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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29779679 No.29779679[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


How will you be spending your evening?

Also, fuck jannies.

>> No.29779788
File: 53 KB, 566x564, FC467E8D-F275-4A42-B84B-619FCFB292E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers and fuck jannies

>> No.29780329

what type of bread is this? looks like shit

>> No.29780457

Jewish bread, anon. Jewish...

>> No.29780467
File: 4 KB, 250x236, 1613693639131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga eatin carrots wit granola bars and mayo

>> No.29780563

Rye bread. also known as black bread.
get fucked

>> No.29780971

>raw salmon, mayo, and bread
that's the fucking shit

>> No.29781048

its cheese, not mayo ;-;

>> No.29781213

you better eat near a bathroom m8

>> No.29781312

I called off from work sick so I should probably take a shower at some point
I have a classic wow raid that I'd almost rather die than take part in, we're hard stuck on kz and pretty much we're burning through enough consumables to feed a small African nation based on how much gold we waste.
So fucking sick of it.
But I'll be damned if I'm not there when we down him.

>> No.29781392

also known as jewish bread

>> No.29781435

I honestly can't tell if everyone is trolling or is simply too burger to know what smoked salmon and good cream cheese is. Are you all too poor to eat this? No wonder you should always do the opposite of what /biz/ says.

>> No.29781528

Post pictures of your nose schlomo

>> No.29781530

Det er cream cheese, din incel fuck.
>no capers and dill

>> No.29781535
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That looks fucking amazing

>> No.29781622

>too poor to eat this pajeet street shitfood
even if im that poor i would never eat such abomination

>> No.29781693

Danish fag here. Rugbrød (rye bread) is a huge thing here.
What's this shitty meme?
Fucking American incels who live off wonder bread, fat fucking losers

>> No.29781699

Try it sometime, its really great. especially smoked salmon. smoked mackerel is good too

>> No.29781703

Cream cheese with smoked salmon is an abomination.
You use brown bread, lettuce, butter and soak the smoked salmon sandwich in lemon juice. The greatest food known to man.

>> No.29781788

looks good anon
but this >>29781530
also, some pickles on the side

>> No.29781798

finally. someone who isn't a burger-brain tard.
They just keep calling it Jewish, but it's massive all over Europe.

>> No.29781909

I think it's because cream cheese and salmon is often served on bagels in the US, which triggers the /pol/-tier retards

>> No.29782170

Yeah anon, I was just wondering how people don't know about this. I'm partial to smoked salmon and fish eggs with sour cream on blini. Smoked eel is great too but has become pretty expensive. I'd eat toast with smoked cod liver far more often if I wouldn't die from a vitamin A overdose and if it wasn't made of pure calories. Smoked mackerel is great, you can get a whole mack and snack on it for days, pretty well priced too. Used to be even cheaper.

>> No.29782185

Do burgers really?

>> No.29782422

Not in Europe. In the Netherlands it's called roggebrood. This is literally the white man's bread anon. Sad to see how far Americans have strayed from their roots.

>> No.29782608

that's cheese

>> No.29782956
File: 7 KB, 250x238, 1589497568546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Rogge is rye. Brood is bread. Rye bread's origin is Israel.

>> No.29783092
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>Not in Europe. In the Netherlands it's called roggebrood.
Everything from the US to Western Europe is jewish after WWII, including your jewbread.

>> No.29783114

fuck jannies and fuck muts

>> No.29783238
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 1839081145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and fuck retards too.

>> No.29783312

I’ve got Dungeons and Dragons with the boys from 7-11, but before that I’m going to catch up on exercise with a nice and long walk. Get the brain filled with blood. No idea what comes after the session, probably masturbating to Fate/Grand Order doujins on e-Hentai

>> No.29783497
File: 310 KB, 1080x937, Screenshot_20210226-211624_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews really did a number on you guys.
>Oy vey John, don't you know we invented rye bread???
>It's true John! My cousin Schlomo has the patent on it!
>Now buy our authentic Jewish Rye Bread and some Matzos, Go... I mean John!
Read a few books, mutts.

>> No.29783517

No one except blacks and poor retarded whites eat Wonder Bread in the US.

>> No.29783609

This is what niggers think all white people eat

>> No.29783615

Jews love their lox.

>> No.29783640

looks awesome, my man. think i'll snag a filet to smoke this weekend

>> No.29783653

>No one except blacks and poor retarded whites eat Wonder Bread in the US.
>No one except at least a third of the population eat wonderbread

>> No.29783714

watching GRT burn

>> No.29783771

Can I buy a meter long version of that bread? I’ll spread cheese all over it but in the place of salmon there’ll be a Danish hottie waiting for me to Slav her while I chomp on the bread

>> No.29783783

my wife makes me sandwiches like yours. love them.

>> No.29783919

That's salmon

>> No.29784087
File: 57 KB, 488x488, GUEST_6d9f33d7-5eeb-4fd8-98cc-5d54e92ce70d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish Rye is a popular type of Rye bread here. I like it.