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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29832020 No.29832020 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Questionable business decisions

>> No.29832060

Netflix is just softcore interracial porn at this point, what are they going to do next lmao

>> No.29832078 [DELETED] 

Why you dudes want lot’s of cash from /biz/?

Go taste some dogs and shit in your shitty river
Stop scamming this thread with your fucking rubbish

I’ve already taken part in bot ocean and wait for full trading system launch with bots

>> No.29832098


>> No.29832118
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ITT: sexless virgins seething

>> No.29832139

what does the money even go towards? Makes zero sense.

>> No.29832150

Kids, obviously

>> No.29832189

>Netflix will spend 100M to virtue signal on film following snowflake whining session.

>> No.29832197

For Netflix, that's a drop in the bucket. I'm pretty sure they make a billion in the UK a year alone.
A waste? yes. but also not gonna really affect their bottom line.

>> No.29832207

any diversity for the sake of diversity is a bad business decision simply because business decisions should be predicated on what gets the best ROI. if google can improve its systems by hiring 100% nigger homo erectus bix nood muhfuggas, then that is what they should do. but, in reality, western companies just dont care because they're getting very, very close to full automation and foreign white collar workers are cheaper, so they just dont care at this point. niggers will bix nood muh fugga, spics will no bueno, and whites will just kinda fade into the background as society collapses all around us. ever seen tank girl? it's going to be like that. corporate america isnt going anywhere, our standard of living, however, is.

>> No.29832220
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Every now and again I hear about a decent sci-fi show/movie project on Netflix. But then my mind reminds me "dude, this is Netflix you know what the SJW end result is going to be". Then I just never subscribe and move on.

>> No.29832234

These idiots will never learn. By end of the year they will be asking why all of their subscribers are leaving again and why nobody watches their shit tier movies and shows.

>> No.29832270

Why don't they just get viewers to vote on the script, who to cast, filming location and plot at this point?

>> No.29832277

that's a good point. my guess is they are hiring firms and managers to oversee things and tick boxes.

it shouldn't cost more to replace a white person with a black person. hell, it should be cheaper. and they already do that with all their shitty programs.

>> No.29832310

netflix has had a few good exclusives, like The Irishman or Mindhunter, but they produce a ton of content and 99% of it is fucking terrible. they're at least giving david lynch a new show so that will be worth watching.

>> No.29832320

>And while the study says that 27% of the U.S. population identifies as having a disability, fewer than 1% of series leads, and just 5% of series main cast were characters with disabilities.
Taking my crypto bags and moving out of the country seems more appealing everyday.

>> No.29832346

they did already did animnated child pornography (big mouth) so yeah i really don't know

>> No.29832433

sadly this

>> No.29832544 [DELETED] 
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>nigger in every ad, every movie, every show, every level of gov
>we need more niggers

>> No.29832555

Who the fuck is still paying for this? I cancelled when they stopped streaming good old shows, way before they went full blown poz.

>> No.29832638

I haven´t renewed my Netflix subscription for a month now and I can tell you I don´t miss it a single bit. Netflix has been shit for a long time now and they get worse and worse.

>> No.29832829
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Oh I have no doubt that a few shows might be fine in the end, but I had no interest to do so. There are shows with sjw injections of bullshit that I do watch like The Boys. if done right it is tolerable while the rest of the show is entertaining.
Then there are shows like Star trek picard and std. fucking hell.. I stuck through the first season of std and never again. Picard I dragged myself through 6 episodes and didnt bother the rest. I can still torrent with VPN any shows I want, but these arent even worth it the 10 seconds to find a magnet link. Hell I have amazon yearly subscribe and still arent worth watching for free.
Pic is the indie developed game made before star trek discovery that the show writers ripped off to make the plot/cast of the whole show. Then CBS threatened to sue the game designer when he started asking about it.

>> No.29832924

Because democracy produces shitty results

>> No.29832929

>worth watching
get help

>> No.29832948

I hate netflix so much

>> No.29832960

Be gone roastie

>> No.29833036

It is a good business decision for them. Not for you, but for them. They know their target audience.

>> No.29833101

I only keep my subscription so I can rewatch SG1 and Twilight zone over and over

>> No.29833109

Taco bell removing the nacho double stack taco from the menu

>> No.29833125

I wanted to get into that “Evil” show so bad
Seemed like X-files crossed with horror movies
But it turns out the resolution to every case was “racism and white supremacy were the true evil all along.” They even reference 4chan as some evil terrorist hangout (because if you enjoy free speech, you’re obviously a terrorist).

Horrible shit-tier writing that only exists to push an agenda

>> No.29833137

Buying any cryptocurrency

>> No.29833152

I refuse to eat there until they put shredded chicken burrito back on menu

>> No.29833269

Any respectable human being should aim in giving as little money as possible to kike organizations such as Netflix. They are able to do all this shit because basedboys want to see the latest documentary about “racism” .

>> No.29833410

Think about how you discovered 4chan.
Think about how a normie discovers 4chan.
That's why they all think we're racist, misogynist nazis.
We only validate the belief because we are too afraid to say the truth, which is-
>Fuck niggers, fuck kikes, fuck wimen, fuck faggots.

>> No.29833412

>download obs studio
>record that shit and save it or just torrent the shit

>> No.29833540

can you imagine what type of putrid content would come out of this god forsaken experiment

>> No.29833548
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>> No.29833684
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>> No.29833839

>2 Chewbaccas

>> No.29833880
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I think that movie was the thing that finally made me lose hope in America. I know that sounds really gay and there have been plenty of better reasons but I wanted to see our old hero Luke again as the wise master so badly and they RUINED him. After walking out of that movie I had thoughts about living in the collapse of the Roman Empire.

>> No.29833997

You mean the next time you step on a plane you don't want the pilot to be a diversity hire? You transphobic racist!

>> No.29834072

Why the fuck this bot is still here? Do something jannies, i don't pay you to sleep around. Oh way, i don't pay you anyways

>> No.29834101 [DELETED] 

oh shit it's staked, I forgot, I'm done for lmao
good I didn’t go for this rubbish they tried to scam on /biz/ today
my wallet with yvs and their staking model. top pearl on yield market with contemporary opps

>> No.29834144

Jews, same as always

>> No.29834332
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>> No.29834391

They already did with 'Cuties'.

>> No.29834471

>improve diversity
>nigger male main character
>roastie female main character
nice diversity jews kek

>> No.29834580

the absolute state of people that grew up after the 90s

>> No.29834653

we need a selective eugenics program for niggers. ~20% of them have IQs around average for a white or chink. exterminate the 80%, breed the 20%, then again exterminate the 80% and breed the top 20% of that, and they're human.

>> No.29834665

Just pirate them, grandpa.

>> No.29834791


>> No.29834956

This was retarded, but they ended strong when they said "let's come together like voltron".

>> No.29835056 [DELETED] 

forced diversity in series is shit. especially in fantasy, anime and historical stuff.
> 19th high class britannia
> everyone looks like tyrone and his mom
> patriachaic time
> nobody has a father

>> No.29835285

couldn't make past the first episodes of bridgerton because of this, and yet when they did the same with white people playing historically inaccurate persons every was like
>MuH wHiTeWaShIng

>> No.29835392
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Stop thinking and start consooming.

>> No.29835426

short signal

>> No.29835525

literal npcs. (((Netflix))) doesn't need profit. It's not about making money, it's about sending a message.
Too bad no one who matters (intelligent Whites) subjects themself to their psyops.

>> No.29835792

time to short society

>> No.29835823

That is not the issue. I could torrent/vpn a magnet no issue. The problem is the shows are basically ruined once sjws start getting involved.

>> No.29835860

Manly nailpolished hands typed this post.

>> No.29835995
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Far from questionable. You're talking about it and actively discussing it. You letting SJWs live in your head rent free means they never have to pay to advertise. Which means regardless of what they produce, they can guarantee a revenue stream. Which means they can underpay minority actors for an "opportunity to tell their story", or whatever the BS tagline is nowadays, and lock in massive profits.
It's kinda like how you can make a horror movie full of jumpscares for just a few thousand bucks and get a million back in revenue from ticket sales around Halloween, but even better than that because you'll have way less to subtract in advertisment of your films, and there's are multiple classes of people who will actively go out of their way to watch your films to prove a point, one way or the other.

>> No.29836648

truly clown world, what is the go to chicken item now? that fucking over greased pie called a quesadilla?

>> No.29837148

if they spent that 100 mili on the rights to good movies or tv shows I would be excited and get a subscription, but netflix has been a joke for about half a decade. byeee

>> No.29837184

You will never be a woman

>> No.29837219

I thought John Oliver was married?

>> No.29837249
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Just took out a 90 month lease on this bad boy. Only 10 percent interest! Did I do good anons?

>> No.29837325

They removed all chicken
They only want 5 ingredients on the menu so they can open Taco Bell kiosks inside of places like 711
But in reality it’s because they got a new CEO and he wants to tank the stock and short it

>> No.29837347

you're not wrong. they get free advertisement from both sides, the ones that support that garbage, and the ones that are against it. stop being outraged and helping your enemy get what they want.

>> No.29837350

10 percent is high. Leasing is gay. You are now a confirmed homosexual.

>> No.29837405

>I could torrent/vpn a magnet no issue.
So why’d you talk about subscribing? I don’t even waste bandwidth on Netflix shows anymore.

>> No.29837450

Who do you think their clientele is? This is a very smart business decision.

>> No.29837569

That’s the entire premise. You think they create good shows for goyim to enjoy? Why, cause they need money? Lol

>> No.29837626

Every other show having blacks and a black/white couple isn't enough diversity yet? Lmfao

>> No.29837634

Great movie but I think your brain is a little too smooth to u derstand that it's purpose was to bring light to the expansive sexualization of children.

>> No.29837680

Mostly white conservative boomers. Zoomers and millennials are back to pirating.

>> No.29837684
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took me a second

>> No.29837733

>ever seen tank girl?
It's funny, this is probably the only "feminist" action move I like. It's a classic. But back then movies were more like passion projects so it will chill. Everything now is corporate whoring and people see through it.

>> No.29837741
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>> No.29837761

narcos is unironically the best show that exists, but also minhundter, dark, ozark and black mirror are some of the best shows in existence. Obviously netflix originals are going to be better than network television because they don't have to bait you into watching 5 commercial breaks every 30 minute show. But yea, just pirate it, netflix ahsn't had anything worthwhile in ages I haven't even gotten around to watching the new seasons of those show I listed above because of that so idk maybe they went downhill in the later seasons.Cant focus on a 30-60minute show when I could be looking at charts or biz

>> No.29837811

what the fuck is this thing?

>> No.29837894

Remember when old films would always have that one token black guy?
Well now every single character in the film is a token black guy

>> No.29837912

>I have autism
>dances around and uses all social cues correctly
>correct body language at all times
I fucking hate these people so much

>> No.29837913

Normies get netflix profit using their government provided neet bucks. How's this questionable?

>> No.29837936
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>> No.29837965
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I like to support decent products. I do the same with games, hardware, etc.. if it is a good path to go I support it.
Right now I am liking pic from AYA. A hand held gaming platform running normal PC OS on AMD APU (CPU+GPU).
If you mix that with a docking station that has a graphics card slot and power supply all connected through USB C or other connections for full PC gaming experience you have a real marketable item. Now before the "whars muh keyboard" you can buy wireless small ones anywhere.

>> No.29837976

I don't pay, I pirate all my movies / series. Fucking jews dont deserve my money.

>> No.29838039

You know what else is great? Summary executions. We should try those.

>> No.29838090

tech illiterate fucktard

>> No.29838286

g.i. jane has it's flaws, but I would say the same thing as being a worthy feminist action movie.

>> No.29838450
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Why? If a white dude fits the role, use him. If a black chick fits the role, use her. I really don't understand what the fuck the big deal is.

>> No.29838541
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Good effort - but, they would still be too different.

>> No.29838591

Wait, do we evolve into kangaroos or do we mutate?

>> No.29838673


>> No.29838710

nice site, just get a generalist private tracker account though its much better. This site seems to have 480p only for some shows

>> No.29838743

They never learn.

>> No.29838774
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>W-we don’t know how AMD caught up to us in only 5 years guys!

>> No.29838830

It's safe to assume that there's money laundering and corruption when millions are being moved around.

>> No.29838865

Reddit cuck

>> No.29838923
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>> No.29838940

its an obvious money laundering scheme
so that they don't have to pay taxes for it

>> No.29839020

What? How so? If Captain Kirk or whatever was imagined as a white dude, then he should be white, but I'm just saying that if that shit wasn't considered, it shouldn't matter. I will admit I would like to see a black dude play a neo-nazi.

>> No.29839052

Imagine the smell

>> No.29839085

This retard thinks we live in a meritocracy still. Drown in niggers, I dont watch media anymore.

>> No.29839092

Mindhunter season 2 was just sassy niggers beating on a white man trying to help them

>> No.29839119
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>> No.29839134

Sweet summer child. I hope they’ll do it fast when they come for you

>> No.29839322

The same people you see wearing a mask outside while alone

>> No.29839379

Me neither, just some shit on YouTube about stocks and anime/vidya sometimes. I primarily play stuff from like gen 6 and earlier though, some gen 7 stuff is okay. New everything is garbage lately.
I'll be doing the cumming here, pal.

>> No.29839509

You just invented a Nintendo switch with an open OS.

>> No.29839585
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this is a blueboard

>> No.29839620

How can i do this legally and unironically? I already keep my wealth tightly sealed up. Only subscription service i pay for is Sam Hyde’s comedy stuff. I want to squeeze the fuck out of NPCs so much

>> No.29839646

zero money in diversity, it's a scam, and nigger.

>> No.29839784

Nothing stopping you

>> No.29840081

unironically the best show that exists

>> No.29840165

aaaand I forgot the meem arrow

>> No.29840190
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wrong, Darwinian evolution and out of africa is a jewish spook

>> No.29840228

I cancelled when they split up streaming and dvd by mail and tried to charge me double. Yeah, fuck you too, I just went full pirate at that point.

>> No.29840294

Jeez, I think that's taking it too seriously. For me though personally it completely killed my interest in Star Wars. Even though everyone raves about the Mandalorian I have no motivation to watch it.

>> No.29840328


>> No.29840349

glow harder white kid

>> No.29840380


netflix doesn't deliver a profit and probably never will. they spend exorbitant amounts of money and producing shit content in comparison with their established competition like HBO.

>> No.29840386

Paying Jews to fill out paperwork about how hard they're trying to hire niggers.

>> No.29840559


> Obviously netflix originals are going to be better than network television because they don't have to bait you into watching 5 commercial breaks every 30 minute show.

comical perspective. so a network that has to produce high quality content to drag you through commercials is not as good as netflix producing a shit show/movie and saying "fuck you, we got your money anyway"

>> No.29840561

Diversity hiring is a reaction to the threat of diversity lawsuits and media ruination posed by the current nightmare of a legal/media complex. In a world that makes sense, diversity hiring loses you money - but in clownworld, there's some hope that it will lose your company less money than the money you'll lose if the diversity-litigation Sword of Damocles that a bunch of Jews dangle over every successful business's head comes down on you.

>> No.29840636

I don't even care. Everything they make has always been shit.

>> No.29840731

More like there were two options for CPU architecture: more cores or clever hacks to boost processor effective speed (really taking shortcuts).
AMD took the more cores route and Intel went for clever hacks. Oops, there were major security problems with those clever hacks and now to patch a glaring hardware flaw, we have to gimp your processor, sorry. Meanwhile AMD doesn't have to gimp AND they have all the experience cramming more cores into a standard sized CPU.
It's not really a diversity issue, it was a technical decision and Intel just chose wrong. Personally I like AMD more as a company and all my builds have been AMD centric so I'm pretty happy. I only wish I'd had the foresight to buy their stock when it was in the dumps.

>> No.29840741

looks cool

>> No.29840794


From Bezos own mouth in those leaked Whole Foods documents, it seems like the guys at the top in Big Tech believe a deluge of diversity propaganda helps discourage unionization as the proles are divided and distracted.

>> No.29840857

>how to short society
You know what a short is, right? Just debt- and welfare-maxx and accumulate PM/crypto/arable land/guns/ammo and wait for the crash.

>> No.29840867

>It's not really a diversity issue, it was a technical decision and Intel just chose wrong.
Choosing wrong when solving technical problems and having dumb crap blow up in your face is exactly what happens when you blow a bunch of money chasing shitskins instead of chasing talent.

>> No.29840941

I'm black and wtf is this
What is this obsession with making onscreen non-white representation match the exact same percentage as their race's makeup of the general population, or even beyond that number?
Do these people even realize that more diversity isn't automatically a good thing in terms of film quality?
I'd much rather have movies like Do The Right Thing and Malcolm X as literally the only two movies being made within the past decade that had black people in it, than have all the dozens of hot-garbage Tyler Perry movies we got over the years
Every time Tyler Perry's shows and movies come up, I gotta hear the "well at least he's giving a lot of black actors work and increasing representation in Hollywood" bullshit
What fucking good is that shit if the movies are forgettable at best, and horrible at worst?

>> No.29840974

Well all the evidence suggests that it is indeed the case, so yeah "believe".

>> No.29841165

>chasing shitskins instead of chasing talent.
It's really hard to argue that Intel wasn't chasing talent HARD the entire time. From what I remember, they had the best of the best EVERYTHING and their company was so well capitalized they could do whatever they wanted. The problem was (as usual) an upper level internal management problem where the company wasn't totally aligned, so there was inadequate testing of this design choice that was made back in the early 2000s. You can look up this history yourself, it's basically all public now and I'm surprised I haven't seen a book published about it.

Sometimes technical decisions really do come down to making a blind choice and committing tens of billions of dollars to it not knowing if it'll work out. And you'll notice that Intel is still a big company making lots of hardware: this fuck up didn't kill them. The talent they DID have shit out a patch as quickly as humanly possible and as far as I know they didn't get slammed with tons of lawsuits since the flaw wasn't exploited by regular criminals very much (just intel agencies).

Please don't take this as me defending diversity bullshit. I'm just a /g/ history autist.

>> No.29841240

Based AF. Making dozens of retards mad.

>> No.29841285

the jews making these kinds of decisions know full well they are going to lose money doing so. they gladly spend the money to fuck over whitey. yes, it's true, sometimes rich people have motivations other than money

>> No.29841406
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Real question is, do the kikes get a tax deduction for that?

>> No.29841467

This is funny af everytime I see it

>> No.29841494

But skyler fairy’s stories are so good, and the chick always get the Christian light skinned man with the good hair and benefits!

>> No.29841610

I just steal whatever i want on Minecraft. It's the interwebs, land of the free, remember ?

>> No.29841763

>everyone wants to see cripples and retards in their escape from the mundanities of daily life

>> No.29841855


>> No.29841872

It's because we live in an increasingly globalized world. Despite all the autistic screeching about how evil whites are the majority, whites are actually only about 10% of the planet's population. So for a global company like netflix, they have to cater to global demands, not just the whitish west.

>> No.29841921

That's just the cost of diminished viewership

>> No.29842018

>catering for hut dwelling negros who could only afford netflix by not eating for 8 months
>catering for asians who would rather watch cartoons
>catering for whites who hate themselves and actively sell themselves out for profit

i wonder which is reality

>> No.29842117
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>> No.29842168

Why don’t you make your own cumskin? it’s not like it’s that difficult, unless you’re an absolute brainlet.

>> No.29842237


Microsoft just spent billions on new development centers in Kenya and Nigeria. These large corporations look at Africa and see the next China.

>> No.29842369
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>> No.29842439
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Because they're right.

>> No.29842456

Well if you believe in IQ, it's hard not to look at Africa's projected population growth and not predict a tripling in the number of "genius" Africans in the next few decades. Even if you have to filter them from everyone else, on paper it makes sense.

>> No.29842513

Holy shit this, TLJ and Solo just cemented a burned out feeling that everything that would come from them would either suck or be bland. Then nearly fucking everyone I know, even people who I know didn't like TLJ, comes to tell me how cool the space marine and his pet frog are and somehow I still haven't seen it. I have no interest in a subscription and not even enough will to pirate it

>> No.29842589
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>couldn't invent the wheel
>going to make contributions to tech

>> No.29842780

Yeah obviously I think it's a dumb idea too but I see why midwits would think it's a good idea.

>> No.29843287

>generalist private tracker account
Any recommendations for one that doesn't have the requirement to rent a 1 gigabit torrent server and fuck about with seeding?

>> No.29843533

I'm already reminded 100 times a day about black voices, black movies, black games, black coders, black scientists, black poets, black authors, black musicians, black tv shows, black owned stores, black entrepreneurs, black scholarships, black "history", and endless more.
And every single one is still oppressed.

Do they ever get sick of being pandered to? Do they ever get sick of being treated like useless children?
Or do they not even notice?

>> No.29843603
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They wont get sick of the pandering. They are just waiting for the reparations.

>> No.29843632


>> No.29843866

It's a good question.
I wonder if they realize how it makes them look. Just cringe.

>> No.29843943

meaning 1 out of 10 shows should have a black person, but 4 out of 10 should have a hispanic?

>> No.29843993

Anon, its literally Black History Month....

>> No.29844039

what are they spending the 100 million on? are they having colourists making their entire back-catalogue african?

>> No.29844093

>Do they ever get sick of being treated like useless children?

Considering that the vast majority of niggers are obese sacks of cells that skipped the abortion clinic next door, they won't ever get of sick of everyone else tonguing their obese nigger anus.

>> No.29844139
File: 58 KB, 700x755, 1602478989142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29844154

They got a whole month and they're oppressed?

>> No.29844263

Well its the shittiest, shortest month of the year.

I'm just sayin obviously people are gonna jerk them off more then usual in February.

>> No.29844439

By putting uncensored images of children performing degenerate sexualized dances? Yeah right, its child porn.

>> No.29845314

According to Netflix stats, America has crossed 1/4 people in the country as identifying with a disability. 1/4 people are not cripples and retards, they are identifying with quack disorders to victimize themselves.

>> No.29845496
File: 359 KB, 405x600, Hostile Chimping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget how every month is lgbtq month now, every single fucking month has to have some fag shit shoved in
So I'd say black and fags just never get tired of being pandered to because they're desperate for easy attention but too lazy to work for it
All of this is done of course for financial profit for the jews at the top pushing these things

>> No.29845586

If only you were correct about that.

>> No.29845660

yea, so its basically a safe way of pulling money out of the profits so investors dont get wise.

>> No.29845674

Diversity = racism

>> No.29845675

4chan really sucks with all these Qanon losers here.
11 is marriageable age.

>> No.29845937

It has a mental disease alright