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File: 18 KB, 330x358, UYqOb8u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
29724667 No.29724667 [Reply] [Original]

Ayyo you fuckers told me to buy them dog stocks and BNBA stocks but I finna lose muhfuggin $100 on that shit who gon pay me?

>> No.29725127

How are niggers smart enough to find this board. Who told them? It was the Jews right? Jews stop telling them! We told you we would kick you out again if you would tell them! You stabbed us in the back again!! I'm financially ruineeeeed!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.29725252

It was reparations, for all of the time you've stolen from whites over the years with your incessant nignorance.

>> No.29725487

nigga pretty sure he larping. i don't even use black wojaks.

>> No.29725966
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stay poor lol

>> No.29726015
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Will amerimutts ever stop obsessed over blacks?

>> No.29726064

It's so weird how obsessed white incels are with us

>> No.29726147

Shut up you nappy haired knuckle dragging ape. I can’t wait until someone puts a buckshot round in your feral chimp face you fucking tree swinging simian. Kill yourself you racial parasite.

>> No.29726150

hold up y'all crackas told me dese bond stocks finna be stackin they paper for me an shit. y'all racist crackas better pullup and pay me fo this shit my $15 worth $13 now

>> No.29726156

It's just gaslighting, you disgusting tarbaby.

>> No.29726184 [DELETED] 
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https: discord.gg TnkVJW5p


>> No.29726217
File: 3.25 MB, 1977x2048, white woman seeing bbc for the first time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shut up you nappy haired knuckle dragging ape. I can’t wait until someone puts a buckshot round in your feral chimp face you fucking tree swinging simian. Kill yourself you racial parasite.

>> No.29726292

I'm a 6'4 former All American football player in high school. I would kill you with my bare hands. No weapon needed.

>> No.29726340

>faggot cuckposter has a cuck fetish
Colour me surprised you fucking low test porn addict. I’ll sling a rope round your neck and hook you to the back of my truck on the day of the rope, we can take a little spin around and rip the skin off your back. Or maybe fill a tire with petrol and throw it on you alongside a match. How does your face melting off sound?

>> No.29726396

calm down you stupid faggot he's larping to get responses exactly like yours
making an absolute fool of yourself

>> No.29726407

I don’t give a fuck queerboy, stick that on your grindr profile. I’ll put a bullet in your face and you’ll be lying in a bloody heap you disgusting animal.

>> No.29726474

You need to have sex already, you worthless incel. Maybe you wouldn't be so angry all the time.

>> No.29726487

im sshitpositng:))

>> No.29726568

I’ve had sex. Not everybody who is redpilled on niggers hasn’t had sex. You’re not cool and vibrant because of your shit coloured skin Tyreese, you’re a plague on my nation.

>> No.29726611

If someone made an NBA coin and put a basketball as the token icon, it would be a blackman firestorm

>> No.29726629

Your sister doesn't count, incel. Go outside right now and talk to a real woman.

>> No.29726705

Kys nigger.

>> No.29726772

is that way sir. We have a strict IQ minimum of 62 here.

>> No.29726920

>ummm sweaty we are like um progressive and smart redditors here :))

>> No.29728658


They make threads every day. Probably had their crush fucked by the squad.

>> No.29728896

You should look up how to quit your porn addiction because it’s clear that your perception of racial sexual relations isn’t actually rooted in reality, but Jewish manufactured pornography. I don’t know why so many black men openly flaunt their porn addiction as if it’s something to be proud of, more so racial miscegenation. It’s almost like black people have no self respect and no conception of morality or decency... oh wait.

>> No.29729036
File: 105 KB, 1280x720, D30A2392-5BD7-4AC5-90ED-457C90267160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You should look up how to quit your porn addiction because it’s clear that your perception of racial sexual relations isn’t actually rooted in reality, but Jewish manufactured pornography. I don’t know why so many black men openly flaunt their porn addiction as if it’s something to be proud of, more so racial miscegenation. It’s almost like black people have no self respect and no conception of morality or decency... oh wait.

Get a job.

>> No.29729131

If I could be a nigger for a day
I could live my life the free and easy way
I'd take from Uncle Sam and let the white man pay
If I could be a nigger for a day

>> No.29729251
File: 94 KB, 1024x512, 7CD4CEC1-C9B7-4936-8E43-6292EA0F9C38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I could be a nigger for a day
>I could live my life the free and easy way
>I'd take from Uncle Sam and let the white man pay
>If I could be a nigger for a day

Get a job.

>> No.29729323

So you were one of the popular kids huh?

>> No.29729458

Your right... how do I stop being a dumb nigger

>> No.29729591

On the corner there's a nigger with a drink in his hand,
that's Coon Town.
Trying to bum a nickel from whoever he can, in Coon Town.
Don't be surprised, you can make a bet, if you go back tomorrow he'll be there yet.
He's trying to get drunk and drunk he's gonna get, in Coon Town.

Niggers never bother about going to work, in Coon Town.
They seem to think that work is for jerks, outta Coon Town.
They don't do nothing but sleep and doze, he don't wake
until his eyes are tired of being closed.
It's half a day's work for him to scratch his toes, in Coon Town.

>> No.29729809


You know, all this posting and you still aren’t looking for a job. I’m seriously thinking about cutting your gf off if you can’t get your shit together, Jacob.

>> No.29729921

Awww the nigger thinks watching other niggers have sex with drug addicted fallen women in Jewish manufactured pornography is affirming to his masculinity, that’s terribly cute. You niggers are real cute. I make more money working in a professional setting than you do robbing old white ladies for their purses.

>> No.29730346


Oh well pardon me, I had you confused with the other cuck. Your wife tells me how professional you are and how much you love to obsess over niggers between staring at charts and dodging meds during your off-time. I hope you don’t kiss her, though. That would be disrespectful—to you, of course.

>> No.29730636

Again, flaunting your porn addiction. Let me reiterate, watching other black men copulate with drug addicted whores on Moshe Rothstein Productions Ltd. is not equivalent of doing it yourself, nor is it affirmative to your masculinity or conception of race relations.

This is why niggers will always be in the gutter, they are low in spirit. Totally corrupted. Prone to vice and amorality. Very low intelligence.

>> No.29730788

IQ maximum*

>> No.29730789
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t. An autist

>> No.29730870

I’m just a normal white person telling you what most white people are actually thinking but can’t say because (((they))) have made it so. You should work on becoming a better person and having some racial pride instead of appealing to your base instinct to lash out at white people all the time, some day we’ll decide we’ve had enough anyway.

>> No.29730954

what if i preferred amateur porn versus the jewish shit?

>> No.29731036

You shouldn’t be watching porn at all to be honest with you phamily.