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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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29743965 No.29743965 [Reply] [Original]

Blank hides your financial data by mixing transfers with the pool of funds within Blank

Ensuring that outward transfers remain anonymous

Your privacy level only goes up with each additional transfer inside.

>> No.29743991

Just use Monero.

>> No.29744129

lmfao monero is the biggest piece of shit token this earth has seen

>> No.29744355

i need this. dont like people seeing my tracks

>> No.29744513

monero was so hyped and hasn't performed worth a damn

>> No.29744563

Monero is used by darknet markerplaces.

Just use Monero

>> No.29744670
File: 314 KB, 1400x1400, biff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blank is for a lot more than darknet marketplaces LOL

>> No.29744858

Monero too, i am just saying moneros adoption is growing and growing as the defacto privacy solution

>> No.29745027

blank looking clean as hell

let's see if they're ready for the big time

>> No.29745634

that BLNK launch is gonna be somethin epic

>> No.29745696

I've never seen blank used on any dark net market, why would you use expensive eth tranfers instead of cheap XMR ones

>> No.29745928
File: 32 KB, 460x361, cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare the amount of ETH users to whatever fag blockchain you're using lololol

>> No.29746234

yea everyone talks about gas fees, but the fact is that ethereum still has all the traffic

>> No.29746671

too early for me pajeets

>> No.29746993

private and non-custodial

BLANK you make me happy

>> No.29747396

cool one op=== wait til rug pull destroys all

>> No.29747784

link? can not find anything by googling

>> No.29747821
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>> No.29748238

ok i like what i see
due diligence goes a long way

>> No.29748280

trashy ass shitcoin presented by shillers

>> No.29748474

Whens the coin dropping?

>> No.29748841

i didnt see date yet here pajeet: https://icodrops.com/blank/

>> No.29748956

this team is fucking loaded
it's like Golden State when they were unstoppable

>> No.29749014

Why not phala instead?

>> No.29749358
File: 45 KB, 600x400, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phala a confirmed horseshit project lmao

>> No.29749691

i can't get roped in to something like this

got punished last time i trusted a "secure" wallet

>> No.29749736

have a nice weekend friends. remember to BUY DOGE

>> No.29750310

jaja you stupid fool
prepare to get fucked

>> No.29750753

conceal wealth
hide origins
disguise trading activity


>> No.29750932
File: 9 KB, 259x194, coin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would save me a lot of fucking money

>> No.29751532

idk what if they take all your funds.....

>> No.29752083

Tell me more?

>> No.29752107

this is a much needed solution- im guessing it catches on like wildfire in the coming months

>> No.29752227

Feeless transactions in Polkadex

Polkadex hopes to solve the problem by introducing feeless transactions.


>> No.29752834

lmao fuck polkadex, they aren't doing any revolutionary, another scam to take your funds

>> No.29753219
File: 10 KB, 183x276, braveheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the battle for privacy will never end

>> No.29753538

loool no chance i try this garb

>> No.29753920

faggots all over the chat smfh

>> No.29754351

"No KYC. Maximum privacy. Each time you make a withdrawal or a new trade, you start on a blank piece of paper -- a new wallet with no previous activity history."

game over

>> No.29754657

god i need this now. like seriously

>> No.29754677

>game over

>> No.29755130


>> No.29755150
File: 459 KB, 610x560, archer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meaning Blank will be the best at private transactions by a long shot

>> No.29756278

proven thievery on many occasions

google it pajeet

>> No.29756996

i just dont like alts
never have and never will - BLNK gonna fail bad

>> No.29757460

really incredible and thorough analysis

>> No.29758759

waiting to get off waitlist and start using

>> No.29759185
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, get-the-fook-out-of-here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see ya complainer

>> No.29759533

as simple as a chrome extension to be invisible
sign me the fuck up

>> No.29759855

cryptographic proofs have entered the chat

>> No.29760126

Skeptical to say the least