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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 833 KB, 1275x1377, avax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29832978 No.29832978 [Reply] [Original]


No other coin solves each four essential attributes without a trade off. Buy AVAX or forever be priced out.

>> No.29833027


>> No.29833479


>> No.29833904

Imagine listening to this and not being all-in AVAX and ZERO:


With all those announcements, buying ZERO now is like buying Uniswap at 20 cents.

>> No.29834007

March 9 latest.

>> No.29834223

Not buying until we moon again.

>> No.29834264

Cosmos and Polkadot have similar properties. Cosmos arguably has better decentralization because of the focus on interoperability.

>> No.29834388


>> No.29834569

Is Zero.Exchange, the unofficial Avalanche DEX, stolen?

Here’s what’s alleged:

- Pangolin submitted a proposal for funding a multi-blockchain DEX to Ashvin Kumar
- Kumar loved the idea and encouraged them to provide all the info they could so he could appraise the project in full
- Weeks go by; no feedback from Kumar.
- Suddenly, all contact is broken off
- The next day, Zero.Exchange is announced
- Pangolin, fearing the worst, launch by building their own ETH-AVAX bridge
- Ashvin Kumar, Jarjit Singh and Raheesj and the Zero devs start gaslighting the community, by first lying that Pangolin is a scam, then pretending it doesn’t exist
- Zero.Exchange launches, taking down Avalanche and crashing the price from $60 to $ZERO

Can anyone refute these claims? What’s most concerning is Pangolin is clearly the better app and the Pangolin team are certainly smarter and harder working, so the allegations are entirely plausible.

I think Zero holders deserve an explanation.

>> No.29834637

Protip, don't give any (you) to Zerojeets as they don't understand English and just shit threads up

>> No.29834647

Kill yourself PNG shill, you need to stop fudding PNG and shill Zero more. Take your meds Zero shiller. Take your meds take your meds you are mentally ill you NEED to take your meds RIGHT NOW.

>> No.29834712

I am screenshotting this thread and sending it to the Avalanche community, this will become a widely discussed issue alongside Zero.exchange blatantly stealing from Pangolin. T ake you medstake your meds you need to take yuor meds

>> No.29834743

yea hold my bags baby

>> No.29834744

>unofficial Avalanche DEX
wat is Pangolin

zero is nothing

>> No.29834793

I am shutting down the grid in kolkata and shutting off your internet access, I am forcing you to take a poo, calm down, and take you meds RIGHT NOW. You need to stop fudding Zero and shilling Zero more. You are clearly mentally ill. Step away from the computer Raheesj, calm down, and take a poo right now.

>> No.29834903

Creathing AVAX thread. Engaging in organic discussion. Switching VPN. Fudding Zero. Shilling PNG. Fudding Zero. Turning on bot. Switching VPN. Shilling PNG. Fudding PNG. Taking meds. Taking meds. Taking meds.

>> No.29834941

You will never get the organic support this shit network needs to unfuck itself after a double spend network crash until avalabs publicly apologizes to zero.
We will jump into everyone of your obvious paid trash shill threads, like this one, and warn newfags that the team is technologically retarded and during the course of stealing the users of the only app that made this network not empty, they did the only thing you can't do in crypto: DOUBLE SPEND.

>> No.29835000

You forgot

>Double spending

>> No.29835021

You forgot

>Taking your meds

>> No.29835032

So what's with the schizo zero / PNG spammer in AVAX threads recently?

>> No.29835075

Is the "double spend" with us in the room right now anon?

>> No.29835124
File: 87 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20210227-043718.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. It can be found hiding right behind this $60 hill.

>> No.29835197

Zero.Exchange residing in your head, rent free.

>> No.29835201

You don't make any sense.

man.. so many retards act like experts since the bullrun began it's very annoying

>> No.29835214

Nice font retard, absolute state of AVAX fudders. Post your portfolio.

>> No.29835302

Raheesj I already warned you if you don't take your meds I am shutting down your internet access, I am forcing you to calm down, take a poo, and take your medication. You are clearly very mentally ill, you need to stop shilling for PNG and take your meds.

>> No.29835310

It’s sad Pangolin isn’t mentioned on /biz/ anymore. It’s just too embarrassing to talk about.
Zero.Exchange will have five blockchains, fiat gateways, IDOs, multi-tiered NFTs and more.
I mean at this point you just have to feel sorry for Pangolin then get back to farming your ZERO.

>> No.29835337

>his product double spends
>he deflects with my font that helps me read phone text without fumbling for glasses
Those bags will drag you to the ocean floor bro. Good bless you.

>> No.29835360

This is fucking awesome!
This fucker is going to spam Zero.Exchange all over every AVAX/PNG thread as we do!

>> No.29835698

>double spend
It wasn't a double spend, I am willing to bet that you don't even know what that means but you just keep repeating it because you are a low iq third worlder.
Name a better alternative to AVAX. Chink coin, Pedodot, and Female to Male are all centralised shitcoins, ADA is outdated and doesn't have smart contracts and ETH doesn't scale. Post your hand and portfolio nigger.

>> No.29835743

Theyre just fudding it to keep the price down

>> No.29835840

>fudding a $3billion market cap coin on a small board like /biz/ is going to keep it's price down

>> No.29835890

Take your meds Raheesj.

>> No.29835925

Avalabs had to come up with a lulzy politically correct term for it, as they manually deleted transactions from the register, and locked out all transfers, "bonus blocks".
You basically bought individual cells of a Turkish guy fucking around with a spreadsheet by hand on his laptop.

I'm truly sorry this happened to you, but it's kind of hilarious cosmic justice for avalabs back stabbing the only dapp that made the avax network relevant.

>> No.29835929

I love you guy. Keep spreading the news!
Zero.Exchange FTW!

>> No.29836083

That's what they think

>> No.29836107

>not buying until it's more expensive

>> No.29836146

>$3billion market cap
You may want to check on that. Sorry dude...

>> No.29836186

Tezos will have all of those when it scales later this year

>> No.29836209

>muh turk with a spreadsheet
>muh bonus blocks
That was the best possible fix that they could have done, now that everything is fixed you can stop chimping out about your imaginary double spends.
You keep ignoring my question, what is a better alternative to AVAX? Try and name one (1).
Mistyped that like a retard.

>> No.29836427

>Double Decentralisation
>Double Scalability
>Double Usability
>Double Governance

>> No.29836535

>alternative to AVAX
This doesn't make sense as a concept, as presently everything is trying to be an alternative to eth. The obvious choice, when an alternative fails as gloriously as avax, would be to stick with what works: eth.
Of course, many of us would support you in turning this around and fixing your horrendous technological fuck ups... just get your bosses to publicly apologize to zero. Easy as... otherwise rot in your double spend hell.

You don't get to be ethically degenerate and technologically incompetent. Pick one. In a perfect world, your Turkish bossea wouldn't be complete pieces of shit and build a terrible product, but here we are.

>> No.29836656


>> No.29836698


>> No.29836812
File: 329 KB, 1388x1195, EsU9cmBXIAAqUo6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related
The audacity of these newfags, I swear.
I'll remind you one more time that Avalanche's consensus mechanism is the best consensus mechanism out there and it's the biggest breakthrough since Nakamoto.
>m-muh token unlock
Do you actually believe you're the only one to know this? This is priced in it's current valuation.

Buy now or be eternally priced out. Get yourself 500 AVAX before you're not able anymore.

>> No.29836842

>just get your bosses to publicly apologize to zero
Holy fuck are you fudders all just elaborate Zero shills.
>The obvious choice, when an alternative fails as gloriously as avax, would be to stick with what works: eth.
Eth doesn't scale and it will continue to become more and more congested until it will slow down so much that it becomes unusable, kill yourself and take your meds Raheesj.

>> No.29836914

Stop FUCKING replying to the Zero Exchange idiot. You shit up every fucking thread by replying to him.

>> No.29836970
File: 518 KB, 768x576, 1614045376966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29837003

Stop replying to the guy replying!
All you fuckers do is shill Zero.Exchange one way or another.
Every fag on this board has now heard of the best DEX on Avalanche, and I’m not talking about the rat-lizard hybrid.

>> No.29837410
