up and lost a grand to fucking Pokémon coins.

Trying to farm for extra income. It's so fucking tiring. Waking up in the middle of the night to make sure the farm url is still there. In telegram groups with pajeets saying "moon!" and "diamonds hands sirs!" is draining my soul.

All prosperity is being sucked from my country and my generation is a bunch of faggots who don't even give a fuck.

Portfolio down to 21k. Even if btc went to 250k in the future I'd have 120k or so. Then get fucked by taxes.

Now with the holocough corona bullshit I have to wear a fucking mask for the past year and maybe get a vaccination soon at my job. The mask was shitty enough but I'm not injecting myself with some bullshit for 15 an hour. Guess I have to go live with my parents or something... and drag my girlfriend along who I can't even marry because I can't afford a wedding of any kind. Plus her family is a bunch of literal commie, mask wearing assholes who I hate and they hate me and I don't want my wedding to be remembered as everyone with a fucking diaper on their face.

No cash to my name. My old car is breaking down, barely have the funds for a new one. I'm losing it guys.

>> No.29841362

don't care, didn't ask
go be a sad cunt somewhere else
your poor decisions and shitty life are not /biz/ topic

>> No.29841433

Doomers Are Fags Depression Is Not A Personality Trait

>> No.29841842
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stop chasing retarded scams and invest in actually good projects with legitimate growth potential. I bet you bought mcdonalds coin

And try to get along with your family in law, assume you're gonna be seeing them for the rest of your life and adjust behavior appropriately. You better not be starting shit with them or you really are an idiot. You aren't special and you need to stop feeling so fucking sorry for yourself or she's gonna leave you

Wait you're fucking 23, what am I even doing giving someone advice when they don't have a fully formed brain yet. Just stop jerking yourself off and start thinking longterm