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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29817677 No.29817677 [Reply] [Original]

>decide to do my own research on bitcoin
>read the white paper
>"Peer-to-Peer electronic cash"
>go back on /biz/
>"bitcoin was never meant to be electronic cash it's a store of value digital gold to da mooooooon"

>> No.29817720


>> No.29817752

It was meant to be electronic cash but it ended up not being that way.

>> No.29817812

delet this, now

>> No.29817876


>> No.29817886
File: 108 KB, 2047x1006, A2CF2EC0-AD44-418A-B059-8FD386C771C3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lurk more. and do better research.


>> No.29817911

ya and it fucking sucks for that. Now it's digital gold.

>> No.29817938

this blockchain is perfect
>pajeets try to show rubbish on /biz/
>they can’t get how pos and pow algo works on enecuum
only smart asses can see it and have income

>> No.29817947

truly awful post

>> No.29817984

biting critique

>> No.29818026

Honestly even the whole store of value thing is a cope. It's so highly valued because it's the OG and it's what people know. The real future is in ADA/ALGO since those have actual utility as a currency and achieve what BTC originally set out to do. If you ask me, one of those two will end up overtaking ETH. Idk if anything will ever overtake BTC, but ADA and ALGO have real utility and will likely be the best candidates to actually be used as currency if crypto ever actually takes hold for that purpose rather than just being a vehicle for schizo NEET gamblers like myself

>> No.29818121

Keep on researching OP, there is more to discover still. See if you can find out why the change happened.
Hint: it involves one guy having a lot of control

>> No.29818164

Monero is the real P2P money
also checked

>> No.29818483

>"bitcoin was never meant to be electronic cash it's a store of value digital gold to da mooooooon"
i'm on /biz/ 24/7 and i've literally never seen posts like these
sure you didn't wander to plebbit on your way here?

>> No.29818978

ada is a scamcoin that hasnt gotten anything done in 4 years

>> No.29819001

hey op

watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKt9KepQQF4

>> No.29819059

did you also read the parts about how satoshi referred to full nodes that validate the network as "miners", and that the supply was meant to be finite to prevent inflation?

>> No.29819099

Just like how some boys end up girls and vice versa. We live in tranny clown world now. Embrace it.

>> No.29819178

God damn. This is such a concisely written piece.
I can't believe we never talk about this coin for more than five seconds. All of you need to take your ritalin and think about projects that are building themselves at a reasonable pace.

>> No.29819418

It's ability to adapt is bullish, and it can still be used as a payment method, just for larger transactions not small items/services. The only thing I'm worried about is China and Xi Jinping, I think they have hijacked the entire thing, but then again just look around your self 99% is made in China including the chair you are sitting on, and they haven't fucked BTC up yet.

>> No.29819533
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Did you shills over reach in the bsv narrative? Is this pack pedalling?

>> No.29820448

Because BTC was unironically hijacked
Too bad both BCH and BSV are so full of scammers

>> No.29820821

Cash means final, fungible and liquid.

>> No.29820876

>wanted it to be a starbucks currency
>deliberately pegs the block discovery to 10 minutes.

>> No.29820953

Ok he earned a little scrap of respect.

>> No.29822339

How's that?