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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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29838367 No.29838367 [Reply] [Original]

Rug proof token launch platform with DAO governance and performance based funding for teams. Stakers receive fees for staking but additionally 1% of eth/tokens are distributed from each presale to stakers. Staking has a 2% fee to deposit and 8% to withdraw which is burned.

Working product and roadmap

Partnerships with Matic/Polygon and zil
twitter .com/0xPolygon/status/1361711039428005894

TrustSwap is 100m market cap. It does what TrustSwap does staking, locking and swaps. But is also going to have the ability to launch tokens directly from it, farming, and an NFT mechanism. It won’t only be used on the ETH chain either, it’s built blockchain agnostic. It’s going to be used across multiple chains, they already have partnerships with ZIL and Matic/Polygon. At 1$ we will be at 15-16m market cap.

What is dx sale network?
https://hash-dxsale .medium.com/what-is-dxsale-network-81da32bcddc6

https://www.dextools .io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xaae5f80bac0c7fa0cad6c2481771a3b17af21455

https://www.coingecko .com/en/coins/dxsale-network

>> No.29838429
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The partnership and launch on Matic/Polygon will be directing to DxSale and then onboarding them into the token sale and directly onto QuickSwap exchange. So they won’t have to do anything else. QuickSwap is the UniSwap of Polygon. Polygon partnership means new launching tokens will launch from DxSale as a standard for any new project. They will also likely require a minimum stake or gelded to participate in IDOs (initial DEX offerings).

Anons TrustSwap is 100m market cap. These guys are going to do what TrustSwap and unicrypt do. Except make it rugproof and give investors peace of mind. You also get 1% of every sale (ETH and tokens). The biggest difference is this is blockchain agnostic and will be used as the standard to launch on many (if not most) chains soon. You will know you won’t get rugged, the sale and lock are both done through the platform. At 1$ we will be at 15-16m market cap. This will be on eth, Matic/polygon, BSC and zil so far. Cardano will come very soon too. Imagine buying trust swap at 0.02 cents, this is like that except it does everything trust swap does with more features and will be used on more than just ETH.

>> No.29838451

matic inc
fucking comfy

>> No.29838487
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They are going to have token DxSwap for swaps, DxFarm for farming and DxNFT for NTFs. It will be a one stop shop with the features of TrustSwap, uni crypt, token swaps, farming like sushi/bao, NFT minting. This will save projects 100s to 1000s of hours of not having to do this coding themselves and will have these features at launch through DxSale and can just focus on the products they are building. All the while stakers will collect fees for all of the DxApps.

The project is virtually fucking unknown and once people realize what they are doing and how rewarding staking will be it’s going to go there. Once projects are launching here on ETH, Matic/Polygon, BSC, etc. They will be the way to launch and people know you’re not a rug, no one is going to want to invest in things not made on DxLaunch anymore, why would they? Especially with support from all of the network builders like Polygon, BSC and Zil (with more to come) it will become the standard to port over or launch your token. When this happens stakers will get 1% of the Eth and token itself OF EVERY FUCKING NEW TOKEN LAUNCHED.

>> No.29838492

Low taxes today, time buy more $ENQ
Check this guys, you will see that this ecosystem is new age in crypto
smartphone dapps and mining
I am safe now with this system, tards wouldn’t get how it is working

>> No.29838495


Proof 1. Dev Wallet send funds to middle wallet which send to uniswap and hotbit, dumping price. They do this at 45c, 30c any time price pumps

Proof 2. Private buyers 5m stash had been unlocked and is about to dump. Devs literally moved the funds this morning, and if you read the whitepaper you will see that Feb 28 is the date the private wallet unlocks (Devs did it early because they're so corrupt and greedy)

Proof 3. Anon team. Refuse to reveal identity. Old YouTube videos have Indian accent, not being racist but... Very suspicious.

Proof 4. They promised to release SALE token on BSC by now, but it's still not done. Now they keep saying "soon".

Proof 5. Coordinated shilling. Wherever a sale shill appears, they appear in a group. That's because they use their Telegram channel to co-ordinate and shill their scam. It might seem organic but it is not

I'm sure there's more

>> No.29838587
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Devs and the entire telegram are scamming you do not buy this coin

>> No.29838713

Here he is. How many times are you gonna copy paste the same fud, tranny?

https://twitter.. com/dxsale/status/1365417367182970882?s=20


>> No.29838804
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Edited photo, you can easily verify in the tg. You will never be a real woman

>> No.29839231

"anon being anon"
Do they even have self-awareness?

Sale is a scam. Anyone invested in it must not like money.

>> No.29839233

this wallet provides liquidity for exchanges, prove the dumps coincided with price spikes
wrong, private sale funds are locked for 6 more months
this is the funding wallet, locked until nov 2021
not anon to their hundreds-of-millions and billion-dollar partners, that should be good enough for anyone
wrong, the launchpad was set for the 23rd. the bridge will come sometime in march, after the Matic launch on the 28th
not a premise for it being a scam, posters have nothing to do with the project

>> No.29839340

This. Imagine buying a coin released by anon

>> No.29839546

Got me a BIG Bag of SALE

>> No.29839606

>Coin is partnered with Zilliqa, Matic, quickswap and rumored top 10 coin
>Dev active in tg
>Already had successful launches on their platform

Rope yourself tranny. Quit samefagging the thread

>> No.29840063

bitcoin was a scam all along

>> No.29841521


>> No.29842325
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>> No.29843234

Lol just saw the telegram, the fact that you need to fake this shit makes me wanna buy in more are u retarded that like the worst way to fud u fuked urself