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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29819026 No.29819026 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.29819056


>> No.29819573

>only 600k mcap
>egg has over 50 mil mcap
>viking has over 15 mil mcap
we're early AF boys

>> No.29819601
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>> No.29819643

It's fucking done, it.pumped hard and it's dumping. It doesn't seem bad honestly, maybe if you believe in it, buy in tomorrow after it has dumped back down to $5-15. I'm mad I didn't get in earlier I almost did. Four hours ago it was $12 when I saw it and I just hit $40 and now it's back to $30ish. I fucking got rugged on stupid ass waves.bsc last night buying in at the top down to the bottom and it's going to go nowhere but I could have fucking made crazy gains today on this. I'm pissed. But yeah I'm late and you are beyond late.

>> No.29819769

mad you missed out and now you dont want us to win. You are retarded. Burn is coming as well.

>> No.29820182


Okay everyone reading this.

Let's see. Around 1pm in India and China right now, bit earlier in the morning in nigger countries, sure smells like street shitters in here. These things are great to make money on if you get in early but it's fucking gone from $10 four hours ago to $40 and now is at $29. It will dump to below $10 tomorrow.

Those of you reading do what you want, but you missed the rocket.

>> No.29820235

egg clone. once the incubator launches you faggots are going to be destroyed.

>> No.29820242

it was at 30, and then went to about 15 or something and now its at 35 stable, wtf r u talking about

>> No.29820251

its 8:42 AM in europe. Devs are from NL, UK.
Its been bouncing around a lot. Went from $35 to $20 before and then from $20 to $40.

>> No.29820281

let's see your faces in 2-3 days. fucking jeets gtfo my board

>> No.29820300

he literally posted hand u ape he's white, also how do u check the price chart for this

>> No.29820301

>presale was $4
ok retard

>> No.29820359

lmao retard stay mad stay seething my toads are up my ass u cant get them

>> No.29820375

reeks of curry

>> No.29820426
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>tfw sitting comfy on my farm

>> No.29820880

u r literally the fag in the other thread also arent u? u mad? coz u missed out? or coz its gonna cuck your eggies?

>> No.29821171
File: 149 KB, 1280x1280, moonfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to the moon!