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29726534 No.29726534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Guys I'm not getting the vaccine simply because my decision will make leftists seethe.

But what are the non-meme reasons to not get vaccinated? If you're going to talk about the central banks and the Jews then this is not the thread for you. I'm talking about actual reasons why the vaccine is retarded.

>> No.29726603
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I sinply do not want to get it and so I will not get it

>> No.29726664
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>> No.29726676
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>Guys I'm not getting the vaccine simply because my decision will make leftists seethe.

>But what are the non-meme reasons to not get vaccinated? If you're going to talk about the central banks and the Jews then this is not the thread for you. I'm talking about actual reasons why the vaccine is retarded.

>> No.29726684

im waiting for the johnson and johnson vector vaccine, this will also make leftists around me seethe but ill still be vaccinated eventually

>> No.29726701

Jewish poison. /thread

>> No.29726784

Are you a guinea pig? Why would you take an experimental vaccine never tried on humans previously?

>> No.29726833

It depends on the vacccine. mRNA vaccines are experimental. And the virus isn't lethal to most of us. It often doesn't even have symptoms. So you are just increasing your risks by taking it. While you could just get the meme flu instead.

>> No.29726892

If you and enough other people refuse to take the vaccine, corona will never go away which will lead to massive seething and radicalization at the perceived- well, real failures of government

>> No.29726905

if no one tried new things humanity couldnt move forward so just accept your place in the hive or move into the woods

>> No.29726955
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MRNA side effects.
We don't know the long term effects that will come from a vaccine that directs MRNA.
Zuckerberg is holding off from it so take that as you well.
>Pic unrelated

>> No.29726960

>But what are the non-meme reasons to not get vaccinated?

>> No.29727012
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>> No.29727100
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>moving forward
I kinda like things the way they are now thanks. You guys go on without me

>> No.29727134
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>what are the non-meme reasons to not get vaccinated
Cause you don't need a vaccine -- a rushed experimental one at that -- for a 99.9% survival rate virus that you have to take a test to even know you had symptoms for. Now fuck off, cunt.

>> No.29727171

There's no reason fot a young healthy person to get it.

>> No.29727259

This doesn't deserve to be on /biz/, but I have concerns over the lack of long-term testing. I don't care how many people it got tested on in trials, or how many people get it before I do, you don't have the long term data.
>will this vaccine have adverse effects in 5-20 years?
>ehhhh no???
>lol out models don't predict that happening xD
No thanks.
Also, like >>29726603 said, I don't want it. Let there be NO CONFUSION:
Any, and I mean ANY, attempts by any authority to vaccinate me against my express will and consent, will be met WITH VIOLENT RESISTANCE, JUST TRY ME AND SEE IF IM JOKING

>> No.29727306

big pharma is real in burgerland

>> No.29727317

Needly hurty

>> No.29727321

You're an idiot if you think any of this is going away EVER. Covid-19 doesn't even exist.

>> No.29727369

The funny thing is you will also probably need a yearly vaccine.

>> No.29727415

Reasons to not get vaccinated is I don't want to and I don't feel like it. I don't care. Nobody is badgering me about it anyways. I don't have anything against the vaccines or vaccines in general.

>> No.29727477

I haven't gotten COVID for a year without a vaccine, so I'm just not going to take it, i don't feel a need, and it seems weird to me
imagine not taking the vaccine to own the libs

>> No.29727530


>> No.29727549

can't wait to watch some of you poltards chimp out over this and get btfo immediately

>> No.29727608

*gets palsy and dies*
kek poltards btfo

>> No.29727634
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Why get a vaccine for something that has a .02% chance of killing you? And that percentage is if all the stars align...

Vax take 5-10 years of testing to be deemed safe and yet here we are with people willing to take something that has been barely tested for a "virus" that has been barely deadly...

Why was droxy banned and memory holed? Because orange man bad or because an otc drug that had been used for 50+ years was a cheap and effective remedy...

IF there really was a pandemic (actual definition of word and not CNN buzzword), why wouldnt they wanna at least try something that was readily available and safe?

But no muh ventilators muh remdesevir....

Like a budding house fire and right next to you you got a gallon of room temp Dasani that would 95% kill the fire and stop spread. Sure it prob taste like shit and sure its not the most pure of water but it will most likely get the job done.

Why were doctors shunned and banned from mentioning it or even prescribing it, needing to lie in order to get the droxy.

Politics killed common sense, covid420 was the catalyst needed to finally make logic and common sense sound like heresy.

Now they say 2x masks are good?

Lol, go take that vaccine, be a good boi save the planet.

Mania has taken over the world, fueling the narcissistic virtue signaling hive mind that is the status quo.

Fuck this fugazi virus, fuck this mask bs (wear it if you feel sick) and fuck these draconian curfews based on lalaland theories and garbage predictive models.

Planet Lockdown on youtube is cool, a bunch of great interviews.

Its been a slow and steady psyop to cull society into becoming conformist drones.

They are winning,

>> No.29727633


>> No.29727688

Doesn't matter anymore. there's an african variation of the virus that's both resistant to the vaccine and deadlier. We're all fucked

>> No.29727793

>radicalization at the perceived- well, real failures of government

>> No.29727844


>> No.29727870

I am not surprised in the slightest. However, I don't care about it either.
Pro tip: when you see variants paraded around by the media / government, just replace 'X variant' with 'COVID-21' and you'll see why all of this is nonsense.

anyway, buy gold, guns, and g-ammuntion; and trust in God

>> No.29727921

They also didn't test for the virus during the trials, except during screening, but for symptoms of the virus 2 weeks after the vaccine. So people wouldn't confuse the reaction to the vaccine to the virus. Nobody from the placebo groups died from the virus during the trials, but the vaccines decreased the amount of mild symptoms people had. Which kind of proves you dont need the vaccine. But if you look at the symptoms of the vaccine it actually increased the amount of people who had symptoms, if you count the symptoms from the virus and vaccine together.

>> No.29727922

You'll do it if they give you btc

>> No.29727940

Cause there's no way to know if there are long term effects?

>> No.29727983

You're darn right I would, im a btc WHORE

>> No.29727993

Why should I get a vaccine for a virus with a 99.9%+ survivability rate? Especially when I don't know the long term effects of the vaccine and it's a completely new vaccine never before used on humans. Maybe 3 to 5 years after taking the vaccine you get Alzheimer's. Nobody fucking knows so fuck that. Keep in mind the pharmaceutical companies creating these vaccines rushed it and are completely indemnified no matter what happens to you. That's call a moral hazard.

>> No.29728038

At least, thats the pfizer vaccine.

>> No.29728061

The vaccine uses fetus stem cells. Do you really want dead babies floating around in your veins?

>> No.29728115

rushed production
modifies RNA (the DNA that matters)
prices out vulnerable communities and the 3rd world
made with fetuses
we can never beat the flu

im a BLM ally so i dont want to cut in line and get vaccinated before the POC

>> No.29728121

Vaccine has killed people and you're not in an at-risk group so you don't need it.


>> No.29728151

I think a few brands do, some don't, I hate the covid brain but let's not spread wrong info, friend

>> No.29728256

i bet you said no to the small pox vaccine too. somethin that has a 0% chance of killing you since it literally doesnt exist anymore


>> No.29728353

>covid and smallpox are even remotely comparable

>> No.29728354

Take your meds, dumb trumptard

>> No.29728361

Small pox doesn't exist because of the vaccine efforts though

>> No.29728395

Jesus fuck you are all morons.
Just let the chinks take the west already.
We used to be able to isolate and ostracize village idiots.
Now they gather and suck each other off online.

>> No.29728408

Yep. Fake virus. A reasonable chance the vax will make you sterile or give you ed. No thanks.

>> No.29728473


I had it though

>> No.29728496

>1 post by this ID

>> No.29728524
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>> No.29728528

Take your meds.

No it doesn't matter if you need them. And no, we will not test them.

>> No.29728567

If you lead a healthy lifestyle you have nothing to fear when it comes to the meme virus

>> No.29728569

You're probably just a crisis actor, sorry you had to find out like this.

>> No.29728590


>> No.29728647

you very likely just had the actual flu

>> No.29728750


>> No.29728766

go back to /pol

>> No.29728828

Getting the vaccine is fucking bullshit
Covid is fucking bullshit. I'm not getting this shit injected. No way

>> No.29728842
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>Q shit

>> No.29728848

Who the hell are you to decide a vaccines effectiveness? Are you learned in this field? This is dunning-kruger in full effect. You're an ignorant moron who needs to stop spreading his nonsense.

>> No.29728885

you'll no longer feel God's presence if you take it

>> No.29728918

I'm getting vaccinated because half the people I know that have caught covid (around a dozen) have lost their sense lf taste and smell for months, and a couple have yet to recover 6 months later.

>> No.29728929

I dont trust for profit medicine and the vaccine came about extremely quick and is not a traditional vaccine. Im also 23 and in shape. I also hate liberals, leftists and conservacucks.

>> No.29728932

Besides the regular flu which is counted as covid, covid is different because it could give you breathing problems as a symptom. And your body could give a stronger reaction to it or no reaction at all. It actually also depends on your immune system and the dose you breathe in. Old fatties have a compromised immune system.

>> No.29729045

kind of yeah

>> No.29729060
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I already don't feel it buddy, never have

>> No.29729066

mRNA vaccines do not work like traditional vaccines such as a smallpox vaccine which uses a dead virus to train your body. These mRNA vaccines fuck around with your actual cells and edit you a bit. Fuck that, you're not turning me into a GMO product.

My parents gave me this body, not going to let modern day scientists who says there are a million genders and that a woman can have a penis experiment on me. Simply I don't trust them.

>> No.29729077

Here's a second post.
I took the vaccine. 2 doses even.
I don't give a shit if you all don't want it.
If enough of us that want it get it, you can all catch the coof and gain immunity that way. This shit is here to stay as another endemic disease.

>> No.29729163

>it was rushed to market without adequate testing or approval
>my parents insist on getting it so i'm not putting them more at risk by not getting it
>this meme virus is a joke anyway so who cares?

>> No.29729227

The fuck is droxy, is that the cleaning product that Ameristan's president told them to inject?

>> No.29729245

I never understood why people who have been vaccinated against covid fear unvaccinated people. Isn't the vaccine supposed to protect them?

>> No.29729260

>chance of me catching the virus: ~0
>chance of death if i were to catch the virus: ~0
>chance of me having negative side effects from the vaccine: >0
sure, the jew injections are the right pick for some, but for me I would have to go out of my way to increase my chances of causing injury to myself. Now I know biz finds self-harm sexy, but I'm just not into that.

>> No.29729297

All vaccines and modern living in general are responsible for our current sickly state. Cancer, auto-immune diseases do not exist in the wild. Look at amish etc.
You asking to give you medical reasons here is like a bum asking to explain him economy and stock market. Go look for yourself. Not on jewtube and faceberg, of course.

>> No.29729406
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so y'all are taking financial advice from anti-vaxxers? TOP KEK

>> No.29729426

The modern lifestyle is bad for evolution. But it's good for people who want a life expectancy beyond the age in which people are still fertile.

>> No.29729437

>Cancer, auto-immune diseases do not exist in the wild
Retard alert

>> No.29729536

You ever hear of a monkey in the wild getting a brain tumor?

>> No.29729578

So... the only legit reason to not get the vaccine is that it hasn't been tested?

It literally has though...

>> No.29729603


>> No.29729634

Getting it makes them seethe. I got mine a while ago and stopped wearing a mask I the gym. Some skinny fuck boomer came up causing a shit storm. "Why aren't you wearing a mask rrreeee murderer!" Me: "I'm vaccinated, are you? What are you doing in a filthy gym if you aren't vaccinated you walking superspreader?" He was pissed and glared at me the rest of my session. They love what they got to do to people throughout 2020, they don't want it to end. They love watching people they disagree with suffer, and they're going to prolong it as long as they can.

>> No.29729686

Clean living conditions and infant survival rates are skewing the statistics. You think they're bullshiting us on economic matters but not on medical, whish is a huge business in itself?
My great grandmother lived to be a 95yr old with cow dung on her face. All the "educated" boomers in my family are now parkinsons\alzheimers. I'm sure c vaxx will take carry them to finality.

>> No.29729707

It was approved after short term tests (at least 3 months). Everyone who gets the vaccine basically signs up to be part of the long term test.

>> No.29729713

smallpox vaccine uses live virus friend

>> No.29729715



>> No.29729770

Nobody knows the long term effects.

>> No.29729819

Not to the extent we experience them. Free cheese is only found in the mousetrap.

>> No.29729891

I am probably going to be forced to get one because I need to travel internationally for work. I'll take one of the old school vaccines like the AstraZeneca one if I have a choice. I don't really trust the mRNA one.

>> No.29729914

Oh okay, I thought it was like the majority of traditional vaccines. I have never taken the smallpox vaccine, good to know.

>> No.29729917

And the initial test groups were also just young healthy people. For which it was approved.

>> No.29729923

i dont get it either. if you want the vaccine then get it, if you don't want to then don't get it. once it's widely available it pretty much becomes a non-issue.
it's just media fearmongering about vaccine efficacy and whatever new meme strain is spreading

>> No.29729926
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>> No.29729939
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Will do baby

>> No.29729948

>modifies rna


>> No.29729975

i had the flu two years ago and had breathing problems.
just no.

>> No.29729980

The way (((they))) laughed at Trump regarding that particular pharmaceutical was scary. It was basically "hahaha look orange can't pronounce the name". A lot of eyes "on the fence" were opened by that.

>> No.29730054
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>A lot of eyes "on the fence" were opened by that.
Apparently not enough lmao

>> No.29730119

you realize that the covid virus *contains* RNA? all the vaccine does is give you a tiny bit of the rna that you would normally get from a covid infection, rather than all of it which when transcribed constructs the virions. it doesn't 'edit' your cells any more than the virus itself does. in both cases there is just foreign rna introduced which is transcribed, with the vaccine its just a lot less and less harmful to the cell

>> No.29730240


He was an easy target as he was the Simple Jack of politicians. Sure he may not speaking to good sometimes but he meant well even though he went full retard, but thats what made his shit fire.

>> No.29730286

Don't waste your time.
They don't want to change their minds, they are simply looking for you and others to agree with their beliefs.

>> No.29730373

I think people are more demoralized than stupid. And they are very stupid in general. I'm from east eu europoor and people knew what was happening during the soviet era, but kept their mouths shut. It was kgb then, it is youtube\facebook\establishment now.
I'm not an investor, but if you're taking every test, every medicine and vaccine they're pushing on you without suspition, you're like the most retarded, doge-hoge amc hodling retard onions zoomer that can possibly exist.

>> No.29730380

The vaccine is completely unnecessary being that it's less effective than your own fucking immune system and has a litany of horrific side effects, including death. Can't even sue if it fucks you for life.

>> No.29730397
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Yeah, it's a weird one. It actually uses a closely related but less dangerous virus (cowpox). It's also a huge pain in the ass to get because you develop a sore (pock) at the delivery site which you have to take care of and keep covered for several weeks to make sure that you don't accidentally spread it elsewhere on your body.

>> No.29730495

only sound answer in this thread

>> No.29730513
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This guy gets it.


>> No.29730528

nigga what do you think viruses are made of? I didnt know /biz/ was filled with Qtards
pretty much this, as long as enough people get it idc if people want to sperg out about changing my DNA to turn me into a chunk of broccoli

>> No.29730570

Its just a personal attack.

>> No.29730602

Not putting that shit into my body because I’m not Jewish or a nigger.

>> No.29730640

Maybe I don't want my DNA changed to be changed by the virus or by a vaccine.

>> No.29730666

Fuck off you retard

>> No.29730741

you don't vaccinate people who aren't at risk. ifr for covid is pretty much the same as the flu

>> No.29730755

I have a tattoo on my forehead that says "I hate Leftists" next to a star of David. All other symbols I was told were racist so I went with that. Not a Jew.

>> No.29730760

It's pointless to take a vaccine for a virus that isn't deadless. I hate /pol/tards like you who are politically incorrect just to be edgy.

>> No.29730763

>thinks he can’t pass on the disease even after being vaccinated
>refuses Dr. Fauci’s divine orders
Anon, I->>29730528
What are viruses made of, retard?

>> No.29730785

it's literally the mark of Satan?
heavy metals to turn you into a human antenna to receive 5G death signals
mRNA to turn you into a zombie
fetus cells to give you that negative karma
they want you fucking dead and the vaccine is one of their ways to do it
others include tranny faggot self castration, music to make us suicidal, poisonous food/water, etc etc
Satan = cronus, he eats his kids
to reach age of lucifer/aquarius you need to defeat the darkness 1st.
lucifer defeats himself to enact new age
right now we in satan darkness
gg no re

>> No.29730823

It doesn't matter if you're right as it's pointless to take a vaccine for a virus that isn't deadly.

>> No.29730848

reading comprehension isn't your strength then

>> No.29730898


>> No.29730908

Also a personal attack.

>> No.29730932

germ theory is literally false btw
there is no spread of virus
virus is excretion of body from being poisoned
first city to have 5g city wide = wuhan
ppl got poisoned and some got sick
terrain theory king
drink distilled water/eat organic to prevent suffering

>> No.29731099

neither changes your dna at all retard. if thats how viruses worked, your dna would be 'edited' by every cold you get

did you pass high school biology? be honest

>> No.29731164

I’m laughing at all you good goyim who willingly took an experimental vaccine. Way to go you dumb fucking morons.

>> No.29731175

look faggot, I won't be taking the vaccine probably ever, so if you like injecting things into your body without knowing the long term effects because you "trust" what people are telling you then go right ahead. That makes you the fucking retard, not me.

>> No.29731211

hi, i didn't pass high school biology.
can you enlighten me how viruses work?

>> No.29731221

Eat shit leftycuck, not taking your meme vaccine developed and tested within a year lmao.

4 people in Oregon got both doses of the vaccine and then got COVID weeks later, kek. Because it's literally useless, or worse. If you are a healthy male (read: not a betcuck fag like you), there's no reason to subject yourself to it

>> No.29731389

There's always a chance of that with any vaccine. But regardless thanks for further proving my point correct.

>> No.29731392

Kinda shocks me back to reality seeing how many retards there are in this thread. I knew /biz/ was stupid, but god damn. I guess maybe you're all just really good at larping, but you've got me fooled.

>> No.29731498
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>will this vaccine have adverse effects in 5-20 years?
>ehhhh no???

You have been vaccinated like 20 times in your life and literally never asked this question till trump made it a political issue

And I know you’ve been vax’d because you’re 100% autist

>> No.29731499

>appeal to authority
>appeal to authority
>appeal to authority
> i have correct opinions, im a good boi

>> No.29731537

>Why yes I will take an experimental vaccine for a virus that has a 99% pervent chance of survival
Fucking dipshits

>> No.29731637
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