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29806615 No.29806615 [Reply] [Original]

Before you found out that fiat currency is faker than Santa Claus, and less stable than your parents marriage? That feeling of power for the first time?
I miss it that feel.
>green texts of you being a based filthy capitalist kid, or similar shit.

>> No.29806645

I spent more money as a kid desu I remember always spending like $100 at sonic for me and the boys

>> No.29806652

stop living in the past, anon

>> No.29806832
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No, I didn't have money until I was 27. I was cash poor the entire time up until then, it was awful.

Now I'm paranoid as hell about spending an extra 50 cents on lunch but yolo $11k into PNK to hit a meme number.

>> No.29806907

My very first paycheque from my summer job was a little over $400 and I remember spending it all on Diablo II, a scanner, I think a microphone and some other shit at an electronics shop. I felt like a fucking boss.

I saved all my money for the rest of the summer because apparently D2 was the only thing I needed to live at that point. Then all that money from two summers of working evaporated when I went to university.

>> No.29806947

>evaporated when I went to university

>> No.29807008
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S-santa's not real?!?

>> No.29807045

remember when $100 was a lot of money

>> No.29807071

d2 is a great game that blizzard will butcher in the remaster

>> No.29807099

That episode of viva la bam where there all had to spend 100$ the dumbest way possible. I thought 100$ back then the way I see 10k now haha

>> No.29807107
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Depending on the boys it could be a good investment. 1 lunch a year can maintain valuable networks.
If they're worth having as a brother in battle, that is.

>> No.29807164

i just burned that much on eth gas failing transactions from my trezor suite
fucking scam app honestly retarded piece of shit cant even calculate gas

>> No.29807221
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Here's one that'll hit even harder kid.
>there are no turnkey businessess

>> No.29807282


Kek..same here.

Ive got 2.7 million the bank right now and still shop at save alot and still keep my grocery bill under $75 a week.

One time i ate a aged steak at a fancy place and drank a $400 bottle of wine and i felt guilty. My wife hates my cheapness. I still drive a 1993 acura integra. I told her when i hot 10 million we splurge. I am a liar...i will never splurge.

This is for my kids so they dont have to grow up like i did. My 20s were an unmitigated financial disaster of me bouncing between low wage jobs and being homeless.

My children will hopefully never have to work

>> No.29807323

I always saved my cash as a kid. Whenever someone in my family needed to break a $100 they knew I had a fat wad of cash stashed somewhere.

I was pulling $30 bucks a week mowing lawns at 12. Then at 16 I was combining peas and pulling $1000 bucks a paycheck working 16 hour days 7 days a week in the summer.

Now im a millionaire and have my own biz at 34.

>> No.29807458
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Honestly I’m not even memeing when I say that /feeling/ is exactly how it feels to by silver now

>> No.29807534
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>One time i ate a aged steak at a fancy place and drank a $400 bottle of wine and i felt guilty.
Yeah I did that once (less the wine) and it was a good steak but totally not worth it. I felt less guilty because it was July 4th and I wanted to splurge but I never did it again.

We're gonna make it miserbro. We're not going back to the dark times.

>> No.29807596

However, Being a miser isnt something to be proud of though. Its so nice not having to calculate price/qty ratios while i grocery shop. I dont even look at the price any more. Buying nice cloths when I feel like it. Feels sooo good.

Only once formal frugal fucks can appreciate spending more money on aome luxury.

>> No.29807612
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>stacking your silver bars upside down
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. It's almost as bad as storing your firewood barkside down.

>> No.29807761
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>be 18, many decades ago
>work as liquir store asst. manager
>hard work, but cozy compared to other no skill jobs
>get good at selling shit
>start to see paterns

>rich people are cheap
>poor people spend like idiots

Rich people will buy nice things, but they'll try to get every discount, even if it's only $0.14. Even if they turn around and give me a $100 tip because my wine advice it top tier as always.

The poor will buy whatever is a fad, or in a rap song; I could up sell them without even trying; just had to describe the sales pitch of the thing 1-3 shelves over what they want to buy. They would buy sizes that were smaller but more expensive, even if I explain this to them. Once I learned how to lean into sells a bit, I could just tell them what to buy as soon as I sniffed out a budget.

allot of people are rich for a reason, and allot of people are poor for a reason; like most people are in their respective group for a reason it seems.

>> No.29807994

I sell high ticket items and I disagree. Rich people are a dream to sell to and poor fags are nit picking nightmare.

So I crafted my sales copy to appeal to rich fags. No deals, no discounts. All exclusivity and scarcity.

>> No.29808008

Cashed out a little crypto and have my first 100 oz on the way, what are the suicide/make it/fuck you money targets for silver stacks?

>> No.29808017
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Started collecting some myself, pennies compared to that stack, but enough to start to get the "real money" feels everyone talks about.

I keep a 1oz coin on my battle station, and rub it for good luck before I check my stocks, or when I just feel like having some extra luck.
Not the same as how money used to feel, but yeah I get what you mean.
nice stack btw, my good dude.

>> No.29808031

No one will want your silver when shit hits the fan

>> No.29808152

If you're selling food during hyperinflation, who are you going to sell to first: the guy who brings in a dozen ounces of silver, or the idiots with wheelbarrows full of cash or worse: credit cards.

>> No.29808250
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I was selling them booze. So perhaps the different markets matter.
They do like rare stuff though, was able to sell a $500 bottle of scotch my store had for 20 years because I told him "it's the only one in the store, and honestly the only one of this bottle I've seen on the whole market, you can't even get this in restaurant, maybe something similar but not this." more or less was my pitch.
So I bet your working a good angle. cheers.

>> No.29808281

Alcohol being addictive is kind of a confounding variable here. This is not true in my experience, I sold eyeglasses for several years and found that poor people were the most likely to pull out coupons and forgo protective coatings etc. while rich folks would pay double for a frame if it had a designer brand name

>> No.29808292

My poorfag dad would argue with second hand sellers to get a discount of 1$ on a $2 item. He is a retard that wastes his time. You sell shit to snobs good for you

>> No.29808400

I will sell it for ammo and tools

>> No.29808448


What do i need this money for? I grew up in a roach infested mobile home in a place called moon lake florida some of my first memories were roaches and poverty..my parents were solid folks who did the best they could but just dumb as fuck and could never be more than a wagie.

Poverty is in my blood man. To suddenly start acting like im rich when for 36 years ive been poor white trash...nah..cant do it. I spoil my kids...spoil my wife..fuck me.

Im good bro. The fact my kids will never struggle or have to rusted salvage bike parts in woods leaves me smug as fuck

>> No.29808490
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Read the image, wealth of info.
>cash(will be hyper inflated to shit)
That's the SHTF order of currency value

Silver will be usable but, not as good as standard ammo sizes for your area, or lighters.

>> No.29808513

Tools maybe, but nobody's going to be stupid enough to trade ammo like currency. At best they'll sell it for PM/crypto or safe passage to the border or out of the country.

>> No.29808550

>30 dollars
fuckin zoomers

>> No.29808593

>seven year old me gets a metal gi joe lunchbox
>grandpa starts giving me some of his loose change from his social security casino escapades when he comes to visit
>I start stacking fuck tons of half dollar coins and quarters
>don’t even think about dipping into my funds to buy an ice cream cone from the local mom and pop general store down the road
>saving all my spoils of grandpa’s drunken casino romp about’s for a gameboy
>uncle comes over to visit and needs to use our restroom
>why is my uncle in my room?
>uncle sees me looking suspiciously at him and stupidly says “this ain’t the bathroom”
>leaves....in a hurry
>run to the corner of my bed, under which lay an empty gi joe metal lunchbox which had previously contained $32.50 of silver half dollars and quarters
Still have trust issues to this day

>> No.29808609
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Nope, my grandpa just loved me more than yours.
Sorry anon.

>> No.29808818
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That's fucked, but some of that parnoia is healthy in this world. $32 is pretty cheap cost for a lesson, if you learned it.

I lost $500 from a "friend" who took the cash and ran, instead of investing in the thing we were planning. I found that price cheap to learn he wasn't loyal, and that I should never let my money move without protections in place, and most of all not to trust even someone as close as a "brother". Always have a backup plan, be like batman, a plan to kill every justice league member if needed.

>> No.29808844

Nothing like betrayal by family to give you trust issues for life. I remember when I was, what, 11? I begged my grandma to buy me a little safebox that could be locked. I still have it right next to me. Anytime I had something I didn't want to go "missing", it went in the box. When I forgot to put things in the box, they went "missing". Love me safebox.

>> No.29809066

My friends already do trade ammo like currency so idk.

>> No.29809145

someone who is starving will certainly trade ammo for food

>> No.29809174

There can be no currency without sociol order and some authority (in crypto that is software). You won't be able to keep track of prices in a shtf situatuon and no one will trust you to give them a good trade

>> No.29809391
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If they have enough, the will for things they want/need.
Women/food/specific supplies will be most traded(if they're not the type to just kill a nogun); but you're going to being paying CRAZY prices, like a brick of silver for a box of 5 12g cartridges of 00Buck, a serving of food a round, a quicky with your wife for a few rounds.
Again that's assuming you already have a gun of some sort, and they dont just kill you.

Best SHTF currency is a group. If you dont have a family, or a group of friends, tight neighborhood; JOIN A GANG, just like prison try for whatever ones are powerful and look kinda like you, be prepared to be jumped in or raped or something, still better than being alone, still better odds.

Also having SKILLS will pay your bills. Learn to reload lighters with fuel, learn to make shoes, learn to repair shit, learn to do simple surgeries/medical first aid.

>> No.29809510

i remember getting $100 and feeling like i had infinite money, now my portfolio fluctuates thousands of dollars hourly and i dont even blink

>> No.29809558

Personally, I have enough crypto that if shit goes sideways, I'll just bribe whoever necessary to get out of the warzone. I'll go be an expat somewhere until shit calms down. And yes, I do have a bugout bag and a solid plan.

>> No.29809679
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Kinda/kinda, small bubbles of order will rise in the chaos, some gang or warlord will take over a street that they'll use for trade, and protect with snipers and shit, and BOOM you got a market.
This can pop up within a month from total SHTF.
They're not secure at all compared to what we normally call a market, and the warlord might kill you and just take your shit...but if you kids dying and you need fish antibiotics or they'll die, might be worth it.
Travel at night, avoid snipers bandits rape gangs and purge fantasy psycos, and make the best of the situations as you try not to be the easiest target on the block or the most stand out one on the block.

>> No.29809717

don't believe the disinfo. santa deniers are retarded

>> No.29810107
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If power is around.
Crypto is most of my personal stack, and it's good for being safe even if the roaming gangs burn your house down and you have to run to the forest for a year or so.

1oz silver coins is what I have for bug out currency though. It's just about the best for the job IMO. Worth about $30(small enough to be modular, large enough that something expensive wouldn't be to hard to carry still), hard to destroy, easy to hide, easily recognized as a minted thing of value even to a noob.

Ammo is still best currency for many reasons. I recommend 9mm/12G/5.56, have good gun for those too, atleast 1000 each, minimum.
Hard to do now, but the scarcity now should trigger your "worth" senses.

Worth noting that most warlords that come out of a SHTF situation were just the guy with the most guns ammo and friends with guns and ammo.