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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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295292 No.295292 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>293183

>> No.295294

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 120 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.295297

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=568529
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin

Want to help PND?
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND
Cryptsy votethread: https://cryptsy.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/77882
Vote for PND on this useless exchange. https://coinano.com/vote

Website: http://thepandacoin.net

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin


Normal pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:


IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)
Forum: http://forum.bamboohouse.info

Tipbot for 4chan:

>> No.295304
File: 55 KB, 299x304, boobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forum: http://forum.bamboohouse.info
>This forum is locked due to inactivity.
Nice forum.

Will multipool save PND?

>> No.295305
File: 126 KB, 745x778, 1348907180038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not be satisfied until we beat isracoin!

>> No.295307

The only thing it had in the end was bots spamming the registrations.


>> No.295311

What do you personally think would be better, PoS or merged mining? I want PoS if it will work because I have a large sum of coins, but it might scare off people just buying in.

>> No.295320

Merged mining has the bonus of not having to deal with a PoS wallet which is old and underdeveloped and which might yield unwanted bugs, plus we would do the world a better favor buy pushing a patch for merged mining on mpos.

>> No.295324

>buy pushing
*by pushing

>> No.295327

The doge devs do have to agree to merged mining however, right?

>> No.295329

Only pool operators that are willing to run the patched wallet.

>> No.295332

Have you started asking around and seeing if pool operators would be willing?

>> No.295334

>minimum sell order 28 litoshi
>minimum buy order 17 litoshi

Sometimes I don´t understand this things.

>> No.295337

The people buying in refuse to pay more than 17 and the people selling refuse to sell lower than 28. But yes, it is pretty fucking funny.

>> No.295339

I'll do that once we have the decision on what we would like to use.

>> No.295341


the buy order would be maximum

and it's just the way the markets role until it get's all bought up again and rises another level of value.

>> No.295343

Or dumped even lower because no one gives a shit about yet another PoW coin with a cute mascot.

>> No.295349


there is more backing to pnd then you think and remember the early days of dogecoin when everyone was saying it was shit/worthless?

>> No.295350

free coins - faucets

>> No.295351

If that was the case the value would be at zero. But it isn't.

>> No.295357

The price only started going up after you hinted that PoS was likely in its future. If it's not, the price will collapse.

>> No.295361

The poll was created around last week and discussion on it has been going for a lot longer when the price was still getting dumped. We also have a multipool constantly buying in, right now more than ever before.

>> No.295398


i havent voted on btt because i did not understand the pros and cons over merging mining with doge over going POS

>> No.295422

It was the week when it was at 4-6 that I remember you first mentioning that PoS was an option, which caused prices to stabilize and turn around.

>> No.295427


Why are you even polling people? You just up and decided that you wanted to drop the block reward, perhaps with minimal input from these people on 4chan.

Just implement POS and hopefully it'll save the coin. Or have your dev do it, whichever.

>> No.295429
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proof of stake is boring and uncool.

>> No.295430

>You just up and decided that you wanted to drop the block reward, perhaps with minimal input from these people on 4chan.

which a lot of people did not appreciate without being consulted to in btt

they want to be involved if they are to remain invested/interested in the coin

>> No.295431


it will avoid splitting the hashrate betwen the multipool and mining directly imo

we can gain more hashrate for the multipool

>> No.295481

I've a question, is it possible to do POS, look at the current number of PND mined and still set a coin cap? That will at some point be reached purely by interest?

>> No.295484

That's an interesting point. In my opinion its a tough decision between PoS and merged mining with DOGE.

>> No.295505

The cause of that was mainly the reward cut from 250k to 50k, combined with the launch of the multipool. The hype pump from 10 to 25 might have been caused by PoS expectations in part, but mostly, it was caused by a big holder manipulating the market to sell higher.

The problem with PoS is that it stops the distribution of the coin completely, and while PND had pretty large distribution at launch (as shown by the amount of PND addresses with a balance) after it collapsed all new coins went to a handful of miners (in huge amounts) who now have 200M to 2B PND and will most likely get all the PoS shares. It's not a good setup to get buyers onboard when their BTC is at the mercy of any of the big holders suddenly taking a massive dump.

On the other hand, merged mining would encourage all DOGE miners to get some bonus PND and if that happens, distribution will be much improved and network difficulty rise a lot. Plus, if DOGE merges mining with LTC, this could result in a situation where even LTC miners might be interested in getting some free PND with their DOGE.

An interesting feature of merged mining is that it would make it possible for the multipool to mine DOGE through PND. Right now, DOGE is often the most profitable coin to mine but the multipool doesn't because of the high difficulty. With merged mining, it could collect some lower diff PND when it tries to mine DOGE. The price wouldn't be pumped but the DOGE hashrate would be used to boost the PND network.

>> No.295555

>PoS wallet which is old and underdeveloped and which might yield unwanted bugs
that sounds bad, cant we use blackcoin version of PoS?

>> No.295561

They as well are a clone of peercoin in essence.

>> No.295567

What is merged mining?

>> No.295569

What does the name suggest?

>> No.295571

your mom lmao

>> No.295622

>On the other hand, merged mining would encourage all DOGE miners to get some bonus PND and if that happens, distribution will be much improved and network difficulty rise a lot. Plus, if DOGE merges mining with LTC, this could result in a situation where even LTC miners might be interested in getting some free PND with their DOGE.

hmm sounds cool but i am guessing Doge people need to be onboard for it

and they already aint happy about merging mining with LTC

>> No.295646
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I remember when shitposts like this got removed on /g/ together with the person who posted it

>> No.295653

you are the reason we all left 4chan. we'll never tell you where we really reside. hint, its the name to break my tripcode. break it and you'll deserve to know where we lurk

>> No.295661

lol I don't really card nerd

>> No.295666


you forgot your comedy gold wallet addresss

>> No.295694

you dont deserve coin, gtfo /biz

>> No.295707
File: 22 KB, 497x216, Screen Shot 2014-04-22 at 21.36.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A small bugfix for the tipbot when using both randm amounts and "Reward GETs" is now available in unstable.

>> No.295711

>randm amounts
*random amounts

>> No.295713

so if i mine doge, how do i get pnd from that? how does pnd know to what wallet it should go?

>> No.295718

I'm not too sure about the details myself but you would probably supply the right arguments when setting up the mining server / stratum.

>> No.295719

or is it pools only thing

>> No.295726

can it work that way really? i mean you wont get less doge? why not merge everything then and get all the coins at once...

>> No.295729

>why not merge everything then and get all the coins at once...
Good luck patching that together. The people mining must also have the necessary hashrate to compete with miners that do not use merged mining.

>> No.295749

ok lets say we go merged mining, and only currend pandas are mining at pools with modified stratum, do we get the same amount of doge& pnd as mining regular doge& pnd?

>> No.295754


>> No.295760

sweet monkey jesus i think i need to think about it some more then

>> No.295765
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>> No.295769


>> No.295778


>> No.295780
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>> No.295784

Don't worry.

>> No.295786



>> No.295803
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Implementing addie into the tipbot?

>> No.295806

It turns out that the server doesn't CORS which is needed for pulling the data from the server.

>> No.295807


whats addie?

>> No.295810


>> No.295811
File: 111 KB, 480x360, gif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a website that stores the addresses for all your wallets

>> No.295815
File: 77 KB, 600x797, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At current difficulty with all this multipooling going on, how many PNDs am I to expect from a full say of mining with 700kh/s?

Debating if I should stop mining Asiacoin and hop back on the PND train. Currently have 7 million PND and 2500 AC.

>> No.295817

>full say
>full day
of PND mining.

>> No.295823

You can check profitability at the bottom of http://multi.pandapool.info/#poolstats

>> No.295827

Another plus of merged mining with DOGE for me is that it is something new, while going PoS is just because its the new cool thing that other new coins are doing

>> No.295829

Hi mr. amdoge

Long time /g/ and now /biz/ lurker.

Keep up the good work friend.

>> No.295833

Mining merely dilutes the value of a currency. PoS doesn't just reward the guy who can put together the biggest rig but rather the people who believe in the currency.

>> No.295838


when doess voting end on btt for PND POS

>> No.295842

Erm, I'm having difficulty reading these stats. Could you give me a ballpark for a day of mining w/ 700kh/s? 500K PND? 100K?

Also, I've been out of the loop for awhile. I can mine Doge and PND together?

>> No.295852
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>> No.295858

There's no set date.

With 700kh/s at the current profitability you would be making 840k PND in 24 hours.
>I can mine Doge and PND together?
Not yet.

>> No.295862

Daily reminder to ALWAYS save your wallet password somewhere. I almost had a heart-attack earlier ;_;

>> No.295875

>Want to get into mining
>To mine you need a program
>If you would rather mine with a GPU click here
>If you have an nvidia GPU click here
>To mine you need a pool
>Click here to find a pool
>Pool is dead

M-maybe next time.

>> No.295879

What are you trying to mine?

>> No.295881



im totally new to cryptocurrencies but i figure i should start somewhere

>> No.295886

I'm actually afraid that I have amnesia some day and don't remember my Blackcoin wallet password with 100k on it ;_;

>> No.295891

For novidya you might want to try http://www.reddit.com/r/cudamanager..
As for the pool I've seen people recommending rapidhash. doge.netcodepool.org is also good.
If you want a pool developed by someone on 4chan that generally nets you more by buying doge with other coins, try http://multi.pandapool.info..

>> No.295898

1. Download and install the wallet.
2. Get CGminer if you have an AMD, CUDAminer if you have NVidia, then just follow:

>> No.295914
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Theres something wrong with my bat file I think but i dont know what

>> No.295920

Because it's a useless template. If you can't bother with finding out the settings for your card, see http://www.reddit.com/r/cudamanager..

>> No.295925

You also need to modify Weblogin.user and Worker password accordingly.

>> No.295929
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>> No.295932

>a pool developed by someone on 4chan that generally nets you more by buying doge with other coins, try http://multi.pandapool.info..

What is a good GPU? Anybody ideas?

>> No.295935

Depends on what you want / need.
Check out https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AlhSF602y9DSdHRneWVZcjJLWmhjaVBMTHVCR3l4eHc

>> No.295941


i would buy a GPU between 80-150euro

>> No.295943

Thank you.

>> No.295946

whats a stratum oh god i am so confused

>> No.295954

How high do you think PND will get to?

Back to Satoshis hopefully?

Maybe ..5 Satoshis?

Maybe ..10 Satoshis?

>> No.295955

It lets you sort by price as well.

A server that accepts shares from the miners.

>> No.295957

Anyone wants to buy my MSI 280x?

>> No.295958
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that is my favourite. good?

ZOTAC GeForce GTX 750 TI OC Version 2048MB DDR5 12

>> No.295963

Depends on how hard it is shilled. Right now the outlook is good considering the current hype around either doing PoS or merged mining is well active.

The 750 is good for mining in terms of energy efficiency from what I hear.

>> No.295967

how many PND i would mine in 24 hours? Have you any idea?

>> No.295968

Why did pools stop offering pre-made text files with worker details?

>> No.295972

Around 288k if you had the card running at the very moment.

Because you don't really need one. Ideally you would find out the basics of the miner you're usign.

>> No.295975

*using even

>> No.295976

Time for bed.

>> No.295977
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>> No.295978
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>Took 3 hours to synch wallet

>> No.295980

i got an ati 6950 is good?
it say 19.20 kh/s
where can i see my daily profit?

>> No.295981

>d 288k if you had the card running at the very moment.

thx :)

>> No.295983

Eh, you're doing something wrong.

>> No.295995


You should be getting ~450 kh/s on a 6950....

>> No.295996


i think you are using your cpu, not your gpu

>> No.295999

Good thing you're not syncing bitcoin.

>> No.296000

>>>295980 (You)
> Eh, you're doing something wrong.
where i can set the parameters?

>> No.296003

Just pass some arguments when starting cgminer.

>> No.296005

Post your bat.
I got the same error when I started with mining.

>> No.296007

I bought 5 r9 270x last january and the shipment was delayed 2 months, then i never had a chance to put a rig together. Is it still worth it to mine? Should I just sell all these cards on ebay and take the loss?

>> No.296008

c'mon guys, 5k more and we'll be at 100k market cap~ 30k more and we beat the horrible premine coin!

>> No.296009



>> No.296011

that sounds infuriating.
i only have one 270x and i still mine. might as well use them now you've got them, i say.

>> No.296012


guiminer would be easier for a beginner, no?

>> No.296015

Profitability is considerably down at the moment but personally I'd say it's never not worth to mine.
It really depends on what coin you're thinking will give you a profit later on.
Just remember that back when mining bitcoin wasn't even a thing everyone mined based on hope.

Need more people on the multipool.

>> No.296016


You can't return them to the place you bought them from? I'd say fuck it all and go mine pnd with them.

>> No.296025

yes, but with merged mining network is secure its "more tested solution" you get doge from mining, and we get more people interested in pnd, sure they will dump, or not, coins are about distribution/people/community, not rewarding a couple of whales

>> No.296026


is this right?

cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://multi.pandapool.info:3128 -u PAvTa29iVhZqtRgzbnRgTsMdypbXXvu4Hi -p Zeth --thread-concurrency 24000 --lookup-gap 0 --gpu-engine 1100 --gpu-memclock 1550 --gpu-powertune 20 -w 256 -I 20 -g 1

I did not set up a miner or a worker or even create an account with multipool. Why does -p password matter then?

Am I know in knowing it'll be about 9 hours before I receive any PND? How will I know if its working in the meantime?

>> No.296027

I got them from newegg, but I'm at school now and they don't ship to PO box so I had to have them send it to my buddy back home, and he had them for like a week before he took a trip up here and handed them off. Then it was midterms and I never got around to building the rig. Before I knew it, a month passed and I couldn't return them.

I wanted to get a rig going here in my dorm to take advantage of "free" electricity, but I'm going home in a month anyway

>> No.296031

Looks about right depending on the card you're using.
>Why does -p password matter then?
It's the workername.
>How will I know if its working in the meantime?
You can put your address in the form at http://multi.pandapool.info/#mystats and check whether or not the pool recognizes your miner.

>> No.296034

sell, buy btc, buy pndoge

>> No.296040


Amdoge I gotta ask... what are your intentions with your 1 billion+ PND?

>> No.296042

Depending on how it goes, spend them on things I like.

>> No.296045


How do we know you won't simply dump on us?

>> No.296053

Do you believe I would be here 24/7 if I'm in for only the profit when I could be mining something that has 10 times the return?

>> No.296056

Because it's amDoge, silly.

>> No.296060


Fair point, but one could make the claim that long term holding of 1 billion PND could potentially be immensely more profitable in the future than mining something else atm.

>> No.296061

This multipooling is rough.

Already at 816 Rejects with only 1494 Accepts.

>> No.296065

is it because im syncing my wallet while mining from multipool?

but that really should matter since my first payout is 9 hours away, right?

>> No.296066

>could potentially be immensely more profitable in the future than mining something else atm.
This is what we are aiming for as a whole. The more people can profit the better.

It's due to the coinswitching. Nothing out of order.

>> No.296068


you can say that for any amount at this point

>> No.296079

I think you got the concept of *coin wrong. You don't need to have your wallet active in order to have funds moved to it. What needs to be active is the blockchain which is moved by miners and transactions. Your wallet only acts as a key for the amount of coins you are owning.

>> No.296084
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Thanks. Ditched my Asiacoin mining for now to see what kind of return this will get me.

Thanks for all the help.

>> No.296101
File: 433 KB, 465x515, owns the store.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long do you think this will take? Not really a fan of losing literally half my shares.

A: 4252 R:2042

>> No.296104

just give it a day okay?

>> No.296113
File: 519 KB, 512x539, what pun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine fine I'll give it a day.

That 860k number is pretty sexy though. Hoping all these half shares don't dilute it that much.

>> No.296129

>How long do you think this will take?
Will what take?

>> No.296160
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This 'coinswitching' that is raping half my shares.

>> No.296165

This is what the multipool is about. It switches between profitable coins all the time.

>One of the characteristics of our multipool is that it switches coins a LOT. It means that you are going to get a lot more rejected shares.

It's nothing to be concerned of. It happens to anyone using the pool.

>> No.296176

That is pretty high. Are you on the primary server or failover? Are you connecting to the right port? I'm on the failover and appropriate hash rate port and getting about a 1-2% reject rate.

>> No.296177

Though you might want to check the settings for your card. Here are the stats of one of my miners running since [2014-04-16 20:24:35]:

Also >>296176

>> No.296183

>6 days
>19.5 million shares
What card are you using?

>> No.296184

This miner in particular uses 2x 290x and 2x 270x.

>> No.296196

Begging thread on /b/

>> No.296200

Oy vey two 290xs?
I only have one 270x ;_;
I do plan on getting a 290x in a few weeks tho
I dunno if DOGE needs those type of threads on /b/ anymore.

>> No.296204

I can not recommend the 290x. It's bad in terms of energy efficiency and loudness:

>> No.296208

>quiet mode 95 degrees
So what should I get that's around the same price as a 290x?
A 270x and a 280x?

>> No.296214

That or ideally a few GTX 750. I haven't tested them myself but they seem to be great regarding noise, heat and energy efficiency.

>> No.296240

another nice thing about the gtx750 is how small they are the 2_0x's are all huge cards

>> No.296247

Apparently the 280 is the rehash of the 7950 (just as the 280x is the 7970) which means it is slightly more efficient for mining (although with slightly smaller kh/s ratio).
The 750 ti is supposed to be the most efficient per kh/s but is significantly lower in kh per card.

>> No.296258

was it deleted?
> inb4 anon is banned and can't respond

>> No.296263

amDOGE is this your PND pump on mintgoy?

>> No.296266
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No. But you should watch out for this whale or you will get burned.

>> No.296279
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>> No.296358


we might hit 100k while you're resting, will screen capo if it does

>> No.296528

Why does my PND wallet say "Corrupted database detected" ??

>> No.296544

Also, everyone should be mining PND with the multipool, shit is bawlin right now.

>> No.296573 [DELETED] 
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You can run but you can't hide.

>> No.297016
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>> No.297022
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We Blackcoin now.


>> No.297038 [DELETED] 
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>> No.297039 [DELETED] 
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Resistance is futile
Doge is no more, their mask of wow has fallen

>> No.297055 [DELETED] 
File: 161 KB, 640x360, qzppZF2l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you missed me, i missed you
pls no ban ;-;

>> No.297057

get rekt

>> No.297059


>> No.297067

Please stop giving MONA a bad reputation. Don't you want to shill something more Stable(tm) instead?

>> No.297080

You need to be sure that you rig has the best possible connection to the multipool.
Ping it like this:
ping multi.pandapool.com
and look at the results (and post them here)

You want this to be under 100ms.
Since the pool has power to mine several blocks per second on some coins, having a high ping will hit your accepted%.

Be sure to do a cable connection from your rig to as close to your modem as possible.

>> No.297085

Might be a good idea to see if the ping to multi.bamboohouse.info is lower. If it is, use it instead. A normal reject % should be at most 2%.

>> No.297093

That's good for normal pools, might be actually higher for multipools.


>> No.297097
File: 101 KB, 494x647, 56337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

I didn't expect the PND family to be filled with so many fucking rats.
idiots are dumping millions of PND in one go almost every hour.

protip, you suckers: if you wouldn't dump shit tons of coins more than you take a shit, your coin would be worth way more by now.


>> No.297102

There's someone with at least 600M PND who has been selling it to pump PANDA for the past 2 weeks. It's a bad idea to buy any PND above 20 litoshi until all those coins are dumped.

>> No.297106
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Today I began my journey into cryptocurrency. Wish me luck.

>> No.297115

Good luck!

>> No.297119

Good Luck. I start with my new GPU next day :)

>> No.297129

where's this poll i hear everybody talking about?

>> No.297131
File: 17 KB, 89x92, glad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome! good luck :^)

>> No.297132


>> No.297136

i was talking about the PoS POLL
i'm a long time PND holder and I wanna vote

>> No.297138

doh! lol here
merged mining might bring more people tho
how else could i buy low?

>> No.297153
File: 496 KB, 1280x720, 1392456352835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giveaways are such a headfuck. how is it this hard to give away free money?

also, if any of you anons know of a place to shill pnd, could you get on it? gotta be somewhere, and we'll all profit. i'm sure the whales won't mind handing over a few coins for you to chuck around.

maybe someone capable (i.e able to shill without pissing off anon to the point of ddos etc) maybe start with 0verchan.info?

>> No.297158
File: 160 KB, 1700x1100, trusting wolong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome, hope you have lots of fun too! If you ever hear from this wolong individual, don't trust him.

>> No.297162
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>> No.297164

So I've been out of the loop for awhile.

Can someone explain to me, in simple easy-to-potato terms what this merged mining thing is and who is considering merging with who (and the implications there in?). Thanks.

>> No.297166

>what this merged mining thing is
In essence it allows you to mine two coins at the same time with the same efficiency as mining only one at a time.
>with who
PND would make its blockchain compatible with DOGE.
>and the implications there in?
Should there be miners from DOGE willing to get free PND for mining DOGE it will help us secure our network as well as get PND in more hands. It will also get PND miners free DOGE nearby.

>> No.297172

I made a post about why I prefer merged mining DOGE over PoS, I hope that there is other people who agree with me ( ´・ω・`)

>> No.297174
File: 203 KB, 580x384, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for giving it time to write this out. Have this image of doge for the effort.

>> No.297176
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Thanks for the image.

>> No.297181

can i take my vote back from the poll? i need to think about it some more

>> No.297184

There doesn't seem to be an option to allow this in retrospect.

>> No.297188
File: 80 KB, 458x717, cant stop me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I synced wallet, thanks to the many who sent different amounts of PND the last 2 days, some day I will be a Pandibillionaire ;)

>> No.297189


Thinking it over again, PoS isn't going to offer much other than pumpers catching eye on it.

That said, the merged mining with doge and pnd, whilst more encouraging of community, won't be around for as long as it could be (27 billion left in doge market). What becomes of the remaining coins to be mined of pnd after doge is dried up?

>> No.297190

What do we think of this?

>> No.297192

we could merge mining for now to get more people and pos later on?

>> No.297193

>PoS isn't going to offer much other than pumpers catching eye on it.
That's what I'm fearing with as well. It's great for not having to mine anymore and everything but at the current state PND would be nothing more than a subjects to pump and dumps.
>after doge is dried up
DOGE still needs PoW to keep the network going even after the maximum number of coins is reached so this is less of a thing to worry about than centralization of PND.

Blackdoge, a publicity stunt.

>> No.297194

They seem like nice lads though.

>> No.297197

Very nice lads seeing as they actively celebrate the mining and dumping of doge in order to pump blackcoin.

>> No.297199

Don't be so bitter.
Most people don't care about the Dogecoin price anyway.

>> No.297200
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I am just saying.

>> No.297201

Why wouldn't they?
This is business, not a Ponyhof.

>> No.297202

Which answers >>297190 and >>297194. They are in for the business, not to bring doge forward.

>> No.297203

What is the point of a cryptocurrency with unlimited amounts of coin?

>> No.297204


>> No.297205

What is the point of fiat currencies with unlimited amount of it?

>> No.297216


thats what happens in smaller/slower markets, you get less people undercutting your orders

mintpal is just users undercutting each other in most markets

>> No.297221

distribution, distribution, distribution and distribution youll see how will those small get rich quick clubs end up, someone will say check and oooops its not worth 20 000 000$...
also: doge has less "inflation" than bitcoin for next 130 years.

>> No.297223

So wait, DOGE has a cap now as implied by >>297189 or it doesntw

>> No.297226

It doesn't.

>> No.297242

How do I collect coins from my pool?

>> No.297244

It will be deposited to your address.

>> No.297245

drain it and just pick them up?

>> No.297247

Actually, which pool are you talking about?

>> No.297251
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>PND @ 27 litoshi

we moon now

>> No.297252 [DELETED] 
File: 691 KB, 1200x1200, 1379904128892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogecoin became conduit of censorship (/r/dogecoin), homosexuality (the developers), feminism (/r/dogecoin) and communist ideals (1 DOGE = 1 DOGE).
It must be eliminated.

>> No.297253

Please create your own thread if you need to advertise mona.

>> No.297254

wait, we're alive? testing...

>> No.297255
File: 89 KB, 640x460, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tipbot now supports addie.cc to some extend and available in unstable. What needs to be done before scraping for every address are multiple wallets per post - right now the script only uses the first valid address it can find.

Syntax for email: addie:username

Relevant commit: http://git.bamboohouse.info/pandacoin-official/4chan-tipbot/commit/a3e95d1

>> No.297256
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>1 week

>> No.297257 [DELETED] 
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This thread is good enough, thank you.

>> No.297263
File: 696 KB, 253x269, spinning gypsy grandma.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is mining from this multipool the most efficient way to mine PND?

I feel like I'd be getting more coins if I was mining from a dedicated pool than a multipool.

Does anyone have any figures or numbers that state mining from this multipool is better than mining from a dedicated PND pool?

Heres something entertaining to watch while you answer my question:


>> No.297264


>> No.297267 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 1396433584130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop saying its "advertisement", because this is against the rules and you want to get me banned, when in reality what i'm doing is several levels bellow you in that grey area.

>> No.297270

>Is mining from this multipool the most efficient way to mine PND?
This depends on the current value and difficulty of the coin. Right now the multipool would net your more but this can change every hour.
>Does anyone have any figures or numbers that state mining from this multipool is better than mining from a dedicated PND pool?
http://multi.pandapool.info/#poolstats - scroll down.


>> No.297273 [DELETED] 
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>> No.297293


Today, i became the GeForce GPU from >>295958

What i need now? CGminer or CUDAminer ?

>> No.297296

You will need cudaminer.

>> No.297298

Thank you, that is what I thought.

What I don't understand is what this would do / why someone would do this. Wouldn't it basically make any merged coins worth the same amount (basically they are the same coin?).

Also, should I be mining PND/DOGE from the multipool? As I understand it mines other shit coins and then buys PND/DOGE from the market which creates demand which makes PND/DOGE more valuable. It seems like the multipool is just better - what is the catch?

>> No.297302

>Wouldn't it basically make any merged coins worth the same amount (basically they are the same coin?).
Depending on how many miners make use of merged mining the coins will stay in their own bubble.
>what is the catch?
For PND you would be removing hashrate from the network which is obviously important to keep transactions going. The higher the price of the coin however it will make the coin more attractive to mine to others.

>> No.297305

So, did we abandon Credits already?

>mfw sitting on 100k CR

>> No.297308
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Depends. Are the devs still active?

>> No.297321

>Market cap of $4,962
Yeah, sounds dead to me.

>> No.297325

want to pet cate

>> No.297327
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>> No.297331

ok also doge

>> No.297333
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What about froge?

>> No.297338


>> No.297342
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Is it cate you want?

>> No.297343

Frogecoin when

>> No.297344
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Maybe later.

>> No.297353 [DELETED] 
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He would pet you if you were more mona-like (cuter).

>> No.297363
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>> No.297367
File: 181 KB, 500x477, tumblr_m83qaddVAf1r9g4gho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always see DOGE threads on this board.

Don't get what the big deal is

>mfw I just bought 50,000DOGE @ £28

>> No.297368 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 640x477, 1397715741756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


doge is cute too

>> No.297382

>buying into a downtrend

Just stay the course and you can profit off the peaks.

>> No.297385


just thought I would buy some then ignore it for a year or two and see where they at

>> No.297387

Probably a good idea.

>> No.297388

>mfw I just bought 50,000DOGE @ £28
> 50k
> £28
/biz/ mined millions for nothing but the cost of their electricity, some using mere laptops. it made rich, those who had faith. that's why it's a big deal.

>> No.297391 [DELETED] 


>/biz/ mined millions for nothing but the cost of their electricity, some using mere laptops. it made rich, those who had faith

and then it was hijacked by the extreme left and turned to shit

>> No.297395

How do you get free Doge from the PND multipool if you're only using your PND wallet address as the -u?

>> No.297405

> one of the most stable altcoins
> shit

>> No.297406

You don't right now.

>> No.297408


Is it still worth mining?

>> No.297410 [DELETED] 


trust me, its fecal matter now.

>> No.297413

It certainly is worth more mining now than it will be later on.

>> No.297431 [DELETED] 

fun fact: when mona hits half of current doge marketcap, each mona will be worth about ~4 usd each.

>> No.297436



only profit you'll make off it now

>> No.297437 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 640x428, 7gP4bgZl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun fact: when mona hits half of current doge marketcap, each mona will be worth about ~4 usd each

>> No.297438


and you're basing this prediction on?

>> No.297439 [DELETED] 


mathematics and destiny.

>> No.297447


wait should I be buying Padacoin or Dogecoin???

>> No.297448

Can you send me the script to mine on multipool with GPU please?

>> No.297449 [DELETED] 


None, you should be buying Monacoin.

>> No.297452



seems to be staying the course as it is.

anyway, pnd is making great progress on coinmarketcap, let's go for pro and beat moon coin next

>> No.297454


buy pnd while you can get it cheap still, it's been climbing in value this past week.

>> No.297463

So what happens if PND gets beaten to the punch to merged doge mining or POS?

>> No.297467 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 640x360, u8BFq80l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


calm before the storm, mona will launch so hard it will make history and leave the unbelievers behind forever (unlike doge that came back to join the masses, and is staying there)

>> No.297469


beaten to the punch by POS?

there is already altcoins doing this, and it's not turning out well for them, merged mining with doge I don't think anyone has done yet, I may be mistaken.

>> No.297474


you having a giggle?


that is a calm before the storm

>> No.297480 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 242x190, 1391975334965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


another BC-lover, please redirects your degeneracy towards other threads, I'm sure /b/ will like to share stories with you.

>> No.297486


so many assumptions, you're being silly to associate black coin with brown people just on it's initials.

>> No.297488

Try http://www.reddit.com/r/cudamanager actually.

>> No.297493 [DELETED] 
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I'm calling out the enemy, in every front we have to deal with communist and degenerates, it has always been like that, the entire world against us.
Would not be far otherwise.

>> No.297496
File: 131 KB, 800x800, infinity 2-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody have experience with Gridseed 350kH/s ASIC miners? I'm thinking about picking up a pair for $260.

>> No.297499


well you can rest assured that I am a white, blue eyed, scottish male.

>> No.297505 [DELETED] 


not only in the outward appearances, but in ideals are we alike.
see amDOGE, he is like a fallen angel, working for the evil forces now.

>> No.297511


you weren't that dude called sanic I was playing with earlier on JC2 MP were you?

>> No.297515 [DELETED] 
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>> No.297520
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$ 0.000004 on market cap now

we're going for pro

>> No.297525 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 1145x607, multimona_ss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to check the lightwallet http://multimona.sv73.net/

>> No.297526

Please create your own thread if you need to advertise mona.

>> No.297528

oh gosh, it's jumping further, I am excite bike!

we can beat mooncoin today!

>> No.297530

Is it with buying up a shit ton if graphics cards and holding them just to resell them unopened to future crypto miners?

I have noticed that the cards themselves are sort of becoming like a commodity.

>> No.297535
File: 8 KB, 1150x81, T05P3Ju.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's habbiding

>> No.297536


you're going to wanna test em, how are you going to know if they're all in working order?

>> No.297542

it's happening on mintpal!

should we have another /b/thread?

>> No.297543

If the thread is going to get bumped then I could create one.

>> No.297545

This Multipool is awesome. Getting way more DOGE than mining direct. Also doesn't take forever to switch coins and has a very low reject rate when compared to other pools. And dat pool luck is insane.

How is this possible? Is it because of the coding backend or is it because it hasn't hit gigahashes yet so it has a reasonable hash rate when mining low difficulty coins?

>> No.297548

You've already essentially answered your own questions.

>> No.297549

I would say bad timing, everyone is just posting about how everything is back and also the mods are on the lookout because of the guy who caused the downtime.

If you are going to make a /b/ thread I will bump it, but proceed with care

>> No.297550


tis hard, will try however I can though

try a lighthearted approach but with insert attractive lady/whatever with coins, mention how it's value is climbing

>> No.297554 [DELETED] 



>> No.297561


are you going to be the like stablecoin was to doge?

>> No.297567
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>> No.297569 [DELETED] 
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More like PND was to Monacoin

>> No.297574
File: 141 KB, 1608x647, Screen Shot 2014-04-23 at 23.54.55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about nekomata. He just seems to be misguided.

>> No.297575


but you haven't made any threads to have us shill in them

>> No.297576

make a green coin

>> No.297583

Why would I do this?

>> No.297584

Then I guess it's better kept on the dl for now before the hash farms start taking notice. Although I guess that wouldn't be in the best interest of the pool owner. Already one guy with 55 Mh/s. Multipools in my experience have profitability scale negatively with hash rate. Then again, the more people mine there the higher the price will rise.

>> No.297589 [DELETED] 




This has always been a monacoin thread, but I have always to start posting for you to see it.

>> No.297598

You're actually right. When you have multi GH/s you basically can't mine anything with diff below 50 which leaves you with DOGE and a handful of others.

>> No.297600
File: 31 KB, 370x284, disfuckingguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause why not?
you deserve your own doge (pnd)
and your own blackcoin (greencoin)

>> No.297604
File: 222 KB, 580x385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm good, thanks.

>> No.297605


one coin at a time, there is enough POS flooding right now anyway.

so how about that /b/thread?

>> No.297606

>>297549 has a point.

>> No.297609
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how else are we going to garner more attention?

I suppose with the merged mining you can submit a post on it in the doge subreddit and doge bitcoin forum thread. /b/ threads are vastly superior at attention getting though.

>> No.297614 [DELETED] 
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How come I have never seen you smile.

>> No.297616


GAWMiners was selling it for $100 the other day. I put them in my cart and they emailed me a $25 off code because I had second thoughts at buying even at $100.

Doge rewards are halving again soon and the multipools seem to be picking up quite a bit more hash power. Wafflepool is up 10 Gh/s over the past few days and Clevermining is about the same. If for some miracle Zeusminer ships at the end of next month I see it taking over a year to get that money back, unless you find something good to hit and hold for profit.

The very least try to get a discount.

>> No.297617

I agree.

Because you're not creating your own thread if you need to advertise mona.

>> No.297618
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>> No.297623
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>> No.297631


>> No.297633 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 1200x1014, 1336623708744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I'm not leaving until this is a GENERAL MONA Thread !amONA thread.

>> No.297636


>> No.297637 [DELETED] 

