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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 596x596, farm label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29725149 No.29725149 [Reply] [Original]

Touhou Farm will launch at 12AM EST (<2h from now)! http://touhoufarm.online/

Touhou Farm is a web based dApp farming game on the Binance Smart Chain. Purchase 2hus to produce Yukkuris over time. Convert your Yukkuris into Cirno, or sell them for BNB! The price of Yukkuri changes as the amount of BNB in the smart contract changes. Take it easy!
Read about the project here: https://serafallev76.medium.com/touhoufarm-is-a-decentralized-game-on-the-binance-smart-chain-network-wherein-users-purchase-9553dcb05f1e

New players will be able to claim 10 free Cirno when it launches. (Call it an airdrop everyone gets, whatever).

(Do not use the site until we announce the launch, it is currently connected to the testnet.)

Last chance to get in on the ground floor, /biz/.

>> No.29725342
File: 7 KB, 225x224, pepe touhou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fork of pokefarm, albeit changed so that it's fair for everyone. There's no presale, no dev fee, none of that shit the previous guys left in. The contract is totally transparent, so if you have doubts then read it before you claim this is a rugpull.


>> No.29725437


>> No.29725541

Contract redevelopment has been a community effort this time around. We have removed the retarded shit like dev fees & dev ownership. We have made sure that there are backup ways for users to interact with the contract even if the site goes down.

It's gonna be huge.

>> No.29725597

I'm gonna look into this just because Touhou,

Have you posted this in /jp/ yet?

>> No.29725624

These ponzi schemes are unironically a good investment if you get in ground floor. I'm in

>> No.29725639

dev here
don't want to try and squeeze pennies out of poor /jp/sies lmao

>> No.29725959

>The contract is totally transparent, so if you have doubts then read it before you claim this is a rugpull.
>he thinks that every random person considering buying into this has the programming knowledge necessary to audit a contract

>> No.29725989

>makes coin BSC based
>can only connect to metamask
holy fuck i hate you.

>> No.29726045
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Literally all you have to do is just ctrl+f it for things like "mint" "governance" or "migrator", its not that hard. We even have a sell function in the contract that lets you still sell your yukkuris even if the website (front end) goes down for whatever reason.

>> No.29726390
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>he doesn't use the best wallet for BSC
I'm afraid i will have to diagnose you with NGMI.

>> No.29726923

Is the tempmarketegg function just for testing? Will ti be removed on launch?

>> No.29727148


Yes, it's just for testing on the BSC testnet. Will be removed for launch. Check the contract to verify that when we launch in ~50 minutes

>> No.29727208

Here's the mainnet contract for when testing is over

>> No.29727329

btw, pokefarm.finance got completely rugged and these are the same devs. I made some money anyways cause I was early but the whole site was removed after about a day. Be wary.

>> No.29727338

yup its only temporary were using it right now to test which values would be most fair at the start.

>> No.29727383

This contract is completely different
for example pokefarm had a tax that would directly go to the developers that eventually broke the contract

>> No.29727412
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Its a fork of the same project, but we made this project specifically because the previous devs were faggots and rugged it in literally a day. We saw the potential in this contract when it isnt run by Rakesh and Shlomo, so we did it ourselves. The contract is different than pokefarm.

>> No.29727467

i got rugged on there too, thats why we wanted to make a version that is unruggable and fair for everyone. Read the contracts code if you want to be sure.

>> No.29727536

/jp/ is a lost cause for touhou at this point. /v/ unironically is where it's at these days for 2hu, which is sad considering it's maybe less than 70 unique visitors per thread these days.
what i'm trying to say is that you'd most likely be squeezing pennies out of /v/tards when the ponzi collapses. /jp/ is too busy fapping to 3D idols and vtubers to care anymore

>> No.29727669

>it's not true because we say so
Zero sympathy for anyone who gets rugged by this. They just keep rolling out the exact same shit every few days with different cartoons as placeholders for the ICE DRANGONS. I could understand falling for it once, maybe even twice, but at a certain point you need to learn your lesson.

>> No.29727696

These are not same devs , these new devs changed the code to remove code used to drain contract

this was the code on pokefarm for draining


function withdrawMoney(uint percentage) public {
require(msg.sender == ceoAddress);
uint256 myBalance = calculatePercentage(ceoEtherBalance, percentage);
ceoEtherBalance = ceoEtherBalance - myBalance;

>> No.29727725

Read https://files.catbox.moe/gvnymt.sol yourself. There's not even any functions accessible solely by the dev.

>> No.29727752
File: 58 KB, 414x414, ^1974FFFEAF9DA09F8C57DF9B17C186F9914257572507294EC5^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate you pajeets for tainting touhou

>> No.29727774

lemme know if someone finds something similar in tohou contract




>> No.29727808
File: 255 KB, 781x929, cute 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remichad thread. No satrannies allowed!

>> No.29727811
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>with different cartoons as placeholders for the ICE DRANGONS

if you bothered to read the contract I posted above, which I know you obviously didnt, you'd see we removed that "only 1 in the game" shit from the code. You're either going to jump in now, or you'll fomo in a week when this shit takes off. makes no difference to me

>> No.29727891
File: 380 KB, 745x798, koishi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good project since koishi is buyable

>> No.29727997

The point is that the average person has no way to verify what you're saying. This is like a sketchy used car dealing telling some clueless grandmother that she's welcome to "lift up the hood and have a look, make sure that everything's running fine!" knowing full well that she has no ability or knowledge to make any sense of what she's seeing. For every person who can audit a smart contract, there are thousands who have zero ability to comprehend what they're seeing.

>> No.29728035


Devs will you provide a public sell eggs/Yukkuri link somewhere independent of main website?

Or how would one go about selling their eggs independently of what you provide, using just metamask?
Some instructions for that would alleviate newbie fears

>> No.29728077

How the fuck do I play? I just want the free cirnos

>> No.29728112
File: 251 KB, 1200x1271, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people that are retarded aren't able to do their due diligence because they cant understand code

You dont have to fully grasp the syntax, all you have to do is compare the code from pokefarm and the other shitty clones with this one, and you'll see there is clearly a difference. the others were literally 1:1 copies

>> No.29728165

>we're totally not pajeets guys
>we fixed that code right up
>totally not a rugpull

>couldn't even spare the 5 seconds it would take to rename the drangons

>> No.29728177
File: 67 KB, 774x763, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the top most transaction on pokefarm bscan


click on it and get link below


then click to see more
you should see pic related which used the withdraw money function to drain contract

>> No.29728184

Yes, you can already do this if you interface with the contract directly, but we have an open-source tool in the works shortly to allow you to do this easily if the website goes down. if there's concerns that we'd rug that too, then anyone will be able to bring it back up with the code.

>> No.29728224

Yes. Even if we didn't provide it, anyone could navigate to our contract from Metamask and activate the sell function available on bscscan.com
We're going to keep the mechanics very public because we want total transparency after the DBZ and Pokefarm rugpulls

>> No.29728281

You buy this on pancakeswap when it goes live, yeah?

>> No.29728402

only curry slingers write code like that... rugpull confirmed

>> No.29728410
File: 63 KB, 720x1280, as god intended.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

Directly on the site, 2hu

>> No.29728517

Oh good, the devs are 13 year olds, kek. No way this ends poorly!

>> No.29728533

I hope zun fucks you in the ass for corrupting 2hus like this

>> No.29728628
File: 301 KB, 680x680, touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.29729281

btw this is literally what the pokefarm.finance devs said about pokefarm.xyz. Completely the same pajeets LMFAO

>> No.29729336


Thanks devs
Make the instructions for independent withdrawal as clear and easily accessible as you can to attract new customers.

Also your website is still linking to old pokefarm contract at top right. Hope you will be updating that to new contract once site goes live

>> No.29729382


The site is on testnet, it will be the correct one when it launches.

>> No.29729389

>Also your website is still linking to old pokefarm contract at top right
LMFAO, confirmed same rugpull devs, not even swapping out the site template.

>> No.29729550

>Also your website is still linking to old pokefarm contract at top right. Hope you will be updating that to new contract once site goes live
Here's how you can tell that this is another telegram shill. It's not
>lol these pajeets didn't even change the link to their old rug, anyone who buys this is gonna get fucked
>heeeyyy guys, you didn't notice this link you accidentally left in but it looks a little sus (even thought I know you're totally not, teehee)

to recap
>still the same ICE DRANGON code, dev even posted it for you so you can go confirm how incredibly low effort this is
>being run by literal children, as you can see here >>29728410
>"new" site still links you directly to the address of the previous scam

>> No.29729638
File: 17 KB, 251x121, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Links to the new telegram and finalized contract are up.

>> No.29729826
File: 259 KB, 434x503, 1613868811531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a jeet all you want, but dont make fun of my wristlet arms. god left me unfinished

>> No.29729902

Waiting for the all clear from the other dev then it deploys
stay tuned

>> No.29729976

It's still showing the old contract

>> No.29730097

clear cache

>> No.29730178

>It's still showing the old contract
Notice they said shit like
>you can already do this if you interface with the contract directly, but we have an open-source tool in the works shortly to allow you to do this easily if the website goes down. if there's concerns that we'd rug that too, then anyone will be able to bring it back up with the code.
but never provided any followup or instructions. All I can say is that the signs are everywhere and if you buy in then you deserve what you get.

>> No.29730211

It's updated thanks

>> No.29730237

how to buy? I'm using trustwallet.

>> No.29730349

they rugged already

>> No.29730368
File: 166 KB, 851x967, 1613880278759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metamask is needed, sir

>> No.29730384

Contract isn't up yet

>> No.29730490


>> No.29730689


>> No.29730717

What stops you from changing the website redirect to some indian site like the rugpull poke devs did?

>> No.29730729

Discord trannies at it again. It's a typical pump&dump rugpull. Save your money anon. If you buy now, you buy discord scammers' bags and you will lose your money once they drop them on you. If you don't believe me, check the price in 3-4 hours, you will see that it will be MUCH lower than it is now. All of these posts are made by the same group shortly after they create the thread.

It's literally a dozen of pajeets bumping their own thread trying to scam you out of your money. Google what happened to ASKO. Its their last pump&dump rugpull that they did just a week ago. It's -80% now. Don't give your money to scammers, anon. They create these threads daily and try to get rich by scamming you.


>> No.29730745

Final contract online

>> No.29730822

https://bscscan.com/address/0x67A83933b22b4b59BD631a884DB5D3B8bC5785a7 NEW CONTRACT ALREADY 59BNB IN

>> No.29730873



>> No.29730910

Buy ice drangon

>> No.29730996


>> No.29731040
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>> No.29731065
File: 111 KB, 586x386, Untisadtled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is still the same ice dragon, embarrassing.

Glad your rug is paying off. I guess there are always more suckers, right?

>> No.29731153

How much does cirno produce?

>> No.29731188

Jesus fucking fuck this is going to be the dumbest money I've ever made, and i sold cutco knives in college

>> No.29731241
File: 198 KB, 640x590, crazy soyjak crying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Glad your rug is paying off. I guess there are always more suckers, right?

>> No.29731257

You're gonna wake up tomorrow to the website redirecting to google.in, you fucking idiot. This is the third time in a row they've pulled the same scam this week.

>> No.29731315

alrighgt I bought in but have some questions
1. Can I sell the characters I bought?
2. How long will it take to return my initial investment?

>> No.29731323

I like how most of the links on the site don't even work

>> No.29731328

That would be unfortunate :(

>> No.29731398

clear your cache
If you get in today, probably less than 24 hours. Afterwards, it's free money.

>> No.29731426

1. No
2. Depends on when you bought in and what the rate is - typically when you're this early, under 24 hours

>> No.29731464

i swear on my fucking mom this isn't going to rug. this is important to me in ways you will never understand. also there are no fucking indians on the dev team faggot

>> No.29731517

I believe you.

based. take my bnb bby

>> No.29731546

Even if it doesn't rug that hard, it's apparently coded to fuck over new buyers HARD. People in the telegram are saying they bought 30+ reimu for 2BNB. Current prices not even 20 minutes later are 5 reimu for 2BNB. You know what that means, right? People who were even 10 minutes faster than you are farming at least 6x faster for the same investment, which means they're going to be pulling out your money 6x faster than you can.

How much you wanna bet that the devs bought in for even lower prices? These things are already pyramid schemes but looks like this one is going extra hard. Anyone who buys at this point is literally handing their money to everyone who bought earlier.

>> No.29731610

Why won't it let me collect free cirno

>> No.29731668

But. thats also all crypto? I bought a crypto randomly last week before anyone noticed it. THANK GOD...then it pumped.

So like. Its all a fucking Ponzi....just those who are early make it i guess? But this is still early i think. I hope...

>> No.29731671

But anon they said they were using a testnet server before, surely they wouldn't lie?
doesn't work

>> No.29731673

The devs got in same time as everyone else retard

I was skeptical but its all there in the contracts, you can even find where and when the dev purchased, he wasn't even the fastest

>> No.29731822

Yeah it's all ponzis but a 600% drop in return on investment over 30 minutes is extreme even for a ponzi like this. And that's assuming that's all it is; I'll remind you again that this exact same shit with this exact same code that these "based devs" didnt even fuck with enough to rename the "ice drangons" has rugged 3x in the past week. I admire your balls if you're greedy/dumb enough to throw money at it again but the odds are against you.

>> No.29731991

They'll throw down the site soon enough. They already fucked up once with the pichu farm, and they pulled the rug with the togepi one, you know what you're getting into.

>> No.29732067

I thought the pichu one was done by others since it wasn't rugpulled, and the rugpullers got the idea from the pichu one (yes I know the pichu one is based on the ice drangon eth game). there's a dragonball one too.

>> No.29732131

what will ur reaction be if the sites still up a week from now?

>> No.29732315

Even if it stays up, it's clearly designed to have MASSIVELY reduced returns for anyone who buys in later, in this case so much so that "later" is literally anyone past the first 15 minutes of launch. The reduced rates for later buyers are in fact so massive that you're essentially flat out stealing any BNB they put into the contract, which is just a more complicated rug. If you're one of the devs then you know perfectly well that this is just a flashy way to steal.

>> No.29732368

ill give u the quick rundown
Some random scammer dev decided to make an eth dragon clone, thats the pichu farm. Pichu farm ended up having a serious flaw that made it implode before he could even rugpull. Then he made pokefarm with togepis. That rugged, so the pokefarm community made an unruggable version, Touhou Farm.

>> No.29732411
File: 244 KB, 1080x1331, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

66 BNB in the contract.

>> No.29732443

what the fuck do you think a ponzi is? how is this any different from gambling on dogecoin or wynaut? whoever buys the fucking top will get dumped on. is 14k mcap the top? jesus christ man

>> No.29732797

I don't think you understand the scale here. If this were a shitcoin instead of a copy pasted pajeet contract, it just did a 6x for the first 30 buyers, and now the volume has dropped off to next to nothing after the initial pump and they're looking for people to dump on. Except this one is even better than that, and the early buyers don't have to give up their position to dump on you. They can literally do it endlessly. Your ability to profit from this type of scam is strictly limited to how much money is put into it, and you are limited in your ability to withdraw that money by how early you got in, and the people who got in earlier than you are going to be taking money out at LEAST 6x faster than you can, and probably a lot more.

What this looks like in practice is that the early buyers (aka the devs) siphon money out nonstop for the first day or two while telling everyone else to "compound" and "stack", and then when everyone starts to realize that they can't cash out, it gets rugged. Have fun!

>> No.29733037

You're literally describing investing but on a super short timescale.

But. I mean. I agree with you. It's just all kinda fuckin bullshit man.

>> No.29733456

Yes, but when dev wallets dump shitcoins, they have to sell their shitcoins to do so. They make a huge profit but at the expense of giving up their tokens. With stuff like this, they don't have to give anything up to dump on you. This contract basically constantly and endlessly mints new tokens and gives the overwhelming majority of them to the devs and their buddies who bought the first 15 minutes, and they can exchange those tokens for your money and the money of any suckers who bought in late whenever they want.

The incentive for new buyers is the lie that they too will be able to scam new buyers, but this will never happen in practice, as the devs will still be constantly getting obscene amounts of tokens in comparison to anyone who joined later.

>> No.29733850

Guys buy my bags

>> No.29733876
File: 53 KB, 780x309, TouhouMechanical-Hero500-780x309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked WAGMI

>> No.29734153
File: 32 KB, 300x300, s-l300[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, buy my bag instead.


>> No.29734542

We are all ganna make it


>> No.29734580

just bought WAGMI boys

>> No.29734695
File: 50 KB, 500x700, photo_2021-02-17_04-18-53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doubled my cirnos by compounding

unlimited BNB works

>> No.29734932


>> No.29735016
File: 26 KB, 679x338, photo_2021-02-23_18-49-37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the ONLY legit link for touhoufarm boys - don't trust any other link. Come keep your BNB safe while the market is going through a storm!

>> No.29735459

/jp/ fucking hates Vtubers and 3D atleast the old parts that still exist. If mods did their FUCKIN JOBS it would be better.

>> No.29736356

so I will make back my initial investment at the same rate regardless of what it was right?

>> No.29736394
File: 11 KB, 220x220, 1585991515256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many days until they pull the rug? I'm betting that it won't last a week.

>> No.29736534

Less than 24hours.

>> No.29736603

This time the devs can't rug so it falls to the community to rug it
I'll feel awful if that does happen but it won't blatantly be by my own hand

>> No.29737503

Changing the interface.js
You can always sell at https://bscscan.com/address/0x67A83933b22b4b59BD631a884DB5D3B8bC5785a7 so this aint dev a rug

>> No.29738165
File: 129 KB, 435x538, 1587434725416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you fucked up. It's the rugpull devs from the togepi scam

>> No.29738410

It's a fork, so names showed up again. Rug or not, it won't be pulled so soon. So profit now while you can. :)

And if it is legit, then no loss there.

>> No.29738460

Why is it showing the Togepi names and not the names from the legit farms? Makes you think

>> No.29738926

If you think you're being rugged sell at
It's that simple.

>> No.29738994

sirs please fix the website else little rakesh will have nothing to eat :(

>> No.29739132

Website is back
Reimu's rate of production is incorrectly shown as halved but having to meddle with all of this is too annoying so I'm gonna hit the hay >:)

>> No.29739196

>it won't be pulled so soon.
Number one indicator that it will be pulled sooner than you expect.

>> No.29739358
File: 46 KB, 474x478, rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you use this referral, you will have good luck.


>> No.29739373

bless you!!!! now rakesh and hakim will be able to eat nice food!!!