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29749915 No.29749915 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin promised decentralized, scalable, low fees and secure digital cash
Satoshi Nakamto said all that would be features of this new egold emoney

Decentralized it is not, in control of developers miners and exchanges, there isnt any users of it. China has more than 51% hash rate and anyway you only need 33% to set the rules of the network.

Scalable it is not, a fucking joke 7tps.

Low fees it is not

Secure, this one is yet to fall but if anybody used bitcoin for any payments it would be less secure than central bank issued coins since they can be reversed. Imagine the malware and adware infecting everybody and just stealing normal peoples coins left and right.

The top100 coins in any day since 2011 all the altcoin shitcoins are only meant to enrich the founders and developers of said coin. ETH fags are now happy to reap the high fees. Every coin on the top 1000 has reserved more than 5% in founders pockets and their friends.

Why do you even crypto bizfag?

>> No.29750115

Its just btc
If you dont get that ur a dumb retard that deserves to remain poor

>> No.29750199

> If you dont get
What is there to get?

Try to argue instead of assuming Im a newfag
I member bitcoin when it was still on sourceforge and no Linux port existed.

>> No.29750752


>> No.29750768


>> No.29751188

Rape is funny

>> No.29751325

Why do you think Bnb pumped then kcs went up right after -

Follow the Chinese/ South Korean commie $

>> No.29751327
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>Try to argue instead of assuming Im a newfag
Checked but you're retarded

>> No.29751529

Same thing with GME- AMC-

It’s Chinese pump and dumps disguised as being “patriotic to hedge the dying market ” because of Elon/ Twitter friends shilling China’s bags 24/7

Who do you think owned all the useless DOGE??? China.. who got
It to 7X? Elon- the ceo of Tsla-

No SEC violation there though in this israeli clown world

>> No.29751624

Bitcoins true purpose is to absorb inflation and hence will end up in the hands of the elite who will own everything (read own all BTC) and you will own nothing (read own shitcoins).

>> No.29752327

Purpose is to prevent another occupy wallstreet gathering when the money printer goes brr.
Now you retards believe bitcoin will shield your from the rich stealing from you.

Hint: they will continue to steal from you even if you own bitcoin. Even if 1 bitcoin costs $2m you will sell it for $2m which they printed out of their ass for free, but you had to mine and work for.

>> No.29752547

tan lines are fucking based

>> No.29753594

tanlines reveal she is mcdonalds worker during day and has a few hours of rest on the beach

>> No.29753702

its a way to make a quick buck its not the future of fucking anything

every time a coin comes out that does instant transactions it gets ignored and everyone props up shitty coins where it takes 25 hours to send

>> No.29754027

Nobody wants to send coins to their friends to split the bill in the restaurant
Theres like 10 shitcoins and wallets doing that

> its a way to make a quick buck its not the future of fucking anything
yes its a casino and most who make quick bucks dont do it on btc but on the shitcoins which are more centralized than fed money. I mean even north korea is printing dollars.