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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29832386 No.29832386 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin BTC was hobbled and made unscalable by Blockstream at the behest of their investors, the Bilderberg group and MasterCard. The artificial blocksize limitation prevents the network from scaling and prevent it's use as peer-to-peer electronic cash. Bitcoin is also intended to be a fully scriptable and function as a decentralized programmable ledger, much like Ethereum, except much more scalable.

How scalable, you ask?
Enter BSV, the implementation of Bitcoin that follows the original protocol outlined in the whitepaper and thus scales extremely well. Bitcoin BSV has over ten thousand times lower fees than BTC, despite roughly the same number of daily transactions. This means sub-cent transaction fees. Bitcoin SV is also Turing Complete meaning it is programmable and anything that can be programmed onto Ethereum can be programmed onto Bitcoin, except for far cheaper. This enables Bitcoin BSV to be used as electronic cash and as well as automated micropayments for an "internet-of-things".


>> No.29832434


In 2020, Tesla disclosed in a filing, which was made public in February 2021, to the SEC that it had acquired $1.5 billion worth of "bitcoin". It simply says "bitcoin", not BTC. I am inclined to believe that the Bitcoin purchased was BSV and not BTC. The reasons for this are as follows:
>Elon Musk as the founder of PayPal has intimate familiarity with the intricacies of running a payment network
>Tesla is building a fleet of autonomous cars
>That fleet needs a payment network for ride-hailing
>BSV can serve this need for this perfectly
>BTC cannot serve due to its by-design lack of scalability
>Elon Musk is known to despise the SEC and this would be a bit of a trolling of them.
>He changed his Twitter picture to the same stock image of a fork in a road as used in a 2017 article concerning protocol forking by Mike Hearn, an early Bitcoin developer who considered the project a "failed experiment" and left Bitcoin development in 2016 due to high fees.
>At the same time he also changed his profile bio to the phrase "meta fork". This follows a period where the bio read "bitcoin".
>He posted a reference to the scifi book Excession by Ian M. Banks. In this novel an OCP (outside-context-problem, something that falls outside of a culture's ability to deal with it due to being unexpected and novel), enters onto the scene and causes a great political and societal disruption.
For these reasons I think that Tesla has purchased BSV.

>> No.29832456


>> No.29832519
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Bitcoin BSV is Bitcoin as originally intended, scalable and programmable peer-to-peer electronic cash and I believe that it has vast potential.

>Bitcoin whitepaper:
>BSV protocol restorations:
>BSV network fees & daily transactions:
>BTC network fees & daily transactions:
>Tesla SEC filing:
>Fork in the road article:

>> No.29832625
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>> No.29832981


>> No.29833156
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>every single person who ever bought BSV and held is at a loss

>> No.29833168

I still hold 100 BSV just in case...but I'm not sure anybody cares anymore about whether it can be used as electronic cash or not. It's digital gold now; a store of value.

>> No.29833226

It's actually digital shit, objectively speaking.