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File: 65 KB, 591x591, musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29839698 No.29839698[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is innovation particular to the white man? Why can't other races innovate?

>> No.29839753

He’s an African American.

>> No.29839776

That's a girl

>> No.29839786

>white man
pic unrelated?

>> No.29839846

With a Jewish father.

>> No.29839901

Chinks invented noodles. Spaghetti is basically just noodles. Fuck italians.

>> No.29839944


>> No.29839959


>> No.29839976

Because only white people can use internet #Biden2020

>> No.29840047

>paper, gunpowder, numbers, spices

>> No.29840122
File: 406 KB, 1242x1984, elon giveaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this legit bros?

>> No.29840135

italians are niggers

>> No.29840203

To be fair to Elon, those aren’t innovations; merely discoveries or notable inventions that required further development.

>> No.29840251

So niggers invented earth is not flat

>> No.29840298
File: 114 KB, 1440x1852, 8CD95E05-7D10-4A61-9F35-CF64B4AF952A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29840310
File: 99 KB, 640x640, 1459099123549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks just claimed 100k

>> No.29840319

who do you think figured out how to boil horse teeth to help bind the jing? i assure you, it was not a white man.

>> No.29840369

as much as i hate nearly every other race than mine with a passion this is just bullshit. read a fucking book on the history of technology, the mexicans, the chinks, the edgypts, the iranians, the poo in loos, everyone of them had their golden ages where they invented and innovated stuff. i suggest you to read oswald spenglers "the downfall of the west" written more than 100 years ago. in this he argues that every advanced civilization has its buildup phase, its prosperity phase (later after the decline referred to as its golden age) and its decline phase eventually. when the west is finished and the chinks have taken over and are number one in science and engineering they will say the same shit about you "why is innovation particurar to tha chinese? why can't othar races innovate?"

>> No.29840422

because we have an evolutionary strategy that emphasizes genetic variation and individualism so we get the occasional genius who is allowed to work alone and innovate


>> No.29840469
File: 140 KB, 500x653, N.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true

>> No.29840505

The chinks always go through phases were they look like their gonna take over the world but inevitably and rapidly collapse its basically their entire history.

>> No.29840513

the leaders of those civs were white though
iran means land of the aryans
india is obvious
mummies with tartan and ginger hair have been found in china
etc etc

>> No.29840554

>mexican golden age

>> No.29840641

The Aztecs and Mayans were pretty advanced in things like astronomy

>> No.29840798

well, of course, they're human. everyone is human except aboriginal australians and sub-saharan africans. those are some kind of offshoot of homo erectus that is similar to humanity.

>> No.29840839


>> No.29840854

The only civilization that produced classical culture besides the Greek.
Remember the times when niggers were ones that didn't speak Greek?
It is not only skin deep snow monkey ,you are all niggers

>> No.29840860

delusional, also the concept of "white=le epic most advanced" is bullshit, slavshits are also white but anyone who has to deal with them on a daily knows they are intelligence wise far away from the average european and are not able to behave civilized.

the aztecs you fucking mongrel, i was referencing the ancient cultures by their modern ancestors, so before you brainlet ask: with iranians i am referencing the persians