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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 526 KB, 1229x814, 1393270069746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
296843 No.296843[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is why we work, ladies and goyim. Admit it. Don't look on with envy. Look on and be inspired.

>> No.296844

That is persian trash

>> No.296845


>implying anybody that cares about money would spend their own money on shit you don't need

>> No.296846

Way to gaudy.

>> No.296847
File: 330 KB, 1229x814, 1393269700017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever seen a private indoor pool /biz/?

>> No.296848
File: 23 KB, 400x300, rice-27274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.296849

Post more porn pls
>tfw looking at zillow to check out mansions you can never afford

>> No.296852


>> No.296853
File: 418 KB, 1229x814, 1393270275601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That ceiling

>> No.296856
File: 51 KB, 630x473, cdn.frontdoor.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.296857

Yes. They're not that expensive. The $110,000 house down the street from me has one.

This all reeks of nouveau riche

>> No.296859
File: 45 KB, 400x280, home_13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exteriors now!

>> No.296860

>conspicuous consumption
you guys know this is why most people hate the 1%, right?

>> No.296863


>living in a consumer based economy

if people don't spend, rich people would be poor

>> No.296864
File: 325 KB, 1600x1200, Arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.296865

>stop liking what I don't like
Fuck off commie

>> No.296867
File: 52 KB, 524x392, ISr0gi3473aqar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From my local zillow. Been sold recently.

>> No.296871

those expensive houses on HGTV are fucking beautiful! Anyone see that one show that showed off log houses the size of mansions? One guy built his on a hill overlooking miles of fern trees. i was so jelly.

>> No.296873
File: 1.56 MB, 4288x2106, 1393294001186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.296875


I like what
is doing. It's essentially the same as the shit you guys are showing, but you really don't get it.

>> No.296880
File: 160 KB, 600x353, spaceship-house-for-Naomi-Campbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never live in weird postmodern shit vaguely resembling star wars

>> No.296883

I second this, communism is a failed experiment and is simply sharing the misery to paraphrase Winston Churchill.

Why do communists and socialist types even use biz? I thought they were all about "equality" and state-owned assets?

>> No.296884
File: 73 KB, 600x387, dude-loses-star-trek-apartment-in-divorce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a tad hard to tell, but this is a kitchen.

>> No.296886
File: 200 KB, 799x447, fallingwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never live in Fallingwater

>> No.296888

That's actually really cool

>> No.296890
File: 339 KB, 368x422, 1349994186492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoying having all of that stolen and burned to the fucking ground when the happening comes.

>wasting money on gold shit
>not using your money to travel the entire world and have insane experiences.

>> No.296896

statues look ugly as fuck
furniture look tacky

Curtain and walls are cool though

>> No.296897
File: 46 KB, 430x344, home_theater-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have a home theater with a plated ceiling
>even if you do you'd probably be working your ass off every day, sleeping in your office while paying out alimony and child support to your qt3.14 model exwives you divorced as they turned 30

>> No.296906
File: 114 KB, 800x500, Luxury-Executive-Office-Classic-Design-Idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never work 80+ hours per week
>you will never sleep in your office

>> No.296911
File: 101 KB, 634x430, article-2310067-195408AE000005DC-938_634x430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never have a sistine chapel altar in your house where you can sacrifice virgins to stay young

>> No.296950

Luxury crap like this doesn't employ anyone but a handful of craftspeople and happy merchants.

A strong middle class demands small luxuries like coffee, nice food, decent clothes, and so forth in quantities that dwarf what's spent on high end sports cars/jewels/ugly ass interior design and gold plated couches.

I never did understand that cycle. Aren't there enough gold diggers who would be happy to just mooch off a richfag as a girlfriend/full time escort?

>> No.296969

Gaudy and vulgar itt. Americans tastes are crap.

>> No.296973

>Implying any of these pictures are American houses

>> No.296985

Europoor detected
>oi m8 all I need is me shoe sized flat

>> No.296991


You crazy. The really beautiful stuff you don't see on TV.

My mother was an interior designer for high end clients. This one guy hired Disney "Imagineers" to do the fucking rock work for his outdoor grotto pool.

A home that is well built and on nice property with functional and beautiful design both structurally and furnishing wise. That's millions. And those people don't post those pictures online.

>> No.297000

Neah. If I was rich I would hope to have a place that doesn't look like shit.

>> No.297007
File: 98 KB, 600x399, underground-house-design.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd want to keep the place itself (relatively) simple, but made with an out-there concept.

>> No.297010


Looks awesome but debris would be in that pool constantly.

>> No.297015
File: 182 KB, 1280x960, Medvedev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's the house of the former Ukrainian attorney general, you ignorant philistine.

>> No.297017


What is this, neo modern hobbit architecture?

>> No.297069

>Wood fixtures
Enjoy mold.

>> No.297070

>A strong middle class demands small luxuries like coffee, nice food, decent clothes, and so forth in quantities that dwarf what's spent on high end sports cars/jewels/ugly ass interior design and gold plated couches.
I think you underestimate just how much money is involved in luxury crap.

>> No.297720
File: 331 KB, 1600x1051, Spatha Patrick barta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your life goals are the following:
>country house
>horseback riding
>continue fencing, go into historic fencing
>ride motorcycles
>tfw you're on the track for achieving your life's goals, and can attain them reasonably easily
>tfw able to enjoy life
>tfw not really jelly of dis wealth
>tfw this sword only costs $6k
>tfw this man does commissions for custom swords which are able to be used, but why would you, when they're so beautiful
>tfw I'll likely buy a Rapier, and put it in a locked display case
It feels pretty good, man.

>> No.297802

nobody here gives a shit about your face.

>> No.297837

My biggest problem with a lot of these houses and set ups are that they're not meant to be lived in.

I have a client with a 5 million dollar house. The maid is the only one who goes into the majority of their rooms and they're usually locked so the kids can't go into them. All of that expensive furniture is very uncomfortable too.

If I had mansion wealth, real mansions, not McMansions, I would make the home as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, not eye candy

>> No.297858
File: 227 KB, 1200x800, AAAAzimut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some day.

>> No.297869

>Be parisian billionaire
>shop for condo
>buy $40mil condo
>100 sq ft


>> No.297880
File: 72 KB, 600x400, tiny-a-frame-cabin-in-the-woods-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree anon! this stuff is gross. pic is my idea of a dream home. a tiny a-frame in the woods

>> No.297944

You're aware they never put this into production?

And that the final prototypes have turbo AND supercharged 4-bangers with electric power instead of those cool ass turbines in the concept?

And that they're likely never going to sell the prototypes they made, despite being 100% roadworthy?

>> No.297952

plz be trolling.
>tfw he's not trolling about tfw

>> No.297983
File: 185 KB, 1280x800, shine-private-jet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do so many people hate materialists?

>> No.298012
File: 29 KB, 398x222, 1392217294279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually want to have my own gym marky mark style (with a mat to roll). Plus early retirement. Dont care about no useless gold bullshit

>> No.299989

>dat awful interior decorating
>tacky as fuck
money can't by good taste

>> No.300008

cuz they jelly. You never see rich people complain about evil consumer driven society. Its just baristas who are just a part of evil consumerism as everyone else.

>> No.300010

thats old money shit.. we will never understand it but it gives them boners

>> No.300016


probably because that philosophy has prioritized the wealth of .1% of the population over the health of the rest of the economy. any half-objective capitalist can see that what is good for the bottom 90%, or even 99% of the population is ultimately what is best for everyone. the conspicuous consumption of the few cannot make up for the hardships of the many in a consumption-based economy.

>> No.300056

I know you are wrong.

This entire thread is fucking hilarious.

>people with real money
>spending it like this
pick one

>> No.300058
File: 27 KB, 542x474, 1398047044700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>indoor pool
>implying you'll ever use it more than once

I want functionality and bragging rights

>> No.300071
File: 150 KB, 600x799, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rick Owen's apartment is my goal.

>> No.300075

More of Rick's apartment.

>> No.300077
File: 76 KB, 600x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic ffs

>> No.300108
File: 104 KB, 552x447, office2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an office like this some day. Why is so hard to find images of what im looking for. Like one of those old school offices where everything is a dark dark wood, all furniture is leather, lots of book cases.

>> No.300112

The Count of Monte Cristo is my bible.

>> No.300114

>indoor pool cover
>pool cover
>covering an indoor pool

what the fuck is the point?

>> No.300116
File: 116 KB, 550x440, Dark-Wood-Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


google isnt doing justice

>> No.300118


maybe small children who cant swim live there

>> No.300119

The hell's that space odyssey monolith supposed to be?

>> No.300120

this shit reminds of eddie murpheys mansion. it has an aracade room. a fucking arcade room. who the actual fuck buys those lame ass things?

>> No.300122


That would get old real quick. Id start to feel creeped out when alone in my kitchen.

>> No.300124

That cover would actually make it harder to swim.

>> No.300125

I want a fucking palace, and a bunch of comfy modernistic architecture houses around the world

>> No.300126


My friends uncle an arcade. He is probably worth a couple million but not super rich at all.

>> No.300130

Is that shit even expensive?

Lets be honest, its a rundown warehouse that used to be HQ for a political party. Rick built his own furniture, and materials aren't expensive. Its just well curated. No amount of money will buy taste. Rick's appartment isn't even pricey, it's just well done.

I wonder if he shits in a rock crystal toilet? That would get expensive.

>> No.300134

>Roccoco furniture with Neoclassical ceilings


I like Art Nouveau for the exterior and Victorian for the interior.

>> No.300138

and what if that person has genuinely produced something so valuable that the general populace feels inclined to purchase what theyve created and they chose to spend it on things like this?

>> No.300140


jesus christ what horrible taste fucking morons

not bad
not bad

>> No.300141

why dont you tell him hes a faggot and no one plays those fucking dumbass games and he can just get a modern consule with all his crappy games plus others thatbwont make him look like a faggot?

>> No.300144


Something is either good for the economy or it isnt. Its not about sub groups. Personally I think the capital gains tax being significantly lower than the top income tax is fucking bullshit. It props up the fags who are already rich and makes it harder for upper middle class skilled workers to get there. But at the same time, if it attracts foreign investment in america and helps the economy, then it should stay. The economy as a whole comes first and ill just have to deal with what seems really shitty from my perspective.

>> No.300145

well i mean the entire point of pool cover on outdoor pools is too help heat the pool (from the sun) and keep debris out. soo yeah.

>> No.300171
File: 1.50 MB, 1192x793, Indoor-Pool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would imagine that indoor pools are an awesome attraction for house parties.

>> No.301475

So fucking good. Damn, I'm gonna go re-read it now.

>> No.301481

I like this.

>> No.301483


they smell weird

>> No.301697

Great. Now they're trying to swim and maybe failing, AND they're being dragged under and eveloped in a sheet of plastic, making it virtually impossible to get them out without untangling all of it.

>> No.301742

Meh. I've been to indoor house parties and swam in a couple of indoor pools. The whole room is usually incredibly steamy. Indoor pools should only be considered if you're living in cold climates. Otherwise its functionality is only there to be a braggart. The walls should only be a type of tile, otherwise the paint deteriorates from the moisture and constant repair is needed.

Outdoor is always better than Indoor in most cases.

>> No.301959

That was pretty vivid.

>> No.302009

That seems like an incredibly stupid way to spend large amounts of money. 30 years into the future, I'm not going to look at the savings I've amassed and say, "hmmmm, I should spend this on gold-colored couches and fancy statues".

>> No.302035
File: 141 KB, 940x626, modern-glass-and-marble-living-area-nico-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No amount of money will buy taste

Exactly. Generally, the people I know that came into money try to spend it in as obvious a way as possible. The more money a person has, and the longer they've had it, the less they feel a need to show it off. I think your average millionaire drives a 40-50 thousand dollar car or something to that effect. The old maxim goes: Money talks, but wealth whispers.

That said, I'm going to dump a few pics of interiors that are pricey, but tasteful. Just shit I like. Feel free to ignore me.

>> No.302041
File: 524 KB, 1024x682, black-and-white-rug-sliding-glass-door-zebra-rug-white-wall-pendant-lamp-comfortable-bed-blue-door-interior-bedroom-design-ideas-stainless-steel-chair-wooden-flooring-Waterfront-House-From-New-Zealand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this because it straddles that line between sterile and liveable very well.

>> No.302043
File: 99 KB, 700x679, glass-rusted-steel-house-dining-area.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note the weird-ass stairs. Seems to be a common theme in the steel and glass houses. Love this bar, though.

>> No.302047
File: 66 KB, 550x413, Concrete-and-Steel-Modern-Interior-Design-550x413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.302050
File: 111 KB, 616x462, Kitchen 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.302056
File: 150 KB, 800x533, Natural-Los-Molles-House-Gardening-Using-Rough-Sands-Rock-Tiles-Green-Grass-between-Two-Wooden-Building.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.302073

I went there last year. It's pretty shit inside, but it's really nice outside if you don't mind living in the middle of the forest.

>> No.302194
File: 68 KB, 855x591, d6c907_221307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do they still make episodes of Cribs?

>> No.302233

That room scream 'new money'. Tacky as hell.

>> No.302235
File: 61 KB, 500x375, ashford-castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches don't know about that old money.

>> No.302240
File: 363 KB, 1366x768, irish castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

irish castles are my thing.

>> No.302242

It's other name is "Rising Mildew".

Pretty concept, but not executed in a practically competent manner.

>> No.302246

What the fuck would you do in there all day? I'm assuming you wouldn't run your business from home, what the fuck would you be trying to accomplish in this room?

>> No.302253
File: 344 KB, 554x410, vanderbilt-cottage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Vanderbilt's cottage. Do you even have a cottage?


Writing missives and things of that nature. A place to think, away from the rest of the family that would inhabit the home. What old wealthy christian men were supposed to do back in those days i guess.

>> No.302255

I once went to a party at a NFL owners house. Most incredible thing I've ever seen. Indoor Olympic size swimming pool, indoor bball court, bowling alley, 100 inch TV's. Two maids cleaning up after all these drunk highschool students. Giant indoor movie theater with about 40 leather chairs all with cupholders, ottomans, blankets, and movies that weren't even out in the theaters yet. Also they had a 3d wallpapered bathroom and one of the maids drove a bunch of kids at 3 am to get snacks.
Most incredible lifestyle I've ever seen. Took approximately 1 minute to walk from one side of the house to the other without stopping.

>> No.302256

Jesus, surely these would cost 10's to 100's of thousands of dollars just to maintain each year. Especially when you consider the grounds.

>> No.302257

Being rich means having nice things even when you don't spend all day with them.

>> No.302259

How can one person ever 'deserve' this sort of lifestyle just because they are good at investing? Doesn't seem fair, but then again, rarely in life is anything fair. Everyone is out for themselves.

>> No.302262

Is that a giant statue of a throbbing penis

>> No.302272


Do you have to ruin everything?

>> No.302273

I mean I understand your point, but it is a combination of luck and extremely hard work to get to that point. Its not fair, but I don't think anyone resented the family for being billionares, but was just amazed at how much money they actually had. Plus they spend so much time with various charities that it is hard to say they don't deserve it.
Trying to think of what else the house had...
The maids house was on the grounds of the house and was the size of an upper-middle class place. The house was also in one of the wealthiest towns in the entire state, but was so isolated and the driveway probably took about 30 secs to drive down. I wish I had taken pictures but they had beautiful art and furniture in most of the rooms, and the more recreational rooms all had memorabilia signed by Lebron, Manning, Jordan, Tiger, Michael Phelps, just incredible. At the peak of the party there were probably about 75 people all hanging out comfortably in one room.

>> No.302282

idk it's not my problem the mega rich make their staircases look like giant throbbing penis statues

>> No.302301
File: 2.02 MB, 2592x1936, 1396672308216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got a few

>> No.302306
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>> No.302310
File: 2.07 MB, 1706x955, 1396680122633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.302313
File: 1.84 MB, 1461x970, 1396678625887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cozy as fuck

>> No.302317
File: 2.15 MB, 1469x977, 1396671683656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.302320

I love sunken furniture so damn much. That room is perfect for drinking and watching some TV or playing vidya with friends.

I'm jelly of whoever owns this.

>> No.302350

This looks like the set of a porn directed by gypsies.

>> No.302364
File: 15 KB, 278x270, skip bayless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that carpet

>> No.302413


I consider the top posts shit, but what you consider "neat" is far worse.

>> No.302450
File: 87 KB, 720x960, 1390012567081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Did you get complimentary sex with the maids afterwards?

>> No.302521

Lurk and you'll find some god tier shit. All custom made, it's on my list of things to have in future.

>> No.302562

This could be cool if you could make it double as a tennis court or something, just seems wasteful otherwise.

>> No.302565

I wonder how those kids are going to end up when they get older.

>> No.302608

>stop disliking what I like!
kill yourselves you fucking commies

>> No.302771

>houses, cars, and pools, repeat...
I have a hard time caring about any of this shit. This is what you guys wanna do with your money? Lol.

>> No.302812

Was it Jerry Jones?

>> No.302818

>Luxury crap

So i go buy a yacht right, and a new mansion.

Yacht takes 30 people to build, house takes 30.

Other people made the paint, the bricks, the sod, the yacht fuel, the coke in the fridge, the beer in the fridge, the tiles, the curtains, the computers, thesemiconductors in the tv, the ac unit, the heating, the electricity, the clean water, the car, the parts for the car, and the windows. None of those things are "luxury crap" they are things normal people buy from thousands of other people

>> No.302864

What would you do with your extra cash?
Having nice things is nice. If you can afford the dosh, why not spend it on things you like?
Clothes, cars, houses are all nice things to have. Especially when they're well made.
Cars and houses can both be investments which may have positive returns, further increasing your wealth. Houses especially.

>> No.302979

What do you do friend?

>> No.303116

> Buying luxury items. Just like any other retard out there.

I'd be financing R&D on any of the following:
Robotic exoskeleton/body armor.
Bionic implants for enhanced vision. Infra red, ultraviolet, etc.
Aging reverse
Increasing brain power
Nano materials
Battery technologies

Pioneering on any of these will be 1000x better than Muh Lambo our Muh mansion

>> No.303147

I work in the security field. It's not the best job, but I can get some licenses and better positions to earn more money. Not counting running my own business, which isn't exactly a bad idea either.

>> No.303174

>working jobs you hate so you can buy shit you don't need
feed those troll CEOs

>> No.303365
File: 22 KB, 522x381, stinky-the-grump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.303586

I sleep in my office on the couch most nights

>> No.303590

Zoning laws are dumb. I want a bedroom and shower next to my office.

>> No.303599

Plenty of suites in my office building have full bathrooms, as well as workout rooms. I've not heard of zoning laws forbidding a shower. No beds that I'm aware of, but pull-out couches are common. There's one in the common area of my suite and I've spent a few nights there since it's so much closer to the airport than my house.

I much prefer to spend a night at home in my warm, comfortable bed next to my wife though. I'd rather work less hours and make less money to have that.

>> No.303605

I just want a modest, cozy home just big enough for a family of 4 and a couple of dogs. Maybe with a garage to store a couple of cool motorcycles and an 80s model BMW 3 series.

>> No.303607

Of course the wealth disease makes sure that that will never be enough. The more you have the more you want.

>> No.303615


>> No.303620

Maybe, maybe not

I'll get back to you in 5 years

>> No.303624

I always wanted to do that, particularly development of live preservation and intelligence...apart form that, do it myself.

>> No.303629

I ain't got pictures of this place, but this inspired me to try harder. My partner is a model, and sometimes she gets to do shoots in pretty nice places. I'm always happy to bring her there if I've the day off too.

One time, she was called to one of the city's wealthiest areas, situated on a hillside overlooking the city and the bay. We're talking stunning scenery surrounded by sweet woods and amazing privacy. I drive up, the guy's got the sportscar and the family SUV. The place was open, airy, exceedingly modern, but comfortable. He had tasteful oil paintings hanging, but also a 7 foot tall predator made of motorbike parts in a corner. The place had tablets embedded in the walls, from which you could control heating, lights, multimedia (through discreet speakers), and an array of other household things. The floors were quality tiling, but there were also comfortable rugs in living areas.

After the shoot, I got to take a proper look around. I found myself in the kitchen (incredible fit out) and I looked down through what I assumed to be an underfloor window to some ornament, and found myself over water. There was a motherfucking 25 meter pool in the basement, with plexiglass windows to the rest of the house. In other rooms nearby there was amps, drums, guitars, a keyboard, basically a band setup. There was a videogames room kitted out with projector, every console, amazing looking controls.

And they were nice people. I just thought, shiiiitt, this is possible. And so I focused on my career, 6 months later I'm on my way to 6 figures.

>> No.303633

They have these things in Germany. If I were wealthy, I'd buy up some forest and put this thing in there somewhere secluded

>> No.303637

Happened to me. When I was a broke college student I thought I'd be happy with what I now have and that it's all that I'd want. Now I want more. Fact of the matter is, constant happiness is impossible and the best you can hope for is to be content with your life.

>> No.303644
File: 82 KB, 640x480, castle-island-lough-key-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone bought this island near my home town for 60K a few years ago.

>> No.303649

>not doing both

>> No.303650

jesus christ
only 60k? where is this?

>> No.303665

I like that book

>> No.303666

I have an indoor pool. If you don't cover it the heat will escape and make the walls moldy. >>300114

>> No.303704
File: 248 KB, 1200x1600, ce4d9a6d-46a7-4121-a456-01ba0fb20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built this, it has over 15,000 games including every Arcade game, all Nintendo from NES to N64 + every Gameboy game. all the Sega games, Game Gear, plus over 100 virtual pinball tables & PopCap games including Bejeweled & Feeding Frenzy.

Tell me you wouldn't want this in your rec room.

>> No.303705
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Front view

>> No.303757
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everything ITT is tacky as fuck

>> No.303765

who the fuck would want to live in atlanta?

location is just as important as the home's aesthetic features.

>> No.303790
File: 59 KB, 450x336, 12b169ee-1e48-4477-a5f7-ab8f39c5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what I want to be rich for

>> No.304048


I just want to pick up on the Charities part of your comment.

The year is 2014 and I still do not know how to evaluate the effectiveness of a charity.

Giving money to them is still a gamble: are they a vanity project? A front for money laundering? A PR exercise? A genuine organisation that lacks a reliable group of volunteers? An organisation that talks the talk but lacks the resources to walk the walk?

>> No.304055

ITT: Shit taste general.

This is what happens when people with no class get rich somehow.

>> No.304085


Atlanta is fucking awesome you retarded pleb

>> No.304123

Have you ever been to Atlanta? Infested with crime & niggers, niggers, niggers.

>> No.304126


That chair is too big for that desk. That floor his ugly. The blue curtains are out of place. You'd think a rich guy who'd throw that much money in an office would at least hire a designer.

>> No.304133

House looks tryhard.

>> No.304148


>> No.304178
File: 68 KB, 504x338, ferrari-250-gt-california-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This car costs more than you're house (assuming you're living in a million dollar house) and all the other ones like it in the culdesac

>> No.304186


I swear I've been here while playing Resident Evil 4

>> No.304191

If I was living with friends or something i would want something along the lines of this>>302043, otherwise i would just want a decent modern bachelor pad with a decent view of the city, along with enough money to fund all the stupid fucking projects i like to do and shit I like to build. I would also prefer to spend my money actually doing shit rather than just pretty stuff to look at. My room right now isn't even that far off from what would be ideal for me.

>> No.304440

is that maxwell sheffield's office?

>> No.304476
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In Portugal you can live in a falling Terrain, just a bit more dangerous way to live your life.

>> No.304523

And a lot more expensive.

>> No.304527

There are over 9000 organizations that analyze that.

>What is google

>> No.304566

Based taste anon, this is one of my driving motivators in my pursuit of business ventures.

I can deal with all the stress, long days, and almost failures just on the promise of truly relaxing one day with a room like this signifying my "made it' feeling.

If you've ever seen the show boardwalk empire, the main characters father has a great example of one of these rooms.

I try to describe it to my girlfriend, but I just think of it as a real gentlemans club, not strip club, but where you can have a glass of bourbon with a cigar after your hunting trip.

Yes I realize I'm about a delusional, but I think that's required to pursue business on your own.

>> No.304608

YOu'd probably make some decent money selling these things.

>> No.304623

>decent money selling these things
Good. He'd need it when the people who owned all the games came after him for copyright infringement.

>> No.304638
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It looks more like White Base.

>> No.304643

There are some things I'd rather people not make money directly from, but rather they just sit there providing more efficient means for other interests to make money. Trying to make money off of infrastructure and commodities with rent-seeking and advertising doesn't do society any good, it's just needlessly redistributive. Why not force people to make money actually innovating and being productive?

>> No.304650

70s decor. They should gut it and redo with contemporary modern stylings.

>> No.304674

man, I haven't watched gundam in like, 8 years. That shit looks way gayer than I remember

>> No.304750

you sure they didn't buy the debt for 60K?

>> No.305618

I remember the guy who owned Oakley glasses. He loved cameras, but found them cumbersome or limited. He proceeded on funding research for a camera up to his standards. And that's how the first digital cinema camera was born. The Red One. It totally changed the industry.

>> No.305640
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Looks pretty gaudy, honestly.
I'd rather own objects that have utility. Enjoy wasting your money though, it's all your choice.

>> No.305642
File: 166 KB, 465x472, what a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans tastes

You realize that's middle eastern right?
Jesus christ Europeans are uneducated retards, no wonder your continent is poor and unemployed. You spend more time blaming (false) boogeymen than actually working.

>> No.305719

/fa/ plz go

jk tricky rick apt is cute AF

>> No.305736
File: 554 KB, 1280x853, 12866361523_02ac9efb0e_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my nigga

cept it wont be any regular 3 series it will be an E30 M3.

>> No.305791


> gold statues
> not marble, which is still expensive but way classier


>> No.305796

This thread has been incredibly disappointing. You get better room/inspiration threads on /b/ ffs.

>> No.305808

go to /diy/ and show off, please, show us your way

>> No.305814

>tfw no winter cabin in colorado to ski with your family in

>> No.305958
File: 48 KB, 684x576, sadfrog ceiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a massive mansion that looks like it was made in the 18th century and caused a great deal of suffering and death for the builders

I want it filled with magnificent yuropeen art and magical staircases and beautiful marble sculptures and I want to turn it into a school for the gifted and maybe molest the kids and pay off the parents

>> No.306194

So glad I wasn't the only one that thought this.

That's the part where that nigger with the golden mask pops up on the minigun in the middle.

>> No.306197

The hedonic treadmill strikes again.

>> No.306221

wtf how old is this concept? i literally went omg dream car

>> No.306292
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>wanting a disgusting mcboat

Should have posted this instead.

>> No.307016

mines always cold, and heating takes too much foresight to turn on

>> No.307168
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Honestly I could care less about most of these. I just want to retire and early (mid-30s) and travel more than have a huge house. Anything more than 4000sqft is just too much for me.

>> No.307223


You can't spell deserve without serve.
To live like a king, you must be a king.
And kings don't serve anyone. Kings don't have the concept of "deserve". They take all that they want.

If you wish to be a subservient peasant, then keep the concept of deserve in your thoughts. That is who the word was for in Latin, the origin language of the word.

But if you wish to be a king, an alpha, you must discard such thoughts, because as an alpha, you can not be a beta. And deserve is only for betas.

In all seriousness, the above is true. Every social animal has a "pecking order", the stronger animal being higher in the order. Nature gave us a way to judge strength just by looking, without actually having to fight to figure out who is stronger, because nature knows fighting is costly and doesn't want us killing or hurting ourselves unnecessarily.

So most people naturally default to being subservient, which is why the word / concept of "deserve" is so prevalent.

The definition of it is "to be worthy of reward"... worthy to whom? Who decides? The alpha, the king.

This is why you hear that a lot of top executives have narcissistic "personality disorders". Which is true, if you consider that the majority of people are subservient, having an alpha personality is a "disorder". But it is just as nature intends it to be.

You know how lion packs work? The male, alpha lion sends his bitches to kill prey and bring it back to him. They do all the work, then he eats his fill. After that, the others eat. Is it fair? I don't know, I'm not a lion. But nature says that's the best way and she's a pretty smart broad.

>> No.308520

Rich people have the weirdest tastes... I own a flooring store and I swear to god they buy the ugliest or blandest shit there is.

>Have super high end carpet that feels like you're laying face first on a virgin's hairless vag, comes in 40 colors, decently priced @ $60 sq/yd installed.
>No I want the incredibly rough and tacky sculptured carpet that looks like it came out of a fucking scene from Magnum PI

That or they want the god damned "old" looking wood floors.

>> No.308819

That was some great pseudo-intellectual posting right there.
*tips fedora*

>> No.308842

Didn't this guy murder his ex-wife or something?

>> No.308881

You are aware Bill Gates has a kitchen that can move between floors in his home, right?

>> No.308887


The difference is these people aren't looking at their amassed savings, they look at the wealth they've created and continue to create.

>> No.308913


oh my fucking christ. you're not the guy that posted those are you? literally everyone in that thread said you have shit taste and to fire your designer (assuming you arent the actual designer yourself)

>> No.309953

>My biggest problem with a lot of these houses and set ups are that they're not meant to be lived in.

A lot of people buy multiple houses and barely set foot in them.

>> No.309957


tfw i have one of those sofas but no friends to share it with

>> No.309980

holy shit this

I'd spend a shitton on genetically engineering my offspring too

get dat 400iq,

dem masterrace aesthetics

dem perfect health

>> No.309983


>expecting to see a return on these technologies

>> No.310409

I'd rather produce Commie block tier architecture.

>> No.311858
File: 59 KB, 1137x634, PQyZ1Lm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's exactly the style of house I love. My dick.

What exactly makes it a "cottage" as opposed to just a house?

>> No.311862

>What exactly makes it a "cottage" as opposed to just a house?

Because it's not their primary residence, and it's smaller than their usual dwellings. Them calling it a cottage is basically reminding the rest of us that they could literally wipe their asses with $100 bills for the next 50 years and not bat an eye.

>I'm so fucking jelly

>> No.312181
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>Outdoor is always better than indoor in most cases

>> No.313712
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>> No.313723

Yeah, I dunno. If I was wealthy I'd build a windowless gleaming white limestone tower with 10 foot thick walls on top of a mountain.

If you got the money to do anything, make it something unique that will last forever. Not these fake ass Renaissance style mansions made from liquid nails and particle board with gold leaf everywhere.